The Enterprise Published Ever) Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILLIAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA. SUBSCRIPTION R4TES (Strictly Cash in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY One year " Six months LOO OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One year W 25 Six months 125 No Subscription Received Under 6 Months Advertising Rale Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office in Williamston. N. C-. as second-class matter under the act of Con gress of March 3, 1879. Address all communications to The Enterprise and not individual members of the firm 7 uftdiiy. May 27. I'fll. (.rying \rrrl f ur II vrtliirhilr t hings Listing tlie needs that must he met before this nation can expect to butUi successfully for defense and prosper in the years to come, a lational leader placed books near the top of the list A return to religion occupied first place, but books were in a ranking position. Elaborat ing on those needs, the leadet was careful to say that it was not the trashy book, but the book with a meaning and a moral that was needed today and tomorrow The list of needs attracted more than pass ing attention because public-spirited citizens in Vlarttn County, citizens interested in the wel fare of their fellowman, are now cooperating in a library movement that is certain to make ivailable good books to the people m every rook and corner in the county. We have wandered far afield in our search 'or pleasures, and it is about time that we were iettling down and preparing our minds for the ihocks ahead It is.also time that we started Peking the real pleasures and stop our dash iere and there for mad excitement Those who told the public interest at heart can do no bet ?er thing just now than push forward for an mproved library service fbr all the people in Martin County. If ever there was a need for rood books and earnest readers that time is low. Sal jtsh There are those who refuse to compromise with criminals, and there are those few who will adhere to the truth and to what is right ev en though such action proves costly Sad as it may seem it is fast becoming the practice in this State to compromise with the criminal, the t rooked politician in the hope that our person al gain will be greatei Some will even go into the camp of the criminal and bow down to the detrimental whims of the law-breaker in the name of increased trade or indirect gain. " , A fairly well-known leader recently asked what good was accomplished by opposing the promotion of Bob Reynolds to the chairman ship of the United States Military Affairs Com mittee" As it turned out, the opponents to the promotion gained nothing, but one thing must be said in their behalf and that is they main tained for that which was right in their sight and did not compromise to an old custom of advancing the next in line to places of high im portance be he a leader, statesman, or a plain old jackass of the first water. We have gone so far from the truth and com mon decency that we will now gladly form a partnership with crime and crooked politics that a nickel or a dime might be gained for our own personal benefit. fiiai of Accitlfnli University News Letter. Traffic accidents cost North Carolinians more money each, year than it costs to operate the entire State-supported school system, accord ing to Konald Hocutt. director of the Highway Safety Division. "We art inclined to look upon the cost of highway accidents only in terms of human suf fering. twisted limbs and horrible death, while overlooking the economic aspect of the accident picture Last year, for example, the cost of traf fic accidents in North Carolina reached up wards ul $'Jj.UIHl.OOO. This sum included all costs of hospitalization, doctors' bills, repairs and re placement of damaged vehicles, working time lost by accident victims, and an estimated val uation of $0,000 placed on each life lost." Traffic accidents cost North Carolina indus tries a pretty penny, too, Hocutt said, pointing out that the average compensation costs paid to industrial workers involved in traffic acci dents m connection with their work is higher than that in any other type of accident in in dustry. and that the average number of days Inst as a result of traffic accidents in industry is greater than that in any other type of acci dent. "Yes, highway accidents cost more than hu man suffering, tears and anguish Accidents cost North Carolinians inanv millions of dollars each year And while it may be true that much of this cost is borne by insurance companies, we all know that these companies are not in bus mess for their health, and the cost of these ac cidents ultimately must be borne by all policy holders." II North Carolina drivers are not concerned over their safety, consideration for their pock etbooks ought to prompt them to drive more carefully. Most of the critical things in life, which be come the starting points of human destiny, are little things. Robert P. Smith. ? _News that Italy lias devised a process of mak? ing wool out of milk must make the cows feel rather sheepish. Philadelphia Bulletin. The Texas small bov who swallowed 30 cents and coughed up a dime will do for a slot ma chine. as the proportions are the same Char lotte -_CV Bif male birds from the flock as soon as the breeding season is over. 5. Gathering eggs frequently, to reduce the number of dirty eggs. ti Cooling eggs as soon as they are gathered, to as near 50 degreed as possible, to prevent spoilage. Never place warm eggs in the case. Latin America Lines Spread Axis Gospel The charge that German and Ita ian-dominated airlines in Latin Air erica are an arm of the axis air fore on political missions in this hem sphere is made by C. V. Whitnej chairman of the board of Pan Arr erican Airways. He has learned. 1 says, that every Fascist pilot is coir milted to spread axis political got pel, and says it is an open commei cial secret thut many of the axis ah lines are highly unprofitable entei prises, kept afloat only by subsidit from Berlin and Rome. Mr. Whitne: one of the founders of Pan Amer can. says that up to the beginning c 1941.'nine axis-controlled airline were still operating without hindei ance over strategic routes of Sout America. These planes, he adds, fl a total of 21.762 miles and are linl ed directly with Berlin and Rome b the Italian transatlantic airlin which regularly crosses the Sout Atlantic to the coast of Brazil. Public Must Be Beady To Crimp Must strongly-worded warning yet, given public as to need for being ; ready and willing to crimp on stan dard of living in order to help de fense is that of W L Batt. deputy di rector of production division of OPM He stated "very simply" his opinion that "we cannot produce the vast quantities of fighting equipment that must be produced, and at the same time preserve our standard of living in' terms of automobiles and electric conveniences and leisure hours." He pleaded for hustling ahead on all fronts?managerial, labor, govern mental?to gel tilings done, let wage, tax. jurisdictional and all other ad justments be worked out afterwards, so that quibbling over them wouldn't delay defense work. Finally, he said wc must "beware of self-congratula tion. and we must avoid the compla " cent notion that all is going well." EXECUTORS' NOTICE Having this day qualified as ex ecutors of the last will and testa ment of Simon D. Griffin, deceased, late of Martin County. North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons hold ing claims against estate of said de ceased to present them to the under signed for payment on or before the 28th day of April, 1942, or this notice will hi- pleaded in bar of any recov ery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. This 28th day of April, 1941 J S and S. C GRIFFIN, a29-6t Executors. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of a power of sale embraced in that certain deed of trust executed by Paul W. Allen, to Z. V. Norman, Trustee, on the 11th day of MarcK, 1940. and recorded in the office of Register of Deeds of Martin County in Book E-3, page 639 and default having been made in the payment of the notes thereby se cured. and the holder of said notes having applied to the undersigned trustee for the foreclosure of said deed of trust: No*. therefore, the said under signed Z. V. Norman, Trustee, will expose at public sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House Door of Martin County, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, on the 6th day of June, 1941, the following described real estate: FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a Sweet Gum, the Sandy Bottom Cor ner on the Warren Neck Road, thence with the said Sandy Bottom line 808 feet to a pine stump former ly a marked tree, thence by a Sweet Gum to a sltfrke near a pine, 390 feet to W. H. Hampton's line, thence with jsaid W. H Hampton's line 697 feet I to the beginning, .containing 3 1-3 ; acres more or less, and being the | same land described in deed from C C Fagan et als to W. H. Allen which is of record in Book C-l, page 474, Register of Deeds office, Martin County. DR. V. H. MEWBORN OPTOMETRIST Please Note Date Changes Robersonville office. Scott's Jew elry Store, Tuesday, June 10th. Williamston office, Peele's Jewel ry Store, every Wed., 10 a.m. to 5 p.m Plymouth office, Womble Drug Store, Every Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m Eyes Examined?Glasses Fitted Tarboro Every Saturday. SECOND TRACT: Bounded on the East by E. W Harden, on the West by C C Fagan. North by Sullivan land, and South by Sullivan. Being same land formerly owned by Brad ford Allen on which he lived and died and where said W. H Alien now lives, containing 25 acres, more or less, and being the same land as de scribed in deed from J. H. Hamil ton and wife and Mary Allen to W H Allen of record in Book YYY, page 596. Martin County Registry. The said land will be sold subject to all unpaid taxes and the highest bidder at said sale will be to deposit ten per cent of his bid to be forfeited in the event of non-com pliance. This the 6th day of May, 1941. Z. V NORMAN. ml3-20-27-j3 Trustee SC COLDS g% U?*id?Table* bob s"v^?" w w w Couch Drove Try "Bl'B-MY-TISM" ? A Wonderful Linimeni A big n K from U.S.A. Bft. i,M ( i AethortaO Bottler: (Name of Local Bottler te be teserted here)^ AMERICA S BIGGEST NICKEL S WORTH ?Kffisr m B/GSMAWm 7ire$ton? kill rTTvTa ONLY' FEW MORE DAYS SALE ENDS JUNE 1 / AND TOUI OLD TUI 6.00-16 Tirttfottt CONVOY TIRES The biggest tire bargain ereroffered! Extra miles of dependable service witb extra safety, , priced down to bedrock. Hurry, Sale ends June 1st. 'pay WttKLY j IF YOU \ PRtflR 4.40/ 4.50-JI &>455 SO-il . 55^ 4.7J/S.OO-H L ' ' 1>W 1 5.1$, $.50-11 VW>1 5 JS/ * 1/5.50-17 j 555 < LIFETIME GUARANTEE Ittrr Fmilm lm carnti ? wrlMta litciiaw thatl list ? rTtaft tiBlt firestone STANDARD TIRE This famous (ire j/ tread compound has always been popular thrift-buy save on this sale. 4.00-14 69* AMO TOUR OLD Till 4.00-14 with a patented cord body,exclusive Ull safety extra long mileage ^ s (M/UI-D 4.7S IJI-U Ui MS-UltJS U9-17M S520 $525 $599|$64Sfc US MS-U I IJf M417 Tir?$fon? HIGH SPEED TIRE k FIRST OUAUTY tABCAM FffKli R This tire was original ^ BBBf ? # equipmeni on millions / Hfl \ of cars, now improved MB A* and you. i , mileage and greater otOTIti Erotection against 1AAU lowouts and skids. ?.UQ*lR Compare it with any other first quality 1 ? r THIS 1 the market ? THEN LOOK. AT THIS PRICE! BATTERY SALE M weep A powerful guaranteed battery , at aa amazingly low price. Buy . now and aave money. ' GET OUR LOW PRICES ON TRUCK TIRES Caa# la aatf ft yoar caayfiaaatary yaciaya ?I ft* aaw Mafcalla flrmttmam MarlfaU ftawar >?? Tk?y or? yaars hr ft* nili| V IMm Mw ??!?? ?< Mnitow wlH tickard Cr?4i, Mw| J to pay all your tuxes, part payment will be accepted. * MARTIN COUNTY C. B. ROEBUCK, Tax Collector. Economy Sprayers Sprays Either Cotton or Tobacco Fields and Reds This Year's Model Has Many New Inventions. I?ess Working Parts. Williamston Hdw. Co. WILLIAMSTON, N. C.