The Enterprise Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILUAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA. W. C. MANNING Editor ? 1H08-1938 SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY One year $1.1 Six months l.C OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One year $2 2 Six months 1.2 No Subscription Received Under 6 Months Advertising Rati- Card Furnished Upun Request Entered at the post office in Williamston, N. C., as second-class matter under the act of Con gress of March 3, 1879 Address all communications to The Enterprise - and not individual members of the firm. Friday. February 13, 1942. I 'ndur estimated Mayris Chaney, a beautiful dancer, has just been named head of children's activities in the Physical Fitness Division of the Office of Ci vilian Defense at a salary of $4,600 a year. It is disgustingly apparent that the common morale even among children has been under estimated, and when the nation has to pay $4, 600 a year for the services of a dancer it would appear that favoritism in Washington has reach ed a climax The employment of Miss Chaney is hard to stomach, and when one reviews the activities in the Office of Civilian Defense he can't help but want to throw up both ljjyi.ds in utter disgust. The work of the OCD is a re flection on the common people of this country, including the little children. We have been un derestimated. Surely, Hitler and X?Jo anc' possibly Benito Mussolini, too, laughed up their sleeves when they learned that our leaders thought it neces sary to employ a $4,600 dancer to resurrect our morale. We challenge such action. We declare that the morale among the common people, yes, among the common working man, is far bet ter than it is in official Washington, in indus try and in the places of jdgh finance. To em ploy Miss Chaney and the thousands of other human leeches is to belittle the common people of this nation Such action taken when the gov and penny is hard to explain. If Miss Chaney has entered upon her new work we would suggest that she resign immed iately, carrying with her a majority of those who have all but wrecked civilion morale in this country. Though a good motive cannot sanctify a bad action, a bad motive will always vitiate a good action William Jav K'e Don't Seem To Care Accidents in the United States last year claim ed 101,500 lives, maimed over nine million peo ple and cost three and three-quarter billion dol ianc???? ?? Announcing the staggering figures, the Na tional Safety Council offered the following il lustrations in comparison with the war effort: Fatalities in the 20-45 years selective service age bracket totaled 26,000, equal to the destruc tion of two army divisions. Approximately 18,000 workers died in occu pational accidents and another 29,000 were kill ed in off-the-job accidents?the loss of man power labor sufficient to build 20 battleships, 200 destroyers and 7,000 heavy bombers. Traffic accident deaths alone were greater in each of nine months of 1941 than total cas ualties in the Pearl Harbor attack. The death toll was the third largest on rec ord and 5 per cent above the 96,885 deaths in "1940. There were 110.052 accident deaths in 1926 and 105,205 in 1927. Here, within our gates, is an enemy greater than Hit lei?Hirohito and Mussolini and all their men. Here is the greatest saboteur of the nation's men and wealth. We don't seem to care. Chairman Martin Diet A Flop Seeking large appropriations. Chairman Mar tin Dies of the Dies Commitete, has interrupt ed the war program in this country and blocked the Federal Bureau of Investigation in its work. The Texas man is a flop, and should be kicked out of Washington along with his juicy expense account. It is disturbing to think that a sane body of men would pick out an incompetent man, give him hundreds of thousands of dollars and tell him to go out and create hysteria among the people. He has done little more than just that. When the Federal Bureau of Investigation pick ed up a lead and tried to break up subversive groups, Dies would horn in and create a sensa tion for the newspapers to exploit. It is the opin ion of many that he has done more for the en emy than any other one or group of foreign agents. It I'urely Slink* When common working men were asking higher wages, the country wagged its tongue and tojd about the little $21 a month the sol dier received in comparison. Just recently Don ald Nelson, War Productions Board chief, said that industrialists could not be expected to ac cept jobs at the salaries offered by the govern ment. In other words, such men as Mr. Knud sen can't afford to work for a $10,000 a year gov ernment salary, so he is placed on the books as ' a dollar-a-year man and continues to receive his pay from his company. One report declares that the salaries of some of the dollar-a-year men have been increased by their respective com panies even though they were working for the government. Chairman Edwin C Johnson, commenting on the stinking situation surrounding the big sal aried boys said, "If you can't draft dollar-a year men for $lO,000 a year, why should we draft soldiers for $21 a month?" CHEVROLET r/i and outstanding leader of the CAR CONSERVATION PLAN' Designed to keep America's cars serving for the duration.... To prolong the life of your car?to avoid many major repair bills ?to protect your pocketbook?to preserve your motor car transportation.... See your Chevrolet dealer today for full details of Chevrolet's original "tar conservation Plan," and kaap your car serving wall by koaplng It wall serviced. A MOBILE NATION IS A STRONG NATION CONS HIVE TRANSMISSION CONVI8VI (OOlING SYlTtM 10NMRVI IVtlt VITAI PARI Always see your focal CHEVROLET DEALER FOR SERVICE on any car or truck Roanoke Chevrolet Company The World Day Of Prayer By BERNARD T. HURLEY Pastor, Methodist Church The National Committee of Church Women, representing the Council of Women for Home Missions, the Com mittee on Women's Work Foreign Missions Conference, and the Nation al Council pf Church Women, has prepared a most timely and appro priate subject this year's World Day of Prayer. The theme this year is "I Am The Way." In order to gain a world viewpoint and the spiritual experience of other races, the com mittee chose a group of three women to write the program who came from Germany, France and China. One can imagine what rich and courag eous backgrounds of suffering and faith were represented in a group where the German pastor's wife had been imprisoned in three concentra tion camps, her husband in another, the young French woman had had no word from her family in France for over a year; the skilled teacher in a Biblical seminary discovering with in.-p, the seven wonderful ways in which Christ is indeed The Way: The Way Men Have Lost. The Way Back to God, The Way of Self-Surrender, The Wav of Peace, The Way of Love, The Way of Light, The Way of Pow er. With memorable Bible passages, searching prayers, and the great beauty of the Everlasting Mercy at work in the world, we should find ourselves on this Day of World Pray er swept into The Way Back to God. There is no doubt but that we sore ly need these glorious certainties of our faith which many Christians in other countries have learned through recent testings. These are momentous days for our own beloved country The forces in opposition to the Am erican way of living?freedom to I worship and serve God, and freedom of speech, and the rights of individ uals to live their lives as free men have attacked us on sea and land Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life." We can find our need- I ed strength in Him through prayer j and self-surrender. i The World Day of Prayer will be held at the Methodist Church Fri day, February 20th, beginning at 4:00 P. M. Sooner or later we may find ourselves in dire need of great er strength than man power can af ford. Why not recognize the need of that strength now? "More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of." Let us turn aside from the secular to the place of pray er for a little while and lift our souls to God in prayer with repentance, and seek his Way for us in these dangerous days which have fallen upon us. It is either Christ or chaos. Functional design will be the key note of 1942 packaging, with consum er goods packages this year expect ed to be neat, but not necessarily gaudy. ? ? The vegetable garden fills a prom inent place in the farm program, since it serves the double purpose of providing a health insurance policy j and a savings account for the fam- | NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina. Martin County. Under and by virtue of the author ity vested in me as administrator of | the estate of C. O. Moore, deceased, the undersigned administrator will, on Tuesday, the 3rd day of March, 1942, at twelve o'clock noon, in front of the main premises on the C. O. Moore Godard Farm in Williamston Township offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash the following de scribed personal property, to wit: 3 mules, one cow, and all farming utensils of every kind, nature and description located on said farm and belonging to C. O. Moore Estate. This the 9th day of Feb., 1942. T M. BKITTON, Administrator of Estate of C. O. Moore. Peel & Manning. Attys. U3-4t NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina Martin County. Under and by virtue of the power i and authority vested in me as ad ministrator of the estate of C. O. Moore, deceased, the undersigned ad ministrator will, on Thursday, the 12th day of March, 1942, at twelve o'clock noon, in front of the court house door in the town of Williams ton, offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash the following described, personal property, to wit: One note of Mrs. Virginia Perry for $750 00 dated the 12th day of Feb ruary, 1930, due February 14, 1931, and several tax receipts paid by the owner of said note, said note and said tax receipts secured by deed of trust of record in the public regis try of Martin County in Book C-3 at page 180. Notes of Thad Newsome, Jr., and wife, Jennie Newsome, aggregating $650.00, with interest on the same from the 7th day of May, 1937, said notes secured by deed of trust of record in the public registry of Mar tin County in Book P-3 at page 304. Eight notes of Julian H. Harrell for $100.00 each, bearing interest from the 1st day of August, 1928, said notes secured by deed of trust of record in the public registry of Martin County in Book Y-2 at page 476. Judgment in favor of C. O. Moore Estate against Mrs. Helen Allen and H B ABctt for the sum of $880.7$ with interest on the same from the 1st day of October, 1930, and the sum of $213.00 with interest on the same from the 1st day of March, 1930, and the sum of $9.08 coats. One insurance policy on the life of Annie Roberson for $300.00 No. 77718917 in Metropolitan Insurance Company. All notes, accounts and evidences of debt belonging to the estate of C. O. Moore, deceased, list of same on file with T. M. Britton, adminis- ? trator of C. O. Moore, deceased. Eight shares of stock in Roanoke Tobacco Warehouse Company of the par value of $25.00 each, being cer tificate No. 447. Two shares of stock in Carolina Cold Storage Co., par value $100.00 j each, being certificate No. 443. This the 9th day of Feb., 1942 i T. M. BRITTON, Administrator _ , . Erio'e of C O. Moore, i Peel & Manning, Attys. flS-41 CHURCH NEWS METHODIST Church school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Ser mon subject, "Straight Ahead." Epworth League, 6:30 p. m. Evening service, 7:30 p. m. Mission Study Class. Wednesday, 7:30 P. M. The Woman's Society of Christian Service will meet at the church Mon day, 4 p. m. Remember that we have only one time now and that is War Time, so let's be good soldiers and be on time. ? Jamesville Baptist Regular services will be held at the Jamesville Baptist Church Sun day at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sub ject for Sunday morning, "The Pow er of Prayer." You are invited to attend. HOLLY SPRINGS METHODIST The pastor will preach at Holly Springs Sunday afternoon at 3:30 P. M. War Time. The community is cordially invited to attend. CHRISTIAN Bible school, 9:45 a. m Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sub ject, "Where Church and Commun ity Meet." Young People meet at 6 30 p. m. Evening service, 7:3Q p. m. Sub ject, "Honor to Parents." Fifth ser- j mon in series on the Ten Command ments. Circles 1 and 2 will meet Monday, ; 3 30 p. m Place will be given in ' bulletin. Mid-week service and Bible Quiz 1 Wednesday. 7 30 following by choir j rehearsal. The Christian Advance Program being launched during this year by 42 religious bodies in America has for its major thesis the focussing of Church-minded people on the ap palling situation in our nation. With more than sixty million people un churched; thirty-three millions of them adults; seventeen million chil dren; ten million youth, something must be done to change this terri ble loss. In introducing this matter last Sunday to his congregation, Mr. Goff spoke on the theme, "Where the Church and the Home Meet," and he proposes to extend this thought by speaking at the morning hour on "Where the Church and the Com munity Meet." A cordial welcome awaits all who come to worship with us. CHURCH OF THE ADVENT Quinquagesima Sunday. Church school, 9:45 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon, 11a. m. Evening prayer and sermon, 7:30 p. m. The Woman's Auxiliary will meet Monday afternoon at 3:30. St. Elizabeth's Auxiliary will meet Monday afternoon at 3:30. The Parish Council will meet at the Rectory at 0:00 Monday night. Ash Wednesday there will he the Penitential Office and Celebration of the Holy Communion at 11 o'clock. Thursday the litany at the church at 11 a. m. Friday the World Day of Prayer will be observed at the Methodist Church. All the people of the church are urged to attend and take part in this annual world-wide observance. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Martin County. Under and by virtue of the power of sale conferred upon me as admin istrator of C. O. Moore, deceased, the undersigned administrator will, on Wednesday, the 4th day of March, 1942, at twelve o'clock noon, at the back of the C. O. Moore store build ing, in Williamston, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described personal prop erty to wit: All the store fixtures in said store oelonging to the estate of C. O. Moore. This the 9th day of Feb., 1942. T. M BRITTON, Administrator of C. O. Moore, deceased. Peel & Manning, Attys. flg-tt MADAM MAY GET A TRUE HISTORY OF YOUR LIFE READ BY THE PALMIST. Ho** Don't Fail To See This Woman. Come Now?Later May Be Too Late. This gifted woman will read your past, present and future, and tell of your dispoai uon L>y science of Palmistry. Her work speaks for itself. If you have been crossed in love, if interferers have brok e 11 your dearest and tenderest tie in every aifair, it is wise to consult a Palmist, who gives you reliable and important advice on uusiness changes, mortgages, journeys, love, courtship, marriage, divorce?tells if you will marry the one you love. Come at your earliest convenience. Reading confidential - satisfaction guaranteed. You have Hie rest - now see the BEST. READING FOR WHITE AND COLORED. LOOK FOR THE SIGN . . Li ltd Ied in Tent at WILLOW TAVERN 1-2 Mile out of City Limits of Windsor on Edenton Highway? Route No. 17 WINDSOR, N. C. A new Palmist, never here before, not to be classified with Gipsies THOMAS EDISON--MAN OF A MILLION MONUMENTS IIE WAS bom ninety-five years ago tins Perhaps you've seen his likeness in bronze, hie features chiseled in stone, his figure perpetuated in marble. Bet one of the most commonplace things of today** Iving is his most fitting memorial ? a monument multiplied by millions?the taken-for-granted also trie light bulb! For it was he who made the first decisive step in electric lighting when he invented the incandes oent electric lamp in 1879. HUXHNSB BUY MrmM /bond# [wwi I year* 090. ? Today, we have only +0 ffiinC for a moment of tfSs fact to realize how much Thomas Alva Edison has had to do with the building of The American Way. Home life, community life, farm life, business and industry owe a debt to this man who would wish no greater reward than a continuation erf The Way which he helped to make. TODR ELECTRICAL DEALER OR V1RU&1A ELECTRIC AND POWER CO.

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