Advisory Council Is Installed Here Members of the*'local Advisory Council for the Williamston area. 1 recently appointed by Governor Broughton. were installed here last Friday night. The program of install ation was held in the local U. S Em ployment office, with Dr. W R Cur tis. State Unemployment Compensa tion Commission director, in charge The seven-member council is com posed of Mrs. Elbert Peel. Hugh Mor ton. Francis Manning. George H. Har rison. R. W Bondurant and Herman Bowen. of Williamston, and J C Swain, of Plymouth. These members represent employers, employees and the public as a whole in this section, j The council will meet periodically. ; as conditions may require. C W Bazemore. manager of the Williams- i ton office of the Ur S. Employment Service, is local secretary. Dr. Curtis outlined duties of the | vouneil. which like others _over J In state, will strive to promote coopera tion among all local groups and agen cies. to further public understanding of various governmental services; and to advise on problems relating to Employment Security, unemploy ment. business conditions, and Na t ion a 1 Defense. All public employ ment offices weK: taken over by the U. S. Government on January 1, 1942 The Williamston unit of the Em ployment Service opened here in 1937, with the present manager set ting up'the office to cover the coun ties of Martin. Beaufort. Washing ton. Hyde and Tyrrell. Over 5.000 placements?>?rn made since then in these counties. The William ston office has also taken many thousands of Unemployment Claims and paid out approximately $220,000 in weekly benefit checks in these five counties. Martin County has about 50 busi ness firms covered by Unemploy ment Compensation and about 2.000 covered employees. The local employment office has the standard nation-wide Occupa tional Dictionary system in effect. Workers who register or apply for jobs, are listed according to their work experience and qualifications | Orders come in from many other sections of the country Labor for j Defense projects is recruited. Much | valuable data and information on lo cal employment and business condi- | tiohs is compiled and furnished the State and Federal Government by this and other public employment! offices. Mr Robert A Wadsworth. field supervisor of the Eastern Carolina offices, was present with Dr. Curtis here Friday night. He spoke of the 'great labor needs elsewhere, of the fine accomplishments possible to. the local council, of the hard and impoYt ant tasks ahead for this service agen cy. and of the need for utmost local Support and cooperation in our all out war effort Others present included: J K -PhD*', Richjud Smith. Rev. John Goff. L. C Tripp County Supt James Vv\ Study Course Is Instituted in the Local Hi<;li School (Continued from page one) can Red Cross will be taught. The Safety course will deal largely with home and school safety, safety on the highways, and fire prevention. An attempt will be- made also to ac quaint the students with the various safety-/lessons which the Office of Civilian Defense is attempting to teach a nation at war. According to D. N Mix, principal. < ach of the juniors and seniors will complete tin- three short courses by the end of the school term. . In addition to the special courses, the new program includes a definite period of physical education for each of the high school classes. Rec irational activities, games, calisthen ics. and general marching are pro vided for in the schedule now in op eration. with the hour period divid ed equally between tin- formal coui ? s and these activities. Adjustments m the schedule and .1 slight extension of the school'day provide'time for the new program. As a part of a state and nation wide emphasis Sylvia S Clary damiing. I. B Birmingham and the siioimm.m; si'rkk 1 The feverish national shopping spree continues unabated as customers stock their pantries, clothes closets and linen presses against threatened shortages. Department store sales for four weeks average 34 per cent above a year ago, and other storekeep ers report distinctly abnormal demand for about 50 items and commodities. OPA has been giv en power to ration all consumers' goods, but until the machinery for official limiting of purchases can be set up it'll be largely a matter of customers' patriotism, conscience and good taste that determine whether the buying wave is confined to prudent an ticipation of needs or breaks ov er into the category of hoarding. Old timers say that, generally speaking, hoarding is not as rife now as during World War I . . . they're confident that pressure of public opinion and disapprov al by "the neighbors" is holding in check any tendency for cus tomers to stock up outlandishly, at the expense of fellow-consum ers. World Awaits Next Ste|> By Japanese In The Far Pacific (Continued from page one) ' {?r New Hol land where they will be quartered Wants FOR QUICK QUALITY DRY ? o fPlng service? bring your clothes o Pittman s. One day service on any garment. Suits, coats and dresses 55 cents, cash and carry. 85c delivered. Pittman s Cleaners. f3-tf SODA SHOP FOR SALE: IF INTER ested, see me at once. John H. Gur ganul_______ f3-2t SOW LOST OR STRAYED: COLOR red and weighs approximately 200 pounds. J. Edwin Corey, care Sit terson Farm, Williamston. WANTED? TWO TENANT FAM farmCS'iWhlte ?,r colored- to work on . farm. Jarven Leggett, Gold Point. ' f3-4t HOG STRAYED . . . NOW IN MY possession. Owner may have same if he pays the cost of this ad and the au J* ?eep,n? hog J E Moore, c-o Williamston R.F.D. TWO YOUNG MULES FOR SALE. See Charley Moore. WnTiamstoh. ' f3-2t WANTED! LIBERAL ALLOWANCE made for good used suits in trade on ,new ones. 500 suits to select from. This Offer good on made-to-measure siuts also Pittman's. j30-2t APARTMENT FOR RENT: LOCAT^ ed on second floor. Desirable lo cation. See or call George Harris. Williamston Hardware Co. j27-2t FOR SALE: LARGE ASSORTMENT used suits in good condition. All colors and styles. $4.95 to $10.00 Plttmans- *30-21 for SALE: HOUSE ANdToT IN good condition and in good loca CORN WANTED ? WE ALWAYS pay top market price. Hardy's Es so Service Station, Highway 84, near air grounds. Williamston. f3-4t SPECIAL NOTICE! WHY~ NOT economize by bringing your clean ing here. Suits, coats and dresses cleaned for 55c cash and carry 65c delivered. All work guaranteed. One day service. Pittman's. Phone 168. .. _ j30-2t JAY BEE HAMMER MILLS GRIST Mills, Feed Mixers at no advance in price, new or used, liberal terms See or write E. B. Harrison, Box *79 Bennettsville, S. C. j20-f3 BABY CHICKS?N. C. AND STATE approved from day olds to three weeks old, of^xtra fine quality, from as good blood lines as there is in the anf?' ee'',,US before you buy phone 603-J, Sullivan Hatchery. Washine to"' N' C- _ j27-8t WE PAY CASH FOR CORN. WIL^ liamston Hardware Co. dl2-tf Calling Card s r i: c i a l Kml tossed I (HI <{.">