MAKE ?VERY I PAYDAY BONO OATI Ftr Vkfrj 1.1 DIFCNSE . BONDS STAMPS VOLUME XLV?NUMBER 29 WilliamHon, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, April 10, 1012. ESTABLISHED 1899 Special Two Weeks Term of Court W ill Not Begin Monday Action, Cancelling First V eek Of Civil Court, Is Not Quite Clear The first week of the special term of Martin County Superior Court scheduled by special legislative act to convene next Monday, has been called off. Clerk of Court?C B. Wynne stating that no cases had been set for trial during that per iod. The court will convene the fol lowing Monday. April 20. but dur ing the meantime. Judge R. L. Co burn and his court will meet for bus iness as usual next Monday Just why the first week of the special term of court will not be held could not be definitely learned, and the action is not quite clear One re port stated that there were not suf ficient cases to occupy the court for a full two weeks. There have been times when the court folded its tent and quit after the first week or even after the first day, but this is the first time that all pretense of hold ings court the first week has been abandoned. It is a fairly well estab lished fact that litigations are rest ing in the clerk of court's office files awaiting attention, but they are not to be tried next week and they do not appear on the calendar for the second week. Judge R. D. Dixon, special judge, is scheduled to preside over the ab breviated term. Twenty-one cases appear on the calendar for the second week. None of them is of much interest to the general public, and most of them i have been handed down for one rea son or another from previous terms. The calendar follows: I Monday, April 20: Hyman vs. Wil liams, Vanderford versus Hodges, Lumber Co. against Cowen, Grif fin against Marriner, Fertilizer Co. versus Carter. Halslip against Eth ridge. Fertilizer Company versus Mc Millan, Fertilizer Co versus Reed. Bailey vs. Insurance Co. Tuesday. April 21: Biggs vs. Bri ley, Chesson against Town, Whitak er versus Roberson, Indemnity Co. against Courtney. Winbome versus Jenkins (protest), Bryant vs. Bry ant, Fertilizer Co. against Hopkins, Fertilizer Co. vs Hopkins. Wednesday. April 22: Davis ver sus A C. L.. Gordy against York, Close versus Hyman, Bowen vs. Biggs The following men summoned for jury duty next week have been ad vised that their services will not be needed: Herbert Gardner, W. A. Manning, W B Harrington. Elbert W Griffin, Coy Griffin, Ralph C Mobley, W. O. Feel, J. Edward Cor ey. John W Hardy, W A Daniel. W il Hirrlg--" 1 " Woehnek, Sr.. M F VanNortwick, J G Davis, W I Leggett, R. E RaCkley, Eugene Cof field. * ? Fire Destroys Team And Pro|>erty Early Yesterday Morning Farmer J. J. Koberiton, Cirif fin? Township, Huh I,ohh Knlirnaled at S7,SOO ? Fire believed to have been start ed by spontaneous combustion, de stroyed four farm buildings, includ ing a large packhouse and stables, a machinery shed, corn barn and chickenhounse, seven mules and a horse, two caws, and large quanti ties of feed on the farm of Mr. J J. Roberson in Griffins Township early yesterday morning The loss was unofficially estimated at about $7,500 with only partial insurance in effect. Only one of the mules was insured Mr. Roberson was awakened about three o'clock by the fire. Without stopping to put on his clothes, he ran to the barnlot barefooted, but by the time he reached there the flames were leaving from both ends of the irrule barn. Unable to reach the mule pen, Mr. Roberson then ran to the doors leading into the main passage way where a big logging horse be longing to Sam Godard was confin ed. Hie farmer loosed the latch and the animal, pushing against the door, fell dead. One or two mules broke out of the pen, one running possi bly half a mile away, the other fall ing a few hundred yards from the burning building. The mules were so badly burned they were later killed. Mr. Roberson was slightly burned about the feet and head when he tried to save the team and other property from the fire. The mules, well kept, were among the finest in the county and it will be next to impossible to replace them. "I would not have had them burned for a hundred thousand dol lars," Mr. Roberson was quoted as saying. A complete inventory of the loss could not be had immediately, but it is understood that several hun dred bales of hay, a large quantity of especially prepared feed, more than 100 barrels of corn, a large number of farm implements includ ing plows, riding cultivators, plant ers and other items were burned. (Continued on page six) IN RACE FOR COUNTY JUDGE Intftnl in county politics sprouted over night this week when Messrs. J. Calvin Smith, Kobersonville lawyers (left), and S. liar rum Grimes, of Williamston, filed for the office of judge of the county recorder's court. The two candidates tormally filed with Board of Elections Chairman Sylvester Peel yeMerday. Politics Taking Shape For May 30th Primary GAS REBATES Martin County farmrrs, entitl ed to tax rebates on gasoline used in tractors and for the op eration of other farm machin ery, must file their claims not later than next Wednesday, April 15th, according to Mr. O. II. Harrison, of the Harrison Oil Company here. Claims to tax refunds on all gasoline used by farmers during the months of January, February and March will be considered by the State Department of Revenue. The offices of the Harrison Oil Company have willingly offered to assist farmers in prrparing their claims. Limited Amounts Of Seed Soy Beans And Peanuts Available Sett! Are Furnished in Sup port of Wur Produc tion ProRriini i a Calling fur enormous increases in oil-producing crops ? peanuts and soy beans?the government through the Commodity Credit Corporation has taken action to relieve as far as possible shortages in seed. T B Slade, of the county farm agent's of fice, explained this week Despite the special action, it is generally believ ed that the seed supply will hardly be sufficient to meet the demand According to Mr Slade. the com modity credit agency has shipping into this county and placed in stor age at the Fanners Warehouse, Wil liamston, 300 bags of seed peanuts of the Alabama runner type and a carload of soybeans for planting Farmers may purchase the seed by applying to the farm agent's office for a certificate It was pointed out, however, that the seed may be used only for producing crops for oil. The seed peanuts are available in 100 pound bags arid may be purchased for $6 58 per 100 pounds. The seed may also be obtained on credit at a slightly higher price. Germination, ranging as high as 88 per cent and with 80 per cent as a minimum, is guaranteed. The government has fix ed a price floor of 3.9 cents per pound for the Alabama runner type peanuts produced for conversion in to- oil. Some few bags of the seed peanuts have already been deliver ed, and the supply is not expected to last very long or meet the needs of the farmers in this county. The soy beans are available at a cost of $2.35 per bushel with a guar anteed germination ranging from a minimum of 80 per cent to as high as 88 per cent. They are of the To kio and Wood's Yellow types. Beans of this type, produced strictly for oil, have a minimum floor price of $1 50 guaranteed by the government. Farmers in this county have agreed to plant about 6,000 acres of peanuts for oil, or about one-half the number of acres the government (Continued on page six) MORE CHECKS The distribution of soil con servation cheeks, delayed for several weeks, is going forward again. Mailed direct to the own ers, the cheeks received so far aasount lb $<9,180.55, represent ing (34 applications or almost one-half the soil conservation contracts In effect in this coun ty. A total of 1,139 cheeks *"? been delivered to farmers to Ninety-eight cheeks, amount ing to $7,710.54, were delivered to Martin farmers this week. Few Contests Have Been Announced So Far In This County ( iiiiiliiluti-* Have Cnlil April HI I o File; Kleetiou Hoard ^ ill Me?'l I oinorroH Admittedly rele^ttted to a second ary position as far as public inter est is concerned, politics, however, is taking shape in this county and district for the May 30th primary. There is more interest 111 politics than one would suppose, and inter est is likely to flare up during the next six weeks. Comparatively few contests have been created in the political field, but several others are promised and, as a whole, the elec torate will well know this is a politi cal year before the primary is over Officially, only one county con jest has developed, but it is general ly understood that there will be one for the State House of Representa tives. Messrs J Calvin Smith, of Robersonville, and S Harcum urimt's, of Williamston, filed yester 'lay for county court judge, the post that is being x-ohmtanty vacated by Robert 1, Cobiirn. It is generally j agreed that all the other county of fices will be sought by the incum bents None of them had filed up until early yesterday, but it was learned that several candidacies were submitted later 111 the day to Mr. Sylvester Peel, chairman of the county board of elections. W. I. Skin ner filed some days ago for the House, and 11. G Horton formally en tered his candidacy for the State Senate from this district u short time later Each of the candidates paitl $ti filing fees, or One .per cent of Hie salaries allowed the legislators Formal notices of candidacies are appearing in some cases today, but it is understood that all other in cumbent!?. including county commis sioners, will formally announce for re-nomination and re-election. Fil ing fees have been unofficially post ed follows sheriff, Mill. , |erk of court, $24, treasurer, $6, house and "n'te- J"dge of county court, *orro, ^nriiitoi county court, $7.80. All other offices, including the coun ty commissioners, board of educa tion, surveyor, coroner, township constables and justices of the peace carry a flat filing fee of $5, The reg ister of deeds is not up for re-elec tion this year. There are two openings on the board of education, the terms of Me-ssrs. J. D. Woolard. Williamston, and H. C Norman, Robersonville expiring next year. On the State ticket, two contests have been announced among the Democrats. Richard T. Fountain and (Continued on page six) ? Numerous Fires Are Re|>orte(l Recently Williamston's volunteer firemen have been on the go during the past three days, the department handling four calls in three days. None of the calls was serious, but each one call ed for the volunteers to quit work. Some one fired an old trash piie near the river and the department was called when the fire started tc spread to the Saunders and Cox mill yard. Wednesday night about 9:45 the firemen were calli-d to the plant "I thi Williamston Peanut Company Where burning hulls on the yarc threatened the buildings. Last night at 9:30 the firemen were called U a small grass fire just back of thi grammar school. The first fire of the week was re ported last Tuesday morning wher fire burned a small hole in the roo: of Josie Howard's home on Warrer Street. UNCLE SAM BATTLING TO UPHOLD Americas Freedom THE TJTII WEEK OF THE WAR War Production Director Nelson, speaking in New York City, said 'Amvnca's industrial plant l* Really beginning to roll." He said airplane production schedules for the first three months of this year have been met or exceeded, and production of anks is ahead of schedule Mr. Nelson said production of merchant ships is "Rising rapidly" and this year's schedule should be met A Garand rifle is now available for "every one of our combat sol diers who is supposed to have one," tie said. Production schedules for anti-aircraft and anti-tank guns al so are being met. However. "This is no time for easy optimism." he stat ed. "because the production of war goods is so huge a job we can break fall short of the need." The Senate passed and sent to the House legislation to set up a $100 million smaller war plants corpora tion under the War Production] Board. The corporation would ob tain contracts from Government procurement agencies and re-award them to small enterprises, breaking the orders into subcontracts where necessary. Civilian Supply The WPB ruled buying toothpaste or shaving cream in tubes must turn in to the retailers some kind of tin or tin-coasted tube for each new one purchased. The Board froze sales and deliver ies of all new bicycled for adults, in cluding those already ordered and paid for. Red Cross local chapters began collection of the extra cloth made available by the elimination of cuffs from approximately 50 million pairs of trousers now on hand in stores. The salvage clip will make about 300,000 new suits The board ordered production of cover caps of tinplate 02 terneplate, used as closures for catsup, jelly, etc.. stopped immediately, and of crown caps for bottled beer and soft drinks stopped April 30th. Produc tion of fluorescent lighting fixtures was also ordered ended immediately; of vacuum cleaners, April 30th; and toys and games made of metal, plas tic and other -essential materials, June 30th. The board curtailed use of crude rubber and latex in 50 ar ticles, including fire and mill hose, storage batteries, etc. Priority Order Compliance The WPB icpoi ted investigations of 14.000 firms for compliance with priority orders have been undertak en since last June. Reports have been completed on 3,500 firms, the Board said, and of these 1,600 showed no violations while approximately the same number reported minor vio lations through misunderstandings. The reports resulted in 35 suspension orders, affecting 46 firms and one individual. Thirteen Federal agen cies and more than 3,500 investiga (Continued on page six) 1 Plan Campaign Tor Control Of ( lancer ? Plans for advancing a campaign in this community for the support of the American Society for the Con trot "of Cancer were formulated at a meeting of the Woman's Club last Wedm*s?tity -mrtimg. The drive for funds will get underway the early part of next week, Mrs. Joel Muse, chairman, said this morning Club members and s? viral non club members have already volun teered to handle the fund canvass. Streets and territories will be as signed the canvassers who are ex pected to call at every home in the immediate community. The canvass ers are giving their time without re ward and hope of reward and the general public is urged to take that important fact into consideration when the solicitors call and support the movement liberally. In announcing its nation-wide fund solicitation, the Society point ed out that cancer is the second high est cause of death in the United States. It kills 158,000 annually, held to two-thirds of whom could have been saved if they had known the simple facts about the disease that the Society is striving to check by research work and by acquainting more people with these simple facts. MEMORIAL The memorial tablet honor ing Murry Cargile, the first Mar tin County youth to die in World War II at Pearl Harbor, has been delivered and has been per manently attached to the wall on the first floor of the high school building in Roberson Title. The emorial was financed without any trouble or delay by a public subscription. Memorial services were held for the youth in the Parmele Methodist church a few weeks ago. Health De[)a rtmentSched u les Pre-School Clinics In County Beginning <m Thursday of next; week, the county health department will hold a series of clinics for the examination of all white children who plan to enter school next fall. Remedial defects will be pointed out in the hope that the parents will have them corrected, giving then chil-1 dren an equal opportunity to com j pete with others without physical | handicaps. The children will be im- I mnni/ed .qeimO cri t lH) contagion;! ! diseases, the law requiring that the child must be vaccinated before en- : tering school. All parents having children reijdy for school next fall are earnestly requested to support the clinic program In the two large schools, clinics will be held on each of two days that delay and waiting will be reduced to a minimum. The schedule below was released by Or John W Williams, health of ficer. Parents u.ho m-iM have chil dren ready for school next fall are asked to cooperate with the schedule by taking the child to the clinic in their district. The schedule: Bear Grass, Thursday, April 16. 9:00 to 12:00 Farm Life. Friday, April 17. 9:00 to 12:00. Jamesville. Friday. April 17, 1 00 to 3 30 Hamilton. Wednesday. April 22. 9 00 to 12 00 ?Gold Pond. Wednesday. April 22. 100 to 3 30. Oak City. Thursday, April 23rd. i) 00 to 12:00 Hassell. Thursday. April 23, I 00 to 3.30 Robeisonvillr Friday. April 24th. 9:00 to 12 00. Country children. Kobersonville. Friday, April 24th, I 00 to 3:30. Town children Williamstou, Wednesday. April 29. 9 00 to 12:00. Country children. ?Williamston. Thui'sduy,?April?3ttr 9:00 to 12 00. Town children Send Questionnaires To Late Registrants Draft Machinery Is Ordered Speeded Up By Selective Board | Occupational (Jiiotioiiuairc* | To Folio* Those Sent Out By Selective Service * In accordance with special instruc tions received front the National Se lective Service System, the County Draft Board this week started speed ing up the machinery for distribut ing questionnaires to those men hold ing the first 300 order numbers in the third registration As a result the first 150 questionnaires were placed in the mails late yesterday afternoon, several days ahead of0 a , previously announced schedule. An equal number of pie questionnaires is being placed in the mails today. It isn't likely that more of the third registration questionnaires will he placed in the mails immediately or not within the next week or ten, days, at least. Unofficially, it was learned that the June draft call and possibly the May call in some conn ties will be filled partly from the i third registration. It is estimated that a sufficient number and more, "tu?meet the June draft call eon bej had from those registrants whose i?uhr nuniln vx l.inge hum 10,001 Hi | 10,300. In those counties where the I-A classifications have been ex -I hausted, it is quite possible that man ' power will In- drawn from the third registration. The rush to get out the questionnaires hardly seems justi , fied in that the first and second man power reserves are more than suf ficient to meet the May draft call. In addition to the selective serv ice questionnaires, those men regis tering on February 16th will within the near future receive special oc cupational questionnaire forms These, like the draft or selective service questionnaires, are to be i filled in and returned to the county , draft board office within ten days after they are received. This is a very important question naire; a special survey being con ducted by the U. S Employment Service and the Sclecttve Service System to classify each man into the job or kind of work he is best suit ed to do. The questionnaire is in two parts, both of which must be filled in completely The Martin County Draft Board will keep one copy and the U. S. Employment Service in Williamston, which serves this sec tion, will get the other copy. Many if these men have special skills and will later be asked to come in for a re-interview, in order to determine if they have skills urgently needed in war industries, or if they can be (Continued on page six) ? More Gardens Are Planted In County After talking with several farm ers, agricultural students, and mak ing a survey, it was found that a greater number of gardens have been planted up to date this year than in 1941. We have some people in the Robersonville school district who are planning to have gardens, even though they have not yet be gun them. In 1939 there were 31,149 farm families in North Carolina who did not have gardens. Do your part and help reduce this number to exactly zero for 1942. If you need assistance in planning your garden ask some teacher will hi- glad to assist you, but by all means do your part and help produce food for freedom. Since our main source of tin sup ply to the United States has been eliminated by the Axis, it might mean self preservation for all of us to grow the food and preserve it at ing on store-purchased food.?Rob ersonville School Newi. VOLl'NTKKR The first .Martin County young man, Alvin M. Hasty, of Kohersonville. to waive depen dnecy and apply for officer's training, volunteered his serv ices in the armed forces with the draft board office here yester day. Possibly seeing what many others fail to see ahead, the 3-A class registrant will, subject to physical examination, enter the service as a private. After three months' basic training, he will enter an officer's training school for instruction during six to nine months. Only registrants in the 3-A classification may vol unteer for the special training. Fate ()l Defenders Of Butuun In Donlit Alter Long Battle ??? A^rt'i'iiiriil K<-u<-lir<l in Imliii lt> I .i-hiIith; Itin Nimil Ki^lil ill Imliaii Ori'iui 0 After more than three months til. h. rmc did, n m lb. Philippines lias come to end, leav ing more than 30,000 heroic Ameri cans .ind Filipinos to an uncertain fate. The fall of Bataan while not marking the end of the fight in the Philippines equals, in way, the sneaking attack by the yellow-tint ed Japs on Peart Harbor four months ago. The message telling of the fall came yesterday morning at 5 15 O'clock, and while it was expected 'the disheartening news was second j in importance to that heard on that I eventful day hack in December. Outnumbered, sick and hungry, I hut fighting to the very last, the her oic little American-Filipino army? 36,853 against 200,000 finally fell from sheer exhaustion after five days and nights of continuous pound ing by the Japanese juggernaut These men, under siege for three months, did not quit. Indeed, their valedictory was a spirited, hut futile charge that-faded-only- because their legs could no longer carry them. They .simply were overwhelmed by weariness and by weight of num bers from land, sea and air. Most of them , faced certain death r capture. Fighting still goes on from Correg idor Fortress and Forts Drum, Hughes and Frank in Manila Bay American soldiers and fierce Fili pino guerrillas still carry on from other islands in the Archipelago. Secretary of War Henry L Stim son said every effort was being made to evacuate as many of the Bataan defenders as possible to Corregidor ?mighty, rock-hewn fortress guard ing the gateway to Manila Bay and anchor for the now-fallen Bataan line. It was unlikely, however, that a large number could be removed. The tragic communique said the non-stop Japanese attack had suc (Continued on page six) TIRKS A year ago. the nation's auto mobile owners In the month of April bought 2,816,000 tires to replace their old ones. In addl tlon to that number they used 433,000 recapped tires. Sales In the current month wiH be re duced by about 93 per cent. In April, 1941, truckers bought 603,000 new and 98,000 recapped tlrea. This month they will not be able to buy more than 275, 323 new tires and 246,442 recap ped ones. The allotment of poo senger car tubes in the nation hat been limited to 285,977. Trucks may uae 266,983 tubea. Summer Slump Hits Judge R. L Columns Court Last Monday Only Five ('.uses i'.alieil ami LeMit Than Tho l)<>/rn IVo ple Prenent for Session 1 Coining well in advance of the reg ular schedule, ole man summer slump struck Judge Robert L. Coburn's county ri"i'-f I?Monday There - were only five cases on the docket, and three of them were brought ov er from the previous week. Not more than twelve or fifteen spectators were present for the proceedings, and the old coi^t room that has been packed to the bulging point many hundreds of times .in years gone by, was downright lonesome. The court was >0 session hardly :in hour It was previously announced that no session of the county court would be held next Monday, but the super ior court calendar has boon re^rrang id and Judge Coburn will be in the seat to mete out justice in all worthy cases. The "big" court had so few cases that the lawyers decided to crowd them all into one week begin ning April 20th. Proceedings in the county court lats Monday follow: The case charging Elmer Gray with non-support was continued for the state until next Monday. A nolpros was taken by the; pros edition in the case charging Joseph W Bailey, a former judge of the court, with being drunk and disor derly. It wsa pointed out that the defendant had entered a hospital for treatment. Judge Coburn's determined pro gram to help stamp out the illicit li quor traffic and conserve sugar for legitimate channels of trade is now headed for a test in the higher courts. The judge had warned that'.'dealers tn the business could well expect long road terms and substantial fines. Crawford Howard, charged with possession of illicit liquor for sale and with manufacturing home brew, pleaded guilty of possession, The plea was accepted by the state, and the defendant was sentenced to the -roads for six months. The sen fcixce was Suspended upon condition that the defendant pay a $75 fine and the costs of the case. Howard did not like the condition, so he appealed to the superior court Bond in the sum of $100 was required. During the course of the trial, Howard showed good character and declared that the trip to the bar of justicp was bis first one. In the case charging Willie Lee Credle and Senora Hyman with in decent exposure. Credle was *vntcnc-? ed to the roads for sixty days and the Hyman woman was'ordered to ilie county home for active duty during the next thirty days. Pleading guilty in the case charg ing him with drunken driving, Ed ward Griffin was fined $50, taxed with the case costs and had his li cense to operate a motor vehicle re voked for one year. Funeral Held Here Yesterday For Mrs. Emma W.Curganus ' llrxjicrtrd Citi/.i-n I>i?-? Tiu'k <la\ Kvi'iiiiifi in Il?>.?|iitiil Vfli-r l.onn llliii'xx ? ?M-the?hftmrrnr North Tlaughton at hte home on North Haughton Street yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock for Mrs. Emma Wynne Gur-~ ganus, widow of Robert Gurganus who died two years ago next June. Rev John L. Goff, her pastor, con lucied tin- last ntr.s, and interment followed in the family plot in the local cemetery. Experiencing declining health dur ing the past several years, Mrs Gur ganus was taken critically ill a week ago, last Saturday. She was removed to a Washington hospital Monday and died there Tuesday eve ning at 7:25 o'clock. Uremic poison ing and complications were given as the causes of her death. She had undergone hospital treatment for several months in 1940, but never fully regained her health. However, she was able to be up and attend to many duties around her home until she was taken ill almost two weeks ago. The daughter of the late Jesse B. and Adelaide Nicholson Wynne, she was born near Williamston 50 years ago the first of next month. In early womanhood she was married to Mr Gurganus and made her home in Williamston most of the time follow ing her marriage. She was a mem ber of the Christian church for more than a quarter of a century, and was held in high esteem by all who knew her. She was a devoted mother, and found peace and happiness within the confines of her home. ? She is suivived by nine children, William Leslie Gurganus, James Ar thur Gurganus, Mrs. Melmus Barn hill, Mrs. Carl Wynne, Robert F. Gurganus, Mrs. John B. Rogerson, Joseph Saunders Gurganus, Jesse Daniel Gurganus, all of Williamston, and Mrs. Stanley Alston, of Wind sor. She also leaves one sister, Mrs. Charles Cowen, of Beaufort Coun ty.

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