In Atlanta Last Week-end Mr. John Tullos made a business trip to Atlanta last week-end. Were Business Visitors Here Messrs. E. G. Anderson and J. R Winalow, of Robersonville, were here yesterday attending to busi ness. a Return to Norfolk Mrs. David Mizelle and little daughter have returned to their home in Norfolk after a visit here with Mrs. Mizelle's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Weaver. Spends Week-end Here Miss Irene Mizelle, of Plymouth, spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. Asa Crawford. a Visit in Belhaveo Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart spent the week-end with relatives in Belhaven. In Benson Last Week-end Misses Mary Whitley and Mary Benson spent the week-end in Ben son. Visits in Chapel Hill Miss Blanche Harrison spent the week-end with friends in Chapel Hill. Is Undergoing Treatment Miss Mildred Everett is undergo ing treatment in a Richmond hospi tal. a Spends Week-end Here Miss Josephine Grant, of Garys burg and Edenton, spent the week end here with Mr. and Mrs W J. Hodges. Visit in Leggetts Mrs. C. A Harrison, Mrs. C. B Clark, Jr., and Mrs. John Tullos and little son, John, Jr.. spent the week end with Mrs. Blanche Anderson in Leggetts. In Raleigh Last Week-end Mr. C. D. Carstarphen was in Ral eigh last week-end attending to business. Was Here 8unday Miss Ernestine Barber, of San ford, visited friends here Sunday. Attend Rationing Meet Msesrs J A. Everett, of Palmyra Herbert L. Roebuck, of Cross Roadi and C. C. Martin, of Jamesville, wer present for the regular meeting a the Martin County tire rationin board here yesterday At Camp Lee Sunday Mrs. Sadie Peel and Mr and Mrs E. S Peel and son, Bill Bob, visited Francis Peel at Camp Lec. Va., on Sunday. Spends Week-end Here Miss Eva Peel, teacher in the Wel rion schools, spent the week-end here with her mother, Mrs. Sadie Peel. Visit in Norfolk Mr. and Mrs Harold Vick visited in Norfolk over the week-end. In Goldsboro Sunday Mr Russell Roebuck visited in Goldsboro Sunday. He will leave Thursday for New York to begin training with the Naval Reserve. ??? Visits in Washington City Miss Clarine Duke visited in Washington City over the week-end. ? In Ahoskie Sunday Mr. Clarence Britton visited his parents in Ahoskie Sunday. Visits in Greensboro Miss Grace Barnhill spent the week-end in Greensboro HIKIS QUICK Try? (l)shrinks swollen membranes, (2) soothes irrita tion- (3) relieves transient nasal con gssnnii. . And brings great- ym. t~*. er breathing comfort 1 ? You'll like It I Follow ? directions In folder. MrTBQ-MOt This Helps, Too Visits in Whitakers Miss {Catherine Bradley visited at her home in Whitakers over the week-end. Among the many helpful hints sug gested for handling articles to aid in conserving rubber, is this hint to women on how girdles should be put on properly. This model shows how the girdle should be rolled and care fully pulled over the hips, then un rolled upward into position desired. After washing, the girdle should not be dried over a radiator or in direct ?"Might. Spend Week-end Hare Mr. and Mrs. James Wilkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Walston, of Scot land Neck, visited Mr and Mrs. E T. Whitehead over the week-end * la Visiting Here Mr. Hardy Thompson, of Golds boro, isivisiting here for a few days Spend Week-end Here Mrs Cecil Neville and son, Cecil, Jr., spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Griffin In Tarboro Sunday Mr. and Mrs George Thorpe and Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Worrell visited Mr. and Mrs B. B Rogerson in Tar boro Sunday ? Spends Week-end Here Mr Dan Sharpe, t of Greenville, visited here last week-end Visit in Robersonville Mr. and Mrs H. R Williams and daughter visited Mrs. H. A Gray in Robersonville last week-end. In Smithfield Last Week-end Mrs. W E. Old visited in Smith field, Va., and Norfolk over the i week-end. a Was Here Last Week-end Whit Purvis, of Goldsboro, spent the week-end here visiting his moth er, Mrs. Daisy Purvis. Visits Here Sunday Mr. Haywood Fountain visited Mr. and Mrs E T. Whitehead here Sun day. At Camp Lee Sunday Mrs. D. R Davis visited at Camp Lee, Va., Sunday. a Spend Week-end Here Mrs. Edward Pascoe and little son, Edward Ransom Pascoe, of Birming ham, visited Mr. and Mrs Wheeler Martin here over the week-end. In Trenton Last Week-end Mrs. Erah Cobb and her guest, Mrs. Nell Newell, of Louisburg, vis ited in Trenton last week-end. HONOR RECENT BRIDE Mrs. Hildreth Mobley and Mrs. Bill Howell were joint hostesses at a miscellaneous shower Friday night honoring Mrs. Ralph Mobley. a re cent bride. The shower was held at the home of Mrs Mobley and wras attended by many friends of the bride. During the evening bridge and bingo were play ed. i Spends Week-end Here Miss Evelyn Harrison was home from Durham last week-end. Was Here Yesterday Mrs. J. A. Everett, of Palmyra, vis ited-here yesterday. Visiting in Maryland Mrs. Jim Manning is spending a few days with relatives in Maryland She was accompanied as far as Cape { Charles by Mr. Manning and Mr and Mrs. J. O Mnnmg Sunday In Durham Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Harrison and Mrs. Kate York visited in Dur ham yesterday. ? Visiting In Portsmouth Mrs. J. W Andrews is spending a few days in Portsmouth with rela tives In Norfolk Yetserday Miss Ruth Ward visited in Nor folk yesterday a Leaves for Fortress Monroe Mrs Anne Askew, for several years associated with the WPA of fice here, left yesterday afternoon for Fortress Monroe to enter private employment Mrs Askew made many friends here who deeply re gret her leaving. ?? Visit Here Yesterday Mr and Mrs. Herbert Sexton, of Jamesville, visited here yesterday. In High Point This Week Garland Woolard is in High Point this week attending the annual furniture show ? Return from Mt. Airy Mr and Mrs Bill Forrest returned here over the week-end from Mt. Airy where they spent several days with relatives of Mr Forrest. Was Here Yesterday Bond Gillam, of Windsor, was a visitor here yesterday. Visits Here Sunday Miss Lola Phillips, of Washington, visited here Sunday In Spring Green Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wynne visit Visit Here Sunday Misses Ruth Britt. Ida Ruth Knowles, Jane Williams and Emily Murphey, E.C.T.C students who taught here as practice teachers the first term of school, visited here Sun day Spend Week-end Here Mr and Mrs Coley Crockett, of Yorktown, and Mrs Gertrude Kirp ley and little daughter. Jane, spent the week-end here with Mr and Mrs. C. G. Crockett Recovers from Illness Friends of Mrs. Thessie Barnhill will be glad to learn that she has re covered from an attack of influen za. t In Norfolk Saturday Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Crawford and Mr. and Mrs Henry Wynn visited in Norfolk Saturday. Is III at Her Home Friends of Mrs. Ella Wynn will be sorry to learn that she is ill at her home in Bear Grass In Bear Grass Sunday - Miss Irene Hodges, of Washington! City, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J P. Hodges, in Bear Grass on Sunday. Birth Announcement Mr and Mrs. James Russell Cher ry announce the birth of a son Fri day at the Brown Community hos pital. Mrs Cherry was the former Miss Euzelia Harris In Bear Grass Sunday Mr. James D. Taylor, of Raleigh, | visited in Bear Grass Sunday. Spends Week-end Here Miss Viola Harrison, who is in I training at a Baltimore hospital, vis-1 ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs Hen rv Harrison, last week-end Are 111 At Their Home Friends of Miss Grace Bailey a Miss Hazel Harris will be sorry learn that they are ill. In Bear Grass Sunday Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Thomas. Jr.. of | Raleigh, visited in Bear Grass Sun day. Visit in Bear Grass Messrs. Harry Wynn, Elbert H ris and Ronald White, students A. C. College, Wilson, visited tl parents in Bear Grass over the we end. ??? Was Here Last Week-end Mrs. Charles Davis, of Baltim visited her husband here last w< end. Spend Week-end Here Mrs. Ben Barnhill and Miss V Hassell and Frances Barnhill, Durham, visited friends and relat here last week-end. FARMERS? START RIGHT BY USING THE FAMOUS ^ ARMOUR FERTILIZERS We Have A Sumoly Ready For Immediate Delivery At The NEW FARMERS WAREHOUSE SEE US FOR THE RIGHT PRICE! H. Leman J. Edward Barnhill?Corey WILUAMSTON, N. C. Convoy on the Pacific This remarkable photo released by the Navy Department, shows soldiers, sailors and civilian passengers relaxing on the deck of one of the ships that recently crossed the Pacific in convoy. The wearing of life belts at all times was compulsory. The convoy's ports of embarka tion and debarkation were not disclosed. It reached its destination safely. I ntent Additions To The Enterprise Mailing t.isl Listed among the recent additions to the Enterprise mailing list are the following: Bill Gay, Williamston, Lewis Mod lin, Jamesville, A-sa J. Hardison. Jamesvilie; Mary Sessoms, Rober sonville; Haywood Harrell. Oak City, M La. Roberson, Palmyra; M S. Cowan. Robersonville; C. W. Gur kni, Williamston; Neal Godard. Jamesville; Z. N Roberson, James vilie; B. S Courtney, Williamston; F. U. Barnes, Williamston; H. C. Green, Williamston; James Bailey, Williamston; E H Harrell, Oak City; W H. Williams. Williamston; B. L Moon-, Williamston; J. W. Wig gins. Jamesville. Mrs N. S. Bullock, Everetts; H. P. Mobley, Williamston; K. D. Worrell, Williamston; Carroll Jones, Williamston; Ben I) Courtney, Williamston; Sarah Dancy, Oak City, Wm. R James, Jamesville; E. R. Os borne, Robersonville, Mrs. L B Har rison, Williamston; Dick Smith, Wil liamston. Williamston Cafe. William ston; Seth Bailey, Williamston; Jul ius Peel, Williamston; Marvin Jones, Jamesville; W S Hunt, Zebulon; Geo. E Roberson, Williamston; K. R. Cullifer, Williamston; Annie Moore. Jamesville ? ? ? . . ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Julius Thomas Barn hill will observe their golden wed ding anniversary with an informal reception at their home on Hough ton Street here Tuesday evening, January 27th The following invitation is 'being issued: "Mr. and Mrs Rufus Vernon Bunting invite you to be present for the 50th anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Thomas Barn hill, on Tuesday evening, January 27, from eight until ten o'clock. Wil liamston, North Carolina Julius Thomas Barnhill Talitha Wynne." No invitations are being mailed in Williamston or Everetts, but the pub lic is invited Visit Here Sunday Mrs. B J. Bateman, Loi raiuo-Bate man ami Eva Ourgainis. of Newport News, visited relatives here Sunday. In Charlotte for Few Days Mr. Wigg Watts is a business visi tor in Charlotte for a few days At Pamlico Sunday Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Rhodes visited at Pamlico Beach Sunday Visits Here Last Week-end Miss Virgil Ward, who is a student at E C T C . Greenville, visited her mother, Mis Lucy Ward, here last week-end Spend Week-end Here Dr. and Mrs J. L Spencer and lit tle daughter, Mary Morton, ol Ports? mouth. visited friends here lasf week-end. ? Was Here laud Week-end C. T. Roberson, student at State College. Raleigh, visited his mother, Mrs. Theodore Roberson. here last week-end. Shop Here Saturday Miss Margaret Peele, of Plymouth; Mrs. David Grimes, Jr., and Mrs David Grimes, Sr., Mrs. J. T. Tay lor, of Robersonville, and Miss Rose mary Nestor, of Plymouth, shopped here Saturday Spend Week-end Here Joe Creel, of Dunn, and Miss Beth j Gnrdnn, of Stem, visited Mrs. Daisy j Purvis here last week-end. In Washington City Sunday Miss Bolton Cowen visited in1 Washington City Sunday Is in Local Hospital Mrs. E. N Hardison a tn the' Brown Community hospital here for treatment Visiting in Jamesville Mrs. F. R Simpson, of Norfolk, is visiting her sister in Jamesville Were Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowen and son, of Washington City, visited Miss Anne Hardison here Sunday. Spends Week-end Here Miss Eleanor Taylor, of Norfolk, visited Mrs. Bob Taylor here last week-end. ? In Edenton Sunday Mrs. S. R Biggs visited in Eden ton Sunday Mrs. Winnie Dances Mrs. Winston Churchill, wife of Britain's Prime Minister, is shown enjoying a dance with a munitions worker at a recreation center in the north of England Join Scrap-Mclal? Collection Drive You ran do a real good turn tow- , ard helping Ink the Axi by join ing or starting a scrap-metal col lection drive. Uncle Sam Heeds that leaky old washboiler, that i usty old bedspring. The steel nulls are really getting desperately short on scrap. The flow of such "junk'.' is natural ly much stcrwee m cold weather any J way-, and all during the milder months the steel production pace was such that the mills couldn't build up their scrap stockpiles as they ordi narily do. Automobile' "graveyards'' offer a tremendous source of scrap steel. It's true that usable parts that can In- recovered from these auto graveyards are, logically, being fuk <n off and stored up against the ex pected demand for them as new-part manufacture dwindles but there's still a great lo.t of useful scrap in the frames, motors and bodies of those "highway has-beens" I.oral V oiiiik Man Safe iml R oll In Tho Navy Calling his mother,- Mrs. Mary Bonner Gurganus, by long distance telephone from San Francisco last Sunday evening, Eli Gurganus ad vised that he was safe and well and getting along all right. Askew where he was going, the young man ex plained that "nobody knew." The young man was at Pearl Har bor back in December but went through that terrible ordeal without mishap . Announce llonor Kol! In Gold I'oinl Srlioid The second term honor roll for the Gold Point School carries the names of seven pupils, as follows First grade Delois Weaver Second grade: Peggy Johnson and Bobby Britton. Third grade: Frank Brown and Louise Weaver, Fourth grade: Garland Hardison riftn grade m. h mmlisnn They Grow 'Km l.arne In Griffin? Towmhifi Hens produce large eggs out ir Griffins Township as a usual thing but last Saturday Mrs Charlie G Gurkin spied an unusually large one Weighing four ounces, the egg meas ured 8 by 6 1 2 inches Mrs. Gurkit was certain it was a hen egg as then are no other fowls on the planta tiuii. re?" : 1 ? $ Hfgh Food production is at record higl levels, buying power of consumer is the greatest ever, and prices ant income are averaging the best in I dccadc or more. Honor Students In The Local Schools A total of 156 names appear on the honor rolls of the third penodM-re leased from the principal s office to day Ninety-nine of the honor stu lents are enrolled in the elementary school and 57 in the high ?*ooL Honor roll I. which includes botl scolarship and perfect attendance carries 82 elementary names and 4s high school. Honor Roll 11 is scholar ship only In the ease of high schoo Students the honor lists are baaed or averages for the fall semester whicl ? nded last week The honor lists fol low . First grade honor mil l J.^Cher rv Jimmy Council, Jesse Cowan James Moore, Russell R^-rson Car Tavlor. Rufus Wynne, William R-> Wynne; honor roll II Nora Ma. IIOIlOl If" 41 Cherry, Sue Joe Rogers. JimmieTay lor. James Herbert Coltra.n, Jame, Howard Harham - -tt-r T-.cki, Hrronct praito irrmor r??tt I J'uKl lianas. Pamela Taylor. Keith Hoy. tannine Bryant. Bobby C,off. Ben nie Moore Ernest Taylor, Jerry A - Crook, Hubert Chesson. Bohh, Rog Roland Rogerson, Cllfloi ?*rsi>n. t\oidnw tv.h WIntaker. Willie lam Boweft. Mar. Pout- Cherry. lUrel Jones, bono roll 11 Anne Jones Gordon Hot k?'s. Selma Page. Helen Nicholson Janie Koborson Hiird grade honor roll I Sam lay lor Hobby Clayton. Jack Awards .,m,mv Myers, Bill Spruilf UndoII. Ward Boris Andrews. Louise Cor el F.ii/abeth Griffin. Mane Griffin Betsy llorton. Barbara Jackson. Dor M inning;?Alll'l' FO.lkTriai.ic Harriet Ward. Ann Woolard .... . ..l m ;,.la, vlcnn Hll PecW* Harriet waiu, luniri roll 11 Joseph Nicholson Bil Hob Heel. Helen Ch.sson, Mary C Eeggctt. .lean McLawhorn. Rub Savag. Betty Rhodes Taylor. Bitt. \' il LI*'. L ?*- tl? ??? (; Watson. Rose Marie Hatton Fourth grade honor roll I Warrei . ... u......rt ChesSOI! Kourtn "im.v - Coti Flank Wviine. Rupert ( hesson Ronald Leven. Chesson K ch el Chesson. Jessie Mae Melsor I li/alieth Whitley. Mary Ellen Ward Eli/abelh Whitley. Mary Ellen Ward roll II Rush Bondurant Tom mv I.ilybet Muse. Russcl Carey l.uther l'ate Battle Moore Fifth grade honor roll I Shirle Tavlor. Dorothy Rodgerson, Lit Page Clayton lladlcy. Johnny f \lW,rook. Billy Edwards. Land t;1111 in. Sally Hardison; honor ro| 11 Doris. Culliph.T, Julian Masoi i. oil Peel. Zack Hiephoff. Sixth grade honor roll 1 Margare Ward. Thelma Ward. Laura 1 ranee Peel Carrie Dell Peaks, Gertrud Ml I . .w horn, Dennis Moore. Bai toil., Margolis, Mary Lou Clti an roll II Delia Wynne. Jea Still. He. -Lucy Robert,,,u, Don Savage John Gurkin, Edna lladl.J Mat v lladlcy, Shirley Jones. Lol mat y . Peele. Ola Rogers. Melha Revels Seventh glade honor roll I Da M-vniiii ^i??v.v Howen. Hugh llorton, J. . Rich Letin, Lucy Andrews, Louise Gri I.enn, i.u.> "... II,1. Gloria Haynian. Louis. ... Eli^wbeth Hopkins, Dorothy Leg get Elizabeth Manning, Elizabeth Pal Gril Hmei Elizabeth Manning. orrT--Eh7atrrm:TaTl'TTrnunT.dI Whit. Edward Beach, William Nelson. Mai .one Martin, Joyce Taylot'; bono roll 11 Evelyn Bowen, Hatty Rul Muse. Ella Kay Rogerson Eighth grade honor roll 1 H.i Honor Students In School At Everetts The honor roll for the Everetts school is as follows: First grade: Boyd Bailey, Joe Ann Keel, Rachel Mobley, Myrtle Ann Nicholson, Betty Jean Wynne, Lin da Downum. Bobby Clark. Second grade: Lang Martin, Dav id Rogerson, Claudia McKeel, Lil lian Forbes, Herman Haislip. Third grad? James Taylor Bul lock. David Davis. Fourth grade Mary Alice Bailey, Dorothy Jean Ayers. Opal Jones, El vin Haw Is. Fifth grade Tom James, Ruby White Harrison. Sixth grade: Marceline Johnson. I j Clayton Ray Keel, Lee Clark , I Seventh grade Furney James, , Jack Roebuck, Evelyn Ayers, Louise Harrison; Annie Jean Taylor, Elsie . Ray Edmondson, Susie Gray Leg Igett Elvln Silverthorne, Melvin Sil , ? vei tlioi tie, Elsie Lee-Revels, Virginia? Dare Power, Alice Wynne Lih-iiI ) oimx Mnn Will Enter !\aval He nerve "ttli <el I Ro. hu. k> local young man for several months in the employ of the Branch Banking and Trust Com pany. leaves today for New York where he will enter the Naval Re serve. Mr. Roebuck, son of Sheriff and Mrs. C\ B. Roebuck, was to have taken special training at Northwest ern University, but he was advised a short time ago to report to New York where he is slated to board a training ship immediately. /'??//. Farmers Heelaim Land Hy Terracing Polk County farmers took the first i step in reclaiming sub-marginal land in 1941 by terracing certain fields, reports S H. Dobson, Assistant Farm i, ; Agent of the N C.-State College Ex J tension Service Dickens, Syivta Green. Frances Grif fin. Pearl Newborn. Mollie Peaks; honor roll II Earl Moore, Elsie Lang ley Ninth grade honor roll I Jane Goff, Curtis Hopkins, Anne Meador, David Roberson, Joseph Wynne; honor roll: Dalton Jones. Tenth grade honor roll 1 Lenora Melson. Virginia Mines, Bill Peele, J I) Woolard. Luther Peele; honor roll II Richard Margolis, Flossie Peaks, Conrad Getsinger, Julia Clyde Waters. Eleventh gi ade^honor roll I: Jos eph Crurganu.s. Eyelyn Griffin; hun or^roll 11 TheroiV Gurganus, Made lyn Taylor. Catherine Turner. Twelfth grade honor roll 11 War ren Pope, Frances Humble, Eliza beth Bu-rras. Evelyn Wynne, Edith Andrews. HEADACHE I Wli- Yi VOUT In :it!?Sr*--1 ?tid I 111' .-i v , K' ' '' 1 ?' 1 q? il./Kly, i?l< Lmtlv with C:i|>iiclln.- 1 ? n - liciuul Un "iilv h. direct yi druioO-vt* 10c. 30c. 'A c ioj lib DARDENS Super Specials run i s cniiliiilit- lo a<l\uiicr daily. Win mil liny your iicciIh al llicnc -peeial low price*? No item in lliin ailiertinciiiciil can lie rc-pur cIiuhciI at the prices we are offering lo you. VI I. NEW STOCK. LADIES' 1'urin Easliion SHOES Values iii> hi Sfi?Von #2.19 and #8.98 L VINES' SUPPERS Values ii/> lo $ t.00 18c and 97c BLANKET S A L E 69c to #8.98 MEN'S Shirts-Shorts 25c Each MEN'S Korkfonl Work Socks 10c Pair BOYS' 50% Wool JACKETS $E98 LADIES' 1)11 ESSES #1.49 MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS HI! Square Prints To #2.98 ?97e Darden's Dept. Store WILLIAMSTON, 'N. C

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