Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Joe Griffin announce the birth of a son Monday morning at the Brown Community Hospital Mrs. Griffin is the former Miss Grey Manning. ? Visits in Norfolk Miss Frances Crawford spent the week-end visiting in Norfolk and Portsmouth. Getting Along Very Well Mrs. W. S. Gurganus is getting along very well following an opera tion in the Brown Community hos pital here last Wednesday. Visits In Norfolk ?Mr. H. L: Roebuck, of Cross Roads, visited in Norfolk and Portsmouth last week-end. In Plymouth Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. Sam Getsinger,: Mrs. S. S. Brown and Mrs. John A Ward visited in Plymouth Sunday i Marriage Licenses Issued Marriage licenses were issued in this county last week to the follow ing couples: Wiley Thomas bullock, of Robersonville RFD 1. and Eula Mae Gurganus. of Williamston RFD ~Xr~QgThrRuuseielt--Wolfo and Elcuw Brown, both of Plymouth; and James A. Roebuck and Doris J. Everett, both of KobenonviUe. Showing Vi. (I Kau.v Shows ALL THIS WEEK * Free Acts ? NIGHTLY SENSATIONAL THRILLING Special Saturday Matinee Visits in Mrs. J W. Andrews visited rela tives in Portsmouth last week-end. In Manteo This Week Mr. Larry Scott is spending this week in Manteo attending to busi ness. Spends Week-end Here Francis Peel was home from Camp Lee last week-end In Greenville Saturday Mrs Eloise Bennett visited Greenville last Saturday. 4 Visits in Portsmouth Mr J H Saunders visited in porO.nsf.ii1h last week-end He was accompanied home by Mrs Saun di i who had been there visiting Dr. and Mrs J. L. Spencer. Spends Week-end Here Mr Hardy Thompson, of Golda boro. visited friends here last week end Enters Oxford Orphanage Bennie "Frog" Wynne, 10-year *4d?local boy, entered-the Oxford Orphanage last Friday. He was ac companied there by J C. Manning. Was Business Visitor Here Mr. D R. Kdmondson, of Hassell, was here yesterday attending to bus iness. Spend Week-end Here Pvts Dick Miller and Bill Miller, of Langley Field, Va , visited friends here last week-end. Spends Week-end Here Miss Laura Lilley, of Grace Hos pital in Richmond, visited friends and relatives here last week-end. ? To Arrive This Week Mr. J D. Trahey, of Miami, Fla., will arrive here this week to spend several days with his brother, Mr. K<1 Trahey and Mrs Trahey. Money Can For fie Your Way of Life The man with a saving* acroiint i? independent of finuneiul trouble*. Develop the liahit of thrifty having* . . . start your 0*11 hank aeroiint today! Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Guaranty Bank & Trust Co. KEEP COOL In The SHADE Of Strong Gay Awnings We Carry Anchor Awnings They shed the rain us well as the sua and protect the furniture inside your home from becoming faded. A size for every standard size window, porch and doorway. If your awning requirements are other than standard size, you can have them made to order at slight ly higher cost. G.&E BUILDERS SUPPLY CO. BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. D. N. Hix entertained Satur day afternoon at her home on Grace Street, honoring her daughter, little Miss Nancy Hix, on her second birthday. The many little guests were re ceived by the honoree and Mrs. Hix and invited out in the yard which was gaily decorated with colored balloons. During the afternoon the children were served lemonade. Later the guests were invited in to the house where cake and ice cream were served The cake, which centered the table, was decorated with rabbits made from marshmal lows and in the center stood two small candles. The children present were. Jim mie Nash, Bud Thompson, Martha Thompson, Sarah Thompson, Joyce Manning, Blanche Manning, Dick Manning, Danny Manning, Tennys Bowers, Beth Spivey, Jane Peele, Betsy Davis, Eugenia Glover, Pa tricia Taylor, Frankie Everett, Ralph Parker, Alexander Watson of Wind sor, Becky Hazel of Durham, Sandra Margolis, Mary Elizabeth Britton, Nancy Britton and Carole Kitchen Little Nancy received many love ly gifts. la Visaing Here Mrs M D, Hix. of Durham, is spending a few days with her son, Mr. D. N. Hix, and Mrs. Hix. ? Spenda Week-end Here Miss Mary Hix, of Roanoke Rap ids, spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Hix. Shops Here Saturday Miss Thelma Peele, of Everetts, shopped here Saturday. Visit Here Saturday Mrs A T. Belch and daughter, of Colerain, visited here Saturday Is Visiting in Jamenrille Mrs F. S. Simpson, of Norfolk, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Enoch Gard ner, in Jamesville. Were Here Sunday Mr and Mrs. Henry L. Harris spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam ft. Glover. Mr. and Mrs. Harris are making their home in Durham at the present while Mr Harris is with the Naval R.O.T.C. unit at Duke. Entertain at Fish Dinner Messrs. Miller Harrell, Lonnie Bullock and James Staton Ayers en tertained the electricians and weld ers of the North Carolina Pulp Com pany of Plymouth with a delicious fish dinner here last Friday night The dinner was served at the local pumping station and at least 60 men from the Washington County town were on hand for the muddle. Visits Here Sunday Mr. Vasco Green, of Ahoskie, visit ?d here Sunday. a spend Week-end Here Mi and Mrs. Thomas Earl Martin if Janiesville, spent the week-end " lerc with Mrs Martin's parents, Mr. itid Mrs. I a'wis Maiming. n * In Jamesville Sunday Miss Penny Rose Waters and J. W. Bellflower, Jr., spent Sunday in Jamesville ? Was Here For Few Days Joseph Thigpen, of Mars Hill Col lege. visited friends here for a few days. * Spends Saturday Here Tommy Swain, of Plymouth, spent Saturday here with his family. Visit in Four Oaks Mrs. W. C. Manning, Jr., and chil dren, Jane and William, spent the week-end in Four Oaks visiting Mrs. Manning's mother, Mrs Betty Ad ams ? Spend Sunday Here Messrs. Carter Bell and Carlton GiUhhti, of Windsor, spent Sunday here visiting friends. a In Fountain Sunday Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Williams spent Sunday in Fountain. Spends Week-end Here Mr J. V. Brice. of the Naval Hos pital in Norfolk, spent the week-end here visiting his wife. Was Here Saturday Mr. Bill Kieckhefer, of Plymouth, visited friends here Saturday. Spends Week-end Here Edgar Gurganus, of Wake Forest, spent the week-end here with his mother, Mrs. Mary Bonner Gurgan us. # Was Here Last Week-end Burras Critcher, Jr., of Wake For est Colege, spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Critcher. ? Visits Parents Here J. D. Bowen of the U. S. Army, spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bowen Were Here Sunday Misses Rose White, Anita Hoggard and Dorothy Davis, of Windsor, vis ited here Sunday. Spends Week-end Hare Don Matthews, Jr., of Wake For est, visited here and in Hamilton last week-end. ? Visit Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Philip Waters and daughter, Peggy, of Windsor, viaitad Mrs. Mary Bonner Ourgenus hen Happenings In The Farm Life School In the absence of Mrs. Wilkins, who is ill in the Willismston hospi tal, Miss Jones is continuing the practice of the seventh grade oper etta, "Aunt Drusilla's Garden," and it will be presented on Friday eve ning, April 24 at 8:30 o'clofck. This will mark the beginning of our com mencement program. The characters are as follows: Aunt Drusilla Rogers, a prim spinster, Mary Dean Hardiaon; Aunt Prudence Rogers, her sister, Betty Perry; Nelda Alvenia Rodger, their niece, Suzanne Griffin; Pat, their gardner, Nathan Roberson; Bob, leader of the gang, Wilford Griffin; Toad, member of the gang, Justus Tice; Tiny Little, member of the cir cle, Rhoda Pearl Lilley; The Gang, chums of Bob and Tad. Henry Leg gett, Archie Revels, McDonald Grif fin; The Circle, playmates of Nel da, Marguerite Lilley, Susie Man ning; Thelma Clyde Manning; Les sie Manning, Melba Manning. i Marshals have been selected for the commencement. Each year the students who have the highest schol astic averages in the eighth, ninth and tenth grades are selected for this honored position. Hazel Hardi son. the junior with the highest av erage, will be chief marshal, and the others are: Josephine Hardison from the tenth grade; Thelma Hardison and Pete Lilley from the ninth, and Christine Lilley from the eighth grade. This year the seniors will "turn lypaics for a night," when they pre sent their class program on Thurs day evening, April 30th, with the gypsy theme. Martha Roberson is valedictorian of the class and Delia Lee Lililey is salutatorian. The class officers are: President, B. F. Lilley, Jr; vice president, Farease Man ning, secretary-treasurer, Martha Roberson. Other members of the class are, Mary Manning, Delia Lee Lilley, Hazel Corey, Elizabeth Man ning. Alton Peele, Verlin Griffin and E. H. Manning, Jr. The commencement program for the Farm Life school will get un derway on Friday evening, April 24, at 8:30 o'clock when the seventh grade will present its operetta, "Aunt Drusilla's Garden." One the following Sunday after noon, April 26, at 3:30 o'clock the Rev. S. B. Denny, of Wilson, will deliver the baccalaureate sermon to the graduating class. The class day exercises will be held on Thursday, April 30th, at 8:30 o'clock. The seniors are prepar ing a very colorful program with a gypsy theme for this occasion. On the final evening, Friday, May 1st, at 8:30 o'clock, the Hon. Herbert Bonner will address the seniors. CARTER-WILLIAMS Mr. Benjamin Seaton Williams announces the marriage of his daughter, Audrey Lillian, to Mr Lu ther Sylvester Carter, on Thursday, April 16, 1942, at Washington, D. C. The couple are at home on Haugh ton Street, in Williamston. ? In Chocowinlty Sunday Misses Julia Clyde Waters, Lela Weston and Messrs. J. D. Bunting, Jr., and Joe Umphlet visited in Cho ?owimty Sunday. ? Visit at Virginia Beach Mrs. Leon Earl Griffin and Mf?. Thermon Griffin visited Mr. and Mrs Sabatine at Virginia Beach last week-end. ? Spends Week-end Here Mr. Hardy Thompson, of Golds boro, visited friends here this week end. ? Substitute Kapok, tropical floss used in life preservers, pillows, and heat-insu lating covers, can have its war lasses partly made good by substi tution of milkweed down, a simi lar substance. HINTS FOR HOMEMAKERS I By Irene Imw. Home Sendee Director, VlrfWa Electric I Take Care of Your Refrigerator ?It Will Last Longer There is no room for waste in wartime America. Today the nation al keynote is to conserve, not only food, raw materials, electricity, but everything we own. We can cooper ate by taking care of our appliances and using them efficiently. The refrigerator is often misused. Here are a few simple rules to fol low to help you use the refrigerator to better advantage: 1. Keep the food compartment at the right temperature?40 degrees is safest. 2. Most food should be kept in cov ered containers. Place in as small container as possible. t Pwnfiw paper onvprlnps from all food except frozen food. 4. Avoid overcrowding the refrig erator with food?it stops necessary air circulation. 5. Do not let too much frost ac cumulate before defrosting. Follow manufacturers directions for de frosting. 8 Never put hot food or hot dishes in the refrigerator Wait until they are room temperature. 7. Don't waste space or refrigera tion by keeping foods in the refrig erator that do not need to be kept cold to preserve them, like pickles, jelly, vegetable "hortening, unopen ed cans and condiments. 8. Use slightly warm soda water to wash the inside of the refrigerator each time it is defrosted. Do not for get the freezer?that is where food odors collect. 9. Look up the book of directions which came with your refrigerator, study it again to refresh yourself on the manufacturer's recommenda tions for safe, efficient and econom ical operation. We are now approaching the sea son when we welcome frozen des serts. Frozen desserts must be froz en rapidly to obtain a desirable tex ture in the finished product. In rap id freezing, the ice crystals are small, and a smooth creamy dessert results. That is why we suggest set ting the cold control at the coldest position for freezing then turning it back to a position not quite so cold for holding until serving time. Vanilla Ice Cream 1 can (1 1-2 c) sweetened con densed milk 3 c milk ?3 Up vanilla? 2 tbsp lemon juice lleat one cup of milk. Add the tan of sweetened condensed milk and blend. Then add remaining two cupa of milk and lemon juice. Pour into freezing tray and freeze on cold est position When frozen remove to bowl; add vanilla and whip with electric or hand beater until mixture becomes light and creamy. Return quickly to freezing tray and allow to finish freezing on coldest posi tion. When dessert is completely frozen, return control back for hold ing until serving time. Froaen lemon Chiffon Pie 2 egg yolks, well beaten 0 tbsp sugar 1-2 Up lemun rind 1-4 c lemon juice 2 egg whites ~? 2 tbsp sugar 3-4 c evaporated milk 3-4 c wafer crumbs Mix egg yolks, sugar, lemon juice and rind together and cook until mixture thickens. Cool. Beat egg whites and add the 2 tbsp sugar. Fold into cooled lemon mixture. Chill thoroughly. Butter bottom and sides of refrigerator tray. Sprinkle half of crumbs in tray. Whip chilled milk, fold into chilled lemon mix ture. Pour over crumbs in tray. Sprinkle top with remaining crumbs. Freeze. Slice and serve. Fresh Mint Ice 1 c canned pineapple juice A HANGER? ForzAzHANGER The War Production Board has ordered that no more coat hangers shall be manufactured. We are asking that you bring with your cleaning a hanger for each garment. With your coopera tion there will be no inconvenience. Don't Ask II* To Make Exceptions Pittman's Cleaners Alpha Cleaners Lilley's Laundry 1-4 c sugar 1-4 c white corn syrup 1-4 oz fresh mint (3 large sprays) 2 tbsp lemon juice 1 c crushed pineapple Green food coloring' Cook sugar and pineapple juice for five minutes. Add corn syrup, then add the cut and bruised mint. Allow to cool slowly to get full flav or from the mint. Strain, add the lemon juice and crushed pineapple. Color pale green. Pour into freez ing tray and freeze with cold con trol in coldest position. When frozen remove to bowl; whip with electric or hand beater until mix becomes light and creamy. Return quickly to freezing tray and allow to finish freezing. When dessert is complete ly frozen, turn cold control back for holding until serving time. 1 c milk 1 c coffee cream 2 eggs 1-2 c sugar 1-2 c light corn syrup 1-4 e lemon juice 1 tsp grated lemon rind Beat eggs until lemon colored. Add sugar gradually until mix becomes a thick custard-like consistency. Combine with syrup, milk, cream, and lemon juice and rind. Pour into freezing tray and freeze with cold control on coldest position. When frozen remove to bowl; whip with hand or electric beaten until mix becomes light and creamy. Return quickly to freezing tray and allow to finish freezing. When dessert is completely frozen turn cold control back for holding until serving time. A J Time to Change To A Straw Finest quality straws and you'll find them air-light and hreeze-cool. Ample stock of leghorns, Sennits and coconuts. Also hard straws. Moderately priced. LARGE SUPPLY Work Straws Any Site . . . Any Price Martin Supply Co. rHAN Et/ER BEFORE! YOU CANT TAKE Too Much Care Of Your Car These Days The ear you have now is going to have to last you for "the duration/' It is up to you to do your best to keep your ear in good running order. ? Have Your Car Checked Thoroughly and Often WE ARE ALWAYS READY AND HAPPY TO SERVE YOU. ' Come in and see us today for Dependable Service. WILLIAMSTON MOTOR CO.