tb Club Meetings tuunnls Entrrtabunrnb Society and Personals OF WILLIAMSTON and MARTIN COUNT* rkb Dcpartatent PHONE An vthine fur Tu 4 6 In Greenville Sunday John Miller. Arthur and Martin Anderson. Billy Godwin and James Willis Ward were visitors in Green ville Sunday Spend Week-end Here Miss Virginia Blount of Roanoke Rapids. Miss Page Drinker and Miss Elizabeth Foster, of Portsmouth, were the week-ertd guests of Miss Mary Brown Allgood Spend Week-end Here Mr and Mrs Bruce Holloman. of Greensboro, visited relatives here last week-end Were Here Sundav Mr. ami Mr- George A Peele. Jr.. of Plymouth were visitors here Sun day. In Hamilton Sunday Mi and Mrs. Banks Cozari and daughter. Barbara. of Greenville: Mr. and Mrs.^layton Davenport and daughter. Betty Jean, of Robeison ville, were the guests of Mr and Mrs J A Davenport in Hamilton Sun day . In Pittsboro Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bill Myers. Mrs Gladys Taylor and Mr Jim May vis 1 ted in Pittsboro and Fort Bragg on Sunday Return to Merry HIM Mrs Virgil Baker and sou. Jerry. have returned to their home in Met ry Hill after a two weeks" visit v\ ith | relatives here. Attend Cotton Festival Misses Elsie Jackson. Mary Gwvnne Osborne. Bertvice Ward and Alma Godwin were among those from here who attended the Cotton Festival in Tarboro Friday. Visiting in Morehead City Mrs. D G Ball is spending the summer in Morehead City. Visiting in l.cggetts Mrs. C B Clark, Jt i. spending; a fev\ days with liei grandmother, Mrs Blanche Anderson, in Leggetts. Bl AUTIFUL B RIL L I At*t WHITE ACME QUALITY fiofoncod Formula HOUSE PAINT k b difficult to rooltM juit how whito o roolly fino hou?o point con bo until you too your own homo in o now coot of Acmo Quality OuUido Whito. It ii whitor whon fir?t applied. It tiayt whito longer. And it tor or monoy in fho long m. You no fowor gallon i Each gal lon CO* Of I moro rurfoco than ordinary paint Como m and lot ?? provo that wo can novo you moooy on hou?o painting. m <;. & H. BUILDUPS SUPPLY CO. M iUianmtim, N. THOMAS HARBISON Miss Monteria Hardison and Gra dy Thomas were married in the Episcopal Church Sunday mormnf at 8 30 with Rev John Hardy affi ciatmg _ The bride, daughter of Mr and Mrs Wilford Hardison. wore for her wedding a becoming chiffon ensem ble with a shoulder corsage of red j roses and lilies of the valley. She is a graduate of the local schools Mr. Thomas, son of the late Mr. and Mrs Thomas, of Bertie County, is connected with one of the local barber shops. Is Getting Along Nicely Mis.s IsoJcne Gardner is getting 1 along nicely following a tonsil oper- j ation. at tlu home of her sister. Mrs Noah Hardison. on liaughton Street Has Here Saturday Miss Florence Eleanor Fralic, of Rocky Mount, visited Miss Mary H??dgerson here Saturday night. Visit in Seaboard Mrs B T Hurley and daughter, I Mis.1- Marion, visited in Seaboard ov er the week-end. Is Visiting in Raleigh Mrs W E. Warren is in Raleigh with her niece. Miss Sophie Little, who''underwent a major Operation! yesterday Spends Week-end Here Russell Kraft, of Baltimore, vis i ited friends here last week-end. , Was Business Visitor Here Mr G G Bailey, of Everetts, at- ; tended to business here Saturday. ; , Spends Week end Here Miss Natalie Gould, of Chapel Hill, I | spent the week-end here Visit Here Last Week-end Mr and Mrs Paul Roy. of Ashe- L bom vis tied her parents. Mr. and | Mrs P 11 Brown, here last week-' ? end j. H ere Here Last Week-end Whit Purvis and John Pope, Jr . students at the University. Chapel Spending Few Day* Here Miss Jessie Mae Holloman, of Bal timore. is spending a few days here with relatives Visit in Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Clinton James, of Norfolk, visited Dr and Mrs. E. M. I, Long in Hamilton over the week end |, In Washington Friday / Mis A Hassell and Mrs Thessie Burnhill were visitors in Washing ( ton Friday , In Hamilton Last Week-end Misses Hazel Jar re II and Edith Hart, of Griftoiv. were the week-end guests of friends in Hamilton. Was Here Yesterday Mrs. V L Andrews, of Jamesville. visited here yesterday. Visit Here Sunday Mr and Mrs W H. Johnson, of Raleigh, visited here Sunday. Spends Week-end Here Mrs J. S. Whitley, of Raleigh, vis ited: her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Peele, here last week-end. Was Here Last Week-end Bunas Crite her, Jr. student at Wake Forest College, visited his par cuts, Mr. artd Mrs. B A. Critcher, hefe last Week-end. In Lynchburg This Week Mr. Dred Harden was a business | \ lsitor in Lynchburg this week. Visits Here Sunday Miss Martha Lomax, of Greens j boro, visited Miss Elva Grace Barn , lull here Sunday. ! Visits at Wrightsville Beach Miss Dorothy Perkins, of Hamil 1 ton, spent the week-end at Wrights t ville Beach. Visits in Jamesville Mrs Prince Purdy, of Murfrees boro. spent the week-end in James ville with relatives Minn katherine Lair re nee Beeomen The Bride Of B. /). Elliott. Jr.. Saturday The wedding of Miss {Catherine Pitt man Lawrence to Richard Dil lard Elliott. Jr.. took place in the Enfield Methodist Church on Sat urday evening at 7:30 Vows were: spoken before the Rev B. D. Critch er. The church was decorated with! white gladioli, lilies, carnations and peonies against a background of white sprinkled with green fern, while the altar was illuminated by i ihe light of white tapers set in can- j ielabra. Pre-miptial music rendered by VIis.s Virginia Branch at the organ. 1 neluded Bridal Song by DuBois; Touquets of yellow and blue, tied vith blue ribbon. The ring bearer. W. T Martin. Jr., >f Williamston. wore a white satin suit with full blouse and sleeves and ong trousers. Little Suzanne Towe, laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. ' Towe, of Hertford, as flower girl, preceded the bride throwing rose petals in her path. Her costume of blue was identical with that of the lame of honor. The groom was attended by his best man, J H Towe. of Hertford. Ushers were Macon Lawrence, bro ther of the bride; J W. Stokes, of Washington; William Q Abbitt. ufj Williamston. and John David Bea-' vans Junior groomsmen were J. Richard Futrell. Jr.. of Hertford. | and toady (J Dixon, of Ayden. n< phews of the groom, who lighted the ?andles preceding the ceremony. For traveling the bride wore a blue suit and cape with shoes to match, white hat and gloves and a corsage of flowers taken from her bridal bouquet. The bride's mother was dressed j in rose colored lace and chiffon with | a shoulder corsage of white gar denias. The groom's mother wore ashes of roses chiffon with a shoul der corsage of white gardenias. The bride is the talented daugh ter of Mrs. J. E. Lawrence and the late Mr. Lawrence, of Enfield The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs R 1). Elliott, Sr., of Hertford. Contrary to custom, the bride did not throw her bouquet before leav ing on her wedding trip, but saved it to give to the groom's father who is ill in Duke hospital. After a wedding trip to southern point. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott will make their home in Williamston, where Mr Elliott is engaged in business. Immediately following the wed ding a reception was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George T. Andrews in honor of the bridal couple. In the soft glow of candle light. the home was decorated with white peonies, gladioli and lilies aud with a profusion of cut flowers in pastel shades. Guests were welcomed by Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Branch. They were then introduced to the receiving line by Mr and Mrs. A. C. Nichols, Jr., af ter which they progressed to the library, presided over by Dr. and Mrs. P. W. Joyner, where they were served punch by Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Smiley, of Rocky Mount; Miss Wilhelmina Branch and Harrison Stallings. Next they were received by Mr. and Mrs. A. W Andleton in the dining room, presided over by Mrs. J. B. Britt and Mrs. W. A. Pope There they were served green and white ices, white diamond shaped cakes, with green sprays, green and white mints and nuts by Misses Mar jorie Dickens, Elsie Kimball, Eloise Entertau* At Cake Cattuit Following the rehe?{*j?#>f the El liott-Lawrence wedding on Friday evening. Mr and Mrs W$T Martin, of Williamslon, entertained at a cake cutting in the home of Mrs S W Dickens . The home was decorated with a profusion of cut flowers of many varieties, with predominating colors of green and white. The guests were invited to the porch where punch was served by Miss Eloise Hardisop. Mrs. Macon Lawrence and Miss Elsie Kimball From the porch the guests were in vited into the dining room for the cake cutting On the dining room ta ble. decked in cloth of lace and with lighted green tapers at the four cor ners the brides cake was placed Iced in the traditional bridal white, and set beneath pendant rosebuds suspended from a garland of lilies of the valley, the cake was in the form of a dais, the pinnacle of which was an arched dome sheltering a minia ture bride and groom. Green and white ices with the brid al cake were served by Miss Kiki Andleton and Miss Marjorie Dick ons while mints and nuts were serv Od by Miss Elisabeth Bryan Dickens and Miss Elsie Randolph. Those enjoying Mi and Mrs Mar tin's hospitality were M iss Katherine Lawrence. K u. Elliott. Jake Winstead, of Rocky Mount H W Rothrock. of Roanoke Rapids: William Abbitt. of William son Mr and Mrs J H. Towe and Mr and Mrs S. F Pollard, of Hert ford: Mr and Mrs J W Stokes, of Washington; Mr and Mrs Macon Lawrence. Mr arid Mrs. J. A Law rence. Mrs J E Lawrence, Thomas Lawrence. Clinton Stallings, E- L Smith. Mrs. Hampton Hope. John Mc Gwigan. Master W. T Martin. Jr.. Miss Elsie Randolph. Miss Elizabeth Dickens Master Richard Futrell Hardison. Catherine Parker. Kiki Andleton. Anne Boyd Whitaker. Mrs. John A Lawrence and Mrs. Macon Lawrence. Receiving in the hall were Mr. and Mrs G L. Crump, who directed the auests to the bride's book, presided ?yer by Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Shervette, Ji Goodbyes were said by Mr and Mrs J Exum Bellamy The receiving lift" was made nil of the bride and groom and bridal party, and Mrs. George T Andrews, J E White, Jr . Miss Bertha Pitt man. Mr and Mrs. J R Futrell. Dr I and Mrs Grady Dixon. Mr. and Mrs. j J R. Futrell. Mr. and Mrs W. E White. Mrs Alice Miller and Miss Virginia Branch Out-of-town guests attending were Mr. and Mrs. W. E White, Miss Mar guret Elbett, W T Martin, of Wil 1 liamston; Miss Mabel L Alston, Miss Christine Alston. Miss Kate Pitt man. Mrs. Wilson W Ricks, Mr and Mis. J Burt Ricks, of Rocky Mount; I Mrs O. A. Barnes, Mrs John C Wil- I bams, of Oxford: Mrs. Fred L. Wig gins, Jr.. of Rocky Mount; Mr and Mrs. William 11. Mclntyre, Mr and Mrs Everett W Byrd, of Currituck. Miss Emily G Barnhill. Owen Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Roger son. Wiley Bradley, of Wlutakers; C Gilbert Vaughan, of Halifax: Miss Virginia White. Lawrence Towe. Travis Martin. Nettie L. Gregory. Richard Futrell. Miss Mary Towe. Miss Helen R Vick. Mr. and Mrs P N Clark. Mr. alid Mrs. J. W. Stokes, of Hertford; W S. Elliott, of Omaha. Neb : Dr and Mrs Grady Dixon, Mrs. Martha Elliott Pollard, of Greenville: Verner D. Godwin, Jr . Mr and Mrs. Edwin E. Holding, Mi and Mrs. D. V. Clayton, of Wil liamston; Miss Alice E. Futrell. E Futrell, J. H. Towe, Joe Towe, Jr . of Hertford; W O Abbitt. of Wil liamston; Mr. and Mrs Herbert Smi ley. of Rocky Mount; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stokes, of Washington; Mrs. Hugh Johnson, of Raleigh; Mrs. 'J. H Towe, of Hertford; Mrs W T Martin, of Williamslon, and little Miss Suzanne Towe, of Hertford Miss Betty Haywood Wed To Benjamin Courtney At Candor * Sun mas a set J > senj EX* 6 p\c* *ouk en?*ay u*?#e Jma*t j At AfAAlM CAN *Vt you A SfAAT, I so if you want to enjoy uH moac \ JUST ewM?? AT ?0~ATl^T4t J Dr. Pepper J PICKS YOUR ENEMY JOC.MMU A ?0? CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF Branch Banking & Trust Co. "THE SAFE EXECUTOR" 4l Tlii- (.lour Of April I. IV47. W1LLIAMSTON, N. C. RESOURCES Cash and Due (rum Ranks fit,837,020.21 Obligations of the I'nited States 5.893,204.04 led inter. Credit Bank Debentures 130,000.00 Federal Land Bank Bonds 113,867.91 j North Carolina Bonds 112,805.75 \ Municipal & Other Marketable Bonds 1,454,536.44 20,543,434.35 Loans and Discounts 2,867,529.09 Accrued Interest and Accounts Keceivable 78.986.38 Banking Houses. Furniture and Fixtures, and Real Fstate, Less Depreciation Reserve (Tax Value (S334.288.00) 232,663.60 $23,722,513.42 LIABILITIES Capital Stock?Common f 400,000.90 Capital Stock?Preferred 100,000.00 Surplus 750,000.00 Undivided Proftis 449,070.00 Reserves 300,500.00 Unearned discounts O other liabilities 41,974.49 Deposits 21,054,172.33 (28,722,511.42 (estimated value of assets charted off net Included above?$03,204 78) Federal Depart! Insurance CerpeeaUen