Dr. Ralph McDonald In Timely Address To Parents-Teachers (Continued from page one) greater power to promote their self- 1 ish interests. I have not right to con demn any one group, but we cannot win this war unless we first declare war against our own selfishness." The third enemy within our bor ders. according to the speaker, is disunity, "and we must declare war against it if we are to win. I do not mean that all people must think alike. I am not against th?- individual who would express his own opin ion. What would have happened if all people in England had agreed with Chamberlain" If they had agreed to agree. England would still have a Chamberlain if there were an England today Do not declan war on disunity by throttling the press, freedom of speech., The dis unity that can destroy us is a divi sion of purpose. There must be single and definite unity of purpo if we are to preserve these United States Our weakness is not a lack of leadership, and 1 admire West ?brook Peggler. bitter critic of Pres ident Roosevelt, who after Pearl Harbor admitted he was wrong I have every reason to thank the Al mighty for the leadership we have in Roosevelt Our weakness is found in poor followers. We have gotten all tangled up in our own web of selfishness." Continuing he said that our fourth enemy was short-sightedness, "and must guard against it." Dr. Me Donald declared. "If in our zeal to win this war. and we must win it, we destroy some of the basic liber ties that have been growing in past years, we might find when the war is over that we have lost them for ever. There are those who would lay low some of our basic institutions, institutions-that are necessary to otir way of life, by lowering expenses for education The winning of this war also means the winning of the peace. We must build agencies <>t democ racy. and now is the time to strength en our schools and enrich the curri culum. For, in so doing we are lay ing the framework for handling the peace. Only source leadership can bring us to a sound mooring " Draft Registration Irregularity Cited Registering under an assumed name. Willie Harpkm. young white man, is being held in the county jail awaiting action by the Selective l Service authorities Pending instruc tions from headquarters, the county draft board has filed no charges against the man. but he is being de tained in the jail on another charge' |and he will have to answer that one land show good cause why he used a false name wljen he registered for possible military service. Hopkins was arrested some few days ago for allegedly robbing a young boy of som< money. Registering in Robersonville back in October. 1940r Harpkin said his name was Walter Jones and claim ed that he was married and had two childn r The wheels of justice turn slowly but surely, and the draft board learned of the case and im mediately referred the case to head quarters. ? Il.upt.in came to tiiis section from Mississippi with a road show about' five years ago and located in this, county Farm Hurrau Forum In Aurirullnral liuilding The Martin County Farm Bureau will hold its bi-weekly forum in the agricultural building here this eve ning at 7:30 o'clock for a review of the activities in the state convention at Raleigh this week. In concluding his meaningful and tmt**ly?remarks,?the former j candidate for governor who did not get to be governor but who accom- ! phshed its much as many governors and'more than some, said he was not I pessimistic He pointed out that he 1 was an optimist, "but I grow im- 1 patient when I see so many who do not recognise the seriousness of the | situation ~faxitvg Us today. We need not fear the Japs, the Germans or j Mussolini, for the only enemies that I can destroy us are those we must | conquer within ourselves." _... j Presided over by Mrs. Garland Woolard, the association's chief offi cer, the meeting dispensed with its business schedule, but it was stated that the next session will discuss the twelfth grade. 20,000 Miles of Riding FOR SALE : \ . . , 1 19.% DeLux PLYMOUTH Sedan In Perfect (Unulition. 6 (rotnl Tires 1912 License. Heater 8315.00 1 mi FORI) Pick-up Truck 2 19.17 FORI) Pick-up Trucks V) illi IN<*\? .'?-1 Ton Bodi(% 6 Cood Tires ? S2.r)0.-S.'17.f). C.J.Rhea Motor Co. WINDSOH. !\. C. Plant Bed Fertilizer nrarfi bio eaop tobacco Fertilizer* roa QUALITY f . TOBACCO ) Armour's & V-C SEE US FOR YOUR I<>12 FERTILIZER NEEDS ? ARMOUR'S OR V-G KER TIL1ZERS WILL GROW THEM BET TER AND LARGER. Martin Supply Co. Civilian America Is To Sacrifice For An All-Out War Effort (Continued from page one) ernment, short Of depriving our arm ed forces of the materials these forces need to beat the Axis, is doing every thing it can to see that no one lacks tools with which to produce food to eat and clothes to wear, fuel to burn and a stout roof over his head. The government Is controlling prices to guard us against ruinous inflation. The government is trying to assure tires and autos to fulfill essential services in every commun ity The government 'is seeing to it that there will be enough farm ma chinery in good repair to take care of the all important 1942 crops. Here's the way the 1942 program for farm equipment has been han dled by the Office for Production Management's priorities division . The basic problem was to mesh this program with the Department of Agriculture's program for food; to -provide more machinery where it will be needed and to curtail pro duction where?as with wheat?the agricultural plan calls for smaller crops. It s obvious that since farm equip ment is manufactured entirely of ma terials vital to the armed forces the kinship between tank and tract or is apparent?the problem had to be considered cautiously. There was a second factor, too?the certainty that many more civilian plants must What the OPM has done is to hold down in materials for new machinery (to about 83 per cent of the 1940 lev el) while raising the quantity ear marked for repair parts manufacture to approximately 150 per cent of the 1940 output Repair, wherever pos sible. is the thing, and the OPM has asked that farmers begin these re pairs as quickly as possible. Hires the way it works out. The agricultural program, for example, -culls for increased production of pork and lard, milk and eggs, in 1942. And so new machinery used to produce these foodstuffs will be available in greater quantity than machinery for raising and harvesting wheat, be cause the agricultural plan calls for a 16 per cent reduction in wheat acreage. The tire rationing program is an other example of the government's effort to keep essential services functioning under conditions of all out war. The Japanese topk away the tires from our pleasure cars when they blocked our Pacific import lanes But that isn't going to ham Ikt farm Work You can still.get ttrao for farm vehicles -if you really need them The physician can still get tires, and the veterinarian. And the folks who decide whether or not these tires are needed will be, in most cases, neighbors?the local gar ageman, and a local rationing board probably no fuilhrr dlSTantThart the County Seat As for that car you use for trips to town. Price Administrator I^eon Henderson makes several suggestions about that He suggests you drive slowly, because fast driving burns up rubber, he suggests you double up w ith a friend when you can, thus making one set of tires do the work ordinarily done by two; he suggests >ou be careful not to scrape against curbs and take it easy over the bumps Remember, too, that tires which have been recapped or re tic.tded often last almost as long as new-ones, and cost a lot less Anyone who can think back to the last war and the inflation which came of it can't help but realize that it is as necessary to control farm prices in wartime as it is to control prices in industry. In 1918 the U. S. farmers had an income 24 per cent above their buying power in 1913 even allowing for the high price of goods But by 1922 the slump which followed the inflation had carried farm incomes way below the 1913 level. Tlie Price Administrator whose job is to see that everybody gits a fair deal and also to stand guard against such evils as anoth er inflation, has indicated that there may be upward revision of prices on cretain agricultural commodities un-! der the Price Control Act 'to bring existing standards into line with special standards set up for farm products The maximum price of "..h'T SU,fiar aIri'ady has been raised 24 cents per 100 pounds. Here are other effects of the war upon American living as our effort broadens and quickens, as sources of supply are cut off. as factories are converted to military production, and government moves to conserve .Trs "IS f?r ?"r sold'ers and sail Manufacturers of woolens will get just half as much new wool as they ?ew'nJ a They'll mix this with reworked and reused wool nnri vasion of British Malaya has cut the source of 80 per cent of our usi tin imports, only half as much may be used in 29 different itei and none at all in these items af March31 . . . The list includes hou Trrtrt furnishings and jewelry toys and enamelware . Ther be no more foil, too, to wrap cig ette packages and candy and gui ? Soldiers (,o For Home Cooking In Pennsylvai Stranded in Pennsylvania beca of an automobile accident, eight i dicrs wvre welcomed guests in home of Mr and Mrs. Roy Davis cently. Spending a restful night, young men accepted a hearty ir tation to breakfast. They ate tl ty eggs, two pounds of bacon I drank two quarts of milk, two c of orange juice and five pots of c fee, and no count was kept of toast consumption. Sandwiches i cookie* rounded out the q?.ti Changes Likely In Tentative |1 Plans For Draft Registration That the tentative plans for the third draft registration scheduled for Monday, February 16th, will likely be changed was intimated in a spec ial release of instructions by the Se lective Service in the State this week. Draft Board Chairman R H. Good mon explained that plans for the reg i istrations must be submitted to the | State Board for approval before they can be formally announced. By this action, the board, it is believed, will | ask for the establishment of conven ient registration places in every county, meaning that instead of han dling the registration in Martin at four centers, it will be handled pos sibly in nearly every one of the ten townships. Learning of the tentative plans for handling the registration in four centers, some few citUens have sug gested that it would be more con venient to handle the registration in possibly at least four other districts. Fairly definite plans for the Febru ary 16th registration are to be sub mitted on or before next Tuesday to the State Selective Service Board for approval or rejection. If the plans are approved, arrangements will be made with citizens to handle the reg istration. A special school of instruc tion will be held on or about Febru ary 10th instead of on the 12th as the county board first proposed. Persons 20 years of age and oth ers under 65 who have not hereto fore registered will be required to sign up for possible military serv ice. Drive For Ail Old Scrap Iron Going Forward In County (Continued from page one) der, and the dealer's profit in han dling the material is held to a low minimum. It was decided to handle the collection of the metals through established dealers after it was learn ed that the aluminum scrap drive did not carry to a successful end. The dealers are given the responsibility of separating and sorting the deliv eries, the operators of the blast furnaces explaining that mixed ship ments of iron, steel, brass, copper and other metals are almost worth less because facilities are hardly adequate for grading the vast amounts of materials moving to the plants. The important thing in the drive for scrap metal is to make it avail able. How it is to be done is of no great importance; the material is badly needed if the war effort is to be maintained, and all Martin Coun ty farmers and others are urgently requested to deliver every available piece to the dealers. Farmers are again urged to an ticipate their future machinery needs and place orders with their dealers as soon as possible. Illicit Business Is Hanging On By Thin Thread Officer Says (Continued from page one) oline drums in brewing the poison spirits. There is a marked trend from the more expensive type plants to those of cheaper manufacture, and this, according to Officer Roebuck, would indicate that thti himinoaa hanging on by a thin thread. In addition to the obstacle facing the business as a result of sugar ra tioning, there is a shortage of copper and the two are causing concern among the operators and are certain to result in a greatly inferior prod uct. Nation Continuing Its Plans For War On Extensive Seale (Continued from page one) vaders at bay while workers wreck ed oil wells, depots and supply bases there. Those who escaped death at the hands of the invaders were caught and burned in the vast fires that swept the area The Japs found nothing but scorched earth, and tank ers and supply ships waiting for car goes there had to leave empty. There is little in the late news to indicate where Hitler will strike next. Malta, the British base in the Mediterranean, has been bombed continuously for almost 100 hours this week, but the stronghold, bat tered and torn, is still in the hands of the British. Losses in the Far East are bring ing calls for a shake-up in the Brit ish cabinet, the people in England asking why Singapore was not bet ter fortified? Hamburg and Emden were exten sively bombed by the RAF last night, the raiders leaving fires burning that could be seen for many miles. In this country an $800,000 fird was reported today in Syracuse. Baseball has been given the blessings of the administration for the coming sea son. Walter Lippmann, speaking in the State last night, said this nation will have to pay a dear price for victory. * ? Honesty Marches To The Front In Uncle'* Army Finding a $10 bill in a Virginia Army camp, a soldier placed a note on the bulletin board advising the ' owrter to form a double line near the USO building to identify the bill. ? Firemen Called To Home On Church Street Here ? Local firemen were called to the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Siceloff on Church Street early Tuesday eve ning when sparks from a blazing chimney threatened the structure. No damage was done. ' ? Bankt To Observe Next Monday A* Holiday Here The two local banks will observe ' next Monday, Robert E. Lee's birth day, as a holiday. Other business I houses will continue operations as County Draft Board Has Baffling Cases * There is little discretion to be shown when it comes to classifying men for military service for the rules and regulations won't permit any purely sympathetic actions If it was not for strict rules and regulations, the Martin County Draft Board could easily handle its classification tasks. It can be said that the draft board has made its every decision only af ter minute examination of every fact and that no high ratings were hand ed out until every member was sat*-; isfied Slicli action was right and proper. Realizing that many boys have already been sent from this county, the board, however, is not shirking its responsibilities when it comes to sending those young men who have no material claim to re main at home. There are baffling cases before the board, but the following is one that has been referred to President Roose velt directly by the registrant, it has been unofficially learned. Ac cording to reports coming from the registrant's home community, he is the father of two illegitimate chil dren He did not provide for the chil dren or their mother until just a short time ago when he married their mother and established a home ap parently to "buck" the draft. It could not be learned definitely, but the draft board is understood to have ruled that the man accepted depend ency to defeat the purpose of the draft and he was placed in the 1-A classification. Then there is a case where a hus band has deserted his wife and chil dren and accepted a common-law mistress. He does not support his le gal wife and children, but he does support the other woman and his children by her. Should the man be sent to the Army? That's just an other baffling question the draft board has to answer. Farm Life Opens Gym With Victory After battling the elements on open eourts for -year the Farm Life School moved its sports program in to its new gymnasium last Tuesday evening when the basketball team opened the play house with a victory over Oak City. Handled by private contract, con struction work was started on the building the latter part of Novem ber and was virtually completed in record time. Patrons of the school furnished I most of the lumber, and neighbor I hood carpenters and workmen put it together. j There are only two of the high schools in the county now without gymnasiums. Work will be started j by WPA forces on one for Bear Grass j the latter part of this month, and Robersonville, the other school with out a play house, handles its sports program in the high school auditor ium but possibly at a disadvantage Hog Killings Underway On l.arge Scale In County Underway on a fairly large scale ! during recent weeks, hog killings in the county are expected to reach a peak for the season about next week. Several farmers state that the an nual task has about been completed in its entirety in their communities. The reports state that with very few exceptions the farmers in this ; county are killing an ample supply of meat and are leaving quite a few hogs for delivery to the markets. FOR SALE: SIX ROOM BOUSE, IN good condition, large lot, conven iently located, reasonably priced. F. W. Hoyt, Smithfield. )13-4t JleAeXliaw-wefVUce PRESCRIPTIONS ? Three items determine the cost of e prescription?Labor, Ingredients, Overhead. We figure these costs carefully; then aad s small percentage for profit. The result is the price you pav. It is a fair price, always. Usually it costs no more?often less?to have a prescription filled here at Headquarters. Our large volume results in low overhead. And, then, there is the added advantage of fresh, potent drugs in every prescrip MM. I i one here to be compounded? j Davis Pharmacy Endeavor Group To Meet In Hassell The County Christian Endeavor Convention will meet with the Chris tian Church in Hassell on Saturday, January 24th, at 10:30 o'clock in the ?norning. Delegates and young peo ple, and in fact all who attend are isked to take a box or basket lunch. The afternoon session closes about 2:30 o'clock. The Hassell church and commun ity look for the largest group the convention has yet had. They will have 30 or more of their own group cf young people, and other nearby groups will have the largest groups they have had before. All young people of the churches jt the county are invited, whether they are members of an organized Christian Endeavor or not. It will help you young people. The Hassell society will give a short program in the afternoon with their own group, j Young people, get ready for a great convention on the fourth Saturday in January. Wants FOR SALE: OIL-BURNING HEAT er, suitable for heating two or more rooms. Excellent condition. Low price, $20.00. Telephone 312-W or address C. A. L., Enterprise, Wil liamston, N. C. )16-2t TEXACO SERVICE STATION IN Hamilton for rent. Good station and right party ran malm a good . living operating this station if he | will stay on job and work Harrison I Oil Company. j9-3t | STORE FOR RENT ? BUILDING formerly occupied by the Bowl ing Alley. Apply to Miss Edith ' Stallings jl3-4t, TWO TWO-HORSE CROPS FOR rent or tenant farming Good acreage of all money crops on the Rainbow farm D. W. Downs, Hob good, N. C. j13-4t WE PAY CASH FOR CORN. WIL liamston Hardware Co. dl2-tf 1 HAVE AT MY HOME 700 QUARTS of canned fruits and vegetables for sale cheap. See me at once or write Mrs. Zeno Beddard, Williamston, R F. D. 3. I HAVE A 520-EGG INCUBATOR for sale cheap. See me at my home in Poplar Point. Mrs. Zeno Beddard, Williamston R F. D. 3. ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE North Carolina, Martin County Velnia H Coburn, having quali fied as Administratrix of the Estate, of W. H. Coburn, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said Estate to exhibit lliem to the undersigned within twelve months from the date of this notice or this notice will be plead in bar of any recovery. All persons in debted to the said Estate will please make immediate payment to the un dersigned. This the 2nd day of Jan., 1942. R. L. Cobum, Atty. MRS VELMA H. COBURN. Administratrix of the Estate of W. H. Coburn, deceased. Williamston, N. C. )9-6t RESOLUTIONS At the regular meeting of the Mar tin County Insurance Exchange, Inc. held in Robersonville, N. C., Janu ary-5, 1942, the following resolutions were adopted: "We the members of the Martin County Insurance Exchange, feeling that in the present national emer gency it is the duty of every citizen to render all possible aid to our gov ernment, our state and our commun ity, do hereby pledge our full sup port, collectively and individually, to the prevention of fires. "Material used in replacement of fire damage are also materials of war and we shall do everything in our power to conserve such mater ials through locating and eliminating fire hazards. "Furthermore, we pledge our selves to the furtherance and active participation in any program which may be initiated by the authorities, in which our training in the fire in surance business may be of any value " "Be it furtlter resolved that a copy of this resolution be placed on our books, one set to the Governor of North Carolina, State Fire Marshall, mayors of Williamston, Roberson ville. Jamesville. Hamilton, Everett*. Hassell, Oak City and Parmele, N. C." J E. Pope, President. Mrs. Lina G. Taylor, Secretary. An Expectorant For COUGHS A "HONEY" FOR RESULTS Compounded from rare Canadian Pine Balsam, Menthol, Glycerine, Irish Moss and other splendid in gredients, Buckley's Canadiol Mia? ture is different?more effective ? faster in action. Get a bottle today ?take a teaspoonful, let it lie on your tongue a moment then swallow slowly?feel its powerful effective action spread thru throat, head and bronchial tubes. Coughing spasm ceases for right away it starts to loosen up thick choking phlegm and open up clogged bronchial tubes. Now you'll know why over 10 mil lion bottles of Buckley's CANADIOL Mixture have been sold in cold, win try Canada Clark's Pharmacy and your own druggist has this great Canadian dis covery.. adv Jotyllrv tfT 0?666 ^^UQHXUafTS. lALVt. NOSk MOM \i A I) I O REPAIRING Itring us your Kailio for Krpuirn. All work guaranteed. Reason able (diurges. Western Auto Store II'. J. Miller, Otener Coker's Pedigreed TOBACCO SEE D COMPLETE STOCK Oavid Grimes Drug Store J OtawivUH-rColyuCtfeie',/eeA CAROL!Nft TMtLW C. Y. T. ? (Conserve Your Tires) ?You Bet We Can Dear Friend: consider it advisable to suggest to all of our customers and friends the wisdom of having their tires checked and balanc ed, as this will help to prolong the life of them. We have recently installed a wheel balancing machine which will readily detect an unbalanced condition in tires. We also have available the facilities to cuiieu Uus fault. We would be glad to have you bring your car in to us if you desire this service. We have men who are well ex perienced in the operation of this machine and therefore be lieve that we can give you first class service. In view of the present limitation on tires, we think it would be well worth your time and money. And if you have a MECHANICAL problem, we are also equipped to handle that If you haven't tried our service yet ? then give us a trial and l)e convinced! Chas. H. Jenkins &Co. Highway No. 17 Williamston, N. C. Phone 114 "A SAFE PLACE TO BUY A USED CAJt"

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