Visiting Parents Here Gerald James is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B James, after having finished his course at Coyne Electrical School. Chicago. Spends Week-end Here Edna Earle James, a former stu dent at Norfolk College, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs J. B. James. Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Hassell, of Jamesville. announce the birth of a son, Archie Clyde, on Saturday, February 7th Mrs Hassell is the for ter of Mrs Dare Brown, of James ville. Were Here Lid Week-end Mr and Mrs John Maddux, of Vir ginia Beach, spent last week-end here with Mr and Mr J Paul Simpson ? ? \b ? I'ndergoes Operation Mrs. Lester Bryant underwent an appendicitis, operation in Brown's Community Hospital here last Fri day. Her condition is said to be very satisfactory and will probably be able to return to her home this week Was Here Sunday Editor J. Edwin Bufflap. of Eden ton, visited here Sunday afternoon He was accompanied hon|?' by his grandson, Eddie Bufflap Visit Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Warren Smith, of Jacksonville, and Miss Eloanor Tay lor, of Norfolk, visited their parent^ Mr and Mrs Bob Taylor, here Sun day. Spending Week Here Mrs. L. E Chandler, of Norfolk, is spending the week here with Mrs W. M Myers. ast Week-end Miss, Alt a Critcher, of Ay den, ng a business school in Raleigh, pent the week-end here with her 'ather, Mr. Dawson Lilley. Was Here Last Week-end Miss Marie Peele, of Raleigh, spent tlie weekend here with her parents, Mr. ^md Mrs. Oscar Peele. Visits Here Sunday Mrs Eva Gurganus, of Newport News, visited relatives here Sunday. Spends Week-end Here Mr Billy Clark, of Columbia, S. C.. spent the week-end here with Ins parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Clark. FOUR CARLOADS Army 2 - Horse Wagons FOK SALE BARGAIN PRICE Slade, Rhodes and Co. HAMILTON, N. C. VALENTINE PARTY The members of the Triple Bridge Club entertained at a Valentine par ty Friday night at 8:15 at the home of Miss Mamie Clyde Taylor. Decorations and refreshments were in the Valentine motif. Bridge was played and during the play, punch and nuts were served. Later in the evening ice cream and cakes were served. Ladies' high score prize was won by Mrs. Miller Harrell and ladies' , .second high went to Miss Marie Grif | fin. Men's top prize went to Dr. Mar I vin Evans, and second high was won by Hubert Cooke. Those present included Misses Mamie Clyde Taylor, Marie Griffin Mary Hodgerson, Bolton Bowen, Ann Getsinger, Irene James, Marjorie Lindsley. Katherine Hardison; Mes dames Miller Harrell, Steve Clair; Dr. and Mw. Murvin Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Howell; Messrs. Clayton Croft on, Leon Rogers. Hubert Cooke. Charles Manning, Dillon Cobb, Wal ter Lackays, Ernest Mears. Dick Sladc and Fred Taylor. OLMSTEAD?TAYLOR Miss Sarah Keel Taylor, of Wil liamston and Norfolk, became the bride of Robert Craig Olmstead, Jr., of Detroit, Mich., and Portsmouth, Saturday night in South" Mills, N.C. Mrs. Olmstead is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor, of Williamston, and Mr. Olmstead is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R C. Olmstead, Sr., of Detroit, Mich. Before her marriage, Mrs. Olm stead was employed in the office of Brown's Clothing Store in Norfolk. Mr Olmstead*is employed in the Navy Yard at Portsmouth. The cou ple will make their home in Ports mouth. Visits Parents Near Here Mrs. Stuart Whitley, of Raleigh, spent the week-end with her par jents, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Peele, near here. Vas Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Hayes, of Plym jutli. visited iiere Sunday. ihops Here Saturday Miss Sally Lee Brewer, of Wind ier, shopped here Saturday. ipends Week-end Here Miss Opal Brown, who teaches lear Greensboro, visited here and n Jamesville last week-end. ihop Here Saturday Mr and Mrs, Charles Sexton, Jr., if Jamesville, shopped here Satur lay. ??* Visiting in New York Mrs B A Critcher is spending a ew days in New York. , * Spend Week-end Here Or, and Mrs. M Hinnant, of Mi re, and Mr. and Mrs. C. P. liinshaw, if Chapel Hill, visited Mr. and Mrs. Yheeler Manning last week-end. Visit in Fredericksburg Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. James and Vliss Sylvia Green spent the week nd with Mr and Mrs H. C James 11 Fredericksburg. IVas Business Visitor Here Mr. W G. Hardison was here yes erday afternoon from Farm Life st anding to business. Visits Here Ia?st Week-end Miss Alto Critcher, of Ayden spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B A. Critch ?r. In Williamston Monday Messrs. Arthur W. Lilley and jhurman Ange visited in William iton Monday, * iVere Business Visitors Here Messrs. Henderson Mizelle and Hugh Martin attended fo business lore Monday. Visit in Jamesville Messrs. Jack Martin and Joseph Holliday, of A. C. C., Wilson, spent ihe week-end in Jamesville with friends. ? Returns from Durham > Poslmasler LaslieT. Fowden re urned home yesterday afternoon from a Durham hospital where he anderwent treatment for several iays. While his condition is much mproved he has been instructed to remain at home for a few days. ATTEND WASHINGTON'S Second Annual City-Wide Dollar Day Thrs. Feb. 19 WASHINGTON MERCHANTS Are Offering Hundreds Of Outstanding Bargains On This Great Day Buy in Washington on Dollar Day Anil SAVE! MacArthur's Niece Also Serves Serving as a volunteer American Red Cross nurse's aide, Mrs. John L. Reyburn. niece of Gen. Douglas Mac Arthur, hero of the Philippines, ii shown taking care of a kinky-haired patient at Children's Hospital, Washington, D. C. MrF. Reyburn hasn't seen her famous uncle since 1937. (Centred Preee) UapiM-fiin^slH The Jamesville School Elsie Williams, of the fourth grade, /as given a surprise birthday party t her home Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Holliday was absent from chool Tuesday afternoon to attend he funeral of her uncle, Mr S. S Irown, in Williamston. Margie Lilley visited in Plymouth | 'uesday. Mayo Moore visited in Mater last | reek-end. Clifford Corey visited in Raleigh ast week-end. He saw many of the amesville students at State College, .eonard and Andrew Holliday, Jr, eturned home with him to spend | ~ie week-end. Miss Emily Smithwick, a former I ?aclier, spent the week-end here j ritti Miss Rachel Godwin. Miss Frances Nelson spent the I eek-end with friends at A-C. Col-| ?go, Wilson. Miss Louise Dail spent the week nd with Miss Frances Boyette, in | filson. The P.T.A. plans to sponsor an I yster supper February 20th, at six | 'clock War Time. Everyone is uVg d to come and buy their supper. There has been quite an increase I 1 the number of Defense Stamps | ought by the school. The seventh | rade reports a buy of $6.70 during | le week. - The honor roll for the Jamesville | .hool is as follows: Seniors: Ray Stallings, Frances | Wallace, Virginia Hassell, Ella Ange, ola Hardison, Carolyn Hassell. Juniors: Jack Mizelle, Grace Brew r. Sophomores: Lorraine Griffin, | [ell Holliday. Mary Ellen Sawyer Seventh grade: Norma Fagan, Ma-1 lie Long Sixth grade: Lucille Martin, Oliv r Hamilton, Clarence Ange. Fifth grade: Billy Brewer, Dor ian Caines, Dorothy Ellis, Venetia ] ?tailings. Fourth grade: Mary Alice Griffin, llizabeth Brewer, Rosalie Hardison, Irownie Holliday, Nellie B Stubbs, llsie Williams, Christine Taylor, and Slanche Roberson. Third grade: Edward Griffin, Bob ?y Styon, Woodrow Williams, I^orita dae Browning, Nell Modlin, Dean ?tailings, Jacqueline Mizelle, Max ne Long, Dorothy Waters, Lydia larber, Janice Bailey. Eugene God lard, Mary Bonner Gardner, Norman , dizelle. Second grade: Ervin Modlin, Bob ly Hardison, Foye Ange, James Hai lip, Leslie Gardner, Lewis Kirkman, ohn Swinson, Bobby Waters. Louise j Irowning, Ann Daniels, Margaret fenson. Patricia Holliday, Louise j 'erry, Caroline Wallace. First grade: Peggy Mizelle, Nan lolliday, Peggy Jean Gardner, Bar lara Holliday. First and second grades: Bobby jto HINTS FOR HOMEMAKERS By Irene James. Hume service Director, Virginia Electric And Power Company lakers were grand cooks. There ere no delicatessen shops around ic corner Good wholesome food as the order of the day?prepared the home kitchen. Rib sticking iod just the odor of which made one angry. Today with our all out for ?fense we need more such food to jild energy for our busy men and omen. During the cold of February we ?ed t? be sure of getting an ade jate amount of the protein and pro ctive foods in our diets Try this menu on your family: Clear tomato soup ? crackers Stuffed fresh pork shoulders ? aked Idaho Potatoes Steamed whole carrots?Hot slaw Ambrosia ? Coffee For clear tomato soup heat good ade of tomato juice, season to ste, serve with thin slice of lemon jating in each cup. Bone shoulder (approximate eight 5 pounds). Stuff with dress-1 g made by combining one No. 2 in corn?2 beaten eggs ?4 cups ead crumbs?2 tbsp butter, salt id pepper to taste. Roast 350* 30 in. per lb. Hot Slaw Chop cabbage fine, i Cover with ailing water for 3 min. Cook togeth ? over low heat or in double boil \ 1-2 c vinegar, 1 egg yolk, 1 tbsp jtter, 1 tsp mustard, 1 tsp flour, id 1-2 c light cream. Pour over cab Jge. Ambrosia Alternate layers of sliced peeled ange and fresh grated cocoanut. ananas may be included if desir- ( I- h yxters with Mushrooms?Serves 6 | 1 small onion, chopped fine I 1 tbsp butter c mushrooms ! 1-2 tsp salt ' 1-8 tsp pepper ' 1-8 tsp paprika 1 tsp chopped parsley ' pt medium size oysters 1-2 c white sauce ( Buttered bread crumbs ( Brown chopped onion lightly in le butter, add mushrooms (chop ed) and cook 10 min., add season lgs, parsley and oysters. Cook 2 or 1 min. only. Stir in white sauce. Turn 1 )to buttered ramekins. Sprinkle 1 'itli buttered bread crumbs and 1 bake 20-25 min. in hot oven 400*. Well greased baking dish may be used in place of ramekins. Salmon Corn Omelet?Serves < 4 eggs 1-2 c milk 1 tap sugar 4 crackers 1 c salmon flaked 1 can corn (niblets) Beat eggs with milk and sugar. Add other ingredients. Fry as ome I let. Serve hot. Whole Steamed Onions With Catsup Sauce Simmer onions gently to keep whole (until tender). Serve with cat sup sauce for 8 onions combine 1-2 c catsup and 2 tbps melted butter Returns from Mooresboro Mrs. C. L. Daniel has returned from Mooresboro where she visited her father who had been quite ill. Was Business Visitor Here Mr. Bill Beach, of Hamilton, was a business visitor here last night. Visiting in County A. J. Hardison, of Daytona Beach, is spending a few days in the coun ty. Was Business Visitor Hare Mr. Frederick Hoyt, of Smithfield, al tended to business here yesterday. fMtoit Addition* To The Enterprise Mailing List Listed among the recent addition* io the Enterprise mailing list are th* following: D L. Hardy, Williamston; Clifton rurner, Robersonville; W. C. Lyons, Williamston; T. V. Davis, Jamesville; Rosa Moore, Williamston; H. M. Peel, Hamilton; Buck Saunders, William ston; S. R. Cobum, Jamesville; Uiur man Nicholson, Williamston; Arnold Modlin, Jamesville; J. R. Rogers, Williamston; R. H. Edmondson, Rob ersonville; Charles M. Peel, William ston ; W. M. Bowen, Williamston; Wil lie Johnson, Robersonville; Willie Everett, Robersonville; Jesse D. Rog ers, Williamston; S. D. Matthews, Hamilton; Luther Cratt, Williams ton; J. D. Harrison, Sr., Williamston; Rev. J. A. Taylor, Williamston; Na thaniel Brown, Williamston; Mrs. J. M Edmondson, Hamilton; R. G. Co burn, Jamesville; Leslie Bryant. Williamston; E. N. Harrell, Oak City. T^To' COLDS acta Liquid?Tablets QQQ Salve?Nose Drape r?|fc Hi ape Try "RUB-MY-TISM" ? A Wonderful I.lnlmeat 7 ^ FIVE STi 1.10P,NT *2.15 FULL QUART A NEW SUPPLY Of Seed Potatoes and Seed Oats We lime Just Received A Shipment Of Seed Oh I* And Potatoes COME IN ?LET US SERVE YOU TODAY! Martin Supply Co. NOTICE! To Tax Payers A penalty of only one per cent is being charged 011 1911 taxes during the month of February, but on March 1st the penalty will increase with each succeeding month. Pay your taxes during the remain ing days of February and save the additional cost. Town of Williamston