Spends Week-end Here Lt. Leslie W Bailey, of Fort Bragg, was the guest of Miss Sarah Holli dav here last week-end. In Norfolk Last Week-end Miss Bernice Ward spent the week end in Norfolk. Move Here Recently Mr and Mrs. M. D. Bnnson have recently moved here from Morehead City. They are now living on Marsh all Avenue. Was Here l,ast Week-end Mr. Rudolph Peele visited his par ents. Mr. and Mrs J, A Peele here last week-end. In Norfolk Thursday Miss Doris Moon visited in N'?r folk Thursday. Confined to Her Home Friends of Mrs Kader Liliev v. ill be sorry to learn that she is confin ed to her home beYause of illness Was Business Visitor Here Mr Alton Harris, of Bear Grass, attended to business here Wednes day. In Tarboro Monday Mrs. J. C. Leggett and Mrs Geo E. Roberson visited in Tarboro Mon day. Shops Here Thursday Mrs. Bob White, of Windsor, shop ped here Thursday Returns from Rocky Mount Mrs. Walter Gurganus has return ed to her home here after spending a few days with friends in Rocky Mount Returns from Philadelphia Mrs William Henry Gurganus. of near here, has returned from a visit with her brother. Private Louis Price, who is ill with pneumonia in a Philadelphia hospital Returns from Norfolk Miss Susie Grimes, of Wilhamston. has returned home after a visit with her sister. Mrs William Peel, of Nor folk. Mr. And Mrs. Barnhill Observe Golden Weeding Anniversary SMITH-TAYLOR Mr. and Mrs. R A Taylor an nounce the marriage of their daugh t< r. Loi- Mac. to Warren Ellis Smith. Jr. of M'ayesville. N. C . son of Mr. and Mrs. W E Smith, on Sunday, January 18. 1942 The marriage took plac in Dillon. S. C. Mr. and Mrs. {?Smith are at homo on Onslow Ter !.!1111\ February Int. I') 12, thin orilinanrr will lir rnforrril. J. L. HASSELL MWOK. Turnage Theatre ? Washington, N. C. Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Feb. 1-2-3 'Babes on Broadway' tcilh Mickey Rooney and Judy (iarland ALSO SELECTED" Wednesday-Thursday February 4-5 "KATHLEEN" Shirley Temple. Herbert Marshall, Laraine Day Friday-Saturday February 6-7 "CONFIRM OK DENY" DON AMECHE and JOAN BENNETT SHORI SUBJECTS SolidCarloadFine Quality Flour Arrived America's Best 21 pounds Si. 00 Sun Gold 24 pounds 90c Metropolitan 21 pounds $1.10 Every Bag Guaranteed . . Better Buy At These Low Prices! Martin Supply Company Colds' Coughing Here's Easy Time-Tested Way To Get Relief Get after those distressing (pells of couching and ease misery of the cold the widely used vlcks way... Boll some water. Pour It Into a bowl. Add a good spoonful of Vlcks VapoRub. Then brsaihe In the steaming medicinal vapors With every breath VapoRub's medication soothes Irritation, quiets coughing, helps clear head and upper breathing passages ADDED RELIEF ... At bedtime FOR / rub Vlcks VapoRub on throat, chest and back. Its poultice-vapor action works for hours to bring you comfort. V / PoultryT ruck Every TUESDAY AT JAMESVILLK 9 to 10 a. m. At HARBISON'S MILL 10:30 to 12 m. AT BEAR GRASS 1 to 3 p. m. Every FRIDAY AT OAK CITY 9 to 11 a. m. AT HAMILTON 11:30 a. m. to 12 m. AT GOLD POINT 1 to 2 p. m. Every SATURDAY AT WILLIAMSTON 9 to 11 a. m. AT EVEHETTS 11:30 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. Colored lions, Leghorn Hens, Stags, Roosters WE PAY TOP MARKET PRICES PITT Poultry Co. GREENVILLE, N. C. STATEMENT OF CONDITION % Martin County Building and Loan Association Of Williamston, N. C., an of December 31*1, 1941. (Copy of sworn statement submitted to insurance commissioner as required by law.) ASSETS The Association Owns: Cash on Hand and in Banks 13,272.55 State of North Carolina and U. S. Government Bonds 7,000.00 Stock in Federal Home Loan Bank 5,600.00 Mortgage Loans 446,135.96 Money loaned to shareholders for the purpose of enabling them to own their homes. Each loan secured by first mort gage on local improved real estate. Share Loans 14,337.57 Advances made to our shareholders against their shares. No loan exceeds 90% of amount actually paid in. Accounts Receivable 1,236.70 Temporary Advances for Insurance. Taxes, Etc. Office Furniture and Fixtures 825.00 Other Assets 4,400.03 TOTAL $492,807.81 LIABILITIES The Association Owes: To Shareholders Funds enli listed to our care in the form of payments on shares as follows: Installment Shares $213,211.00 Full-Paid Shares 211,900.00 425,111.00 Notes Payable, Federal Home Loan Bank 20,000.00 Undivided Profits 31,987.72 Earnings held in trust for distribution to share-holders at maturity of their shares. Reserve for Contingencies 10,000.00 To be used for the payment of any losses, if sustained, "nils reserve increases the safety and strength of the Association. Other Liabilities 5,588.30 * * TOTAL ________$492,807.81 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA?COUNTY OF MARTIN. Veils Andrews Wynne, Treasurer of the above named Association personally appeared before me this day, and being duly sworn, says that the foregoing state ment is true to the best of her knowledge and belief. VELLA ANDREWS WYNNE, Treasurer. Sworn to and subscribed before me. this 26th day of January. 1M2 W. C. GRIFFIN. Notary Public. My commission expires 10-12-42. ;