Face Problems In 9 Combining Grains Harvesting small grains with com bines has become a definite practice in rural North Carolina. Hundreds of baby combines have been bought by fanners within the past few years D. S. Weaver, head of the State College Department of Agricultural Engineering, says three major prob lems have been encountered by us ers of the improved machines for harvesting grain. They find it hard to properly harvest grain with a high moisture content; they have discovered that the machines have to be operated at the proper speed; and they have learned that the ma chinery must be adjusted in accord ance with the type of grain being harvested. First, he says, grain which has a moisture content of more than 14 per cent cannot be safely combined. As a general rule, the combine should be put in the grain about ten days after the grain would normally be cut with a binder. Very little wheat is lust by shattering if the grain is too ripe. Probably th* greatest losses," Weaver said, are caused by having too little clearance between the con caves and the cylinder of the com bine. This has a tendency to grind the straw so fine that it is impossi ble to separate the grain from this finely chopped straw. It is much bet ter to have an occasional grain of wheat left in the heads than it is to set up such conditions that further separation of the grain and the fine ly chopped straw are impossible. Finally, the State College man de clared, the combine should be oper ated at the speed recommended by the manufacturer. Slight variations from the adjusted rate may be jus tified by differences in the condi tion of the crop -?COLDS Misery of /*/?/? Liquid?Tablets Salve?Nose Drops Cough Drops Try "KCB-MY-TISM" ? A Wonderful Liniment Rules of the Road . . . DUTY TO STOP Sec 128. Motor Vehicle Laws of North Carolina?"(a) The driver of any vehicle involved in an accident reaulting in injury or death to any person shall immediately stop such vehicle at the scene of such acci dent ..." "(b) TTie driver of any vehicle in volved in an accident resulting in damage to property shall immedi ately stop such vehicle at the scene of such accident . . ." "(c) The driver of any vehicle in volved in any accident resulting in jury or death to any person or dam age to property shall also give his name, address, operator's or chauf feur's license number and the Reg istration number of his vehicle to the person struck or the driver or occupants of any vehicle collided with and shall render to any per son injured in such accident reason able assistance including the carry | ing of such person to a physician or surgeon for medical or surgical treatment if it is apparent that such treatment is necessary or is request ed by the injured person . . Hit-and-run driving is illegal, in excusable and indefensible. Every driver involved in a motor vehicle traffic accident is required by law to stop, identify himself and render what aid he can to any injured per son. Corn And Hogs Continue As Host Popular Projects ?? Corn and hogs continue as the most popular projects conducted by 4-H Club members of Jones Coun ty, reports Jack Kelley, assistant farm agent of the N C. State College Extension Service. Sufficient 1 if? ? Under present rationing, food sup plies in most countries of continent al Europe are expected to be suffi cient to prevent serious distress at least until the arrival of the new crop. THE SMOKE'S THE THING! I SWITCHED TO CAMELS FOR EXTRA M4L0N8S -LESS NICOTINE IN THE SMOKE AND THCy SURE HAVE FLAVOR? EXTRA FLAVOR. WITH CAMELS, I OONTSCT TIRED OF SMOKING THE SMOKE OF SLOWER-BURNING CAMELS CONTAINS 28% Less Nicotine than the average of the 4 other largest?aelling i cigarettes tested?less than any of them?accord- M ~ umaktitulf ^ ing to independent scientific tests of tbo tmokt itxtf Camel -.the cigarette of Costlier Tobaccos MR. FARMER CHANNE i * Remember, There Is Only One Channel Drain Roofing MR. FARMER, Remember there is only one Channel Drain Roofing. It gives you many years longer service and when it rains it drains. Often times you will be told that some other Sheet Roofing is Just As Good as Chan nel Drain. Why take this chance! Demand the original. Please keep this in mind that when you ride along the road and see a rusty roof "That's Not Channel Drain." So as pro tection to yourself, see that the word Channel Drain is on every sheet of metal you buy. SOLD BY THE BEST MERCHANTS EVERYWHERE W. H. Basnight & Co., Inc. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS uWe Cover Eatlern Carolina" AHOSK1E NORTH CAROLINA Winner 500-Mile Speedway Classic Cotton farmers of North Carolina ; is pictured above. The Triple-A pro- 1 tarily reduce their cotton acreage I are expected to stimulate a boom in gram, of which E. Y. Floyd, of N. C. below their 1941 AAA allotments j sales of cotton goods in stores when State College is North Carolina ex- are redeemable at re : tail stores for new articles, made en-1 they start trading in their cotton stamps for wearing apparel, such as ocutive officer, will distribute cot- tirely of cotton, grown and manu ton stamps to farmers who volun- factured in the United States. BuCr6 StaAliTlil lina this summer, and the trade ex pressed fear the gas price might hit 25 cents a gallon. But in these hur ried and harried days, the family bus is more "indispensable" than ever? for carting the kids to schbol, get ling papa to work, and for giving the Family needed relaxation with junk ets to the country or to the movies. So Mr. Average American is busily Figuring how to cut his motoring miles?or the amount of gas he'll need for the summer's driving. The answer may lie in going back to the Four-cylinder engine, rJIt has been pointed out that "even a one-third cut in gas allowance, or a similar boost in price, wouldn't bother the Family that can increase gas mile age from 20 miles per gallon to 30." I wrangling, anger, drinking, acci dents. and the betting of rum and grog. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina. Martin County. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersign ed trustee by W. H. Hopkins and wife, on the 30th day of December. 1922. and of record in the public reg istry of Martin County in Book N 2. at page 345. the undersigned trustee will, on Friday, the 27th day of June. 1941. at twelve o'clock noon, in front of the courthouse door in the town of Williamston, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the follow ing described real estate, to wit: Adjoining the lands of Elizabeth J. Green, N. R Griffin, J W Hop Ikins and O. S. Green, containing 40 Mr. Farmer! WE WANT TO BUY YOUR Seed PEANUTS We honlil Im- glatl lo huy your necil pea ?iuIh in hull or Mlielleil. After planting hriug what you have li'fl over. We'll liny I hem at lop market priee. WILLI AMSTON Peanut Company 'you save money. Copyrighted 19& ky Sinclair Refining Company (Int.) Agent Sinclair Refining Company (Inc.) ^ N. C. GREEN, Agent I acres, more or less, and known as the Griffin Place, and being the same land deeded to Elizabeth J. Green by Elbert S. Peel, trustee, by deed dated MarctMst^Mlhjni^j^Wir^i^ht^ public registry of lfartin County in Book K-2 at page 3. This the 27th day of May. 1M1. ELBERT S PEEL. m27-4t Trustee. Firestone Tires AGAIN INSOO MILE INDIANAPOLIS RACE w * MAURI ROtl. Co Winxtr With Ployd Davli in tho SOO-Mil* IndtanopolU I Roto May JOth, A??iagod 115.117 I Mils* p#r Hour on firottono Oum I Oippod Tirti Without o Tito Hianft I or Tiro Trouhlo of Any Kind. FLASHING down the straightaways ai speeds as high as 160 miles an hour, Mauri Rose streaked to victory in the lv>41 Indianapolis Sweepstakes without a tire change. 500 miles of grinding, pounding, torturing speed ? and not one tire tailed! Here's proof of safety ? proof of blowout protection ? proof of endurance ? proof of tire superiority hacked not merely bv claims, hut by PFRFORMANCI ! For 11 consecutive years all the winning drivers in this great classic ot speed and endurance have driven to victory on Firestone Fires. Why.' Because race drivers know that their vcrv lives depend upon the safety of their tires. They have made it their business to know how tires are built. And they know from experience that the patented and exclusive construction features found only in Firestone Tires provide the extra strength and durability necessary to safety and victory! [very Firestone Tire Carrie $ a I lifetime Guarantee LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD TIRES Com* In TODAYI The name super-safety ami dependability that are built Into Firestone Tires for the speedway are also built into the new Sufti-Sured Firestone Del uxe Champion Tires for the highway. Both are Safti'Sured against blowouts by the patented Safety-Lock Gum-Dipped cord body. Both are Safti'Sured for longer wear by the exclusive new Vitamic rubber compound. Profit by the experience of famous race drivers. I t|uip your car today with a set of these new Firestone Deluxe Champion Tires ? the world's first and only tires that are Safti'Sured. Tirtsfon* HIGH SPEED TIRES First Quality ? longer mileage greater blowout protection?greater non-skid safety?less cost per mile. Finest High Speed Tire Firestone ever built. Hquip today. ess cost permile. wm '10? AM row OLD TIM firttfont CONVOY TIKES Wt know of no ? I other (ire that Y | delivers so much mileage and safety ?t such a low price. Here's thousands Tsvr oteTir? of extra miles of dependable E35 471 W MUf mi VIU Saftl-Suret! 20^,,, CIIWiriO.Y TlltI S THE ONLY TIRES MADE THAT ARE SAFETY-PROVED ON THE SPEEDWAY TOR YOUR PROTECTION ON THE HIGHWAY Co mo In and get your complimentary package of the now Idabollo Plretfone Marigold flower soods. They are yoors far the atklng. List** to the Volt# of Plrostono with Richard Crooks, Marqarot Spooks and tho Firostono Symphony Orchosfra, ondor tho diroetion of Alfrod Wollonsfolo, Monday ovonlnqs, over N. S. C. Rod Notworli Central Service Station PRETTY PEGGV PEPPED .. Now Ned, the clown, it going to town! I HK LOW-UNLM* MY LUCKU } Cham** ru. w?v?a MT< cnutnufj I