Watch Tha Label On Your 1 Paper. A* It Carries The Date Your Subeaiption Expires. 1 'J fHE ENTERPRISE Advertiaera Will Pind Our Col umns A Latchkey To Over 1.M0 Homee Of Martin County. VOLUME XLTV?NUMBER 35 William?t'on, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, May 2, 1941. ESTABLISHED 1899 University Dean Of J Men Makes Forceful Address To Seniors No Clat?* Ever Faced A Great-1 er Crisis, Speaker Varus* Graduates* ? Briefly congratulating the forty one graduates and paying a tribute to those who had seen them through the several years of school, Herbert Herring. Duke University dean of men, in a forceful commencement ad dress in the high school auditorium here last Wednesday evening dis cussed the crucial period in which the world travels today. "I wish I could paint a bright pic ture of the future for you, but it | can't be done today," the young uni versity man said in warning the youthful seniors and the large com mencement crowd that this country has never faced a greater crisis than the one it is facing today Continuing Dr. Herring said, "There's a terrific conflict going on among mankind to- | day. and in this crucial time we are failing to comprehend the dire straits into which man has plunged himself. There have been bad events before us, but they will not compare with the serious ones we are now facing The backwash of this war will make the backwash of the last one look like a piker,'" he declar ed. Pleading the seriousness of the grave situation facing us today, Dean Herring reviewed briefly a few of the events following the first World War. "We were?moved?by?high sounding phrases at the beginning of the first World War. Our men bled and died to "make the world safe for democracy," the speaker said, declaring that he did not believe the great Woodrow Wilson led this country into war in behalf of the capitalists "When we came back, what did we do?" he asked. "We would have nothing to do with the League of Nations. We retired to a shell of complacency. When we were asked to sit around the conference table and apply reasoning to the problems, we refused to have a part in the deliberations. We were afraid of the World Court. We were too busy putting ourselves on the back for coming out of the war a creditor nation. When Japan invaded China. Secretary Stimson could do nothing and could get no one to do anything flu stop the aggressor. We have been soily fui China, but hot until a short time ago did we stop shipping Japan oil and iron to be used in killing the helpless Chinese. Italy got our war I material to invade Ethiopia, and not | until 1933 did we make any appre ciable effort to cultivate better rela tions with our neighbors to the | south." Explaining that he was not criticis- j ing the government, the speaker then | advanced the main theme of his ad dress, stating that every government in a democracy is only as good as we make it. that as long as only 40 per cent of the eligible citizens partici pate in elections, one cannot help but feel that democracy is falling | (Continued on page six) Dog Vaccinations Almost Completed The annual round-up of dogs in this county is nearing completion, reports from the dispensaries stating that the drive against rabies has been very successful with one ex ception In all of the clinics held to date, the number of dogs vaccinated has been greater than last year. Williamston owners failed to get their dogs to the clinic held her* recently, but reliable information states that court action will be tak en in every single case. Out of an estimated 400 dogs, only 134 were vaccinated in Williamston Town ship A final round-up clinic will be held in Williamston possibly week after next, and all owners in the county who have not had their dogs vaccinated according to announced schedule will be given an opportun ity to comply with the law. Those who forget or refuse to comply with the law are almost certain to face prosecution in the courts. Dr. J. W Williams had the follow ing to say this week in connection with the clinics: I believe all the expense and trou ble the people of this county have gone to in having their dogs pro tected against rabbies has been fully justified. The health department has not been called on to give anti-rabic treatments to a single person since I have been here, which is a year and four months. In other counties in which I have worked these treatments have run into the hundreds and I know that the efforts the police and county of ficials have made to enforce the law has paid us huge dividends in the prevention of not only deaths but the anxiety, pain and expense at tendant on these treatments when there is suspicion connected with a dog bite. We hope the good work will con tinue and the officials will not let up in the enforcement of the law which include* the destryction of all dogs whose owner*'will not obey and the strays, especially those in the towns. Let Contract Today For Street Surfacing STRICTLY FORM \L v J rwoRBint hardly a meaning and recognized an a mere formal ality in democratic government. Williamson's bi-annual munici pal election will be held next Tuesday. The polls will be open ed from 8 a. m. until sunset in the town hall. Ballots for the convention's tickets have been prepared in quantity, and it is not at all likely that an indepen dent ticket will be offered or that opposition will appear with in the regular ticket. Five citiaens have registered for the election, and possibly they and a few others will find time to vote next Tuesday. Forty-One Seniors Oet Diplomas Here Wednesday Ni^ht ?*? Meritorious Awartls Announc ed at Commencement s 1>(I (hi To Eighth Crude Comprising a class just one short of a record number, forty-one young men and women were graduated by the local high school Wednesday eve ning. the authorities stating that the event marked the close of another successful year in the school. Committeeman R L. Coburn just | before delivering the diplomas of fered the young group timely advice when he urged them to return to the school for advanced training and warned them against the worthless expenditure of their time Attired in their special caps and gowns, the following 41 graduates proceeded to the stage for the hard-earned sheep skins: Edith Elaine Andrews. Josephine Andrews, John Warner Bailey, Mary Alice Cherry, Charles Wiggins Col train. Roosevelt Coltrain, Virginia Grey Corey. Oniley Cowan. Jr., Rosa Leona Davenport. Patty Grey Ether idge. Anne Coffield Fowden, John benjamin uoqwin, Mary Charles Godwin, Simon Claude Griffin. Jr., Susie Evelyn Griffin, Lucille Faye Gurganus. David Wilson Hardison, Gene Melburn Hardison, Nettie Bina Jackson. Gerald Otis James. Carrie Godard Jones, Dorothy Jeene Jones, William C Mercer. Jr., William John Miller, Frances Elizabeth Parker, Daisy Mae Peaks, John Kason Peel, William Eugene Peele, Le Roy Per ry, Carlton Aubrey Phelps, Warren Biggs Pope. John Haywood Rogers, Jr., William Earle Stinnette, >Mary Katherine Swain, Sarah Keel Tay lor. James Willis Ward, Ruth McAl lister Ward, Permit* Rose Waters, El lis Saunders White, Evelyn Ruby Wynne, Garland Benjamin Wynne. Principal David N Hix armed 50 youthful lads and lassies with the necessary credentials for entrance in the high school department here next fall. The seventh-grade grad uates, a hit small to be sure, are a bright-looking group and will, no doubt, form a solid foundation for the higher department in local edu cation. Explaining that more pupils drop out of school between the sixth and ninth grades, the principal urg ed all the seventh-graders to be on hand for the opening of school next September Attorney Hugh G Horton an nounced the special awards and presented the trophies. The W. C. Manning valedictory cup was earn ed by Miss Elizabeth Parker. The Woman's Club civics cup went to the hand, a comparatively new de partment in the high school but one that has made remarkable progress under the direction of Professor Jack Butler during the past few months. Vice-commander Carrow received the award for the band. For her all around work as an home economics student, Miss Lenora Melson was awarded the Sarah Manning home economics cup James Willis Ward, best all-around athlete, received the Ray H Goodmon athletic award. I The Junior Woman's Achievement I cup, awarded this year for the first time for the best seventh grade stu dent, went to Miss Pearl Newbern. Reviewing the work of the high school, Principal D. N. Hix com mended the pupils and instructors in the manual arts, music and other de (Continued on page six) QUIET MEETING An unusually quiet and un eventful meeting la In prospect for the Martin .County commis sioners here next Monday. Min utely scrutinising the calendar, i. Sam Getsinger, clerk officio to the board, said, "Nope, there's little on the work schedule for next Monday, but one can nev er tall what will bob up." The only item on the Hat calls for the drawing of a jnry for the one-week term of Martin County Superior Court conven ing la Jane. ork Is Slated To (?et Underway In The Next Few Days J. M. Gregory, Kalt'iyli C.on truelor, Low Itiiltler On Street Projeel ?* A contract for the surfacing of 12,500 square yards of local streets was let to J. M. Gregory. Raleigh contractor, by the town board of commissioners in special session here this morning. According to the terms of the contract, the low bidder is to lay the materials for 10 cents a square yard and furnish a subgrad er for a stipulated rental of $450 a month The contract cost for laying the material on the streets will be $1,250. the town engineer. Henry Rivers, estimating that the subgrad ing will not exceed $900. Handled in cooperation with the Works Progress Administration, the project will draw support from that organization and the town. The WPA is furnishing the stone estimated to cost around two cents yard, and the asphalt, costing 6 cents a gallon, will be furnished by the town. The cost of the project excluding WPA labor and material is estimated as follows $1,250 contract price for laying ma terial, $900 for sub-grader, and $1, OHO for IH.OOt) gallons ot asphalt. These figures do not include gas and oil and trucks for grading. According to information gained from the superintendent of streets, the contractor plans to start opera tions the early part of next week. About three weeks will be required | to handle the subgrading and get I ting the foundation for the rock and asphalt Only a few days will be necessary to lay and pack the ma terials The project should be com pleted in its entirety by the early part or middle of June. The contract calls for surfacing as follows one block on Park Street, one block on Ray Street, Warren Street from Watts to Haughton, Marshall Avenue, one block on Elm Street, Hassell Street, Smith wick Street from Simmons Avenue to Grace Street, and Grace Street from Smilhwick to Haughton Additional surfacing may be handled at the bas ic contract price. Much of the material for the proj ect is already here, and asphalt will be ordered shortly. No definite cost estimate has been determined for the property own er. Engineer Rivers stating that the motor grader rental, gas and oil, and | WPA participation cannot be estab lished until the project is complet ed. It is estimated that the owner of a 100 foot lot on a 30 foot street will be assessed about $81.38, the figure including curb and gutter as well as surfacing. Making Survey For Wider River Bridge Preliminary plans for widening the Roanoke River bridge here are be ing formulated this week by en gineers of the North Carolina High way and Public Works Commission. The proposed project has been un- i der consideration for some time, but as far as it could be learned here I no money has yet been appropriat ed it is generally believed, howev er, that tin1 project will receive con sideration within a short time as the route is closely associated with the nation's defense program Questioned here yesterday, engin eers explained that they knew little about the proposed project, that they were merely making a preliminary survey It was learned, however, that the width will be increased by about ten feet, that the bridge including the draw span will be about 27 feet wide. It was also learned unofficially that a temporary bridge would be constructed to accommodate traffic without interruption while work to widen the spais in progress Get Material For Production Unit The first materials to be used by the Martin County Red Cross Chap ter production unit were received this week by the chairman. Mrs. A. R Dunning The material, ten pounds of yarn, has been placed in the hands of the knitting chairmen, Mrs Victor Champion and Mrs. Robert Everett. Knitting volunteers are ask ed to contact the chairmen and lend every effort in getting the important work^atarted. Cabinets for storing the materials are being located in the American Legion hut on Watts Street. Announcing the receipt of the smull supply of materials for the pro duction unit, Mrs. Dunning explain ed that purchases had been delayed by national defense needs and the unsettled conditions surrounding the textile markets. "We are anxious to give the volunteers a frank explana tion in tegards to the delay in start | ing production in this Red Cross chapter," Mrs. Dunning said. Hitler Is Apparently Preparing Drive To Suez And Oil Fields 'hr.ul. n, To Sink All 1 Material Shipment,. ?? Hie Briti?li 2 v W. including a driv? ? ??byJ? k,v f<" present Then'L. mors of a bad break between G " many and Russia, but ,| tlu. Z i ?"" England's 00^, ' ,f in tlir United Stall's ls New and strung fares of tin- But I at cnguffn ' ^ui;Wy7 " "v:;" ""^'i^Sand Authoritative sources ,i, V J situm ..f ti?. opP? und in the face .,f t, q gov''r,,ment trations which "q T'} "l"m" :^P4r&~ 5#hh!?h! ?g=3li|; ?'"wcavcn'h^,:m'1al S" Archibald r,~ K,r ""m Bal-1 riicsc observers - , of the British i.i y ''""illation 1 ?ni ttutish I ii 11 if on Tobruk 1 K-'tht^rT alt!, b, cut the T T W?uld '??i,. , " t?e Axis lin?' previously land (Continued on page six) Man Mysteriously Disappears At Mill Franklin Davis Simmons, well known employee? of the North Car-. olina Pulp Company, mysteriously disappeared from the plant in the lower part of this county during the early hours of last Wednesday morning. Late reports today state that no trace of the missing man had been found. While some believe he ended his life by jumping into the Roanoke, officers investigating the case have advanced no theory or of fered any explanation for the* man's mysterious disappearance. Leaving his home last Tuesday night to continue his work at the plant on the midnight shift, Simmons was said to have stopped his machine about 2 o'clock and left the plant. He was last seen walking toward the river. A short time later a search of the entire plant was started, but no trace of the man could be found. Mr Simmons, a native of. Long Island, New York, was said to have been in ill health, suffering from a stomach ailment Mrs. Simmons told Sheriff C. B. Roebuck that her hus band had slept very little in recent weeks, but no clue supporting the suicide theory could be found in his personal effects. Thinking possibly he was drown ed, Sheriff Roebuck asked the Coast Guard to help drag the river near the plant. An airplane was dispatch ed to the scene Wednesday and later a Coast Guard boat with dragging equipment was placed in use but no trace of the body had been found at noon today. Personnel For Operating Four Warehouses Here During Coining Season Is Virtually Completed All Registrants in County To Get Questionnaires Shortly Draft board machinery in tins county and throughout the nation started turning more rapidly this week following an order from head quarters calling for the classification j of all registrants as soon as possible Work preliminary to the classifica tions is being handled by the Mar tin board as rapidly as possible Fif ty questionnaires were placed in the mails Wednesday Nearly 100 were mailed yesterday. Draft Board Clerk Marion Cobb stating that all of the remaining 1.050 questionnaires would probably be in the hands of the reg istrants by the early part of June Nearly 1.200 questionnaires includ ing those called for by volunteers with high order numbers, have al ready been sent out and returned, approximately 250 of the number now awaiting classification. It could not be learned just when Judge W.H.Coburn Calls Eight Cases In CountyV Court I Vh Cu*ch Doeketeil I hiring IVo Wrrk* Big Cimrl W as in Session Holding the first session since April 7. the Martin County Kecord el's Court cleared its docket and caught up with its work in a very short time last Monday, the number of eases accumulating during the two weeks the superior court was in session being comparatively small. Judge W II. Cohurn called eight cases, and the proceedings attracted a fairly large .crowd. Probable cause appearing in the case charging Fred Jones With false pretense, the defendant was hound over to the superior court for trial in June. Chester and Lester Saunders were charged with an assault with a dead ly weapon. Chester was adjudged not guilty, and Lester, pleading guil ty, was sentenced to the roads for a term of three months Charged with violating the liquor laws, Willoughby Andrews pleaded guilty. He was sentenced to the roads for six months, fined $15 and taxed with the court costs The road sentence, suspended by Judge Co burn, is to begin at the direction of the court at any time within one year Judgment was suspended upon the payment of a $10 fine and cost in the case changing Velma Chance willi violating the liquor laws. The defendant pleaded guilty to the charge In the case charging Joseph Wul ter Bailey with drunken driving, the defendant through his attorney, H. A Criteher, entered a plea of nolo contendre. The case was continued under prayer for judgment until May S. the defendant voluntarily surrendering his operator's license pending pronouncement of final judgment The case charging Walter Wallace Bailey and Lee Dixon with larceny was continued. In the case charging Walter Wal lace Bailey and Anphus "Buddy" Knox with larceny, Bailey failed to answer Knox, pleading not guilty, was adjudged guilty and the court sentenced him to the roads for 3D days and taxed him with the cost. The road sentence, according to the terms of the judgment, is to begin at the direction of the court at any time within one year and was sus pended upon the promised good be havior of the defendant. The cast was appealed and bond was required in the sum of $100. Jim Finch, charged with violating the liquor laws? was found not guil ty Claims Worm Was In Bottle of Soft Drink Claiming hi' drank a grub worm from a soft-drink bottle, Haymnnd Bowen, young colored man "f Bear Grass Township, reported to a local doctor Wednesday noon for treat ment. It was ruled that the man was not sick enough for medical atten tion. Finding the proprietor husy at the front of the Mill Inn filling stu lion, Bowen waited on himself A< cording to his claims, he sucked the worm from the bottle into his mouth hut discharged the foreign matter with gusto The filling station opera tor said that as far as he could de tect. Bowen showed no signs of sick ness. Bowen's claim was heard just a little over a week after foreign mat ter was said to have been found in a 'soft-drink bottle at Bear Grass. the draft board would resume its elassifieation work, but it is likely that Chairman R 11 Goodmon will call a meeting w ithin the next week or s8 to date. The payments, representing 1.1(H) applications, were broken down into 2,589 checks. Approximately 150 up plications for payments are still pending. Man Slightl\ Hurl jlL As Truck Crashes Into Road Caravan .o? Truck ( Hears lli?? Grocery Truck Troui lligliw,i\ Near II.million No one was badly hurt but con sidcrablc property damage was caused when a run away log truck < i ashed into a motor caravan be tween Hamilton and Oak City early Jast Wednesday afternoon Jack W! i*r' ! I, ; v.?? if fet ed a sprained ankle when he alleg edly jumped from the run avvtrpj truck just before it crashed into a grocery truck * parked on the high way No one wasrin the grocery truck and several other vehicles including a highway truck w ith a xcini trailer attached and a highway Workman's house an wheels were unoccupied at the time, the drivers and others leav ing their vehicles to clear a stalled truck from the highway Driving toward Hamilton from Oak City, Whitfield stated that he applied brakes to /.low up. that the brakes grabbed and he released them. When he pushed m the brake lever a second time something went wrong and they would riot hold. The truck traveled several hundred yards and struck the truck owned by Far mers Supply Company, of Tarboro, knocking the machine clear of the highway into the woods. The log truck then crashed into the semi trailer and mashed it against the truck which, in turn, crashed into the house on wheels Pulled from the woods the grocery truck was able to leave under its own power, hut the log truck and one of the highway vehicles had to be towed away Investigating the accident in the absence.of Patrolman Saunders who was handling a weigh ing station in Washington, Deputy Sheriff Hill Haislip stated that the damage will approximate $500. Willie H Jackson, colored opera tor of a truck belonging to K. G. Anderson, of Kobersonvillc, had started to turn a found in the nar row road and stuck the hack end of the machine over un embankment. Workmen were busy during the greate r part of two hours clearing the highway. Itllil.K. SCHOOL A I'nlon Ilaily Vacation Whir School lira ills Monday morning at 9:00 o'clock. Parents are earn est I \ risqurstrd to cooperated with the pastors and teachers who are offering Iheir services to the two weeks program of Hihle study. Please see that your children rome. We want 300 enrolled. Two houra each morning, 9:00 11:00. Five daya each week. Mon - day-Friday. Two weeka, May 5 May 16. Imli\ idual Firms To ()|>erate Two <>t'Four Tobacco a rehouses Joint I'iirlner-liip I- Formed For (>|?-r;ilion of tlie Two Oilier IIoiim'o Pliins for the operation of William stoii's tobacco market for the coming season announced virtually complete this week, the new arrange moots placing a strong force at the operating helm The partnership of 1 . man Barn hill, Joe Move and Holt Evans will continue tin: i?unt operation '.of the Farmers and Planters warehouses. S Claude Griffin and Jimmy Tay i lor will operate the Roanoke-Dixie house Johnny Gurkin is rapidly completing plans for the operation of the big Carolina house Mr Gur kin stated yesterday that a partner ship was being considered, and that a public announcement could be ex pected within the next few days. An auctioneer for the house was just recently placed under contract by Mi1 tlurkin and contracts with oth , er personnel are pending, it was learned. Last season two partnerships op erated the four houses here. Messrs. Jimmy Taylor and Claude Griffin withdrawing to manage and oper ate the Koanoke-1)ixie house. While the new arrangement may have Us difficulties for the warehousemen, it is sincerely believed that they will prove decidedly advantageous for the market in that a stronger com petition will follow and that the ; patrons will approve the plan These men are well known in the tobacco business and in other fields j of endeavor designed and prompted 'for the general advancement of the community and especially farming interest They have been associated with the tobacco business for a num (her of years and connected with the operation ot tile local market for lone periods With these new arrangements, it is generally agreed that the Wil ; hainstoti Tobacco Market is ap i preaching what is almost certain to . he one of its best seasons in recent | years More interest- lias been ex pressed in the tobacco market this ; spring than in any other correspond ing period within the past eight or ten years. Bat rolls of the mat ket arid I other farmers, showing a greater in terest in the market tfian usual, are giving strong indications that they I will offer a strong support to the op erating personnel--and materially (Continued on page six) ? s> 'More Teachers In i County Resigning wrrn. rvn.t! cfront plan no changes in tf it -11 faculty personnel, (11111?- .1 few resignations have been l ei < ived by committees in other dis tricts An unofficial report heard here yesterday stated that four promi nent members of the Jumesville fa culty had resigned Principal J Q. Patrick has resigned the principal slop "I the Kveietts Elementary school. Announcing hi resignation yes terday, Principal Patrick declared that rumors of an attack by school authorities were unfoundetT. He did say that there had developed a di vision in the patrons and possibly among the teachers and that he Con sidered it in the interest of the school and all concerned that he should iesign The professor and Mrs. Pa trick will continue to make their home in Kveretts for the present, at least. "We have a garden well ad vanced. we like it there and we can live in Kveretts as cheaply and as comfortably as we can anywhere," the school man said. Oak City and Bear Grass re-elpct ed their entire faculties. One resig nation was received at Farm Life. A few resignations are expected in some of the other schools, but they have not yet been announced. In Wilhamston, the committee re ceived anil accepted two resigna tions. those offered by James Wat son. elementary building principal, and by Lacy MeGuire, head of the manual arts department. Professor Watson left yesterday for his home in Kenly with the expectation of entering private employment. Pro fessor MeGuire is leaving for Wilm ington where he will enter private employment until later In the sum iim i when he will go with the Na i ion.11 Youth Administration. Mr. MeGuire was with the organization last fall but was granted a leave of absence to accept the position here. Under his direction and with his help, members of the class have built their workshop and made an able start in the new department. Teachers, re-elected by the committees, have ten days in to give notice of acceptance.