Shoes Are Important To Ordinary Citizen > Ordinary citizens are going to have to depend more and more on shoe leather, now that tires are be ing rationed. Miss Julia Mclver, as sistant extension clothing specialist of N. C. State College, says this calls for better protection of shoes. "There are several ways to make shoes wear longer," Miss Mclver de clared, "and in this war emergency we must make all things last. Thous ands of shoes come to an early end because they lack care." The home economist says that pol ishing shoes regularly isn't just a cranky notion. Polishing shoes feeds the leather, makes it pliable, and protects it. "Hie life of literally thousands of pairs of shoes is shortened by failure to dry them properly," said Miss Mc lver. "Water-proofing shoes helps protect them, but doesn't take the place of rubber overshoes or rubber boots for walking in water, soft mud or slushy snow. Shoes which become wet should be dried slowly, not too close to an open fire, and never In a hot place like the top of a radiator sg-r in the oven. "TTie right way to dry shoes," the clothing specialist explained, "is this: First, wash off all mud with a damp cloth and wipe the surface as dry as possible. Oil the shoes lightly all ov erwith castor oil. Rub it in well. Straighten the counters, heels, toes and vamps if they need it. Then stuff the shoes with crumpled paper, or, on the farm, with oats to keep ft*. 95c *?. 1.80 Eagles Score 26-23 Win Over Farm Life The Eagles and Farm Life Inde pendents met in another of their fur ous court battles last night, and vhen the storm clouds had settled, he locals had scored a 26-23 win ov >r the Farm Life basketeers. This vin gives each team a total of throe vins in the six games played this sea on. The game was played before an ither packed house at Farm Life and vas one that left the fans satisfied nd the players sore. The Farm Lifers got away to a 6-0 pad ere the locals found the range nd led at the quarter, 6-2. During he second period the Eagles spurt d and the half-time rest period saw he count 10-9 in favor of the losers. Tie next period was about even, but a the final stanza the Eagles rat ed and went ahead to stay. As usual. Corey led the Eagles, etting 7 field goals and one free hrow for 15 points Rose and Earp ach with 4. ranked next. Clifton Hard was high for the losers, with even points Eagles Earp, f Mears, f Cobb, f Corey, c Ward, c-f Cooke, g Rose, g Fitzgerald, g G 2 0 0 7 0 0 2 1 F 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 T 4 0 (I 15 0 1 .4 Totals Farm Life J. F. Griffin, f D. Manning, f Earl Griffin, f L Manning, c Ward, c Brown, g Fred Griffin, g Harrington, g Daniels, g Totals 12 G 0 2 1 1 3 1 2 0 1 F 0 0 0 26 T 0 4 2 2 7 2 4 0 2 23 Richmond Poultry Pliu-kn l.ed State In Production * Richmond County demonstration poultry flocks led the State during December with 20.48 eggs per bird is compared with the State average it 12.89, says Assistant Farm Agent 3 E. Colvard. Iheir shape and absorb moisture. Set the shoes in a moderately warm place (or several hours or overnight Pol ish when dry." The State College economist says most people never stop to think how much they spend annually on shoes (or the family. Rising costs demand hat waste of materials be stopped luring the war emergency PROTECT Your Valuables Willi A Safe Deposit Box A Safe Deposit Box in our Hunk in in expensive. Every person with bonds or other wi I liable*, should protect them with a strong box in our hank. Member Federal Depoiit Insurance Corporation Guaranty Bank & Trust Co. WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA. PoultryTruck Every TUESDAY AT JAMESVILLE 9 to 10 a. m. At HARDISON'S MILL 10i30 to 12 m. AT BEAR GRASS 1 to 3 p. m. Every FRIDAY IT OAK CITY 9 lo 11 a. m. IT HAMILTON -------- 11:30 a. m. to 12 m. ^T GOLD POINT 1 to 2 p. m. Every SATURDAY AT WILLIAMSTON 9 Ho 11 a. m. AT EVERETTS 11:30 a. m. to 12.30 p. m. At ROBERSONV1LLE Each Saturday, 3:30 to 5:30 Ctbml Hens, Leghorn Hens, Stags, Roosters WE PAY TOP MARKET PRICES PITT Poultry Co. GREENVILLE, N. C. Will Return Here Sunday Returning here for the second time this season, llam Hamilton, left, and Kill Steineke, right, will lead the House of David troupe against the IVilliamston Martins in an exhibition in the high \ flCTORY ON THE FARM FRONT ? MtWS from tht Agricultural frctmrot Strain MOI.Assfs KINO" TELLS HOW K) OROW WAR ( HOP Soifihum molasses has become a war crop; now that sugar is being ra tioned Dan F. Holler, assistant Ex tension agronomist of N C State College says that Zeh Norville of Kuthei ford County is one of the best iorghum molasses ? producer he knows anything about The Cane Civck section of Ruth erford, 11< which Mr Norvjlle lives. has lung had a fine reputation for the quality ??! its molasses Practically every farmer in the community grow- chough cane for molasses for his Ipme needs, and a few extra gal lons for sale Mr. Norville- consented to give oth ?r farm* i over the State the bene fit of his experience, I have been growing and making molasses ever once I was large enough to be around a cane null." the Rutherford farmer said "Past \ear 1 planted 17 acres of Silver Drip molasses cane, and from Ins an cage, produced 370 gallons iocd Tlu surplus molasses sold for >1.00 per gallon, and the seed nought $1 75 per bushel. Thus, the 7 aeic of cone was worth $457.50. The cane was planted between \pril 20 and 30. Six hundred pounds <f 4 12 4 fertilizer was used at plant ng time, and when the cane was ibout km i high. I applied 600 pounds >f nitrate of strda A special cane date was used in the planter, which jave a spacing of gbnut 8 inches in hi low and 'which placed about hive seed p? ' hill By using this date, it was not necessary to do any tunning. Tin n?w were spaced hree feet apart. "The crop was cultivated three imes, tin first and second times with i one-huise three-foot, walking cul ivator which was equipped with .mall shovel plows. 'Hie first culti vation was shallow and was made vhen the stalks were three to four nehes tall. The second cultivation vas made two weeks after the first. Die third and last cultivation was riade three* to four weeks later with i one horse, full tongue plow equip ped with a straight shovel and sweep. \n attempt was made to throw dirt o the plant.* nod- to cover all weeds ind grass in the row. "The cane: was stripped in the row he first week in October. The syrup vas cooked rapidly over a hot fire. [)ry wood for the cooking is an im portant factor in making good mo asses." Lists acquirements Affecting Nationals Attorney General Francis Biddle today announced new regulations af fecting the conduct of German, Ital ian and Japanese nationals through out continental United States. The new regulations, issued under authority of the Presidential proc lamation of January 14, 1942, relat ing to alien enemies, require all German, Italian and Japanese aliens to apply at the nearest first or sec ')nd class, or county seat, post office for a Certificate of Identification. The requirement applies to all en emy nationals 14 years of age or over who have not yet taken the oath of allegiance before a Federal judge, the final step in acquiring American citizenship. The identification program which will affect approximately 1,100,000 German, Italian and Japanese non citizens, will be held between Febru ary 9 and 23. ? l.iirgi1 I'errrnlaup Of 4-H Memhvrt Buy Stamps-Bond* Eighty-five percent of the 4-H club members of Edgecombe County have already purchased defense stamps and bonds, reports C. M. Jackson, as sistant farm agent, school gym Sunday afternoon at '1:00 o'clock. tVell remembering the outstanding performance of the Davids against the Martins before Christmas, a record crowd is expected to be on hand/or the event. Poultry Equipment should Be Ordered Poultrymen, probably to a greater xtent than any other farm group, an conserve critical war materials >y using substitutes for metal equip ment. according to Ci. Tom Scott, of Itate College, chairman of the North Carolina USDA War Board Allocations of materials for man facture of poultry equipment were ixed at a relatively low rate and his makes it especially urgent that oultrymen place orders now so that lanufacturers will know what types f equipment to make from the lim led materials available, Chairman ?cott said. Immediate placing of orders also /ill prevent delays which may oc ur if equipment is ordered late in le season, when transportation fa ilities have become over loaded /ith war materials. In general, Scott said, materials or manufacturing new farm ma hinery have been restricted to an verage of about 83 per cent of the laterials used for similar purposes 1 1940, while use of materials for taking repair parts is permitted at in average rate of about 150 per cent f the 1940 level. Some items of poultry?ctfuifmwni ro above the average, including re air parts at 160 per cent, and some For Every Occasion . . If you want to have the satis faction of always looking your best, regardless of the hour of occasion, be sure to select your Spring wardrobe from our new offerings of Curlee Suits. These Curlee Suits are smart ly styled by expert designers. Careful attention to every de tail in tailoring Insures com fortable fit and drape. Quality materials in the newest pat terns make Curlee Suits the best buy for the Spring season. Uur selection of Curlee Spring Suits is complete In its range of sties, styles, and models?so you are sure to find suits you like that fit you. Rest of all, they are moderately priced. Come in and see them?today. PITTMAN CLEANERS Commissions For Medical Students Third and fourth-year students in icceptable medical schools and first rear internes may obtain reserve x>mmissions in the Army or Navy ind then will be permitted to com pete their medical training, mclud ng one year of interneship. at their present posts before being orck'red to ictive duty, Brig. Gen. J Van B detts, State Director of Selective >ervice. has advised all local boards n the State. Such medical students and in ernes may be deferred by their lo al boards in Class 1I-A pending re eipt of their commissions. General detts said, but all who are eligible or a commission and do not apply nay be considered for classification n Class I-A, if they are not deferred or other reasons and are found ihysieally qualified for general mil iary service. I'hirci and fourth year medical stu ents and internes who are rejected fter applying for commissions, and lso first and second year medical tudents and those regis! r.inK?whn ave been accepted as students in a ledical school, may he deferred in 'lass II -A as long as their school <>f ypes of brooders at from 86 to 115 ?er cent of the 1940 level. Alloca ions of materials for most other lems are lower than average, as hown by the following list: Lamp and electrical incubators 1,000-egg and smaller), 60 per cent f the 1940 level; brooders: floor (oil oal. gas and electric) depending on ype, from 86 to 115 per cent battery heated, three to five deck) 75 per ent; poultry growing batteries, 75 ?er cent, laying batteries, 25 per ent, poultry feeders, 70 per cent Poultry waterers glass-jar type, ess than one gallon, 90 per cent; one a I Ion and up (metal), 90 per cent; ther equipment, expressed in terms f total weight of all metals and rub er, 160 per cen t FINAL HOME GAME Williamston High School's Green Wave basket ear* will play their final home fame here to night against Windsor. The lo cal boys won over the Bertie boys in their first clash earlier in the season by a 17-12 score. The Windsor girls defeated the Green Wave girls on the same occasion. The girls' game will begin at 7:45 o'clock. ficials certify that they give mdica :ion they will become qualified med cal practitioners, General Metts said. lie emphasized, however, that 10 group deferment is permissible inde-r the law and that each case nust be decided by a local board on he facts concerning the individual ?egistrant involved. Medical students and internes ac cepted by the Army are given com missions as second lieutenants pend ng graduation when they become nst lieutenants In the Army Medi na 1 Reserve Corps. Those accepted >y the Navy are commissioned as ?nsigns until graduation when they H'come lieutenants (junior grade) n the Navy Medical Reserve Corps. Government economists predict hat the labor situation will be much no re acute this year, and that farm rs will have to pay higher wages to hose helpers they can get. Ceilings Are Being Placed On Prices Folks who've been "hitting the ceiling" at encountering higher prices may be consoled slightly in the news that ceilings are now hit ting back at prices. Leon Henderson's OPA has been nailing a lot ot roofs over manufacturers' and wholesal ers' price schedules the last week or so. Women's nylon hosiery, radios and phonographs, and tea are three of the most conspicuous items thus far In most cases the maximums are based on prices of the Oct. 1-15 per iod. While none of the orders was directed official at retail prices, the action at least gives the ordinary consumer something of a guide as to what he should expect, or accept, in the way of price tag boosts when he goes to the store. In fact, Hender son vouchsafed a warning that retail prices on nylon hose were already "as high as they can be permitted tu go" and "requested" radio makers to hold any changes in their suggested retail prices to figures providing no more than normal mark-up Sweets National agricultural leaders are pointing out that some of the natur al sweets, such as honey and cane sorghum, can be used effectively as a sugar substitute in the average family diet GOOD LOT FOR SALE Loralcil on Wattw Street in Williawatoii near Melhodiwt 4'liurcli. In pood resi dential section. Will well for reawonable price. JESSUP HARRISON No New Cars No New Tires ButaNeu)Servtce to 111 :\r m;i:p tut: old car rolling: Repairs and Accessories ON CONVENIENT G.A.M.C. Payment Plan We Have ? ? . . Used (.ars - (iuh - Oils - Washing and (?rcawiii?? Service Parlw - AcccBiiioi'ii's And Tjie Best Repair Department In The WilliaiiiNton Section Drive in now and lei our experts get your ear ill first-class shape. It may have to last you a lout; lime. So you ean save wear and tear by keeping it in tip-lop shape, we'll tune it up so you ran save on gas, oil and tires. If your wheels are out of alignment, you are wasting ruhher. W c can line them up so that you will gel normal wear out of them, whieli muy he twiee the wear you are now getting. Drive in now for a complete inspection und estimate that will muke your ear last and give service during the present emergency. In order to help you keep your ear in good order; to help you maintain its even operation, we will utilize the GM \G services, as we are now equipped to offer you a special plan whereby you can finance rcpuirs on your car?whatever the make~or the model?and pay for thftlll 111 rt'gtiltir convenient monthly payments. Bring your car in and discuss with us this easy GMAC payment plan. Chevrolet Co.

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