Confined To His Home Friends of Mr. H. M. Clark will be sorry to learn that he is confined to his home here because of sick ness. Are Now in Richmond Mrs. A. D Bertolett and children, formerly of Williamston who have been in Bermuda with Captain Ber-1 tolett. returned to the States recent ly and are now making their home in Richmond. s Returns from Asheville Mr. Fred Taylor will return home this week-end after being on the to bacco market in Asheville for sever al weeks Recovering from Operation Recovering from a major opera tion in a Greenville hospital, Mr Claude E. Jenkins is expected home the latter part of this month Return to Norfolk Mrs. Dick Woodward and children have returned to their home in Nor folk following a visit here with rel atives. Attend Farm Bureau Meet Messrs. Charles Daniel. T. B Bran don, T. B Slade and John Eagles were among those from this eonntv who attended the State convention of the North Carolina Farm Bureau in Raleigh Wednesday and yesterday. S Q U A R E DANCE EVERETTS SCHOOL Saturday Ni^ht JANUAR*Y 1 Till Do This 1 Child Has a Cold Relieve Misery With Improved Vicks Treatment This improved treatment actually makes Virks VaptiRnh give EVtW - BETTER RESULTS IMAM EVER BEFORE! ACTS 2 WAYS AT ONCE to bring relief penetrates to upper breathing |>assages with soothing medicinal vapors . STIMULATES chest and back surfaces like a warming poultice . . And WORKS FOR HOURS to ease coughs, relieve muscular soreness or tightness, and bring real comfort. To get this improved treatment . . . simply massage VapoRub for 3 minutes ON hack as well as throat and chest, then spread thick layer on chest and cover with warmed cloth Try It' VICK8 VAPORUB - the Improved Way. Evacuated from War Zone Mrs. Therese Hall arrives at San Francisco from the Pacific war zone, bringing her twins, Priscilla Brcnda and James Lennard, whose sole in terest at the moment is in their dinner. Visit in Rocky Mount Mrs J W Watts and Mrs. E. P Cunningham visited Mrs. Z T Piep hoff in a Rocky Mount hospital. Will Visit Here Mr and Mrs W M Myers will have as their guests for the week-1 end. Mr and Mrs L. E Chandler, of, Atlanta. Ga. - ?<t Attends School Meeting Mr. E S Peel attended a meeting of the State School Commission in Raleigh yesterday. In New Bern Wednesday Mr. David Davis visited in New Bern Wednesday night Reaves for Norfolk Mrs Victor Champion will leave Sunday to visit friends in Norfolk. Returns to Inman, S. C. Miss Louise Strange lias returned to her home in Inman, S. C. Was Business Visitor Here Mr. C M Hurst, of Robersonville, was here yesterday attending to bus iness. ? In Washington Yesterday Mr and Mrs. Henry Handy and little son visited in Washington yes terday ? ? Attend Basketball Game Dr. E T Walker. Messrs. Jack Frank, Clayton Crofton, James W. Ward. Wheeler Manning, Tom Rose, Jim Cook, Misses Evelyn Lilley, Do lores Long and Mamie C. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs George Hutchison at tended the basketball game in Wash mgton Wednesday night. Shop Here Wednesday Mrs. Corbett Swam and Mrs. G. A Collins, of Plymouth, shopped here Wednesday. Happenings In I he Bear Crass School On Tuesday night, January 13th, the Bear Grass boys and girls bas ketball trams defeated the Plymouth boys and girls teams at Plymouth. The girls score was 50-2 in favor of Bear Grass and the boys score was 26 to 13 in favor of Bear Grass. Both of the local teams played exception ally well. On Tuesday, January 13th, the sixth grade attended the show in Williamston. The picture was "Ser geant York" It was the first time that several of the students had at tended a moving picture show, or had been inside a theatre. They found the picture very entertain ing. The Senior Class has selected the play, "Youth Loves the Day," as the senior play for this yegr Tt will he presented Sometime during the first part of March. The Parent-Teacher Association will hold its regular meeting on Tuesday night. January 19th. There will be a guest speaker and the PTA cordially invites any visitors who would'like to come." On Monday night, January 19th, there will be a program presented by the Dixie Doodles in the school auditorium at 7:30. This program is sponsored by the athletic associa tions. Mrs. ( lias. Leonard Addresses The Wesleyan Guild Meeting The Wesleyan Guild of the Metho dist Church met Monday night in the church. This meeting climaxed a membership drive Mrs. Charles Leonard spoke on her experiences during her many years as a mission ary fto China. After Mrs Leonard's talk, the members iind their guests were serv ed drinks and sandwiches. Hostesses for the evening were Misses Jerry and Frances Humble. Local Woman's Club Buys $100 Defense Savings Bond A meeting of the Williamston Wo man's Club was held Wednesday a the club building. Twenty-one mem hers were present and the president Mrs. E. P. Cunningham, presided. The club vuted to buy a $100 de fense bond And one umf ormior tto W'H'Mmstnn high KrhrwU band. Thl president called on all members t< aid the Red Cross and other humam organizations. The President's birth day ball was discussed and eacl member was given tickets to sell. There was no planned progran and the meeting was adjourned witl a prayer by Mrs. J. L. Goff. The meeting was held in the new ly appointed club rooms Wednesday afternoon. In the past few month! the interior of the lobby has beei completely renovated and refittec to suit the needs of the club, the Rec Cross and other municipal organi zations. $ AUXILIARY MEETS The regular monthly meeting of] the American Ix'gion AuAiliaiy was held in the home of Mrs. Hugh Ho ton in Williamston Saturday afte noon at 3:00 o'clock. Mrs. R J. Pe was joint hostess with Mrs Horto After the usual opening ceremoi the meeting wag opened for bui ness. The minutes uf Uie last IttOeth were read and approved and tl treasurer's report given. The electic of a first vice president, Mrs. R( Ward, and a chaplain, Mrs. J. ] Winslow, finished up the old bui ness A past president's pin was gr en Mrs. Charlie Davenport, of Jame ville, a former president. During the social hour, the ho tesses served a delightful swe< course. The next meeting will be held i Robersonville, with Mrs, Mack Wyr, and all members are invited to a tend. 1 Visits Parents Here Tuesday Mrs. Clarence Morse, of Elizabet City, spent Tuesday and Wednesda aith her parents, Mr. and Mrs.' B. 1 Hurley. Mr. Morse came Wedneada light. Reita Theatre?Washington Sunday Monday January 18-19 "TOP SERGEANT MULLIGAN" irtili ,\?/ I'endlelon and C.arol lluglies Tuesday IMHBLE FEATURE January 20-21 "Secrets of the 1-one Wolf willi ft iirrrn William "1 iiilcrgroiiuil Hustlers" ailli Kiiiirc Busters Wedneaday-Tbursday January 21 -M "AMONG THE "LIVING" with Albert Dekker mid Susan llay ward Friday-Saturday January 23-24 "JESSE JAMES AT BAY " with Roy Rogers and George "Gabby" Hayes Banks to Close M 0 IN 1) A Y JANUARY 19, 1912. To Observe Legal Holiday ROBERT E. LEE'S BIRTHDAY Branch Banking & Trust Co. Guaranty Bank & Trust Co. | HINTS FOR | HOMEMAKERS I i ? i By Irene James, Home Service Director, Virginia Electric And Power Company "There are pies that make us happy There are pies that make us sad, But the pies that fill our hearts with gladness, Are the pies that keep us well." Yes indeed, pies can do their part toward furnishing protective food substances needed for good robust health. Variety in the diet does much tow ard holding the family's interest and keeps them in a receptive mood for foods that are nourishing Meat pies, fruit and custard pies all figure into a day's requirement for balanced meals. Beefsteak Pie 2 lbs rump, flank or chuck steak 1 chopped onion (or to taste) Sliced potatoes Salt, pepper 1 egg Pie pastry Cut the meat into strips two inches long by one inch wide. Put them with the bone, just cover with water and simmer one hour. Line the sides of a deep pan with pie pastry; put in layer of meat, a thin layer of sliced onion and sprinkle with salt and pep per. Next add a layer of sliced pota toes with bits of butter dotted over TtT"Alternate the steak and potato layers until the pan is full. Thicken the gravy with browned flour and pour in, put on top pie crust, brush with beaten egg and bake at 460* F until quite brown?30 minutes. Chicken Pie 1 fowl 3 cups boiling water 2 cups potatoes (diced or cut in balls) 1 1-2 cups chicken stock 3 tbsp flour 1 cup onion diced in large pieces 1-4 lb sausage meat 1 cup mushrooms (optional) 3 tbsp cold water Salt, pepper Cook fowl slowly in the boiling water until tender. Ten minutes be fore it is done add the potatoes, on ions and the sausage meat which has been shaped into small balls. When chicken is done remove from bones in large pieces. Place one half the meat in a baking dish, cover with po tato, onion and sausage pieces and one-half cup canned mushrooms. Add remaining chicken, vegetables. Thicken the stock with the flour mixed with the cold water and m son to taste with salt and pepper. For added richness, four slices of bacon may be cut into squares, browned crisp and placed over all. Cover the top with your favorite pi try crust Bake seven minutes in a very hot oven (480*) or until well puffed and pastry is brown and thor oughly heated through. I^ft Over Chicken Pie With Sweet Petato Crust 3 cups diced cooked chicken 1 cup diced cooked carrots 6 cooked whole small onions 2 tbsp flour 1 tbsp chopped parsley 1 cup milk 1 cup chicken broth (or boullion cube) Arrange in layers in casserole. Combine milk and broth to flour, blending well. Cook until thick?stir and keep smooth. Pour over chicken and vegetables. Cover with crust? bake 40 minutes 375* F. sweet Potato Crust 1 cup flour 1 tsp baking powder 1-2 tsp salt 1 cup cold mashed sweet potatoes 1-3 cup melted fat 1 beaten egg Sift dry ingredients, work in the cold sweets, fat and egg. Roll 1-4" thick. Orange Blossom Pic To the regular pie crust recipe add the grated rind of half an orange and Substitute orange juce for water. Line pie tin and prick bottom and sides and bake in a hot oven (450*) until brown. Filling 2 cups milk 1-2 cup instant tapioca 1-2 cup sugar 1-8 tsp salt Grated rind of 1-2 orange 2 eggs 1-2 tsp shredded cocoanut Heat the milk under very low heat. (Double boiler may be used). Mix the tapioca, sugar, salt and stir into the milk. Cook until mixture begins to thicken. Add the orange rind. Cook 15 minutes, stirring to keep smooth. Stir in beaten egg yolks and cook one minute longer. Cool. Fold in the stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour into pie shell. Sprinkle top with sbrcHHpH comaniit Brown lightly In oven Chill thoroughly before serv ing. Washington Pie Make a foundation of plain layer cpke. Split layer and spread bottom with cold custard, placing over cue place top, ice with a chocolate bat ter icing. Variation: Use raspberry jam for a filling and sprinkle top generously with powdered sugar or use whipped sour cream for filling and top. ? MRS. LEVIN ENTERTAINS Mrs. M M. Levin entertained at her home Wedneaday night at a lowe ly bridge party. The eight guests en joyed six progressions of bridge, af ter Which the hostess served a salad course. Mrs. R H. Qoodmon received the high score prise and prizes also were awarded to Mrs. D. N Hix and Mrs. C B. Clark. Gutsts included Mesdames George Thorpe, Daisy Pope, N. C. Green, D. N. Hi*, Harold Hargett, C B. Clark, R. H. Goodmon and H. M. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Ajtn Honored Mrs. Russell Rogers, of Bear Grass, entertained Tuesday night at her home honoring Mr. and Mrs. Buck Ayers. Mrs. Ayers was the former Miss Grace Rogers During the evening the guests played bingo and prizes were won by Leroy Harrison, Guy Robinson, Leon Rogers, Josie Pearl Lilley, Mrs. Irvin Rogers and Mr Hildreth Rog ers. A green and white color scheme was carried out in the decorations and the prizes were wrapped in white paper and tied witfi green rib bon. Later in the evening punch, sand wiches and cakes were served to the following guests: Messrs. Guy Rob inson, Leon Rogers, Hildreth Rogers, Garland Whitley, E. D. Harris, Mr. and Mrs Leroy Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rogers, Mr and Mrs. A. T Barnhill, Mr. and Mrs Robert Bailey, Mrs E. D. Harris, Mrs. Bes sie Rogers. Mrs. Kneezer Harrison, Mrs. J. D. Wynne, Mrs. Ella Wynne and Misses Josie Pearl Lilley, Man da Wynne, Elizabeth Bailey and Magdaline Bunting. In Norfolk Yesterday Mrs. Abner Brown and Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Crockett visited in Nor folk yesterday. ? Were Business Visitors Here Mr. and Mrs. Miles Lilley, of Grif fins Township, attended to business here Wednesday. Visits Here This Week Miss Sally Gray Gurkin, of Dur ham, yisited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Gurkin, this week. Improving After Operation Miss Hortense Greene is improv ing after an appendectomy in a Rocky Mount hospital. Visit in Washington Mr. J. T. Barnhill and Mr. H. L. Barnhill visited Mrs. Jennie Barn hill in a Washington hospital yes terday. * Visit Here Wednesday Misses Marjorie and Elaine Jack son, of Jamesville, visited here Wed nesday. Returns to Norfolk Mr E. D. Harris returned to his work in Norfolk after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Har ris in Bear Grass. Was Business Visitor Here Mr Paul A Ward, of Rocky Mount, attended to business here on Wednesday. Returns to Augusta, Ga. St. Sgt. G. W. Corey has returned to Augusta, Ga.. where lie is in camp. In Washington Wednesday Miss Josie Pearl Lilley and Guy Robinson visited in Washington on Wednesday. Was Business Visitor Here [? Miss Vera Maude i.itley was a Bus iness visitor here Thursday. Visits in Elizabeth City Mr George Sfetsos was a business | visitor in Elizabeth City yesterday. In Rocky Mount Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Julius S. Peel spent Wednesday in Rocky Mount and Wilson. ?* Move To Haughton Street Mr and Mrs. Randolph J Allen moved this week into an apartment oil 119 Haughton Street. e In Durham Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Barnhill and Mr. R. Vernon Bunting were in Durham Wednesday. Spends Thursday Here Mrs. J. R. Campbell, of Plymouth, spent Thursday with her daughter, Mrs. J. Randolph Allen, and Mr. Al len. Was Business Visitor Here Rev. J. M. Perry, of Robersonville was here yesterday on business. Visit In Washington Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Rnehnetr and Mr and Mrs. R. Vernon Bunting vis ited Mrs. Jennie Barnhill in a Wash ington hospital Wednesday night. In Durham Wednesday Mrs. John Peel and daughter and Mrs. Luther Peel were in Durham. Wednesday. O Confined To His Home Cop fined to his bed by illness for several days, Postmaster Pete Fow den hopes to be able to get out this week-end. Was Visitor Here Dr. Ralph McDonald, of Chapel Hill, was the over-night guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jim King here last night Visit Here Yesterday Messrs. C. C. Coltrain and Marvin yesterday afternoon. Were Here Yesterday Editors J. E. Bufflap, of Edenton, and Max Campbell, of Hertford, were here yesterday. ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE Mrs. J. V. Champion was hostess it a bridge party at her home in Mar in Heights Wednesday night. The .hree tables of guests enjoyed an ivening of bridge, and during the evening drinks were served. There were no progressions, each .able playing separately and table prizes were awarded the high scor ;r at each table. The prizes were won by Mrs. Joe Godard, Jr., Mrs. Elbert Peel and Mrs. Daisy Purvis. Later in the evening a sweet :ourse was served to the following ?uests: Mesdames P. H. Brown, K. B. Erawford, J. S. Rhodes, S. R. Biggs, Z. H. Godwin, Titus Critcher, Travis Kitchen, and Misses Ruth Manning ind Anna Crawford. ? He turns To New York Mrs. Dora Bloom has returned to New York after visiting her daugh ter, Mrs. Frank Margolis, here for several weeks. Visits Here This Week Miss Marjorie Lilley, of New Bern, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs John Lilley, here this week. Returns from Hospital Mrs. Oscar Davenport, of James ville, has returned to her home from a Washington hospital, where she underwent an operation for appen dicitis early last week. In Washington Monday Mrs. Bob Manning, Mrs. H. O. Peele and Mrs. A. J. Manning, Jr., were in Washington Monday. COLD DISCOMFORTS Attention Farmers It is important that you place all orders for TOBACCO FLUES immediately in order that the material from which they are made may be obtained. We are ready to take your order now, and orders matte now stand a better chance of being filled. J. C. NORRIS WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Royster's Fertilizers TRADE MARK O REGISTERED FOR Plant Beds And All Crops It is particularly important that you produce at much as possible at the least expense and cost necessary this year. To produce excel lent crops you naturally must use the best fertilizer made. We recommend Royster stomers. fertilizer to all our friends and customers, and when in the market for plant bed fertilis er or fertilizer for general use, in the produc tion of all crops, we trust we may have the great pleasure of serving you. Royster's fertilizers need no introduction to * this or any other section of the State. Every brand manufactured by this firm has an en viable reputation and will give you excellent results regardless of the crop. C. C. Martin JAMESVILLE, N. C. NOTICE TO MY FARMER FRIENDS I Have A Large Plant Bed Fertilizer Supply Royster's On Hand. Will ap Special preciate your order. MAINE GROWN COBBLERS. SEED POTATOES 11 PK. GOVERNMENT CER TIFIEI). BEST SEED OBTAINABLE. LET ME BOOK YOUR ORDER NOW . . . YOITLL SAVE MONEY. JOHN W. EUBANKS?HASSELL, N. C.

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