The Enterprise PjblMied Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WTLLIAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA. W. C. MANNING Editor ? 190S-IMS SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY One year 41.75 Si* gjpnthi ? ? i oo OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One year 42.25 Si* months i 1.25 No Subscription Received Under 6 Months Advertising Rate Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office in WiUiamston, N. ?f. nr nirrr m?""r under 'lie act of Cnn greas of March 3. 1878. Address all communications to The Enterprise and not individual members of the firm. Friday. April 17. 1942. Appraiate America Be thankful for America; speak well of our country. This is our day. our time, in which to keep the light of liberty burning brightly for people every where to behold Some people, pleading craftily for totalitar ianism. disparage democracy, ridicule it, deny its virtues, its sound principles; and they tell us that we have no freedom at all We know better. The government is our government. We have elected it?all of us together. Opposition par ties flourish. They speak and print and use the radio. This is freedom. It is unknown in the dic tator countries We go to church?to the church of our choice, and no one interferes with any of us. Ministers of religion may criticize the government, in sist upon reforms, plead for the underprivileg ed, oppose persecution, discrimination, injus tice. Pastors are not spied upon by the police, reported, arrested and silenced. Children may be educated religiously from childhood; our Sunday schools, colleges and theological semi naries are open And they shall remain open! This is religious freedom in America. It is un known?utterly and completely absent in the dictator countries Go into an American school room. You will see boys and girls there who come from well to-do families, and from poor families. You will see children from Protestant homes, Catholic homes, Jewish homes. You will observe that their teacher is their guide who instructs them in the knowledge of principles and ideals, and in the formation of judgment values. Go into a Nazi school room. There you will see children from only so-called "Aryan" homes. Others?the so-called "non-Aryans"?are den ied even the right to such education as the land affords?You will observe?that the teachei's function is not to teach truth as such, but Nazi ideas and Nazi slogans, 'l'he teacher is the chil drens' master who must stifle intelligent in quiry in the interests of stupid obedience to the dictator and the State. One schoolroom is built upon the principle of American freedom. The other is built upon the principle of totalitarian tyranny. For the preservation of this freedom, and for its endurance into a brighter day, we fight to day?and work?and pray that Almighty God will "defend our liberties, and fashion into one united people the multitudes brought hither out of many kindreds and tongues." Freedom'? Holy Lifhl Freedom is a precious tiling A great many years ago ,a band of Englishmen got King John to sign the Magna Carta, at a little town named RttnnymcJc on the Thames. This was a great thing; although no one present that day knew how important the event would be in the fu ture tide of human affairs Freedom: It is hot necessary to define it. We can point out some of the things tt is made up \ of. Like a man leaving home in the'morning for his day's work, knowing his wife and children will be safe until he comes homes again. Like Boy Scouts going on camping trips far from home, unafraid and unharmed in the free country they soon learn to love. Freedom is like the great, pulsing heartbeat of the America we know, composed of millions of everyday things: The housewife shopping for bargains; the laughter of legions of school children at play; the good folk who sing hymns in country churches; the growing of the crops, and the factory worker whistling on his way to work. It is like the high, wide mountains that shoul der the purple mists at twilight, and the great green valleys; and the pounding waves up and down the shores that bound our country. It is something like farmers rising at dawn, and millions of good women in kitchens at sunrise, fixing breakfast for their families. It is the good American way of working, playing, and hav ing many of the blessings of this life; and some to share with others now and then. It is the story of the self-made man, and his straggle upward against odds, but odds that Jweitfcy youngsters are able, only dn America, to overcome and get to top places in life. It is the story of millions of humble folk who trust their Government to do the right thing by them; and of the legions of wage earners who are able to make enough for comforts and luxuries as well as life's necessities. Freedom is more than the Statue of Liberty with its shining torch at the gateway of the world's greatest city?it is the light that shines in millions of American windows at night?in homes where free people live. Freedom is a man speaking his honest opinion and his mind, in the drug store, in church, in public meetings; and being unafraid. Freedom is as clean as the winds that sweep across our continent; and as sweet as a workingmans' sleep aftei?a day's toil. It is as bright as Hope shining in the heart of a boy or girl; and as precious a thing to defend as soul's honor and mother love. ?C.W.B. /,Jo Men Prefer Fat Ones? The Newman, Ga., Herald says that when girdles disappear bigger curves will be stylish. "Most men would call that making the best of a happy situation.1' Replying to~the Herald, the Atlanta Journal says: It is difficult to under stand why 95 out of 100 women think men go wild and ga-ga over a slim, skinny woman with a ' boyish" figure, when 95 per cent of the men definitely prefer a woman with ample quanti ties of flesh and the resulting feminine curves and contours. A woman on the obese side is much better natured and more tolerant than her skinny and-neurotic sister And,any old day, a man prefers curves to nerves. Tax Burden Of Poorer Persons Smithfleld Herald. There is considerable significance in the warning of Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau that "selfish interests" are seeking to shift part of their tax- responsibility to "poor er persons," who are already making a "fair contribution" to taxes. The Secretary of the Treasury says that no further taxes should be levied on the lowest in come group until every other avenue of reve nue has been exhaustd and every loophole has been closed. Mr. Morgenthau gives the result of a study, made by his research staff, which shows that the average single person, earning $750 a year, is paying $130, or 17.3 per cent of his income in (xith direct and indirect Federal, State and local taxes. A married person, earning $1,500 a year, is paying about $250 of his income in such taxes. This information, which comes from the Sec retary, of the Treasury, should carry consider able weight with Americans who are anxious to distribute the financial burden of war along just economic principles. It will not carry any weight with some people who are trying to use their influence to "take a little load off of them selves and put it on the underdog." Steady There! By Ruth Taylor. Have you ever been caught in a panic-strick en crowd? If you have, you will never forget the experience. I was on an overcrowded, over balanced boat one time when I was a child and 1 it'iiienibei the blind panic ot tne crowd as the ship listed heavily. They rushed f*nm one side to another?pushing and crowding, hysteria rising rapidly as the panic spread and the ves sel listed more heavily with each surge of the mob Then, just when it seemed the ship would overturn with the next rush?a man jumped up on the rail and cried out in a calm, deter mined voice, "Steady there!" The surging crowd stood still for a moment. And in that pause he told them that if they kept their heads, they would be safe. They must stand quietly where they were and then cooperate in order to keep the balance of the boat until the captain could bring it to shore again. The crowd steadied to his calm counsel and the ves sel came safely to its dock. Today, when the storm of war has broken upon us, we need people everywhere who can stand steady in the face of impending disaster, and avert it because they know the value of co operation and will not be led into blind panic; who can wait until they know the facts; and who then can take their proper places in the fight, obeying the leaders at the helm of the Ship of State. Wc must hold steady. This is the only way in which we can help win this war. We must keep calm. We must obey orders. We ffiHst wbrk,~ah<T work hard, and then work still harder. We must back our government with our time, our mon ey, and our unswerving loyalty. We must hold steady against those subvers ive forces who try to arouse suspicion and fear and whip them into the unthinking, unreason ing terror or hatred that send the crowds into wild rout or riots. A false sense of security or undue optimism is dangerous?but we must not slip into the corresponding fault of the pessi mism which accepts the worst as an established fact?the pessimism that ends in disruptive pan ic. Over three hundred years ago?John Bunyan wrote in his "Holy War," "For here lay the ex cellent wisdom of him that built Mansoul, that the walls could never be broken down nor hurt by the most mighty adverse potentate unless the townsmen gave consent thereto." Steady there! That is the immediate task for all of us. What Comes in Small Packages? ? A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small pack age.?'Doughty News. "Righteousness Exalteth A Nation". . . By REV. JOHN L. GOFF Pastor Christian Church "In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own-eyes " Twice this statement is made in the Book of Judges. It would seem that the writer was spaaking of our own day. While it is true that we hold to certain ethical and moral standards in theory, the real essence of the matter is, that each one of us reserves the right to interpret them and be controlled by them as he sees fit. Vastly too many of us refuse to regulate life by the whole ethical and moral standard.' We do not strive to develop our total life by doing what Paul calls "putting on the whble armor of God." We do not let the beauty and truth of the Holy Scriptures flow through our minds, fecting our spiritual poise. Too few of us desire to be known for our good works, our thoughtful and kindly deeds and our unselfish services. If we can retain a degree of respecta bility that is enough. Paul reminds us that when we are guilty in one point of the Law we are guilty of the whole. Our Lord knew that if men had a microscopic vision of righteousness and an astronomical observer!' vi sion of worldliness, that such an in dividual or nation would produce better and a happier society will not come until men and women have be come twice-born individuals, regen erated souls. You cannot have strong stock on a perishing tree trunk, any more than you can have a vigorous spirituality in a heart uncleansed. It is the willingness to let the atoning blood of the crucified, resurrected and reigning Lord cleanse one's heart and become the senior partner in the building of a holy life that will issue in righteous living. Holy living is an achievement and calls for the culling out of many of life's non-productive elements. It's an "all out" for God and righteous ness, and half-way measures will not avail. Just now our nation is calling for an "all out" effort to overcome our enemies. The country issues its call to "fight on every front.' Werare agreed that we want to preserve the rights that have been our inheritance and secure them for the future. Is this "fighting on every front" to be interpreted that we are to die to maintain legalized liquor, gambling and prostitution? For instance, most real Americans can take whatever is necessary to win this war, -but it is a strange thing to ask for sacrifice on the part of the citizenry, that is, stop using your car, sugar and many other items, in order for national victory, while trucks hauling beer, wines and liquors can get tires to haul this deadly poison. In The En terprise of Tuesday, April 14th, there is an item that "trucks loaded with materials, more or less, vital to the war effort are stalled in this county because tire replacements could not be had immediately." (There is no shortage of liquor.) We can never hope to have an unanimity of pur pose as long as sacrifice is demand ed of une group of our people while another group of our people profits by this?sacrifice Tor something damnable and deadly. Every man cannot do that which is right in HIS OWN SIGHT and there be peace and progress. There must be some central controlling power. In government, it is the Pres ident, his cabinet and the houses of Congress. In religion, (meaning both ethics and morals) there must be some authority, and that authority is Jesus Christ llbar Him say, "Seek ye first the Kingdom- of God (the reign and rule of God in all human life), and His righteousness, and all CHURCH NEWS CHRISTIAN Bible school, 0:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sub ject, "The Living Church?Its Cour age to Face the World." Young People, 7 p. m. Subject, "The Church Grows in Power." Evening service, 8 p. m. Subject, "The Tragedy of a Divided Church." Monday, 4 p. m., Circle No. 1 will meet. Circle No. 2 meets with Mrs. Mac Robertson, with Mrs. Jack Har dison as joint hostess, at 4 p. m. Mid-week service, Wednesday, 8 p. m. Subject, "The Significance of Church Ordinances." Mr. Goff is speaking on a series of subjects of '"Hie Living Church," until Pentecost at the morning hour, while at the evening hour is a ser ies running on "The New Testament Church." A friendly welcome awaits air Daily devotional on "The Living Church?The Fellowship of God's People." April 20. The Divine Nation. Gen. 17:1-8. April 21: The Inner Circle. Mark 3:13-19. April 22: Friendship at its Great est. John 15:1. April 23: The Dynamic Association Together. Acts 1:1-11. April 24: The Personal Attach ment. Acts 20:13-37. April 25: Friends by Name. Rom ans 16:1-16. April 26: The Fellowship Triumph ant. Rev. 7:9-17. BAPTIST Bible school, 9:45 a. m Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sermon subject, "The Potter and hte Clay." Evening worship, 8 p. m Sermon subject, "Saved to the Limit." B T. U., 7 p. m. "A friendly church in a friendly town invites you to all its services." "Love ever gives, forgives?out lives, and ever stands with open these other things will be added un to you." Mrs. R. Leslie Smith, formerly of Williamston, but now of Williams burg, Va., sent us the following item taken from a church bulletin in Con necticut that was produced by a preacher in Bournemouth, England, called "A Message for This Time," and it seems to equally apply to us here in America. A Message for This Time "We have been a pleasure-loving people, dishonoring God's day, pic nicking and bathing?Now the sea shores are barred; no picnics, no bathing? "We have preferred motor travel to Church-going?now there is a shortage of motor fuel. "We have ignored the ringing of the Church bells calling us to wor ship?now the bells cannot ring ex cept to warn of invasion. "We have left the Churches half empty when they should have been filled with Worshippers?now they are in ruins. "We would not listen to the way of peace?now we are forced to lis ten to the way of war. "The money we would not give to the Lord's work?now is taken from us in taxes and higher prices. "The food for which we forgot to return thanks?now is unobtainable. "The service we refused to give to God?now is conscripted for the country. "Lives we refused to live under God's control?now are under the Nation's control. "Night we would not spend in 'watching unto prayer' ? now are spent in anxious air-raid precau tions. "The evils of modernism we would not fight?now, see what Germany, the seat of this teaching has pro duced." A HANGER For A HANGER The War Production Board has ordered that no more eoat hangers shall be manufactured. We are asking that you bring with your cleaning a hanger for each garment. With your coopera tion there will be no inconvenience. Don't Aik Hi To Mmke Exceptioni Pittman's Cleaners Alpha Cleaners Lilley's Laundry hands, and while it lives, it gives. For this is love's prerogative, to give ?and give?and give."?John Ox enham. CHURCH OF THE ADVEN1 2nd Sunday after Easter. Church school, 9:45 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 a. m. Evening prayer at 8 p. m. On the 26th of April we will ob serve the 25th anniversary of the consecration of the church. We are happy to have as the preacher for that great service the Rev. Morrison Bethea, a former Rector, who preach ed the consecration sermon. Jamesville Baptist Regular services will be held at the Jamesville Baptist Church Sunday. All are invited to come and worship with us. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified aa Baeeutor of the Estate of F. L Haialip, late of Martin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all iW4f"" having claims against the estate of said de ceased. to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 20th day of March, 1943, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 20th day of March, 1942. Wachovia Bank & Trust Co., Executor, Estate of F. L. Haislip, m31-6t Deceased, Hamilton, N. C. E. S. Peel, Atty. IE AD ACHE , When your head ache* and I are Jittery, get ?*Uef quickly, lantly, with Capudine. t~*~ * I cause It's liquid- Use onl] I All druggists. 10c. 30c. Liquid CAPUDINE & FIVE POUNDS OF CORK That's a lot oI cork, because cork doaant weigh much How much would you give tor fiva pounds of eork. common, ordinary oork. right now? That'* right, not a thing. You have no use for it BUT I Suppose you were in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean in a tmali boat and the boat was sinking. Then what would you gtva tor five pounds of cork? That's right, everything you The moral to the story? Here U is; "To have a Security Policy when you need it you must got it before you need it. Security Life and Tru :t Company Your Security Representative LESLIE FOWDEN AGENCY J. PAUL GARLAND SIMPSON COLTRAIN WILLIAMSTON, N. C. r *U WILL(AMSTON It, MACCOlll D ROTGEPf i? Smart styu." V It ha? been uid that Allied defense ef forts have failed because of too lhtle equipment reaching them too late. It has been our job to see that we have neither too little a stock of the articles you desire nor that they reach you too late. We did our buying for you with these ideas in mind and we can now of fer you a complete stock of summer wearables. Your job begins now. It is up to you to see that you do not wait too late to buy that summer wardrobe or you may find too little to select from. BE WISE ?SHOP NOW! One Group Of SPRING COATS and SUITS Reduced for Quick Clearance Htufetis faotLtos WILLIAMSTON, N. C

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