Enemy Submarines Active Along The Coast Of Carolina (Continued from page one* ed by Napoleon. The Russians are said to be within sixty miles of Smo lensk where Hitler apparently had planned to establish his winter head quarters. Beaten back or withdrawing from Moscow. Hitler is still expected to I launch another offensive somewhere | There is much speculation over his I future plans, but some observers | feel fairly certain he will move into the Mediterranean area. Down in Rio De Janeiro. Peru to day at noon was said to be still hold ing out in the move to solidify the Western Hemisphere The move ment for solidarity has made much progress, and Brazil has already tak en steps to sever relations with the -7ons In this country, the President is asking for 28 additional billions for the war chest Donald Nelson, re cently appointed chief of the new war board, is holding the first meet ing of his group today and is pp. posing to consolidate certain agen cies and take immediate step: to speed up the war effort Livestock Show In Rocky Mount nocky Mount?Expecting its "fifth annual show on March 12 and 13 to be the best yet for both quality and quantity of stock, the Livestock De velopment Committee of the Rocky Mount Chamber of Commerce today began mailing catalogs and premium lists for the Eastern Carolina Fat Stock Show Secretary E H Austin said that the catalogs are now on their way to county agents throughout Eastern Carolina Residents of counties east of. and including Person,. Durham. Wake, Harnett. Hoke and Scotland will be eligible to enter their prize beef cattle ancf swine. Show catalogs will also be mailed to exhibitors and vocational agriculture teachers in { this section In addition to local members of the committee, the sponsors will be assisted by L. I Case, animal hus bandman; E V, Vestal, swine spec ialist, and H W. Taylor, marketing economist of tin extension division of N. C. State College. Also assisting with the show will t>e Paul Fletcher, livestock marketing specialist of tin State Depar11nern r?t~AgrlcuTtur. P D. May. field representative of the Southeastern Chain Store Council, and O F Booker of the agricultur al development department of the Tennessee Coal and Iron Co. Besides local buyers, the show is expected to draw from 25 to 30 rep resentatives of firms and packing houses Last year's show entries totalled 300 hogs and 86 head of beef cattle The majority of the beef stock in the 1941 show was exhibited b> 4 11 club members and vocational agri culture students e At tin sale last y< ur total hog sales were. $3,260. Cattle sales were $4,867 Austin said today that the early interest in the show points to a large entry, probably surpassing those of the previous four years. Reduce W Limit For Naval Aviators Charleston, S. C To all young men in the Carolina* and Georgia who want to fly with the Navy. Sixth Naval District headquarters today announced the reduction of the min imum Class V-5 age requirement from 20 to 19 years. Men enlisting in this class enter ; as Seamen 2nd class, are trained as | aviation cadets, and emerge as com missioned officers 4? "Ensigns with J Wings." U. S. Navy Recruiting Stations throughout thcHl.iiee states have xull' information on the requirements for Class V-5. Men from 19 to 27 wishing to en- i list in Class V-5 must have a min imum education of two full years of j college credits, or the equivalent, and the physical, moral and psychologi cal qualities required as an aviation j cadet. College juniors and seniors after enlistment in V-5 may be deferred from call to active duty until com pletion of their current college year, if they so request. Sophomores may enlist if they will have completed the two-year requirement by the end of the current school year They will not be ordered to active duty until that requirement is fulfilled ? Cotton Saves Sheers New York City?A noted fashion authority here is urging American women to conserve their supply of sheer hosiery bv wpanng *?>??? ? cotton hosiery. The cotton hosiery is especially recommended for street wear with simple, well-tailored en sembles. _ BUSINESS RUSH V / All's not discouraging for fill ing station operators even though their tire sales are lim ited and there are prospects of curtailed sales of gas. oils and other items. Commenting on the situation yesterday. "Peewee" Blount. Central Service Station employee, stated that tire patch ing was already underway on an increased scale, and that he really looked for a booming bus iness next June and July. Tires that were ordinarily dis carded as worthless are being re paired. indicating that the rub ber pinch is already being felt by some motorists. Highly Respected Kveretts Citizen Dies In Hospital (Continued from page one) thoughtful acts and deeds. She is survived by iwo Haughters, Mrs N F Roebuck, of Greenville, and Mrs Kotarrt L Jackson, of Wash ingotn and four sons C H . Del mas, Robert A and Samuel M. Barnhill, | all of this county. She also leaves j a brother. Frank Whichard, of Wilmington. Funeral services were conducted yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Fvcretts Christian Church by her pastor. Rev J M. Perry. Inter TTTrnt^wnr in tin- Hohci'Min villi' TWli eterv (/ovcrnment Callinj; More Stenographers To meet wartime requirements of rapidly expanding governmental agencies in Washington City, the United States Civil Service Com mission is calling for ' junior stem-. bgraphers in large numbers It is es timated that there arc now 85.000 stenographers, secretaries and typ ists on the government payroll, but thousands more are needed, accord ing to a special recruiting represent ative of the Civil Service who will be in the federal building at Wash ington tomorrow to interview appli cants and give examinations in the afternoon The papers will be rated and eligibles will be offered immed iate appointment in the nation's cap ital. Stenographic positions, paying $1, 440 a year To start with, require 1 general knowledge of shorthand and tin ability to take dictations at the r,dc <>! 9(j words a minutes Dictation must he ti ansrrilM <1 ?.n the typewrit er and applicants, taking the exam matiop. must furnish their own type writers Any person in Williamston or Mar ttn County lhtet?sted m the work is directed to report to the. special re cruiting representative in Washing ton tomorrow Application form may he had at tl . Williamston post of 1 ice >lmv I'lanc To Go To Tlit' I. S. Navv I'poii tin suggestion of a large number of contributors and with the sanction of tin majority of county chairmen as well as the British-Am erican Ambulance Corps, our am hulanccnirplane was offered to the I United States Navy by Governor J. Melville Broughton, according to E. S IVel, chairman of the drive in this county Officials of tin Navy promptly ac l o pted the gift and expressed deep | appreciation to the people of North Carolina. The Navy is m urgent need of this particular type of equipment | and the Old North State will likely ~be placed in immediate service. The formal presentation will take place at Ancostia Field, near Wash ington, on Wednesday. January 21. | when Governor Brbughton will make ! State Fund. British-American Am bulance Corps and the citizens of North Carolina. Stolen Jamenville Car Recovered li\ Patrolmen The Chevrolet car stolen from Ar (chic Hardison in JamesVille last Fri day night was recovered by patrol | men near Washington Sunday after noon. and William Ed Blount, said to have just returned from the roads for car stealing, was arrested by Constable Clarence Wallace and jail ed by patrolmen and county officers Said to have admitted the theft. Blount explained that he drove the car to Washington, spent the night. ' c.iill laUT abandoned it when the gtts supply was exhausted. He walked back to Jamesville and was arrested j a short time later. Equipment ?UiuUd fetali j mihtaij autliuiilles ' say that to build an army, 250 pounds of cotton are required for each. ?n^ j luted man, with frequent replace- , i ments of clothing articles necessary, i The Sixth Week Of The War (Continued from page one) the originally scheduled 10,000, more I than 90.000 privates will be selected 1 to attend .officer-training schools. AH training centers and posts will " <irg.'!d. and f,v<' temporary tent i c mp. will be set up To make 2,000 - ?) more men eligible, the Army will lower age limits for aviation cadets rom 2d to 18 years, make married men eligible, and change education al qualifications by eliminating col tegi credit requirements. SeJecUvc Service Director Hershey said the Army increase could be ac complished without calling up men with dependents. He said there are hOOO.OOO men in class 1-A but not yet called, and 900,000 more men can be obtained by reclassification I O! other men and from those men who will register February 16. He! said deferme nt canys would be re. I examined but deferments will con tinue to be given where possible to amid undue disruption of family life, lie said married men with one or more-children probably will riot be H wiT a" Arm>' of 7.000.000 to 8.000 000 has been built. He estimat <?< 10,000,000 is the top number of men the (j S. could mobilize for service even with lowered physical standards '-abor Disputes I he President abolished the Na tional Defensi Mediation Board and eslabltdted a National War Labor Hoard With NDMB Chairman Davis as ehairmam . Four commissioners will represent the public, four will represent employees and four, indus tj.v I he new board has wider au thority than the old board and can arbitrate or mediate disputes as it sees fit except that it cannot disrc gaid existing labor legislation I The Maritime War Emergency1 Board established war bonuses for sailors on merchant ships. Autos The OPA announced auto ration ing would begin February 2 in the isame manner as tire rationing Of the 202,000 cars in the industry quo ta for January, about 150.000 cars will be stored with dealers who promise not to sell without permis sion -probably not to be granted be .;VrUr?; ,943-and then only ? it OJ A-established prices. OPA issued a schedule of prices '" "retreadable" tire carcasses and let reads and forecast a ceiling ov ??' all used tires "m the very near future Federal Loan Admmistra Jonts announced plans to in crease synthetic rubber production (capacity to 400.000.tons by pooling of ? esourees and skills of the rubber and O.I industries if priorities can h Obtained on steel needed to erect plants OPA Administrator Hender son said tire rationing would prob ab > not Is affected because of in creasing military needs for rubber. Censorship fo'HWslliu nirr.rtnr pr,(Tt afit? consultation wt.h newspaper, mag a/ine and periodical editors, an nounced a code of conduct which publications were asked to follow in handling information in order to pic vent information of a military a U'C reaching ?,c enemy PrS ' '. "facially released, arc most details of military, naval or in duslt.ai establishments, casualty lists damages to war facilities, move reports'/: ,rTV"d Ships' weuther except of certain types, and movements of the President or of official military or diplomatic mis Agriculture Agriculture Secretary Wickard said goals have been revised to call for the greatest agricultural produc tion in U. S history, with particular emphasis on the production of oil bearing crops such as peanuts and soybeans. The corn goal was stepped up by five million acres in order that there be feed supplies to continue expansion of meat, dairy and poultry production. Dry edible bean and dry pea production increases were called for. An additional five million bush els of rice was asked and provision made for an increase over 1941 of more than 18 million cases of canned fruits and vegetables. Civilian Defense The OCD-announced 3.516,600 vol utneers have enrolled in the various civilian defense services, including 1.423.755 assigned to training or du ty in the protective services. The Of fice also announced a Victory Gar den Program under which all fami lies in any community can jointly till community gardens, use the pro duce themselves and give the sur plus to schools and institutions. Surgeon General Parran told the U. S. Conference of Mayors in Wash ington "the enemy has planned and in my opinion will use bacteriologi cal warfare whenever possible." He asked the mayors to begin at once to take every possible precaution. Conservation THeTJPM Bureau of Industrial Conservation opened a program to mobilize the nation's 1,700.000 retail stores in a continuous drive to sal vage materials?wastepaper, scrap metal, old rags, rubber?needed to pnniuie weapons for the lighting" forces. Signers will display window emblems signifying their part in the " Salvage for Victory" program. The shopping public was asked to help conserve tires, trucks and paper by carrying home bundles instead of depending on delivery service. Con sumers of natural gas in nine states, mostly in the midwest were asked to cut consumption as much as pos sible. f Jack ton County Farmer? Deiire Speedy Victory Since the declaration of war. Jack-1 son County farmers have indicated they are more than willing to do whatever is possible to insure a speedy victory, says Assistant Farm THE RECORD SPEAKS . . . Motorists on Martin County highways proved that they could operate their vehicles an entire week without an accident. Pa trolman Whit Saunders and Cor poral C. B Thompson state that no accidents were reported last week on the highways in this county But even with the acci dent holiday, the current year record has a substantial lead ov er that for the corresponding period in 1941. According to officers and ob servers, there has been a fairly noticeable decrease in speed, and possibly there is a slight reduc tion in the traffic volume. The following tabulations of fer a comparison of the accident trend:, first, by corresponding weeks in this year and last and for eacfi year to the present time. 3rd Week Comparison Accidents Inj'd Killed Dam'ge 1942 0 0 0 $000 1941 110 60 Comparison To Date 1942 4 2 0 $630 j 1941 110 60 Explains Status Of Married Men Under Selective Service Act one) | fore September 16, 1940. and claims dependency is required only to prove that a condition of dependency ex ists under the definition of "depen dent" as defined in Section 622.32; (b) A registrant who married be tween September 16. 1940, and De cember 8. 1941, must not only prove that a condition of dependency ex ists but also th?t such status was not j voluntarily acquired at a time when his selection was imminent or pri marily for the purpose of providing him with a basis for deferment; (c) A registrant who married on or after December 8, 1941, must not only prove that a condition of de pendency exists but also that such status was acquired under circum stances beyond his control. 5 Section 622.31-b instructs the local board to determine all ques tions of Class III-A deferments with sympathetic regard for the registrant and his dependents and cautions the local boyrd in doubtful cases to be mindful of injuries which may be expected to result from separating a father from his children or a hus band from his wife, and announces the policy that "the maintenance of the family as a unit is of importance to the national well-being." ? <?? Walter C. Lackey Is New Sanitarian Succeeding Chas. A. Leonard, Jr., resigned, Mr. Walter Chas. Lackey entered upon his duties in the coun ty yesterday as Martin Board of Health sanitarian. A native of Newton, Mr Lackey was graduated from Catawba Col lege in 1940 and taught school one year before entering the University of North Carolina school of public health He recently completed his work there and comes to his new post after having done training work in Cumberland County Mr. Lackey was in the service of the Charlotte Observer for several years before entering college. He hits the tape at six feet and two inches and pushes the scales to 220 pounds, net. Abner Bennett Dies In County Home Abner Bennett, 87-year-old color ed man, died in the county home, near here, early last Saturday after- j noon, his death writing finish to a colorful career for the old man. Born into slavery, near Williams ton, he was the son of Martin Ben nett. His early life was spent on the farm where he figured in one esca- j pade after another. Little is known of his boyhood days, but after he was considered an old man, he gain ed attention in the courts. One case among many others he figured in at the bar was brought by a horse ex change in a nearby town possibly more than a quarter of a century ago Abner bought two mules and it seems that he never paid a cent on them, that at the end of three years the court action was started. The plaintiff did not get a cent, but Ab ner walked out of the courtroom wtih a judgment against the mule dealer for the case costs A victim of paralysis many years ago, old Abner kept right on drag ging around, begging a nickel here and a dime there to keep soul and body together. Four years ago and almost against his will he was or jdered to the county home, but at regular and fairly frequent intervals he would drag himself to town and take up his beggar's stand Infirmi ties of age finally forced him to re main at the home, but he was able to be up for short periods until last Thursday when he was overcome by uremic poisoning, the end coming two days later. ?Funeral services were tretd Sun day afternoon, and interment was on the old Harrell farm near the Mob ley Mill 1 Rationing Board In County Has Surplus Of Car-Truck Tires ? I (Continued from page one) ice. | Applications for regular truck j tires were received from and approv ed for the following: Day lite Bakery, ! Kocky Mount, truck tire and tube for delivery of food to wholesalers; Robcrson Slaughter House, Wil liamston, two truck tires and tubes, the applicant explaining that they were needed for the delivery of food to wholesalers; Martin County Transfer Company, Robersonville, four truck tires and tubes for general hauling; G. M. Anderson, Jamesville, one truck tire and tube for hauling lum I her to Marine Base at Elizabeth | City; I J. C Norris, Williamston, truck tire and tube for maintaining plumb ing and heating and roofing services. The certificate granted the bakery, it was explained, will be exchanged I ta. A break for delinquent taxpayers was chalked up by the board when they delayed action on an applica tion filed by Special Tax Collector S. H Grimes for two tires. It is un derstood that the collector's tires will probably last a while longer. Wants BOY WANTED: BETWEEN THE ages cif 16 to 20 Must have mech anical turn and have possibilities I along this line. With proper initia tive and qualifications will soon be made plant assistant. Good opening and good pay for right boy. Apply at once to Roberson's Slaughter House. j20-3t County Native Has Big Birthday Party Goldsboro ?? A. T. Griffin, Sr., Goldsboro manufacturer and promi nent planter of this section, today ! was continuing to receive the con gratulations and good wishes of his friends on the occasion of his 75th | birthday celebration. The festivities honoring Mr. Griffin's birthday an-1 niversary were held at the office of his mill late Thursday, but through that day and daily since, the visitors have continued to shower greetings' and good wishes upon him. "No presents," announced Mr.1 Griffin. But that did not deter his friends from sending tokens of es teem. All members of the Goldsboro Ki wanis Club, of which Mr. Griffin is a life trustee and member of the board of directors, were especially invited. Visitors from Goldsboro, Kinston, Fremont, Calypso, Smith field. Raleigh and Jacksonville were numbered among the near 200 per sons attending the unique birthday party. Long-service employees as sisted in serving refreshments and large quantities of canapes. Assisting in receiving were Mr. Griffin's sons. A native of Martin County, Mr. | Griffin came to Goldsboro 43 years ago and has operated a large lumber ] and millwork business since that time. He has supported all civic en terprises and given generously to community organizations. .WE PAY CASH FOB CORN. WIL liamston Hardware Co. dl2-tf CORN WANTED ? WE ALWAYS pay top market price. Hardy's Es so Service Station, Highway 64, near fair grounds, Williamston. j20-4t IAI DSlIl IUVWTUJW I Mills, Feed Mixers at no advance in price, new or used, liberal terms. See or write E. B. Harrison, Box 479, Bennettsville, S. C. )20-f3 PAUL JONES' FILLING STATION stock and fixtures for sale. A good business and a splendid location. If interested, see Paul Jones, William ston, at once. j20-2t FOR SALE: OIL-BURNING HEAT er, suitable for heating two or more rooms. Excellent condition. Low price, $25.00. Telephone 312-W or address C. A. L., Enterprise, Wil liamston, N. C. jl6-2t STORE FOR RENT ? BUILDING formerly occupied by the Bowl ing Alley. Apply to Miss Edith S tailings. jl3-4t TWO TWO-HORSE CROPS FOR rent or tenant farming. Good acreage of all money crops on the Rainbow farm. D. W. Downs, Hob good. N. C. jl3-4t MAJESTIC RANGE AND WOOD stvoe for sale. Both good bargains. Rev. J. H. Smith, Williamston, N. C. FOR SALE: SIX ROOM HOUSE, IN good condition, large lot, conven iently located, reasonably priced. F. W. Hoyt, Smithfield. j!3-4t T3* cmuNfimmm { V-C Fertilizer For Your Plant Bed LOCAL SALESMAN An,I Martin Supply Co. LOCAL AGENT Complete Stock Available At All Timet For Either Plant Bedt Or Regular Crop*. WAREHOUSE LOCATED ON THE RAILROAD?OLD STALLS BLDG. R A DIO REPAIRING Bring us your Radio for Repairs. All work guaranteed. Reason able Charges. Western Auto Store W. J. Miller, Owner "I. WILLIAMSTON IN MAPCCLU lr HIOIIIK tw SMART i?rU. Final Clearance OF ALL FALL ANI) WINTER Dresses & Coats III spile of rifting priors, wo profor elos ing lliofto Dronnt ntt?l Coats out rather than oarry them over for the following season. BUY NOW AND SAVE! Group I DRESSES ? Values To $8.95 Clearance Price $4.00 Group II DRESSES ? Values To $12.95 Clearance Price $6.00 Croup III DRESSES ?Values To $16.95 Clearance Price $8.00 All Evening Dresses and Wraps 1-2 PRICE ?One Croup of BLACK COATS Values to $17.95 Now $10.00 If your size is in the group of Coats not listed, the reductions are too drastic to list for single garments. NQW IS THE TIME TO BUY FOR TATER USE ? THESE PRICES WILL NOT BE REPEATED. No Charges ? No Alterations All Sales Are Final! Ikw^oiisBwAm WILLIAMSTON, N. C.

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