Civilian America Is To Sacrifice For An All-Out ^ar Effort The President gave the signal and America's war production machin ery. already rolling, switched into high gear Today we are moving at constantly quickening speed along the only sure highway to victory? the hard and rocky road of self sac rifice. There's not a one of the whole 130, 000.000 of us. probably?man. wo man or child?who won't have car ried some part of the burden of this war before it is over, before the Japanese are slapped back onto their own islands and disarmed, before Hitler and his stooge Mussolini and their followers?willing and unwill ing?have been made harmless. Ex pressed in terms of cold cash, the huge 1942 program for tanks and guns and planes and ships will cost more than $400 for every citizen of thftg^ United States ... So far the crisis in materials need ed for this vast production program has been reflected chiefly in the na tion's auto salesrooms and auto sup ply stores. So far it's beer primarily a matter of cars and tires. But already other changes arc on their way. changes which will be re flected in the products displayed on the shelves of tradesmen in thous ands of towns and villages when present stocks are exhausted. Take clothes, for one thing Clothes are going to change They are going to look different, and they are going to be different too That's hrrmisr we are cut off from sources of wool in Australia and New Zealand, and because so much wool is needed for military uniforms There's from 40 to 50 per cent less wool available for civilian use this year and it's going to mean that overcoats probably will be made out of a mixture of virgin wool and re-used wool, and that coats will be shorter and trousers skimpier, and an end. for the dura tion. of the "two-pants suit " The Vital need for more and more alcohol to make explosives is going to change the formula of lots of things on your drugstore shelves Not things you need when you're ill, but things like toothpaste, and per fume. and a great many cosmetic products. The Office of Production management has ruled that no more alcohol may be used in the manufac ture of such products after Apnl 1 To date, despite tremendous lend lease shipments to Britain, there hasn't been any real shortage in any food stuff Nearest approach lo a shortage is in sugar, because much sugar is made from cane, and sugar cane molasses has been .largely used^ to make alcohol..The OPM has order ed distillers equipped to make al cohol from corn or grain to use these materials exclusively. At the same time the Office of Price Administration ordered an up ward adjustment in the price ceiling above refined and other "direct con sumption" sugars, a maximum price advance of 20 cents a 100 pounds This isn't expected to have any im mediate effect on retail prices, be cause retailers now are selling sugar acquired at lower prices. When pres ent stocks are exhausted, however, retailers will have to pay higher wholesale prices to replenish their supplies. The sweeping drive tu conserve metals for war production continues with lead?the raw maUnal for bul lets? latest on the list headed by copper and ^teel, tin ami aluminum. Just as iron and steel priorities meant far fewer refrigerators and no pleasure autos at all; just as tin priorities are working changes in everything from cans to many arti cles customarily found at the five and dime stores; so With restrictions on the use of lead for civilian pur poses. The lead order, effective April 1, will even be felt in the undertaking business?no more lead may be used in caskets or in casket hardware. No more lead, either for automobile body solder, for ballast or keels of pleasure boats, for foil or ornament - al glass or regalia or badges or em blems. Nor for statuary and art goods, toys, tennis court markers. Lead may not be used in bats (a? weights), or in clocks, decoys, golf clubs, dresses and jockey saddles. America's force of war workers No jap, Please! Howard Yip. Chinese welder at a California shipyard, wants to be sure no one mistakes him for an enemy Jap, as he helps build Amer ica's Victory Fleet. He wears this sign on his back reading "Me Chi nese please, no Jap" as he helps along the accelerated program of tint maritime com mi as ion. leaver Again I rges r r Ordering Of Parts Despite scattered reports to the contrary, there is every need for far mers t