Let's Cast A Rousing Big Vote For BONNER FOR CONGRESS And Maintain the Great Prestige of the First District TWO YEARS AGO Herbert Bonner was nominated lor Congreu by a Committee of able citizens chosen from each county, by all the Democrats of the First Congres sional District. He was placed on the ticket and in the General Election beat his Republican opponent by a ma jority of 36.722 to 2.857. This committee of Democratic citizens considered all the facts in the case and decided that Herbert Bonner, by reason of his 16 years' experience with Lindsay Warren, had an insight into the needs of the First District, such as no other man could possibly have. They knew also that this Nation was entering into grave and perplexing limes when Bonner's experience in Washington would be worth more to the district than a new man could possibly be worth. They also knew that Herbert Bonner was rated as one of the smartest of all Congressional secretaries in the Nation, had a vast circle of inuentlal friends; and. in short, knew the ropes. And they knew. too. that he was the close personal friend of the able Lindsay Warren, who had been appointed to the powerful post of Comptroller Gen eral of the United States. And. finally, they were well aware that prestige of the First District in the National Capital was not excelled by that of any other District, or any other Congressman. The committee well knew that this prestige had been built up by the magnificent leadership of Lindsay War ren. aided for 16 years by Herbert Bonner. They knew that this prestige was. and still is. worth more to the Dis trict than anything money can buy. They knew that the things we must hope for from Congress must be measured largely by the leadership and prestige of the office. Now. more than ever, it is true, and we must maintain that pres tige. HOW DID THE FIRST DISTRICT get It* preetige In Congreta ? First, we might say because of the leadership and ability of the Incumbent Congressman. But back of it all was the splendid spirit of the people of the First Dis trict. who had kept their heads, and refused to encourage any opposition to the Congressman. And year after year he went back to Congress unopposed?elected by unani mous vote of his people. And so we see that the good iudgmenl. the common sense of the people of our First District, has created something of value for us. that others want to destroy, and that others are now spending money to destroy if possible, but at any rale to impair, and ren der less effective and lesa beneficial to all the people. WHILE WE HAVE NO DOUBT OF THE RE-ELEC TION OF HERBERT BONNER for Congresa. we do want to retain that prestige unimpaired. We should return him to Congress with a rousing majority. We should give him the biggest majority ever given an opposed candidate for Congress. We should ssy to Washington, and the other members of Congress: "We send you back a true servant; the man you ask us to send back, and we stand squarely behind him." LET'S GET OUT EVERY VOTE and keep up that place held by the First District, and make Herbert Bonner all the happier, by a big majority. Surely, he will feel humble and grateful to us alL and he will be inspired and encouraged and spurred on to do even greater things for the First District. IF THE PEOPLE OF THE FIRST DISTRICT FOR GET their own best interests and give a large number of votes to a new candidate, particularly one who has never raised his voice in our behalf, before asking us for an of fice. what will be our position in Washington? We would, quite naturally, be looked upon as a people lacking In stamina, in appreciation and in understanding. Can we afford to say to Washington, we didn't send our msn back with as big a majority as we might because we listened to a lot of promises this other fellow made us. and we thought we would give him some votes too. No. our friends, this modern war has taught us a lot of things, and one is we never win anything for ourselves unless we go all the way. America and its people have never gain ed anything by giving something to the enemy. We Just don't win that way. CAN WE AFFORD TO SLAP OUR FRIENDS IN THE FACE? Nobody ever got far in life doing that. We can't let Herbert Bonner down. His friends are our friends and they will continue to be the beet friends the First District has. They may not please everybody all the time, but they do hold the power and the desire to aid us. The only way to make a friend and to keep that friend, is for us to first be a friend, and continue to be a friend. There la no man who cannot understand iheee simple truths. BONNER is entitled to a big majority. We can give it to him. We should not consider a single thought of doing anything to Impair tha prastlge of tha First District. Wa can show wa appraclata tha good work that Bonnar has done for us for 18 years, first as Lindsay Warren's Secre tary. and now as Congressman. Listen to This: BONNER HAS CONSISTENTLY VOTED FOR ALL FARM MATTERS and legislation of value and Inter est to the agricultural needs of the people of the First District. BONNER HAS AIDED IN THE APPROVAL t)F MANY PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS, such as Schools. Armories. Courthouses. Community Centers. Waterworks. Posloffice Buildings. Town Halls, and many other useful things we might never have got ten. BONNER IS ONE OF THE BEST INFORMED MEN on veterans affairs In Washington, and for veterans of the World War. and of the preeent war. he has done and can do many things a newcomer couldn't get around to. BONNER KNOWS ALL THE PEOPLE OF THE FIRST DISTRICT. He spends his time with the people o< his own district. He doesn't go to other states to en joy the Seashore, when his own District has 150 miles of Ocean Front. BONNER SERVED AS A SOLDIER In the World War: he didn't find an easy way out of the draft. What do you think today of the boy who goes to war. as com pared with the fellow who sneaks out of service to his country? BONNER KNOWS THE PROBLEMS of our waterways. Nobody knowa how badly we are going to need theee waterways. There Isn't a single county In the First District whose rivers, creeks, or sounds, aren't Im portant. They may become more so. The time may come, when we will all be glad we are cloee to a riv er. and we want a man close to Uncle Sam to help us wifh their improvement. BONNER KNOWS AND LOVES THE SERVICE MEN and he keeps in touch with the various departments of Army. Navy. Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. Isn't it more important to have a Congressman who knows about theee things, and who can do things tor us. than to take a chance that a rank stranger might do some thing of value? BONNER KNOWS THE PEOPLE. He never went to college, but learned his lessons in the school of hard knocks. He went to work early, and for many years travelled over the First District, selling goods to mer chants. He is a self made man. he had no fortune left him when his father died. But he made a- wealth of friends in the District, and learned their first and something about their problems and their HERBERT C. BONNER IS THE MAN we can all vote for without prejudice. No matter how sincere an op ponent might be, no matter what his abilities, he cannot have the experience and knowledge of Wash ington. that today is so essential to all of us. and which Herbert Bonner has already acquired through years of hard work. A GREAT MAN HAS SAID: "HE WHO HAS ONE TRUE FRIEND IS RICH INDEED." We all have a true friend in Herbert Bonner. In the Light of the Foregoing Can We Afford Not to Give Our Pre sent and Able Influential Congressman A Huge Majority to Maintain the Prestige of the First District " - THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY FRIENDS OF HERBERT C. BONNER IN MARTIN COUNTY.