Farm Life Cagers Bow To Local Stars The local All-Stars scored a 51-41 win over the Farm Life Independents in a game played on the losers' court Tuesday night. The All-Stars were pinch-hitting for the local Eagles, who couldn't muster their full team for the affray. After getting off to a slow start and trailing most of the first period, the locals rallied and were ahead by a 22-16 count at half-time. Play dur ing the second half was about even, with both teams displaying more offensive power. Hie Farm Lifers used two full teams in an effort to halt the locals, and their scoring was divided among nine players. Clifton Ward and J. R. Griffin, each with eight points, were high for the losers. For the locals, Thomas Martin, making his first appearance as an All-Star, was high man, scoring 12 points during his 18 minute stay in the game. Fenner Wallace, with 11, was second, while Big Boy Mears and Shorty Corey were close behind with 10 points each. The All-Stars are making plans to enter the annual Gold Medal Tourn - -orient to be held in Rocky Mount BJ'Xt week This tournament, the only one for independent teams to be held in this part of the State this year, always offers a good selection of evenly-matched teams, and the locals will find some tough compe tition. However, they hope to be able to hold their own, and maybe get by the first round. The Rocky Mount Y Varsity is the defending champion. The box: Wllliamston G F T Mears, f 3 4 10 Wallace, f 5 1 11 Martin, f 6 0 12 Corey, c-g 4 2 10 Cooke, g 1 2 4 Manning, g 2 0 4 Ward, c 0 0 0 Totals 21 9 51 Farm Life G F T L E. Griffin, f 3 0 6 Brown, f ?a 0 4 J. R. Griffin, f 4 0 8 Hardison, f 1 0 2 Ward, c 3 2 8 BENEFIT GAME On Monday night at 8:30 o'clock, the basketball teams or Company A, 30th Engineers, of Ahoskie, and the WUIiamston Martins will tangle in the local gym. The proceeds of this con test will go to the local Red Cross First Aid unit. In a meeting between these two teams here last week, the locals gained a 40-34 victory in a hard-fought and exciting game and it is expected that the En gineers will bring over their best combination for Monday night's encounter. Support the Red Cross First Aid unit and see a good basket ball game by attending the ex hibition next Monday night. Industrial Firms Cooperate In Work a You wouldn't think that carpets, peanut butter and bicycles would have much in common, would you? But in upstate New York they do, for Mohawk Carpet Mills, Beech-Nut Packing, and H. P. Snyder company (Ipkcs) have pooled their extra manufacturing facilities in order to bid more effectively for government jobs to offset curtailments of their regular output ... A non-military, though war-caused case of conver sion is the decision of Libbey-Owens Ford, largest maker of flat glass products ,to enter the field of pre fabricated housing?to cushion the decline in demand for glass caused by cessation of auto production, which formerly took nearly half its glass output. ** ? Shop Here Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Byrd, of Ahos kie, were shoppers here Wednesday. I) Manning, c F. Griffin, g Daniel, g Harrington, g L Manning, g 1 2 2 0 1 0 0 2 3 4 4 0 0 0 Totals 19 3 41 At?* New Arrivals //V LADIES' DRESSES SUITS HATS HOSE ? SHOES ? COATS Our Prices Lower Indies, it in about lime to buy your Spring outfit. We have just received large shipments of ull ready-to-wear items and we would appreeiate your vis iting our store that we may show you our beautiful styles in wearing apparel. Martin Supply Co. Car Load Flour Arrived Today WILL BE SOLD AT THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL LO W PRICES: AMERICA S BEST, 24 lbs. $1.00 SUN GOLI), 24 pounds 90c METROPOLITAN, 24 lbs. .. *1.10 Martin Supply Co. HIS YEAR - - . - By Jack Sords liaOflMMOMWMMMMflOflftflOOOWOtWOMMl MCRft we m Dicn:soes Rjr -rat eve? movers ? mis eesr izaks VICK& IQ36 AaIO hp4o 1 t^DlCK Eprickson gosfoH BVAVes' (Ci&Mf U^iPCR fcxPecTiHG-His fff&feESf SfASoH iM 1942. 'It's Your Lifeline' Interviewed during a short visit to New York, Owen Lattimore, per sonal American adviser to General issimo Chiang Kai-shek, declares the Burma Road is more America's lifeline than China's. The noted Far Eastern expert returned from his Chungking post by air. (Central Prett) Things To Watch ?For In The Future Synthetic gulf balls, containing no natural ris' ber (though the actual ingredients are a closely-guarded se cret) . , Movie bouse refrigerator service, to keep groceries cool while shoppers see the matinee . . . Mr J W Bellflower, Jr. or Oak City, spent the day here Thursday. IN MEMORY Just one year Ago today. Our darling baby Was taken away. She left this world Of sin and pain; For a better lund With God to reign. What she suffered, We'll never know; But still we hated To see her go. We loved our darling, But God loves best; So he took her Home to rest. Her smiling face,. We see no more; Her little toys About the floor. Where is little sister, Jimmie will often say; Is she sleeping, Mother, Why did she go away? Then I try to answer, So that he will know. She's resting in heaven, Where all little children go. Her clothes are placed Away with care; Each piece laid away With a mother's prayer. God has blessed our home, With another little one; But we stm remember you, And will, 'til life is done. Often when I linger, Around her grave; It seems I hear tier sweeny say. "Don't grieve mother, v Be of good cheer; I'm so happy, Living up here. "I'm resting with Jesus, Free from all pain; Cheer up, mother, We'll meet again." Then as I turn To go away, I catch a glimpse Of that glad day. When we all shall meet Around God's throne, To dwell forever, In that heavenly home. By Delia Brown, Mother. Zow Brown Revels. NOTICE OF SALE lorth Carolina, Martin County. Under and by virtue of the power j f sale conferred upon me as admin- , strator of C. O. Moore, deceased, the | indersigned administrator will, on Vednesday, the 4th day of March, 942, at twelve o'clock noon, at the lack of the C. O. Moore store bulld og, in Williamston, N. C., offer for ale to the highest bidder for cash the ollowing described personal prop rty to wit: All the store fixtures in said store lelonging to the estate of C. O. foore. This the 9th day of Feb., 1942. T. M BRITTQN, Administrator of C. O. Moore, deceased, 'eel & Manning, Attys. fl3-4t NOTICE OF SALE lorth Carolina. Martin County. Under and by virtue of the power f sale contained in a certain deed f trust executed to the undersign d trustee hy Thad Newsome, Jr., Jamesvillo Wallops A h os ki t's AI IS I a rs ?Jamesville's "Herrings" won'a vie' tory over the Ahoskie All-Stars. 52 25. in a game played last Monday night. The game was witnessed by a large crowd. The Herrings got underway with a swift start bringing the score to 12 1 at the end of the first quarter At the half, the fast pace was still going j strong, the score 18 3 During the third period, the vim tors started punching and brought the score' up to 30-15. Throughout the last quarter the locals' stride held !)ut with an ending score of 52-25. For the visitors. Copeland and Ward \^. re the best on offense, with right points apiece. Green proved to be the most outstanding on defense The Herrings were led in scoring by "Spit" Martin with 23 points, 'Son" Carson with 14. and Ed Mar tin with 11 Best on defense for the locals was H Mizelle The box: Jamesville <; K T Carson, f 0 1 14 H. Martin, f 10 2 Mizelle. c 10 2 E. Martin, g 5 111 A. Martin, g 0 0 () S. Martin, e g 11 I 23 Totals 24 4 52 Ahoskie (1 F T Copeland. f 4" 0 8 Fuller, f 0 1 1 Ward, c 10 2 Green, g ??-4- 0 2 Eure, g 10 2 Hughson, g 12 4 Totals 11 3 25 and wife, Jennie Newsoiffe, on the 7th day of May, 1937, and of record in the public registry of Martin County in Book P-3 at page 304. said deed of trust having been given for the purpose of securing certain notes of even date and tenor therewith, de- ; fault having been made in the pay ment of said notes, and the slipula tioms contained in said deed of trust not having been complied with, and at the request of the owners of said notes, the undersigned trustee will, on Thursday, the 12th day of March, ' 1942, at twelve o'clock noon, in front of the courthouse door in the town of Williamston, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, to Wit: That certain tract of land in Mai tin County, beginning at the North east corner of Rogers and Gutter bridge corner and running thence a Southeast course along a branch between the Allen and Blount line, to a corner of the land of Ttiad New'1" some and said Outterbridge, thence up the railroad toward Kverotts, N C., on the south side to a forked dou bit4 white oak. thence across the Ew ell tract of land a North course to two pine trees on said Ewell tract of land, thepce a North course to a maple standing near the branch, thence a Northeast course to Rogers and Outterhndge line, the beginning, containing fifty acres, more or less, and being the same premises de scribed m a deed of trust of record in Hook Y-2 at page 83 of the Martin County Public Registry, which is hereby referred to. This the 9th dav of Feb . 1942 EI.BERT S PEEL. Trustee. Peel & Manning. Attys. fl3-4t NOTICE OF PUBLICATION North Carolina. Martin County. In Superior Court. f Walter Rogers \s. Odessa Norfleet Rogers The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County by ; the plaintiff for the purpose of plain- 1 tiff securing a divorce from the de fendant on the grounds of two years separation; and the said defendant will further take notice that she is it-quired to appear before L. B. Wynne. Cleik of the Superior COUH of Martin County, within thirty days after service of summons by publi cation, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff in this ac tion or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in aid complaint. This the 12th day of Feb., 1942. L B WYNNE. f20-4t Clerk Superior Court. Jo Htlievi CH%66 JQUEX TABLETS. SAIVS. NOSE OBOPS GET AU 3 FROM OS OQry^ 'V-*fCAu' V" CHICK STARTENA VC'hcn you feed Purin.i Chick Startena, you get feeding value lor your money. You get America's largest selling chick starter and everything it stands tor in rapid growth and high Usability. Come in to see us today. We'll be glad to tell you more about Purina Chick Startena. BABY CHICKS You can help defense, and yourself as well, by raising good chicks this year. Our chicks are the kind of chicks you like to raise . . . strong, vigorous, ready n ?;?"<jw It vou plan to raise chicks this sy; i tg, see us. FUR1NA CHEK-R-TABS A new poultry water drinking tablet that does all three jobs ... (1 ) Water Disio Kvtaiil, (2) Fungicide. ( *>) Bowel As tringent. ( heh K l abs are economical, too. Onlv 1 tablet is needed tor each > nan ? ! w iter . Sec us 'or Chch-R-Tabs an.J all other chick needs. Liinlslox lee Company \\ II I i vmston, \. Belk'Tyler's Week-End Specials Sale! SIMtliM. DRESSES Gorgeous new spring dresses in all (lie new spring colors and styles. Crepes, Spans, and Novelty Weaves for vou to select from. BE SUHK TO SEE THESE TODAY! $1.98?$2.98 SWEATEES M SKIRTS SKIRTS?Solid pastels and lovely plaid wool ens in flared and pleated styles. All sixes. SWEATERS ? Beautiful assorted pastels in both pull-over and button styles. $1.98?$2.98 Sale! SILK IIOSE I.ovrly sheer full fashioned hose in all the newest sprint shades. 69c SI'MNt; HA I S Chic styles in iring shades. 98c Chic styles in all the newest spring shades. $1.48 SALE! LADIES' SPRING ( OA I S Both fitted and swagger styles In gaberdines, twills and novelty ma terials. Navy, solid pastels and lovely pastel plaids to selret from. SEE THE NEW BOY COAT! $7.95-$9.95- $14.95 Soap Specials Giant Octagon 4 Rrfdilar z Octagon KLEX 8c Sunbrite 4 CleanHrr Octagon Powder 4 LUX Soap ... . 6c PALMOLIVE . 5c BOX LYE 7 (lotion Hatting Full size 72*90. Unbleached cotton hatting. A Krai Value. 59c KAYON SLIPS Full cut, fine quality satin slips both tailored and lacr trlmmrd. All sizes in stock. 59c Ladies < <?11<>ii I lose A Heal Bargain. -m Buy ill you mill ? fl C at this price Fast t'?l?r Prints Fine quality prints, all new sprint; patterns. Buy all you nn il amB 19c {(??in. WINDOW >|| \ DIS (.nod quality window shades. Six feet long. Colors: Ivory and (ireen. 39c Itovs" \\ or U Sliirls Boys' heavy weight ehamhrav work shirts in all sizes. 59c IIOVS' Itlimilliiiiiiiil O'M.I.S 79c I>on s" I )i ?<'ss Shirts Fine quality fast color dress shirts. /VII new spring patterns. 79c Si.If! SHUTS Assorted sheets All sizes . , . Slightly Im perfect. Excel lei?t Values! Men's I )rcss Socks New spring patterns. All sizes in stock. 10c Wen's I )rcss Shirts utility fast cole II new spring p< $1.00 l ine ?|uaIity fast color dress shirts. All new spring patterns. Men's W ork Shirts ig h chamt I sizes. 79c (iood tough ehambray work shirts in all sizes. Men's Overalls mind overalls. I glit denim. All $1.15 IVIoodhmuid overalls. Full cut i.liU weight denim. All slaea. sait:: mi:ns si?kiN<; suits Twists, .hard finihcd worsteds, tweeds and cashmeres in a gay collection of new Spring patterns and newest Spring styles. COME IN AND I.I I US III YOU FOR FASTER. USE OUR CONVEN IENT I AY AWAY ri. \ N ! $12.50 - $19.95 - $22.50 lAdiks' sri;isiioks Lovely new Spring styles in lilack, Navy, lirown, and Urown and White. Novelty pumps, step-ins, ties and spectators to select from. Come in and let us lit you for Ka.ster. $1.98-$2.95 Mrn's \\ ork SIhm'h Sturdy tough work shors ?*? 4 4% that will give gjI'MU lota of wear ' Children ? School Dresses Attractive new spring pattern* in children's fast color dresses. Sises 3 to 14. 59c Belk-Tyler Con\pm\y /depart/ae/ht stores J WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA

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