Visit Here Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Holler and Miss Minnie Lou Gilliam, o( Windsor vis ited here Tuesday. Was Business Visitor Here Mr. L. E. Hamerick, of Lincolnton, spent several days here this week attending to business for Eagles store. ? i ~ In Rocky Mount Wednesday Mrs. Clarence Bailey visited Rocky Mount Wednesday. Was Here Wednesday Miss Alice Roberson, of Roberson ville, visited here Wednesday. Visits in Bear Grass Misa lrene Hodges, of Washington, spent the week-end with her parents in Bear Grass. o Spends Week-end Here Mrs. James Eldndge, of Chapel Hill, will spend the week-end here with her daughter, Miss Josephine Eldridge. Was Business Visitor Here Mr. Humphrey Gilliam, of Wind sor, was a business visitor here on Tuesday. Ia Plymouth Wednesday Mr. Frank Margolis was a business visitor in Plymouth Wednesday. Shops Here Wednesday Miss Mary Gardner, of Plymouth, shopped here Wednesday. S Visits Here Tuesday Mrs. Effie Rogers, of Bear Grass, was in town Tuesday. She was ac companied by her daughter, Mrs. A. B. Ayers, Jr., of Robersonville^ In Greenville Last Week-end Miss Elizabeth Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailey visited in Green ville last week-end. ' Visits in Bear Grass Elbert Harris, of A. C. College, Wilson, spent the week-end at his home in Bear Grass. In Washington Tuesday Misses Annie Mae Bailey, Beulah Roberson and Velma Bailey visited in Washington Tuesday night. Visiting in Durham Miss Josie Pearl Lilley is spending a few days in Durham with her nephew who is confined in a Dur ham hospital. ? Spending 15 Days Here S. W. Manning, of Hendricks Field, Fla., is spending 15 days here with his mother. -OLD LEWIS HOTEI Kentucky Straight Boo Aon Whiskey From the heart of the Blue Gnu region of Kentucky, famous for its wonderful limestone water*, comes one of the great Kentucky bourbons? Old Lewis Hunter. '/? This whiskey is 5 years old ? 90 Proof William Jameson A Co.. Inc., N V. JAMESVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Gurkin and children have returned to their home in Richmond after spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gurkin in Jamesville. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Daniels, of Norfolk, spent the week-end near Jamesville with Mrs. Levi Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Davis and son. Glen, spent last week with their son in Spartanburg, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Onward Davis, of Burlington, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Davis. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Chenoworth and little son of Portsmouth, visited Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gurkin Sun day. ?Mi. Will Gufkin, of Plymouth, is improving after being confined to his bed for the past two weeks. Mr. John Mobley, of Norfolk, vis ited friends and relatives in James ville and Dardens last week-end. Mrs. Gertrude Ballard, field secre tary of the F.W.B.L, held a meeting at Corinth Church last week. Miss Marjorie Oliver was the guest of Miss Margaret Browning on Sunday. Mr. Gene Stallings visited his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Stallings last week-end. Mr. Charlie Gurkin was a hiisineM visitor in Robersonville Saturday. ? In Washington Tuesday Miss Grace White, Mrs. Frank Ed wards, jr., Mr. and Mrs Grady Thomas and Ben Hopkins visited in Washington Tuesday night. * Visit in Rocky Mount Mr. and Mrs J. P. Hodges visited in Rocky Mount for the week-end ? Was Here Yesterday Captain Wm. D. Workman, of the U. S Army, visited here yesterday. ? In Raleigh Yesterday Attorney Elbert Peel was in Ral eigh yesterday attending a meeting of the State School Commission. Visiting in Durham Mrs. L. B. Harrison is spending a few days with relatives in Durham and Ridgecrest. ? Spending Few Days Here Exum Ward, Jr., of the 9th Mater ial Squadron Air Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico, is spending a few days here with his parents. * Birth Announcement Born to Mr. and Mrs James Bailey Peel a daughter, Nancy Saunders, on Monday, April 13, at their home on Williams Street. Visit Here This Week Mr N. R Griffin and daughter, Mrs Bill Marshall, of Washington, visited Mr and Mrs. N. S Riddick here this week. Was Here Wednesday Mr. J. W. Bellflower, Jr., of Oak City, visited here Wednesday. Visits Here Thursday Miss Carrie Elizabeth Everett, of Robersonville, visited here Thurs day. e To Spend Week-end Here Miss Reid White, student at E. C. T. C., Greenville, will spend the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur White. Visit Near Washington Messrs. Vasco Green and J. D. Bain and Miss Faye Gurganus visit ed Lcla Weston near Washington on Wednesday. 0 Return to Goldsboro Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Morris, of Goldsboro, have returned to their home in Goldsboro following a visit here with their daughter, Mrs. C. U Rogers, and Mr. Rogers. HOUSEQHNIH Large Ivory, 2 for 21c Medium Ivory, 2 for _15c Guest Ivory 5c Lg. Dux and Oxydol __25c Med. Dua and Oxydol _10c P & G Soap 5e 3 lb?. Criaco 75c Ivory Flakes or Snow _10c Lava Soap, 3 for 20c Camay, 3 for 20c E. & W. Grocery Large Ivory, 2 for __ 21c Medium Ivory, 2 for _15c Guwt Ivory 5c Lg. Duz and Oxydol __25c Med. Duz and Oxydol _10c P & G Soap r 5c 3 lbs. Criseo 75c Ivory Flakes or Snow _ 10c Lava Soap, 3 for 20c Camay, 3 for 20c Moore Grocery Co. Large Ivory, 2 for __ 21c Medium Ivory, 2 for _ 15c Guest Ivory ^ 5c Lg. Duz and Oxydol _ _25c Med. Duz and Oxydol _10e PAG Soap 5c 3 lbs. Criaeo -75c Lava Soap, 3 for 20c Camay, 3 for 20c Lindsley Ice Co. Large Ivory, 2 for - _23r Medium Ivory, 2 for _15e Camay, 3 for 23r P & C Soap 5c Lg. Due and Oxydol __27c Ivory Snow lie Farmers Supply Co Happenings In The Oak City Schools The Parent-Teacher Association of the Oak City School held its last meeting for this school year on Thursday night, April 9th, at 8:30 in the school auditorium. A large crowd was present and reports re ceived from the different committees showed splendid progress under the leadership of Mrs. Julian L. Mizell, president. The fourth grade won the prize for having the largest number of parents present during the school year. The following officers and com mittees were elected for the coming year as follows: President. Mrs. J. L. Mizell; vice president, Mrs. Minton Beach; secretary and treasurer, Mrs J. H. Hopkins; chaplain, Mrs. J. H. Luptun. program committee, Mrs. H. M Ainsley, chairman; publicity com mittee, Mrs. N. W. Johnson; social entertainment committee, Mrs. J. A. Rawls, chairman, assisted by Mrs. Murry Hyman; membership commit tee, Mrs. M C. Livermon, chairman, assisted by Mrs. Hugh Bennett, Mrs. Vannoy smith, and Mrs. L. L. Keel; finance committee. Mrs. R. A. Hai slip chairman; room representative committee, Mrs Henry Early, assist ed by Mrs. D E. Bunting. The seventh grade gave a very in teresting program and Miss White head, home economics teacher, gave an open house in the new home ec onomics building Lemonade, mints, pecans and wafers were served to 150 persons. More interest and a renewed spir it of cooperation were made when several parents remarked in the so cial room that it was a good meet ing and good results had been achiev ed during the school year. Not one parent objected when asked for her or his help in the support of the P.T.A. for the next year. To Hold Sewing Machine Clinie Miss Sleeper, home agent, is urg ing all Women to attend the sewing machine clinic at the Agricultural building next Wednesday, April 22, from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. A sewing machine company repre sentative of Richmond will adjust sewing machines for the women in the county free of charge regardless of the model. It will be impossible to take care of more'than 25 sewing machines during the day. This clinic has been arranged for those home makers wishing to improve home sewing and reduce clothing expenses I and too to give information on the [ care and repair of machines in the! ? home. ? . : Get your machine adjusted, clean ed, repaired to assii family for the duration. Sunday Service At Cold Point Church The Rev. A. E. Purvis will preach at the Gold Point*Christian Church both morning and evening at the usual hour. There will be special singing at the morning service. Francis Brown and Peggy Johnson will sing, "I Love Him." At the evening service a pantomine "The Old Rugged Cross" will be presented by Frances Leg gett. Misses Nina Cieo Johnson and Margaret Pearl Mayo will sing. The public is cordially invited to attend both servicea. t Steel Mill()j)eratioii Climbs To Capacity Steel mill operations at Pittsburgh climbed to 100 per cent of capacity, for the first time since the United States entered the war. Attainment I of the 100 per cent production may well be taken as a symbol of what industry in general is doing? I.e., lifting output to levels hardly thought possible in peacetime. The movie industry had a big Easter New York's Radio City Music Hall broke all previous Easter records of the past decade with over 100,000 persons entering the theatre over the four days ended Monday, mak ing a total of 200,000 for the first 11 days of the run of "Reap the Wild Wind." 1 Is Visiting Here Mrs. F. W. Hoyt, Sr., of Smith field, is here visiting her daughter, Mrs. Bill Glover, and family. Attend Farm Meeting Mrs. Henry Griffin, Miss Florine Edwards and Mr. J. C. Eubanks at tended a Farm Security meeting in Tarboro yesterday. ? In Raleigh Yesterday Bill Bob Peel accompanied his daddy to Raleigh yesterday Attend Chnrch Meet Rev. and Mrs. Z. T. Piephoff, Mr*. William Everett, Mrs. Carlyle Lang ley, Mrs. L. P. Lindsley, Mrs. John L. Rodgerson, Mrs. Anna Harrison, Mrs. Lewis Coker, Mrs. F. M. Man ning and Mrs. E. P. Cunningham at tended a district church meeting in Greenville yesterday. Farm Life School Rhythm Rami ? Organized during the present school term, the little inenihers of the Kami Life Rhythm Band have developed a promising musical organization. The group, back row: Daniel Bennett l.illey. Dewey Edu aids, Simeon Daniels, Sarah "Revels," franklin llardison, irma Wainwright, S. E. Planning. Second row: l.eda Kaye Manning. James Adron llardison. Melton Guy l.illey, Gerald Woolard. Wilbur Edwards, Billie Griffin. I.ynette Coltrain. f ront row: Ben llardi son, Jr.. Jean Corey, Daisy Maude l.illey, J. C. Gurkin. Ruth l.illey, Annie Jean llardison. Paul Wayne Harrington, Joan Wiggins. Anne Jones. John l.illey. Leader, Jean Carole Griffin. HINTS FOR HOMEMAKERS ? I By Irrnr Jamrs. Home Service Director, Virginia Electric And Power Company ) l; THRIFTY MEALS WITH LEFTOVERS Today wo are very food conscious and are putting more thought on otir meals than ever before. With our modern refrigeration, we can plan our meals for a week in advance, food may be bought in larger quan tities saving both time and money. Since appetites vary and sudden changes in plans may alter the orig inal schedule of meals for the week, the refrigerator safely houses all un used portions or leftovers. These need not be wasted, but may be sav ed a day or two and then served in another way. In storing some of these leftovers these hints may help. 1 Place cooked vegetables and cooked fruit in a covered dish, or a dish covered with waxed paper or oil silk covering. Small mayonnaise jars or jelly glasses are good con tainers for leftovers. 2. Place unused portions of fresh vegetables such as onion and green pepper in waxed paper and place in hydrator. 3. Egg whites will stay in good condition several days if placed in a tightly covered jar. Drop egg yolks in enough cold water to cover. 4. Wrap cheese tightly in waxed paper, place in a covered coffee tin in the refrigerator. The trick is to weave these leftov ers skillfully into the menu, to serve them attractively in another form or combined with other foods If you are on the lookout for suggestions in serving these unused portions of food, possibly the following oven meal may help Chipped Beef and Corft Casserole" Vegetable Medley Bran Muffins Pineapple JSWeel Potatoes Temp. 400* Time?30 minutes. Chipped Beef and Corn Casserole 1-4 lb chipped beef 1 No. 2 can whole kernel corn 1-4 c onion chopped 1-4 c green pepper chopped 1 thsp butter 3 tbsp butter 4 tbsp flour 2 c mlik 2 egg yolks 1-2 c grated cheese 1-4 tsp paprika Saute green pepper and onion in Swan your dishes, " Daughter, dear, And rough, red hands You need not fear. butter until tender (about five min ute*). Add chipped beef and cook until it frizzles at edges. Prepare sauce. Melt butter, blend with flour, add milk gradually, stirring con stantly until thickened. Pour gradu ally over beaten egg yolks. Combine the sauce, corn and chipped beef mixture. Pour into a baking dish Sprinkle cheese over top, add pap rika. Bake uncovered. Vefftablr Medley Combine leftover vegetables in :asserole. Add 1-2 c of water from vegetables. Sprinkle bread crumbs aver top. Bake uwefrveped Pineapple Sweet Potatoes (> mod size sweet potatoes 1 c canned pineapple (diced) 14c pineapple juice 2 tbsp brown sugar 2 tbsp butter Cook potatoes until tender. Peel and slice lengthwise. Arrange in lay ers in baking dish with pineapple between layers and potatoes on top. Over all pour the pineapple juice, sprinkle with the sugar and dot with the butter. Bake uncovered. Raisin Rran Muffins 2 tbsp shortening 14c sugar 1 egg 1 c bran 3-4 c milk 1 c flour 1 2 tsp salt 2 1-2 tsp baking powder 3-4 c raisins Cream shortening and sugar thor Diighly, add egg and beat. Stir in bran and milk then let soak until most of the mixture is taken up. Sift flour and baking powder, add raisins and add to first mixture Stir until the flour disappears. Kill greased muffin pans two thirds full and bake. Place chipped beef and corn cas serole at back of lower shelf and mufins at front of same shelf. Place vegetable medley at back of top ? Yeealrree, Swan's baby-gentle suds ere mild es finest Imported cast ilea. And fast? They come twice as fast as old-style floating soaps; last longer, do more work. Swan upend save 1 Swan up and ravel Tun* In every week: <macii auin OtOtOI BUtNt ? PAIH WMTIMAN MIW WHirt FLOATING SOAP L1VIR MOTNIU COUMNt CAHIIIMI. MAC*. nelf and sweet potatoes at front o !mc shelf. Bake 30 min. at 400*. CARD OR THANKS Tliis is to announce that I have ild out my business and I want to lank all my customers for their jlendid patronage and cooperation, specially in Williams Township My accessor, I am sure, will appreciate continuance of your fine support. fcr? NURNEY. GIRGANTJS BEACHAM A quiet wedding was celebrated in the Christian parsonage last Sat urday afternoon when Miss Bessie Beacham and Mr Wilbur Melton Gurganus, of Martin County, were married by the Rev. John L. Goff, pastor of the Williamston Christian Church. Mr and Mrs. Gurganus will make their home in Alexandria, Va? where Mr Gurganus is engaged in defense work. PEHDER Quality Jood Stole l l\i: and TEN ( KM SALE! Vol k s\i m l ciiwcl iu hi<; \ M.I KS THIS WKKh-KNO l.olonial S/Mfihflti or M VCAKON1 packages 10c Florida'* l inrsl OIKVNCK J KICK ? No. 2 can 10e !\1 VKKKNK SO VI* ? .5 cakes 10c I idonial (, rand KICK I'l KKS. Cellophane pk?j. . ?><? Molt'* API'KK .11 ICK?12-oz. can ."?<? Ilnl liiitc. Ni'ii I'ark TOMATOES?No. 2 can Hie Ki-IIo^k"? Corn Halve* or 1'io.t Toa*li?'*. |)kg..jc Colonial Toliuito CutMip. liottlc IOr IVmlrr\ Cloinly Vuiiiioniu. <|oarl 10? /Vm/eil'? lli'sl I'lain or Self Main# Flour, 12-lh ha?i .V)c 2 MI) hag SKI 7 ? KMHCIII I) LOH IIKALTII*" OIKANCKS?I pounds 10c CAIlllACE? pounds 10c C It A KEEK 11 IT ? I for 2.5c POTATOES? 10 pounds .'51c Quality Supplies Do I Lasting Jab! wi: sell uik m:si in BuildingSupplies CM TOT | A I'.t/HH JQfl Roofing Work ami effort are mini eil if you ilon'l one u guild paint! Our paint goen on evenly anil i* nmootli. r??hb rrm Screen Wire Door* - W indows i WINDOWS and DOORS I o Krcp iivrtiwk healthy you've pot to provide u wife. vvuter-tight place for them. I'aint protects the outside of your hum. I'RICKS on these ileum uml oilier nierehandiae are advancing. nml we eannot assure yon lliul our present prices will lie in effect nuieh longer. Freight rale* are ailvaneing aiul a shortage of merchandise controls prices. The earlier you buy, the heller hurgains you will find, l ull on ua for your building needs. Woolard Hardware Co.

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