FOR If You Aren't Fighting ? Plant PEANUTS A MESSAGE TO THE PEANUT FARMERS The Government needs more vegetable oil to fight the war. We eamiot import eoeonut ami palm oil as in llie past. Our Vllies are looking to lis for food . . espeeially nils and fats. Farmers are being asked to grow peanuts ami soybeans to siippl\ tbis oil. The farmers of Martin Gountv were assigned a minimum goal of 11.410(1 aeres of neanuts and .'5.000 aeres of so\ beans for oil. The\ pe have more than met the soybean goal. They lark 5.1100 aeres <>l meeting their peanut goal, ( an we afford to sa\ the farmers of Martin Gountv failed in their first big assignment to help win the war? IIh* Government has made seed a\ailahle at ver> reasonable priees . . hither for eash or eredil. with the notes payable Deeember 1st in easli or peanuts^ Anyone who will plant them ean gel the seed . . Just see or write the Gountv Agent. 1 Don'I Let Your haul Lay Idle! I PLANT PEANUTS FOR VICTORY! i I 1.000 PoiiimIh of Peanut Hay 1 Plus 1.000 Pound* of Peanut Meal L_ Equals | In food value?25 bushels of eorn. You \?can grow 4he above amount of peanut hay ' and meal . . and probably more, on one | acre of land. You could not possibly grow | on the sandy type of soil you would use I for peanuts that large an amount of corn . . Therefore, it's more profitable to grow | peanuts. Our hundred ha?*s of peanuts liavo arrived and more will lie ordered if needed. IMaer wmr order lodas ho Martin (louiils ran t ill ils (jiiola. 'Sour ?;o\erninent has made provision lor |>n 11 i 11 o pickers in e\er\ eommuuits where lliere is need lo |>ieh I It ese peanuts. \ottr government has guaranteed a minimum priee for \oiir peanut crop I?? insure you against loss. Your government wants you to plant pea nuts for oil . . It is up lo the farmers of Martin (omits lo do their part. IMake your plans Indus to plant vonr share of these peanuts. It is your pntriotie duty.