Spends Week-end Here Francis Peel, who is in camp at Fort Bragg, was here last week-end visiting his mother, Mrs. R. J. Peel. 1 In Raleigh Saturday Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Peele visited in Raleigh Saturday. Visits in Ahoskie Mrs. K D. Worrell visited in Ahos kie last week-end. Spends Week-end Here Miss Sarah Taylor, of Norfolk, vis ited her parents, Mr and Mrs R. A Taylor, here last week-end. Returns from Hos*pital Miss Anne Hardison returned on! Monday from a Washington hospi tal to her home here. Visits in Washington Miss Elizabeth Bailey went" to Washington over the week-end Spend Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. Bill Basnight and daughter, of Snow Hill, visited Mr. and Mrs Bob Carver here last week end Returns from Tennessee Mr. J. D. Bowen. who has been in Tennessee attending a bee meeting will return home thio week.? 1 Was Business Visitor Here R R. Little, of Greenville, was a business visitor here Monday Was Here Sunday Miss Mary Lou Hodges, of Wash ington, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hodges, here Sunday Ahh! Warmth! With the north's overcoat buttoned up against the frigid winter, thia picture from Palm Beach, as the season opens, spreads a welcome breath of warmth and cheer. Joy Shepherd, of Westport, Conn., is en joying a dip in the ocean. Lucky girl I Gasoline 22c Texas Service Station Central Service Station W1LLIAMSTON. IN. C. "In WILUAMSTON Its MAI ? I III liY ( II U I fo. SMART StrUt January Clearance All #12.95 DRESSES IS QIC ... $6.95 All $14.95 DRESSES Noiv . . . $8.95 All DRESSES UP TO $8.95 Now . . . $4.95 ALL LADIES' HATS Now $1.00 All Shoes Greatly Reduced All Coats and Suits Greatly Reduced Margolis Bros. In Washington Friday Mosdamei Kneezer Harrison, Pete Mendenhall and Nathan Rogers vis ited Mrs. Jennie Barnhill in a Wash ington hospital Friday. Are Visiting Here Mrs David C. Mizelle, and little Miss Alva Jeanne Mizelle, of Nor folk. are visiting Mrs Mizelle's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weaver, here for a few days. Visit Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs Buck Ayers of Ev reetts, visited here Sunday. Visits in Richmond Mrs. George Thorpe visited her family in Richmond over the Week enri Sh< also went to Camp Lee. Va., where her nephew is in camp. In Rocky Mount Sunday Mr and Mrs. H. R. Williams visit ed in Rocky Mount Sunday Shops Here Last Week-end Mrs. Andrew Holliday, of James ville. shopped here last week-end. Spends Week-end Here Mr. Steve Clair, of Plymouth, vis ited friends here over the week-end. Was Here Last Week-end Mr. Russell Davis, of Portsmouth and Windsor, visited here over the week-end. In Washington Sunday V Misses Josephine Eldridge, Irene James, Bolton Cowen and Madge Glazener visited in Washington on Sunday. Visit in Griffins Township Mr. and Mrs. William Peel, of Nor folk. visited Mr. Peel's mother, Mrs. Lewis Peel, in Griffins Township, last week-end. Visits in Robersonville Miss Nina Mae Bunch visited in Robersonville over the week-end. ? Spend Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs Wilford Sparrow, of Norfolk, spent the week-end here. In Washington Sunday Mr Guy Roberson and Miss Josie Pearl Lilley visited in Washington Sunday. \ - In County Sunday Mr and Mis Mac Roberson visit ed friends in Griffins Township Sun day. Was Visitor Here Mr. James Woolard, of Washing ton and Oxford, visitrti Miss Nora Grimes. In Suffolk Sunday Mr. J Eason Lilley and Mr. Earl Miller visited in Suffolk Sunday. Marriage Licenses Issued Marriage licenses were issued in this county last Saturday to Jasper David Woolard and Velena Revels, both of Williamston, and to James Elton Smith and Nellie Gray Mat thews, both of Robersonville. Attend Commissioners Meet Messrs R. A Haislip, of Oak City; j It I,. Perry, of Bear Grass; Joshua I, Coltrain, of Williams; C A. Rob erson, of Robersonville, and C. D. | Carstarphen, of Williamston, were present for the special meeting of the Martin County Commissioners here yesterday morning. Was Itusihess Visitor Here Mr J R Winslow, of Roberson ville. v.-,is here yesterday attending to business * Attend Board Meeting Messrs. J. A. Everett, of calmyra; ' Herbert Roebuck, of Cross Roads, and C. C. Martin, of Jamesville, at I tended the regular meeting of the i Martin County Tire Rationing board Shop Here Yesterday Mesdames R. A Haislip and H. J. Haislip, of Hassell, were in town yesterday shopping. Was Here Yesterday Mrs. John Robert Jenkins, of Au lander, was a visitor here yesterday. Visits in Raleigh \ Mrs. Hattie Bailey spent last week end in Raleigh visiting friends. Was Here Monday Mr. Fred Hoyt, of Smithfield, was hero Monday visiting his sister, Mrs. Bill Glover, and Mr Glover. In Rocky Mount Sunday Mrs George Bishop and Mrs. E. P Cunningham were in Rocky Mount Sunday visiting Mrs. Z. T. Piephoff, who is recovering from an operation in a hospital there. Spends Week-end Bar* Miss Bessye Harrell, of Ahoskie, spent the week-end here with Mrs. Hubert Cobum. Attend Welfare Meet Misses Mary Taylor, Blanche Har rison and Audrey Williams attend ed a special welfare meeting in Greenville yesterday. In Robersonville Sunday Mr. and Mrs John L. Rodgerson and Misses Katherine Hardiaon and Mary Rodgerson visited Mr. and Mrs. Clinton House in Robersonville Sunday. lm Durham Today Mrs. C. G. Crockett and Mrs. R. W. Bondurant are visiting in Dur ham today. ^ ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mrs. O. C. Holland, of Middlesex, today announced the engagement of her sister, Miss Christine High, of Raleigh, to Pvt. Bernard E. Huddy, of Bloomfield, New Jersey, and Fort Bragg. The wedding is to take place in Middlesex on Friday, January 16th. at 5 o'clock p. m. No formal invitations are being mailed, but a special invitation jg extended all the friends of Miss High's in Williamston to attend. Miss High, for several years a pop ular member of the Martin County Board of Health nursing staff, made many friends in this county. She is now night supervisor for the Wake County Sanatorium, Raleigh. Miscellaneous Shower for Recent Bride at Bear Grass Mrs Russell Griffin, the former Carrie Dell Terry, recent bride, of Bear Grass, was honored by a group of her friends Tuesday night at a miscellaneous shower in the com munity house at Bear Grass. During the evening the guests played bingo and other games and drinks and sandwiches were served as refreshments. Guests other than the honoree in cluded: Mesdames Nathan Rogers, Russell Rogers, Hildreth Mobley, Ralph Mobley. Pete Mendenhall, Kneezer Harrison, Sidney Beacham, Irving Terry, Alonza Revels, and Robert Bailey; Misses Velma Bailey, Annie Mae Bailey, Amanda Wynne, Elizabeth Bailey, Grace Bailey, Ruth Evelyn Terry, Louise Wynne and Martha Lillian Mendenhall; Mr. and Mrs Hyman Clark, Reginald Peel and Haywood Mobley. 9 SEWING CLUB MEETS The regular meeting of the Tailor Sewing CTub was held Friday at the home of Mrs. H. R. Williams in the Tar Heel apartments. The ten reg ular members were present and Mrs. George Thorpe was a special guest. 9 INSTALLATION SERVICE The installation service of the Woman's Society of Christain Serv ice, Methodist Church, was held on Sunday night, January 11th. The topic was "Love in Action." The president of the society gave a "record of achievements" of the past year. The very impressive installation service was held by candlelight. 9 Latest Additions To The Enterprise Mailing List ? Listed among the recent additions to the Enterprise mailing list are th? following: Isaac Nichols, Williamston; Mrs. P. E Manning, Oak City; W. E. Gainer, Williamston; D V. Purvis, Bethel; Mrs. Henry Roberson, Williamston; C. C. Martin, Jamesville; Jesse G. Williams, Hobgood; Claude W. Col train, Williamston; Mrs. C. Rowland Jones, Elizabeth City; Mrs. Caddie Mobley, Everetts; C. E Phelps, Rop er; Mrs. J. T Harris, Williamston; D. W Manning. Williamston; S. E. Har dison, Gainesville, Fla ; W. A. Per ry, Williamston; Mrs. W. R. Roebuck, lersonville; J. J. Jackson, Williams ton; Mrs. T. F Harrison, Williams torn J G. Staton, Williamston; R. B. Brown. Williamston; E. S. Revels, Williamston; L. A. Thompson, Oak City; Julian Rawls, Jr., Oak City; E H. Gay lord, Jamesville; Mrs. R. 11 Hargrove, Robersonville; Mrs. W. A Bailey. Williamston; Verna Leg gelt, Williamston; Mrs. A. T. Perry, Williamston; Jno. R. Coltrain, Wil liamston; Mrs. Selma Dewlaney, Oceanside, Calif.; E D. Jones, Oak City; R. H. Clayton, Jr., Clarksville, Tenn ; Mrs. O. W. Hamilton, James ville; Jno. H. Mizelle, Williamston; Earl Miller, Williamston; Mrs. C. G. Rogerson, Williamston; Mrs. Betty Barnhill, Robersonville; Major Gard ner. Williamston; Naomi Rhodes, Jamesville; N. D. Griffin, Williams ton; Mrs. Harriet Harrison, William ston; S. A. Perry, Williamston; H. P. Mobley, Williamston; W. B Weav er, Robersonville; W. E. Old, Wil liamston; Mrs. Luther Hardison, Jamesville; Hugh Hardison, Avon Red Cross Seeking Additional Nurses Washington, D. C.?Reports from American Red Cross chapters throughout the country reveal that women are responding to the call for 50,000 First Reserve Red Cross nurses, officials here announced. In making the plea for the enroll ment of additional nurses, Miss Mary Beard, director of the Red Cross Nursing Service, declared, "To place the nation's nursing program on a full wartime basis, the Red Cross must increase its nursing reserve by more than 50,000 trained nurses. "The Red Cross First Reserve, to taling approximately 24,000, is com prised of single nurses, under 40, who are subject to call to active du ty with the armed forces. Member* of the Second Reserve, totaling 34, 000, are for various reasons unavail able for military duty, but are pre pared to serve in disasters, wartime epidemics, and to reinforce nursing public health work for civilian de fense." Miss Beard issued the call for nurses following a conference with Major Julia O. Flikke, superinten dent of the Army Nursing Corps and Miss Sue S. Dauser, superintendent of the Navy Nursing Corps. Major Flikke reported that at least 10,000 additional nurses are needed for Army duty. Miss Dauser said that more than 1,390 addition al nurses will be required to keep pace with the expandtng personnel I of the Navy. Red Cross officials here declared that at the close of the first World War, 22.854 regular nurses and Red Cross Reserve Nurses were serving with the Army and 1,500 with the I Navy. Williamston High Loses To Farm Life The Williamston High School bas keteers lost a doubleheader to the j Farm Life teams in the local gym Friday night. The girls lost 28-14, while the boys were edged out 25 to 22. The girls' team lost a one-sided game to a strong Farm Life sextet, I M. Moore being high scorer with five points. Perry and Ward followed close behind with four points each. L. Griffin led the visitors with 16 points. The second game of the evening proved to be much more exciting than the first. The Williamston boys, being behind five points at the half, put up a strong offensive fight in the third quarter to bring the score to a 19-19 deadlock. George Cunningham, who was re cently elected captain, made a field goal and a free shot which gave Wil liamston a 3-poihl margin. But Ben nie Daniel, leading scorer for Farm Life, sank three successive field goals at the close of the game to put the visitors out in front. 25-22. The Green Wave teams will meet Lewiston High in a doubleheader to- i night in the local gym. 4 Is Visiting Here Mrs. J. L. Harris, of Raleigh, is spending a few days here with her mother, Mrs. T. F. Harrison. Mr. Harris, formerly employed by the VEP Company in Williamston and later by a Raleigh gas company, has recently been transferred to Provi In Norfolk last Week-end Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bie visited friends and relatives in Norfolk last week-end. Mrs. Bie's sister return ed home with them Sunday to spend several days here Relief for Mueries of HEAD COLDS Put S-purpe?? Va - tro-nol up each nostril. It (1) shrinks swollen mem' branes, (2) soothes Irritation, and (3) helps clear cold-clog ged nasal passages. tflflfC ' y Follow complete di- ? rectlons In folder VATIONOL Vu Here Sunday Miss Delia Lee Lilly, of Farm .jfe, visited her sister here Sunday. i'isits in Griffins Township Mr. Clarence Gurkin, of Norfolk, I spent the week-end with his fam ily in Griffins Township. Spends Week-end Here Mrs. Mary B. Shute, of Norfolk, visited relatives here last week-end. e Spends Sunday Here Mrs. Bettie Gray, of Robersonville, spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Williams. Y-C Fertilizer For Your Plant Bed J. Reg Simpson LOCAL SALESMAN And Martin Supply Co. LOCAL AGENT Complete Stock Available At All Timet For Either Plant Bedt Or Kegular Crops. WAREHOUSE LOCATED ON THE RAILROAD?OLD STALLS BLDG. NOTICE! - V ? ' . ? ? ?? . ? ? ? . ' ' ?: .? ???? ?? , ?? , ' ?? ? : : LIST YOUR AND POLL TAX All persons owning Real Estate or Personal Property, or both, on the 1st day of January, 1942, are required to give in same for taxes during the month of January. All male persons between the ages of 21 and 50 years are liable for poll tax. All persons who are liable for poll tax, and fall to list, and all persons wbo own property and fail to list it will be deemed guilty of a misdemean or; and, upon conviction, fined or imprisoned. "Each farm owner or his agent must come prepared to report the acreage of each crop har vested on his own or his tenant's farm last year (1941); also acres cultivated, lying out, woodland, number livestock, farm equipment, apple trees of bearing age, number of people living on farm, and the tons of fertiliiers for all crops." Prepare your list now. This is required by state law. All persons owning dogs six months old and over are required to list the same for taxation at the same time other property is listed. The list-takers will be at the following places between 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. on the dates men tioned for the purpose of listing your property: Jamesville Township J. Linwood knowles, List-Taker Jamesville Town House January 9, 16, 23, 30 Hardens (Jordan's Store) January 13 und 20 Williams Township Vernon Griffin, List-Taker ? At Home And At County House January 19, 26, and 30 Griffins Township W. Tom Roherson, List-Taker Leon Earl Griffin's Store January 17 and 24 At Home Other Days Bear Grass Township : J. Rossell Rogers, List-Taker At J. Rogers Bros.' Store Williamston Township John R. Peel, List-Taker Courthouse ... Every Day, 9:00 to 5:00 Cross Roads Township W. L. Ausbon, List-Taker At Home January 16 Everetts January 13, 14, 20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30 Robersonville Township H. S. Everett, List-Taker Parmele - January 15 Robersonville, All Other Days At Central Warehouse Poplar Point I^Roy Taylor, List-Taker ? At Home Hamilton Township LeRoy Everett, List-Taker Beddard's Store January 20 Hassell January 23 and 30 Hamilton January 13, 16, 27, 28 and 29 Goose Nest Township J. A. Rawls, List-Taker Oak City, lummry 10, 17. 24 and 31 at Rawl's Filling Station ? 4 Report Your 1941 Crop Acreage Through Your Local List-Taker During January, 1942 Your local Tax Lister is required to make the records, bat farm owners or tenants i furnish the facts. Therefore, call your list-taker's attention to these records and be prepared to furnish the following information: (1) Acreage for each crop harvested during calendar year 1941; (2) Number of horses, mules, cows, sows, ewes and hens on farm January, 1942; (S) Number of people living on farm January, 1942; (4) Number of threshing machines, com bines, peanut pickers, farm tractors and farm tracks. All of the above information furnished will be considered as confidential, and will not be used In any manner that la detrimental to the farmers concerned. It is not used for tax purposes. to give Do your part to Insure complete farm reports for your county and remind your neighbors ive their farm record to the local tax lister. C. D. Carstarphen TAX SUPERVISOR MARTIN COUNTY