Advisory Council Is Installed Here Members of the*'local Advisory Council for the Williamston area. 1 recently appointed by Governor Broughton. were installed here last Friday night. The program of install ation was held in the local U. S Em ployment office, with Dr. W R Cur tis. State Unemployment Compensa tion Commission director, in charge The seven-member council is com posed of Mrs. Elbert Peel. Hugh Mor ton. Francis Manning. George H. Har rison. R. W Bondurant and Herman Bowen. of Williamston, and J C Swain, of Plymouth. These members represent employers, employees and the public as a whole in this section, j The council will meet periodically. ; as conditions may require. C W Bazemore. manager of the Williams- i ton office of the Ur S. Employment Service, is local secretary. Dr. Curtis outlined duties of the | vouneil. which like others _over J In state, will strive to promote coopera tion among all local groups and agen cies. to further public understanding of various governmental services; and to advise on problems relating to Employment Security, unemploy ment. business conditions, and Na t ion a 1 Defense. All public employ ment offices weK: taken over by the U. S. Government on January 1, 1942 The Williamston unit of the Em ployment Service opened here in 1937, with the present manager set ting up'the office to cover the coun ties of Martin. Beaufort. Washing ton. Hyde and Tyrrell. Over 5.000 placements?>?rn made since then in these counties. The William ston office has also taken many thousands of Unemployment Claims and paid out approximately $220,000 in weekly benefit checks in these five counties. Martin County has about 50 busi ness firms covered by Unemploy ment Compensation and about 2.000 covered employees. The local employment office has the standard nation-wide Occupa tional Dictionary system in effect. Workers who register or apply for jobs, are listed according to their work experience and qualifications | Orders come in from many other sections of the country Labor for j Defense projects is recruited. Much | valuable data and information on lo cal employment and business condi- | tiohs is compiled and furnished the State and Federal Government by this and other public employment! offices. Mr Robert A Wadsworth. field supervisor of the Eastern Carolina offices, was present with Dr. Curtis here Friday night. He spoke of the 'great labor needs elsewhere, of the fine accomplishments possible to. the local council, of the hard and impoYt ant tasks ahead for this service agen cy. and of the need for utmost local Support and cooperation in our all out war effort Others present included: J K -PhD*', Richjud Smith. Rev. John Goff. L. C Tripp County Supt James Vv\ Study Course Is Instituted in the Local Hi<;li School (Continued from page one) can Red Cross will be taught. The Safety course will deal largely with home and school safety, safety on the highways, and fire prevention. An attempt will be- made also to ac quaint the students with the various safety-/lessons which the Office of Civilian Defense is attempting to teach a nation at war. According to D. N Mix, principal. < ach of the juniors and seniors will complete tin- three short courses by the end of the school term. . In addition to the special courses, the new program includes a definite period of physical education for each of the high school classes. Rec irational activities, games, calisthen ics. and general marching are pro vided for in the schedule now in op eration. with the hour period divid ed equally between tin- formal coui ? s and these activities. Adjustments m the schedule and .1 slight extension of the school'day provide'time for the new program. As a part of a state and nation wide emphasis <?n Fit?;ilth, physical examinations will he given juniors and seniors and a follow-up program to corn et remedial defects attempt ed Students m these classes will he examined by public health authori ties at an e arly date Tlie following teachers, with the assistance <?t all high school faculty members, are conducting the new program Health and Nutrition, Madge (Ilazener; First Aid. Jack Butler; Physical Education. Sam Ed wards A marriage license was issued this county ve sterday to Leslie David Colt ram and Lillian Doieas Buchan t an. both ot Williamston. Mr and Mrs. Willie- Morton, of Gree nville-, visited here Sunday. ? ?(..I office staff: Manager C. W. lazemore. Intel vie-we-rs Mark Ross did William Cross, and Typist-Clerk dr> Sylvia S Clary damiing. I. B Birmingham and the siioimm.m; si'rkk 1 The feverish national shopping spree continues unabated as customers stock their pantries, clothes closets and linen presses against threatened shortages. Department store sales for four weeks average 34 per cent above a year ago, and other storekeep ers report distinctly abnormal demand for about 50 items and commodities. OPA has been giv en power to ration all consumers' goods, but until the machinery for official limiting of purchases can be set up it'll be largely a matter of customers' patriotism, conscience and good taste that determine whether the buying wave is confined to prudent an ticipation of needs or breaks ov er into the category of hoarding. Old timers say that, generally speaking, hoarding is not as rife now as during World War I . . . they're confident that pressure of public opinion and disapprov al by "the neighbors" is holding in check any tendency for cus tomers to stock up outlandishly, at the expense of fellow-consum ers. World Awaits Next Ste|> By Japanese In The Far Pacific (Continued from page one) <?Ik ervi i ? Yesterday, Jap planes were hovering over Bangka Island, about 220 miles, from Batavia. "'Bangka, noted for its rich tin de posits. is off the Sumatra coast and would serve as an intermediate step ping stone for a direct Japanese on slaught against Java, seat of the Un ited Nations command. "From unconfirmed sources," the Dutch communique said, "it has been concluded that Pontianak has been occupied by the Japanese." The Dutch announced last week the vital installations and equipment at Pantianak had been destroyed af ter Japanese troops landed at Pem angkut, 85 miles to the north, and began pushing south along the coast al road. Possession of Pontianak gave the Japanese an important base to raid allied shipping in the Java Sea be tween Batavia and Singapore to the northwest. . - ? Presumably the eastern arm of a Japanese thrust toward Java still was held up in the Balik Papan area on Macassar Strait, where combin ed Dutch Americn action exacted a heavy toll of Japanese ships last week. But the situation at Amboina Is land. site of a big Dutch naval base between Celebes and New Guinea off the Australian north mainland, ap parently was critical. Today's com munique said no further word had been received from either Amboina, or the defenders fighting in the Ken dari region of Eastern Celebes. The Tokyo radio, which announc ed the seizure of Pontianak yester on Amboina were approaching the big military airdrome there after a landing effected Saturday. The Dutch said guerrilla warfare on the Minahassa Peninsula in northeastern Celebes was continuing and reported scattered Japanese at tacks from the air. United States planes are figuring to a gieatei caU'iU lf\ the Far East, late reports stating that American fliers had shot down two more Jap transports and damaged a third. In Russia, the German generals are calling for help, their last appeals clearly indicating that unless help is forthcoming a large Russian break through can be expected. They are asking for twenty fresh divisions. SO KIT Hitter has transferred iwo, di visions to Russia, one from Poland and one from Greece. The Yugoslavs are at it again, one report stating that the guerrilla bands had killed a number of Germans and wrecked vital German war plants. With the aid of Goering. Mussolini was brought back into the public print today when the two met. Some thing big is expected out of Rome The Eighth Week Of The War 1 (Continued from page one) Senate a record naval appropriation bill of $18 billion in cash and an ad ditional $4 billion in contract author izations to build the Navy to unpre cedented strength. The Senate Ap propriations Committee, at the re quest of President Roosevelt, added another $6 billion to the bill to strengthen the naval air arm. The Marine Corps announced regulations for enlistment of 6,000 men 30 to 50 /or guard duty at naval shore sta tions. The Corps revised require ments to permit only college juniors and seniors and qualified enlisted men to enroll in its reserve officers' candidate class. The Navy waived minimum age requirement of 25 years for loaders, leading men and quartermen in Navy yards and plants under Navy jurisdiction The Navy is recruiting skilled construction workers for work at naval bases out side continental United States. Production The Army Ordnance Department estimated it has been spending $21 million a day for the past five weeks for 1.200 various types of items in cluding ammunition, small arms, ar tillery, tanks, etc The Army an nounced its new 105 mm. howitzer is no win mass production. War Pro duction Chairman Nelson told a meeting in New York C'ty the job facing businessmen is to rush war contracts through to completion "without stopping to count the cost." The War Production Board an nounced a simplified production re quirements plan to speed conversion of small manufacturers doing less than $100,000 business a year. The Board also set up a special section to collect information on all vacant in dustrial buildings so the Army and Navy procurement branches can award contracts in such a way as to utilize these buildings. Conversion of Automobile Industry Ernest Kanzler, WPB official in charge of converting the automobile industry to war production, said the industry up to January 16 had orders for $8 billion worth of guns, tanks, planes and other war material. He said the industry's present employ ment of 500,000 workers may be doubled when peak war production is reached late this year. He said lack of machine tools is the present bot tleneck in the conversion effort but labor supply may be the next big problem. Aliens Attorney General Biddle ordered all German, Japanese and Italian na tionals to leave specified vital areas in San Francisco and Los Angeles by February 24. Mr. Biddle said 27 ad ditional prohibited areas recom mended by the War Department would be published later. Priorities and Allocations The Senate passed and sent to the House a second War Powers Bill ex tending the?Government's lequisi tioning power and carrying crimi nal penalties for violations of the priorities system. The WPB cut radio production by 40 per cent, prohibit ed use of aluminum except on war contracts, and restricted consump tion of nickel, brass and copper for advertising and decorative purposes to 50 per cent of last year. The board also announced it will withhold a percentage of canned goods in 1942 to insure ample supplies of certain foods for the armed forces War Production Chairman Nelson I placed full authority in the Office I of Price Administration to ration all goods and commodities sold on the retail market and for goods to satis fy personal needs. Price Administra-' tor Henderson said initial sugar sales under the rationing plan to be in augurated next month probably will bo restricted to 12 ounces a week for each individual. The Department of Justice announced the Antitrust Di vision is investigating the practice of requiring customers to purchase designated amounts of groceries in order to obtain limited amounts of | sugar. i Pick-up Trucks Not Eligible For Tires, County Board Rules (Continued from page one) ing out to become serious for some. A widow and her small child were traveling through here a few days ago when one of her car tires blew out. Although employed by the gov ernment in an important position. I she will hardly be able to establish a classification and purchase a tire. | One of her tires blew out. and the I spare was not guaranteed by the station operator to last'her until she | got home. While some i their jobs because they can't get I tires, thousands are riding here and | there after an helter-skelter fash ion. Observers, hearing questions from | The British are still fa in Libya, and the Japs have permcat-1 ed Burma defenses. No official report has been releas-1 ed, but it is thought that at least 20 German subs have been sunk along | the Atlantic coast in recent weeks. The tabulation below offers an un official account of ship losses in the | Pacific: Jap Allied I Type ol ship SunVTtH Sunk Hit] Battleships 2 4 4 Aircraft Carrier 1 Cruisers 3 10 Destroyers 12 4 5 Submarines 10 1 2 Transports 47 24 Supply Ships 5 2 Tankers 2 1 Auxjliary Vessel 3 4 1 Totals 84 50 11 I* Asking Citizens Of The County To Give Thousands Of Books (Continued from page one) be accepted, the sponsors of the cam paign trust that the people will use discretion in making their gift con tributions. Obscene literature is not desired any where and especially should it be eliminated in the armed services where young men are facing serious situations. The following list suggests the type of books wanted, the donors remembering to make technical and scientific book contri butions of fairly recent publication: Applied psychology, current af fairs, military publications, crime and the F.B.I., police systems and fingerprinting, English grammars, arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trig nometry, calculus and table logar ithms, up-to-date technical books, accounting, shorthand, business and salesmanship, lettering and mechan ical drawing, photograph, cartoons, well-illustrated books of all types, books about music, sports, novel and playwriting, poetry and individual plays, geography, travel (of last ten years), biography (especially the shorter, more popular type), history (ptrticularly Europe and North and South America since 1900); Fiction ?adventure, aviation stories, histor ical novels, humor, mystery, sports, western. To Make Loans For Food For Freedom No farmer should fail to take part in the Martin County "Food for Freedom" program because of inabil ity to finance his operations, accord ing to Hugh G. Horton, County De fense* Board Chairman. "Farm owners and farm tenants who have difficulty in getting loans to operate their farms to the best ad vantage should talk over the?r prob lems with James C. Eubanks, County Supervisor for the Farm Security Administration," the defense chair man said. Mr. Eubanks' office is lo cated in the county courthouse. Loans repayable in convenient in stallments are advanced by the FSA for the purchase of such items as seed, fertilizer, livestock and farm ing implements, also for improving pastures, enlarging or improving barns and shelters, building brooder and laying houses and any reason able expansion of equipment which can be supported by sound farm , plans. The FSA supervisor will ad vise borrowers requesting assistance in making out their farm plans; and all farmers, of course, are welcome for technical advice at the county extension agent's office. To provide a living at home and surplus food for market is now a IVJIIIIIIUU guul fur every farm in Am erica. Through the various agencies of the U. S. Department of Agricul ture, State Extension Service and some who would enlarge the ration ing program to take care of thos who are about to lose their jobs oi account of the rubber shortage, poin out that it is quite possible that som of those now favored by the ration ing plan may have their classifica tions wiped out. THE RECORD SPEAKS . . . Motorists on Martin County highways are figuring in more accidents and have already boosted the property losses to a point 20 times greater than they were for the corresponding per iod in 1941. However, they are thoughtful of human life, or they haven't gotten around to the gruesome business yet. A year ago, the first life lost on the highways of the county in 1941 was snuffed out. The following tabulations of fer a comparison of the accident trend: first, by corresponding weeks in this year and last and for each year to the present time. 4th Week Comparison Accidents Inj'd Killed Dam'ge 1942 2 0 0 $ 400 1941 211 00 Comparison To Date 1942 9 4 0 $1930 1941 6 3 1 95 Dr. Walker Occupies His Ntnc Offices Here Dr. E. T. Walker, located in the Saunders office building since he located here, moved this week to his new offices just across the street on Smithwick. While the new office apartment building is not completed in its entirety, the lower floor was made ready for occupancy just a few days ago. Just as soon as the contractors complete their work, the modern butldmg will be formally opened. Drs. Rhodes and Llewellyn are moving from the Staton building on Baltimore Street to the offices va cated by Dr. Walker. They plan to move within the next two weeks. ? Dr. And Mrs. McAllister Leaving Fur Richmond Dr. and Mrs. R. G. McAllister and little son are leaving today for Rich mond where the doctor will continue the general practice of medicine. Both Dr. and Mrs. McAllister dur ing their stay here have made many friends who regret to see them leave. Edgecombe Farmers Support Scrap Iron Collection Drive Farmers and 4-H Club members of Edgecombe County have pledged their full support to the scrap iron and steel collection campaign, re ports Assistant Farm Agent C. M. Jackson Experiment Stations, adequate serv ices are available to enable every farmer to take part in the Food for Freedom program. Where farm machinery or pure bred sires cannot be purchased eco nomically by individuals, farmers may club together and supply their needs cooperatively, through FSA day. also said that Japanese troops "Community Service" loans, it was pointed out. Farm boys and girls desiring to do their bit also may borrow from FSA to start 4-H and Future Farmers projects. The money is available to sons and daughters of FSA borrow ers to buy cows, sows, sheep and oth er animals or to finance "Victory" garden or truck plots. Opening In CCC Camp, For Colored youth* Openings for a fairly large num ber of colored youtha in this coun ty were announced today by the Ci vUian Conservation Corps. Several boys have already signed up and oth ers who care to enter the CCC serv ice may contact the welfare office in the courthouse and make ready to Dle keXt Tuesda>' {?r New Hol land where they will be quartered Wants FOR QUICK QUALITY DRY ? o fPlng service? bring your clothes o Pittman s. One day service on any garment. Suits, coats and dresses 55 cents, cash and carry. 85c delivered. Pittman s Cleaners. f3-tf SODA SHOP FOR SALE: IF INTER ested, see me at once. John H. Gur ganul_______ f3-2t SOW LOST OR STRAYED: COLOR red and weighs approximately 200 pounds. J. Edwin Corey, care Sit terson Farm, Williamston. WANTED? TWO TENANT FAM farmCS'iWhlte ?,r colored- to work on . farm. Jarven Leggett, Gold Point. ' f3-4t HOG STRAYED . . . NOW IN MY possession. Owner may have same if he pays the cost of this ad and the au J* ?eep,n? hog J E Moore, c-o Williamston R.F.D. TWO YOUNG MULES FOR SALE. See Charley Moore. WnTiamstoh. ' f3-2t WANTED! LIBERAL ALLOWANCE made for good used suits in trade on ,new ones. 500 suits to select from. This Offer good on made-to-measure siuts also Pittman's. j30-2t APARTMENT FOR RENT: LOCAT^ ed on second floor. Desirable lo cation. See or call George Harris. Williamston Hardware Co. j27-2t FOR SALE: LARGE ASSORTMENT used suits in good condition. All colors and styles. $4.95 to $10.00 Plttmans- *30-21 for SALE: HOUSE ANdToT IN good condition and in good loca CORN WANTED ? WE ALWAYS pay top market price. Hardy's Es so Service Station, Highway 84, near air grounds. Williamston. f3-4t SPECIAL NOTICE! WHY~ NOT economize by bringing your clean ing here. Suits, coats and dresses cleaned for 55c cash and carry 65c delivered. All work guaranteed. One day service. Pittman's. Phone 168. .. _ j30-2t JAY BEE HAMMER MILLS GRIST Mills, Feed Mixers at no advance in price, new or used, liberal terms See or write E. B. Harrison, Box *79 Bennettsville, S. C. j20-f3 BABY CHICKS?N. C. AND STATE approved from day olds to three weeks old, of^xtra fine quality, from as good blood lines as there is in the anf?' ee'',,US before you buy phone 603-J, Sullivan Hatchery. Washine to"' N' C- _ j27-8t WE PAY CASH FOR CORN. WIL^ liamston Hardware Co. dl2-tf Calling Card s r i: c i a l Kml tossed I (HI <{."><? Engraved 100.81.75 neir plalr furnished Order liile I 'hew Special I'rieen Are In Kffeet! I'cclc's - Jcwclt'i" 121 .Main Trl. BUY A SHARE IN AMERICA PO&PEFENSE [ BUY UNITED STATES SAVINGS /fcONDS [AND STAMPS k DKrr.-J* stamps I SOLD HERE! FriL TAKE MY CHANGE IN p DEFENSE ) SAVINGS STAMPS, / PLEASE, 6*V?i? t<ua itwuiMny ol Bufl.lo Draftees! iLet Us Help You W <? kmiM you arc in a rn-li pa-HiiifC your affair- -irai^lit brforr filing off to ramp ami we think hi- ran lirlp you Milve our of your prohhnns ?.?; ?WHAT SHALL I DO WITH MY ( LOTIlLSr run rU-an your unit* ami put thorn in Mothproof We guarantor result*. Bring Your Sititu In Tnftny! Alpha Cleaners You Cant Go Wrong, With I Farmers Quality Fertilizers Large Stock Plant Bed Fertilizer In Stock bamous Brands ? Soil bested For TOBACCO Caseys 3-8-5 Farmers Tob. Special . 3-8-5 Farmers Tob. Special 3-10-6 Golden Pride 3-10-6 For COTTON and CORN j Crop King 3-8-3 \ Peanut Special 3-10-6 Dark Horse 4-8-4 Truck Grower 5-7-5 FARMERS FERTILIZERS Produce Better Crops ? Suit Your Land - For Sale By ? Farmers Supply Co. MANUFACTURED BY FARMERS COTTON OIL CO. ARTHUR JOHNSON, Field Representative

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