THE" ENTERPRISE^ \L Far Vktmrj. 1.1DIFINSI BONDS STAMPS VOLUME XLV?NUMBER 34 Williamston, Martin County, North Carolina, Tuesday, April 28, 1942. ESTABLISHED 1899 Episcopalians Hold Church Anniversary Observance Sunday Rev. Morrioon Bethea, Form er Local Minister, Deliv ers Special Sermon The Church of the Advent observ ed the twenty-fifth anniversary of the consecration of its present build ing Sunday morning, the event cli maxing the church's activities of re cent years. The membership was present tn large numbers with a number of friends sharing in the meaningful program. Preaching the consecration sermon twenty-five years ago, Rev. Morri son Bethea. of Reidsville. returned to feature the observance. Using for his text Sunday morning, "Let Your Light So Shine that Men Might See Your Good Works, and Glorify Your rather Which Art in Heaven," the former rector of the church connect ed his sermon with the one he preached a quarter of a century ago. ti ^oved minister who has at tained the three score and ten mark m life challenged with a firm voice the individual members of the church to let the light of life given to them SnlBe in service to their community and fellowman. "Our Lord mention ed no plan for the salvation of the world except that of committing the Kingdom to His followers," Mr. Be thea reminded the congregation. "We are each given the responsibility of helping God carry out His great plan for life, and our part is to carry the light that has been given to us and which we must receive and pass on to future generations," he conclud ea. Reviewing the growth of the church during the past quarter of a century, Rev John W Hardy, the rector, stated that the membership had been more than doubled, that the church had become self-support ing, and where only two services were held monthly at least one is held every Sunday. The consecration and twenty-fifth anniversary observance sermons were each heard as war threatened end" still threatens the world. At the present time the church has fourteen young men or 10 per cent of Its membership in the service of the country, the rector pointed out, add ing that the church should make its objective for the next quarter of a century spiritual development in or der thai victory and peace and spir itual qualities may become the qual ities of our community and nation A tablet expressing the apprecia lion of the membership to Mrs. James G. Staton for her gracious generosity in financing the church building is to be placed in the church. Two vases, given as memor ials to the late Mrs. Chloe Lanier and William Hubert Coburn, were dedicated dtrrmg-thc service. In connection with the special ob-1 servance, the following breif histor- i ical sketch was prepared by Mrs. Vella Andrews Wynne: Since the fruit of any growing thing ^s dependent upon the vigor of its root system we must look back briefly to the beginning of "Hie Church of the Advent in order to appreciate more fully the growth of the Parish through the years and to revere those persons who nobly bound themselves together in an ef fort to perpetuate for the generations to come the faith and creed of their forefathers. (Continued on page six) Ned Laughinghouse Is Given Up For Lost Ned Laughinghouse, Wilson man and a former tobacconist on the Williamston tobacco market, has unofficial but otherwise reliable re ports coming from two sources last week-end. It is understood that Mr. Laughinghouse died a few days af ter the ill-fated Egyptian steamer, "Zamzam" was attacked and sunk somewhere in the South Atlantic in the early morning of April 26, 1941. One of a group going to South Afrr-{ ca to work on a tobacco market, Mr Laughinghouse was critically wound ed when the "Zamzam" was shelled by a German raider. He was taken aboard the raider, "Dresden" and was last seen by a member of his party about a week later. He is re ported to have died two days after he was visited by a member of his party. Two other members, a doctor and an American volunteer ambulance corps worker, were injured and were taken aboard and kept on the raider apparently for some time. It is un derstood that the two men were la ter landed on the continent and plac ed in a concentration camp. After talking with the two men, a lady in the camp smuggled a letter to her lister in Canada, telling her that she had learned about Mr. Laughing house's death. The message was re ceived by Mrs. Laughinghouse in Wilson last Friday. Last Sunday a message from a representative of the ambulance corps stated that Mr. Laughinghouse had been reported dead by another source. During a long year, members of the family had hoped almost against hope for Mr. Laughinghouse's return, but the messages, while unofficiaL would seem to destroy the last ray of hope. I hi riily Draftees A re Pro blem For Bus Operators To Handle Comment has been withheld in most cases, but it is an established fact that the conduct of some draft ees moving through here is disgust ing, that it is actually lowering the morale of those who are trying to do their bit in supporting the war ef fort with their home and meager means back Itpme. Much of the bad conduct can be and is overlooked, but recent reports coming from the local personal terminal and from some of the boys themselves are Making a trip to an army induc tion center recently, several draft ees from another county sneaked aboard with several gallons of illic it liquor. They were fairly well be haved when they passed through here, but a reliable report declares that the mob almost wrecked the bus, that the operator found it neces sary to park the machine and get another one to finish the trip. And the had part about it is that some of those men, physically unfit for serv ice, were rejected and sent back home. More recently another group of draftees moved through here for the army induction centers. Drinking rather heavily, some of the group cursed freely and acted more like wild men than young men being called into service to defend?their country. The authorities, showing every possible courtesy and display ing unusual patience, in one case threatened to have some of the group locked up pending their delivery in truck cages or in the company of a military escort to the army cen ters. More Than 1,600 Men MOSQUITO CONTROL Spurred on by a stinging mos quito chorus and bites, the town board in a special meeting last Friday night went all out for a pest control program. Working In cooperation with Sanitarian I-arkey and a special representa tive of the State Board of Health, the town authorities are calling for a concerted action against the greatly increased number of mosquitoes. Millard Lilley, town employe will head up the control pro gram which calls for the clean ing out of most of the twelve miles of ditches and brooks In the town, an oil spray and a gen eral clean-up program to he handled by property owners. Materials have been ordered and the control program will be launched as soon as possible. Increased Interest In Civilian Defense Reported In County Organizational Work Will Br Completed Within Next Few Days Interest in civiltun defense in this county is increasing throughout the eetmty us ? whole. Coordinator W. Iverson Skinner said yesterday fol lowtng visits-to-sever*! towns dur ing last week. Nearly 100 people attended an or ganisational meeting in Jamesville. About 40 were present for the meet ing in Robersonville and thirty-five participated in the civilian defense plan at Hamilton. Arrangements have been completed for 24-hour .telephone service in Hamilton and Oak City, and it is faisly apparent that most of the county will have an efficient air raid warning system within a short time. However, the system is needing immediate atten tion in some quarters, according to unofficial reports. Five test calls were either attempted or complet ed in this district Sunday. One of the calls failed of completion at the main center, and contacts were not estab lished during the day with Oak City, Hamilton and Jamesville, it was said. First aid classes, started in James ville a few days ago, have folded up because of feeble interest in the work. Classes are in the process of organization at Oak City and Hamil ton. One has been completed recent ly in Bear Grass and two are in progress in Williamston at the pres ent time. Civilian defense organizations will be perfected in Everetts tonight, in Bear Grass Wednesday night and in Hassell on a date to be announced. The meetings will be held at 8:80 o'clock and the general public is urg ed to attend, Coordinator Skinner announced this morning. A complete picture of the civilian defense set-up in this county is be ing prepared for publication soon. INSPECTOR Making a five-hour visit here last Saturday, Inspector Page of the Selective Service commend ed the Martin County Draft Board for its efficient work. The inspector delved into all types of records in the office flies, ex amining closely deferments, claims, appeal cases and claasi order In every way, and the classification work was fair and square, It was pointed out. Few instructions were offered by the inspector, but he was re ported to have said that the board should consider the pro duction of tobacco and cotton Just as important as the culti vation of food and feed crops in reviewing appeal eases. Registration Falls Slightly Below the First Expectations To INiiiiiImt CiiriU And Send Out Occupational (^iich tioniiaircH Soon The nation rounded up more of its manpower yesterday when the Se lective Service dipped into the ad vanced age group and started lining up additional millions for possible civilian tasks rather than for actual combat duty. It is estimated that be tween twelve and thirteen million men registered in the country, but in this county the registration total hardly measured up to preliminary estimates or first expectations. According to an unofficial check this morning, a total of 1,647 men? 987 white and 660 colored?register ed in this county yesterday, the number not including a few strag glers who were supposed to have registered last February 16th. Four late registrants reported, explaining that they overlooked the third call. At least two young men, while not at all anxious to sign up, reported to one registration- place biiL they were turned back when it was de termined they were not of age. Now that more manpower has been brought into the pool, draft board officials are not quite certain as to what they are supposed to do. ? T-hoy-have-beon instructed to shuffle the cards thoroughly and place ser ial numbers on ilium. Nu draft ordar number drawing is anticipated, and it is quite likely that the Selective Si i vice will order occupational questionnaires distributed to the lourth registrants as the first step in rounding up workers in war in dustries "back home." The distribu tion of questionnaires will hardly get underway to those men who reg istered yesterday within the next several weeks. Reports direct from some of the registrars state that the registration was fairly representative; that is, registrants of several nationalities were included in the list. The registration included virtually all the old World War vets, and as toundingly large numbers of the de crepit, maimed, weak, blind and oth erwise physically unfit. Registra tions were effected in a few cases only by sending special registrars to homes where the helpless sick Were confined. No opposition to-the-reg istration was heard and the fourth without trouble. istration by race in the nine districts follows: Wh. Col. Tot. Jamesville 129 78 207 Farm Life 68 23 91 Bear Grass 66 17 83 Wiiiiamston 318? 254 VtT Everetts 57 25 62 Robersonville 191 123 314 Hassell 25 26 51 Hamilton 50 40 90 Oak City 83 74 157 987 660 1647 ? n-Ki.nmimii mis wee boosted the total number of regis trants to almost 6,500 men, the age ranging from 20 to 65 years. On th four registration days 6,282 men reg istered in this county with approxi mately 200 either registering late o registering in other counties or state their cards reaching the draft boan (Continued on page six) ? Morm Contribution* To Crippled Children'* Fund Since the last report was made to The Enterprise about the recent Crippled Children Seal Sale $43.73 has been turned in from the follow ing sources: Mr. W. R. Everett of Palmyra, $5.00; Mr. C. C. Fleming of Jamesville, $5.00; $6.13 from the schools and $27.60 from the Martin County Negro Teachers Association which is composed of 92 teachers and principals. Clearing its slate a few days ago when they completed the classifica tion of all third draft registrants, members of the Martin County Draft Board are now awaiting instructions for handling the fourth registration. J?The third draft registration class ifications not previously reported are announced, as follows: 3158?Andrew Cleveland Roberson, c. 1-A 3159? Robert Dawson Harrell. w, 3 A 3160?William Andrews, c. 3-A 3161?Robert Dewey Perry, w, 3-A S-3161?Major Barber, w. 1-A 3162?Orange Simmons, c, 3-A 3i63 -Chester, William Edmondson, w, 1-A 3164?Arnold Edison Modlin, w, 3-A 3165?AloilZa Edward Bland, w, 3-A Last Of The Draft Classifications In County Are Listed I Draft Board Clears Slate and Awaits Instructions On laul Registration 3166?William Marvin Baker, w, 3-A 3167?Henry Vernon Hardison, w, 3-A 3168?Henry Lee Hopkins, w, 3-A 3169?Joseph Guy Forbes, w, 1-A 3170?Rufus Joshua Langley, w. 3-A 3171?J. D. Britton, w, 3-A 3172?John Martin Roberson, c, 3-A 3173?Dorsey Robert Slaughter, w, 3 A 3174?Kenneth Donald Worrell, w, 3-A 3175?William Ewell, c, 3-A 3176?Joe Henry Andrews, c, 3-A 3177?Vance Columbus Clark, c, 3-A 3178?Tommie Lawrence Whitley, w, 1-A 3179?Lonnie Purrington, c, 1-A 3180?Richard Gladstone Slade, w. 1-A S-3180?Lester Sylvester White, w, 1-A 3181?Joseph Bryant Biggs, w, 3-A 3182?James Herbert Ward, w, 3-A 3183?Charlie Wise Pterce, w, 3-A 3184?Clayton Onfton, w, 1-C (En listed) 3185 -Joseph Dallas Peaks, w, 3-A 3186 Ernest Victor Jones, w, 3-A 3187?Larry Thomas Ruffin, c, 3-A 3188 -Jesse Bell Harrison, w, 3-A 3189 Aimer Rualdoph Hardison, w, 3-A 3190 -Jesse Franklin Jones, w, 4-F 3191?Nemi Moore, c, 1-A 3192?Booker"l\ Bridges, c, 3-A 3193?Maurice Watts Williams, w, 1-C (In Marine Corps) 3194?John Alio Mizello, w, 3-A 3195 Johnny Maryland Raw Is, w, 3 -A ?198-?Qscar_High tower PooI.tB-^W 1-A 3197 Marion Clyde Ward, w, 3-A 3198 Joe Eddie Bullock, w. 3 A 3199?Benjamin Franklin Reason, w. 1-A S-3199-?James Samuel Meeks, w, 1 A 3200?Dayton Bryant, w. 1-A 4-32(H?Morford Garfield MohlryT (Continued on page six) ? ? Sugar Rationing Is Off To Slow Start The registration for sugar allot ments is off to a slow start in this county, according to reports com ing from several of the white schools early this afternoon. The registra tion today and tomorrow is for com mercial users, retailers, wholesalers, hospitals, boarding houses, cafes and processors, but up until about one o'clock today* less than 50 trade reg istrations had been recorded. Wil liamston reported 15 registered at 1 o'clock. Bear Grass reported only two registered a short time earlier.! and one registration center reported none just before noon J All dealers, including those fill* ing stations where sugar is-> registered either today or by 5:00 o'clock tomorrow or discontinue sales until about May 11 when they may go before the county rationing board for allotments. Registration places are being maintained in the six white schools. Next week the individual consum eis, including such groups oa house wives or heads of families and oth ers,'will register for their sugar al lotments. The registrations next week will be held on Monday, Tues day, Wednesday and Thursday in all the grammar schools, both white and colored, in the county. PKK-SCHOOI. CLINIC Clinics for the examination of all little folka planning to en ter the first trade next fall will be held In the local school at the frammar trade building on Wednesday and Thursday of this week between the hours of 9 and 12. Expecting a large num ber and to avoid delay, the health authorities have divided the clinic and will examine the little tots from the rural areas on Wednesday and the town chil dren on Thursday. On Friday of this week, a clinic will be held in the Ever ctts school between the hours of 9 a. m. and 12, noon. All children planning to enter school next term are urged to visit the elln Annual Farm Bureau Meeting Held Friday Principal Speaker Is Detained By Duties At The List Minute DuiucIh, Flovd, Shaw a n d ing Here Friday Night The strength of the Martin Coun-\ ty Farm Bureau was displayed in a big way here last Fridav evening when nearly 800 of the 097 mem bers attended the organization's an nual barbecue and speaking in the school gymnasium and auditorium. W. R. Qgg. head of the -Farm Bureau Federation's research department in Washington and who was scheduled to deliver the main address, was de | tallied at the last minute by press - ing duties. It was explained that the agriculture committee was to start its hearings earlier than had been planned, and that Mr Ogg found it necessary to complete certain work in time to present it to the members of the committee. The program while undergoing a last minute change measured up to expectations in every way. however, and the meeting was described as the most successful ever held by the county unit of the Farm Bureau Federation. Following the barbecue, Mr. Chas. L. Daniels, able president of the Farm Bureau in this county, open ed the meeting in the high school auditorium. "Six years ago Martin County started out with 150 Farm Bureau members. A year later, there Were 200 members. The next year there were 300, and then 400 and the next year 600. Today we have 997 members." Mr. Daniels said in- re viewing the growth of the Farm Bureau in this county. "It has not been a path of roses," he explained. "There ?was?-much opposition and progress was slow, but the value of strong organization has unfolded it self until there is to be found little opposition, and wr can look back on the accomplishments with just pride," he said. The organization, according to Mr. Daniels, has grown 300 per cent in North Carolina this year over last, "and while we have a strong organ ization, don't let us forget the value of a strong organization. The Farm Bureau is worth a great deal more than likes and dislikes. It means, our financial salvation, and we can't af fold to let it go down. Now is the time to hold on to our gains," Mr Daniels satd in pleading- fur a cnn~ tinued support of the Farm Bureau "Our T*arm Bureau was not organ ized U> help anv one class of neonle. but to aid all classes, and the criti cism being directed against it by some agencies shows that it is mak ing progress/' Mr. Daniels conclud ed. Congratulating Martin County for its strong Farm Bureau organization, Mr. E. Y Floyd, State head of AAA, frankly declared that many of the programs that have been instrument al in lifting the farmer out of the mire were due to the work of the Farm Bureau, that a strong organi zation is needed now and for the future. "We are facing a time when some say a strong farm organization isn't needed, but I say it is and I hope your organization and your Congress can continue to work in the interest of agriculture. "We had some surpluses before the program," Mr Floyd said in re viewing the agricultural situation "Wc have enough short cotton for six yearn. There isn't a lnrg? surplus, but we have enough wheat for two years if none is grown this season. But the prices are from one third to one-half higher than they would have been without the farm program," he declared. "Under the war program we have been asked to increase our produc tion. We have met the demand in many instances, but with one-third of the oil source rut off and with w?n threatening us we have not yet met the goal for increased production in oil-producing crops such as peanuts. We are pushing toward that goal even if some trouble has developed in getting seed If the farmers go oyer the top with peanuts, they writ have done everything the President has asked them to do in producing for war," the speaker said. Traveling over the State, Mr. Floyd pointed out that farmers were planting peanuts for oil in some counties for the first time in an ef fort to aid the war effort. The spir it is running high in the war effort, and the farm program is functioning bbtter than ever, according to Mr (Continued on page six) A Alleged LarThief It Returned Here Far Trial J. C. Hendricks, former local mechanic alleged to have stolen an automobile from O. S. Winborne some months ago, was returned here from the Norfolk Navy Yard last Saturday by Sergeant Jackson and Patrolman Whit Saunders for trial. Hendricks is alleged to have junked the car in West Virginia. Led U.S. Bombers C. I*. I'honeffhoto Lieut. Col. J. II. Davies, of Pied mont, Cat., led one group of the ten B-25 bombers which attacked Japa nese bases in the Philippines. The I bombers were accompanied by three I flying fortresses. Knemy shipping, docks and aircraft were destroyed und damaged in the air attack. Allotment Of New Car - Truck Tires Greatly Reduced Board Is Short '2S Truck and air Tire* ill Kill in^ Kei|iiestH The tire rationing situation is now almost regarded as hopeless, u mem bet: of the board stating yesterday that the unfilled requests earned ov er from the meeting this week would just about take up the entire quota of new tires for May The hoard this week allotted cer tificates for the purchase of fourteen recapped tires for automobiles, four new ear tires and seven tubes, two obsolete ear tires and tubes,#* four truck retreads, two new truck tires ant! (>tm tube, four obsolete tires and lubes, four tractor tires and three tractor tire* tubes, and two trailer tires and tubes. Applications filed j since the last meeting and unfilled ithl.s week were for two car ret reads. - | six new car tires, 2.1 truck tires and ;2I truck tire "tube's. For the month i of May, the county has been allotted ? Si veil' HHULrnr ttr^, fr_~ | treads lor cars and 21 tubes, .'14 new truck tires, :?r> retreads and 47 tubes, Unless the applicant has a tire of his own that can hi* retrcaded, his I position is little improved, for re-1 ports state that letiended tires are few and difficult to get | He treaded ear tires were allotted! as follows this week ( S Graham, Williamston, two tires for ministerial duties Columbus Kborn, Williamston. four tires for ministerial work. Nettie I,ouvenia Ayers, HFI) 2. Williamston, one tire for hauling farm produce. L A Croom, Gold Point, h/Ur tires for maintaining refrigerator re pair service J. II Ayers, Oak City .two tires foi hauling fertilizer and farm pro duce. J.'imi". (' one tirr for use in connection witfi llii- KSA fiMill miii iecd program. Now rur tin s win- issued to the following A Woril, Hnhiisonville, one lire and tube. <: C. Jiinie.s, Parmelc, two tires and two tubes for mini delivery. Miss Mary Louise Taylor. William ston, one tire and tube for use in public health service. W Wallace, Jamesvt||e. thrii lubes, for pleasure, police and liaul ing farm produce. Retrcaded or recapped truck tire' were allotted as follows It. J. Ilardison, RKU I, William 'ton, two tires for hauling lugs John W Kubanks, Hassell. twt tires for hauling fertilizer, potatoes I"'"""18 a?d general tarn (Continued on page six) GOOD AS GONE (loin* to one of the places of registration In the county yes terday to sign up for whatever service Uncle Sam would have him do, a faithful husband, a bit remorseful but unusually frank, toM his friends that he was as good as gone. "I don't have the first claim for deferment," the willing registrant said, explain ing that his wife had looked af ter and taken care of htm these many years. No names were divulged but the casual observer scored when he pointed out that the man wasn't alone In his new predi cament British Air Forces W rite Message Of u Destruction In War Pr?**i the Nazis to smash through tin- Rus sian lines, but that they had not gained an inch. "In addition to his losses "by air at tack and on the Russian front. Hit ler is losing oh the high seas, a re port this afternoon telling of the loss of a lug German ship Japan is apparently combining its gains in the far Pacific and doing lit tie fighting there, but over m Bur ma the Japs are pushing gradually hut steadily forward The new Bur ma road to Chungking is being threatened, and the situation there is not at all encouraging, In the air. the Japs have met w ith reverses oy er Darwin. The yellow invaders, lost seventeen ships there yesterday and eleven ill Burma. In this country President Roosevelt will speak to the nation tonight at 10 o'clock, eastern war tune, explain ing his seven-point program on how to keep the cost of living under con trol. The program, outlined yester day to Congress, is already under' file and it is now apparent that the pliiii-will meet a growing opposition. During the meantime, .Price Ad ?* ministrator Henderson is moving to place a price ceiling on thousands of consumer items. While war rages oh far-flung fronts, Oklahoma today is digging more than 70 dead from 'buildings wrecked by a tornado late yester day Band Will March Here Wednesday In final preparation for their ap pearance in the EcfQCfltional Day Parade in Raleigh on Thursday, the Williamston High School Hand will parade on Main Street Wednesday night at 7:30 o'clock There have been?numerous requests for?the hand to make another appearance to Raleigh. The young musicians for the parade, and have learned two new drills, one of which features a modified version of that South Am erican dance "The Conga." The pro gram will be devoted mainly to marching and playing while march ing, and will not include any formal , concert numbers. The block between the hotel and Presbyterian Church will again be used for the prograjn following a general parade through town. It is planned that the program will start promptly at 7:30. With Head Drum Majorette Delia Jane Mobley in charge, and ably supported by urum Majorettes Mary Warren, Sylvia Green, Rose Leggett. and a new twirling find in young Bill Peele, the following band mem bers will make the trip to Raleigh: Cornets: Louise Griffin, Alberta Swain, Courtney Jenkins. Anne Lindslcy. Frances Jarman, Lib Tay lor, Hugh Horton, Betsy Manning. Lola Peele; Clarinets: Fred Hardison, Joe Wynne, Annq Meador, Zack Piep hnff. Richard Levin, Frances Thorn Jack Booker; Horns: James Carrow, John L. Goff, Reuben Williams, Simon Per ry; Baritones: Jimmie Leggett. J. D. Li Hey; Trombones: Billy Peele. Billy Wa ters, Billy Myers, J. B. Tfcylor; Basses. Howell Peele, Hewitt An drews; Drums. Jimmie Mitchell, Bill Grif fin, Tom Brandon, George Cunning ham, Frank Lilley; Bel I-Lyra, Frances Griffin.