Visit Bare Sunday Mrs. Sallie Gurganus and daugh ter, Miss Shirley, and Messrs. John McCullum and Douglas Patron, ol Norfolk, visited here Sunday after noon. Was Business Visitor Here Mr. John E. Griffin, of Smith wicks Creek, was here yesterday at tending to business. Speeds Week-end Here Miss Anne Fowden was home from St. Mary's School, Raleigh, last week-end r FOR THE GRADUATE While DRESSES 98c Up laddies' White SHOES $1.00 Up Children'? SHOES 97c Up HATS B A G S GLOVES OUTFIT THEM FOR GRADUATION HERE Israel's "W here Sty leu Are New And Price* Are Loir" WillianiKton, V G. Production Star Margie Vanderteena certainly has the looks to be carving out a career for herself in the movies or on the ?itage, but instead, she prefers to star on the production line. The pretty war worker is shown having her lunch at the propeller plant of the Curtiaa Wright Corporation where she is employed. Marriage License Issued A marriage license was issued this week by Register of Deeds J. Sam Getsinger to Arthur Sherrod Hyman, of Oak City, and Anita Veitte An drews, of Robersonville. Are Visiting Here Little Misses Dickie Ann and Myrnte Brown Woodward, former ly of Norfolk, are visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Myrtle Brown They will join their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Woodward, in their new home in Kentucky within the next two or three weeks. Leaves for Norfolk Howard Earp left today for Nor folk where he will enter the Naval Reserve. In Raleigh Saturday Mr. Warren H. Biggs attended to business in Raleigh last Saturday. Attend Meeting Here Messrs C. C. Martin, of James vffle; H. L. Roebuck, of Cross Roads, and J. A Everett, of Palmyra, were present for the regular meeting of the Martin County Rationing Board here yesterday. Is Visiting Here Miss Sue Hyman, of Richmond, is spending a few days here with Miss Manna Whitley. Spend Week-end Here Dr. and Mrs. R. Gr McAllister and little daughter, of Richmond, spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs J H Saunders I'hilathea Class To Meet The Phituthea class of the Wil liamston Baptist Ghurch will meet in the home of Mrs. W. J Miller on Marslmlt Avenue at 8:00^)'clock Eri day night, May 1st. Visit lleer Vesterday Mr. and Mrs. F E. Boone, of Lex ington, Ky., visited here yesterday. Mr. Boone was an auctioneer on the local tobacco market at one time and is now on a radio program Notice of Registration For May 30 Primary in Martin ('.ouii ty Beginning Saturday, May 2, 1942 Books for the registration of new electors will be opened in the thirteen precincts of Martin County on three consecutive Satur days, ending May 16th. All persons becom ing 21 years of age or who have established residence in the county since the last elec tion are eligible to register. No new regis tration of old voters is necessary. The registrars will have the books open each Saturday from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. at the reg ular polling places unless other arrangements are effected. No registrations will be in order after 6 p. m., May 16th. The books will be opened on Saturday, May 23rd, for the challenge of any names improperly listed. Sylvester Peel Chairman Martin County Board of Election* WATER8BATEMAN Mr. and Mrs. Garney B Bateman, if Plymouth, announce the marriage ,f their daughter, Margaret Estelle, o Dallas Gaylord Waters, of Plym iuth and Fort Bragg. Mr. Waters is he son of Mr. ar.d Mrs. Edgar G. Vaters of Jamesville. The wedding took place on Satur lay, April 4th, in South Mills. The iride wore a navy blue dress with iavy and white accessories. Her ihoulder corsage was of red rose iuds An informal ring ceremony vas used. Those attending were: Mr. and 4rs. Garney B. Bateman and Clar se Bateman, of Plymouth; Mr. and drs Edgar G. Waters and Mercedes y-.tuec nf .TannT'i"-; R. A. Turner if Roper; Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Peel, jr., and Mr. L. J. Peel, Jr., of Wil iamston. ? n Hassell Sunday Mr. and Mrs. P C. Blount, Jr., Mrs. CI la Davenport, Mr. and Mrs. O, W. Hamilton and son, Oliver, of James lillc, visited in Hassell Sunday. ? I'isits in Wilson Mrs P. B. Cone visited in Wilson ast week-end. geturn to Elisabeth Ctty Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Morse, Jr., -eturned to their home in Elizabeth rity Friday night following a visit aero with Rev .and Mrs. B T. Hur ley. spends Week-end Here Miss Reid White, student at E. C. It C., Greenville, spent the week-end lere with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Arthur White. Visits Father Near Here Miss Ola Lee Ulley, of Raleigh, visited her father, J. Dawson Lilley, near here last week-end. * Were Here Friday Sgt. Jack Smith, Cpl. Paul Clin ton and Pvt. Andy Rhey, of Green ville, visited here Friday night. a Spends Week-end Here Edgar Gurganus, student at Wake Forest College, spent the week-end here with his mother, Mrs. Mary Bonner Gurganus. * Visits Here Saturday James Spivey, of Windsor, visited Friends here Saturday. Was Here Last Week-end J. V. Brice, of the Naval Hospital, in Portsmouth, spent the week-end here with Mrs. Brice. ? Visits Here Sunday Chief Petty Officer Charlie Wil cox, of the Naval Training Station ill Norfolk, visited here Sunday. ??? Was Here Sunday Bill Kieckhefer, of Plymouth, vis ited friends here Sunday. a Visit in Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Salsbury had several visitors from Wilson last week at their home in Hamilton. Returns to Portsmouth Mrs. Blanche Perkins has return ed to her home in Portsmouth after a visit with Mrs. Sears in Hamil ton. ? Were Here Friday Miss Effie Waldo and Mrs. Dave Matthews were visitors here Friday. Visit in Roanoke Rapids Mrs. Mattie Everett, of Hamilton, visited her sister in Roanoke Rapids Sunday. Leaves for Philadelphia Miss Ruby Stalls, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Stalls, of Oak City, left Friday morning for Philadel phia to spend some time with rela tives. In Town Sunday Vhsco Green, of Ahoskte, was a visitor in town Sunday. Was Here Sunday Edward "Duek" Lewis, of Tar bo ro, visited friends here Sunday. In Greenville Friday Jo-Jo Thigpen and James Willis Ward were in Greenville Friday. Visits Here Sunday J. W. Bellflower, JT., of Oak City, visited friends here Sunday. ? Was Here Saturday J. T. Hale, of Ahoskle, visited here Saturday. e In Baltimore Last Week Mr. C. D. Pittman spent a few days in Baltimore attending to bus iness last week. a Visits in Rocky Mount Mrs. Grace Swain spent Monday in Rocky Mount. In Plymouth Sunday Miss Edith Stallings visited in Plymouth Sunday. Visits in Raleigh Mrs. C. H. Godwin spent the week end in Raleigh. She was accompan ied home toy Miss Alma Godwin. Were Here Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Amazon Turner, of Washington City, visited here yester day. Little Miss Louise Corey, daughter if Mr. and Mrs. Edward Corey, is improving rapidly at her home on Williams Street following a severe ?ttack of pneumonia. Observe Wedding Anniversary Here Mr. and Mrs. James E. Harrison observed their golden wedding an niversary at their home here last Sunday, the event attracting their children and grandchildren and a few special guests in the town and community and from several states. A pleasant day was enjoyed by the reunited family, a big dinner cli maxing the celebration early that afternoon. A specially baked cake, measured in terms of feet almost, was cut and served. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison were paid many compli ments of the day and received a large number of gifts and other re membrances from the children, grandchildren and friends. Among those attending were, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harrison and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Harrison and children, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Harrison, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Harrison and daughter, of Rocky Mountr~Mr. and Mis. W. Iia Ilarrl son and daughter, Louis H. Harrison, of Pulaski, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Harrison, of Washington, D. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Harrison and daughter, Mrs. G. W. Wynne and children, Mr. and Mrs. Buck Adams, of Washington, D. C., and Mrs. Mary Harrison Coltrain and daughter. Happenings In The Oak City Schools The Agriculture Department held its Father and Son banquet Thurs day night, April 23rd. Around sev enty persons were present, forty stu dents and thirty fathers and visitors. They were served by the girls of the Home Economics Department. Registration of all men between the ages of 44 and 64 began on Mon day in the gymnasium. Retail merchants will register from 2:00 to 5:00 o'clock Tuesday and Wednesday, April 26 and 29. Final examinations begin on Wed nesday and continue through Fri day. All children will come back on Monday for reports, certificates and promotions They will leave after about an hour to clear the way for sugar rationing. The seniors are practicing this week for commencement exercises next week. Rev N. E. Gresham will preach the baccalaureate sermon on Sunday morning, May 3, at 11 o'clock in the school auditorium. The com mencement address Monday evening will be delivered by Marvin Blount, candidate for Congress. ? > HONOR RECENT BRIDE Mrs. Benjamin F. Grimes, the for mer Miss Ruth Hurley, was honored Friday afternoon when Mrs. Bernard T. Hurley and Mrs. Clarence Morse, Jr , of Elizabeth City, were hostesses at an informal tea in the Methodist parsonage here. Mrs. J. S. Whitley greeted the guests whom she presented to the honoree and her mother. In the liv ing room bowls of mixed flowers, roses, tulips, petunias, verbena and snapdragons, were in profusion. Mrs. Morse invited the guests in the din ing room where she was assisted by Mrs. J. D. Mason. Mrs W. E. War ren cut cream. Misses Mary Warrer I and Marian Hurley served mints and nuts\The bridal motif of green and white was carried out in the cakei and ices. On the lace covered table was i silver bowl of white carnations white stocks, narcissus and ferr flanked with white tapers in silvei holders. On the buffet was a crysta bowl of white iris, snowballs anc syringa, flanked by triple crysta candelabra with white tapers. Mrs. Clarence Whedbee presides at the punch bowl in the hall whici was banked with Scotch broom. Sht was assisted by Mrs. R. L. Carver. Mrs. R. A. Watson invited th? guests in the library where they rog istered in the bride's book. The flow ers in the library were pink tulip: and weigelia. Mrs. James Ward bade the gucsti goodbye from the side porch. Ap proximately fifty guests called dur ing the hours of five to six. War Tags for School Children Finals Program In Bear Grass School ?? The series of commencement ex ercises in the Bear Grass School were announced today by Principal T. O. Hickman. On Sunday morning, May 3rd, at 11 o'clock. Rev. William P. Milne will deliver the baccalaureate ser mon Special music will be render ed by the school choir and the Bear Grass quartet. The marshals for this occasion wiil be Haywood Mobley, Herbert Hyman, Marjorie Harrison { and Mildred Wobbleton. | On Tuesday night, May Sth, at 8:30 o'clock the Class Day exercises will be held. Valedictorian. Ruth Evelyn Terry; Salutatorian, Naomi Brown; Histor ian, Rufus Gurganus; Giftorian, Oli via Rogerson; Class Prophet, Laura 1 Leggett; Last Will and Testament, Lucille Jones; Mascot, Rachel Lee Bailey; Class Colors, Green and < White; Class Flower, Dogwood; i Class Motto, Let us be known by our deeds; Marshals, Pete Rogej-s, Ver non Roebuck, Delsie Harrison and Sybil Peele. Honorable mention for scholarship goes to Bessie Harrison. On Wednesday night, May Sth, at 8:30 o'clock, the final graduation ex ercises will be held. Dr. William R. Burrell, of Williamston, will deliver the commencement address. Princi pal L. O. Hickman will award thd diplomas. Special music will be ren dered by the Bear Grass quartet. The following graduates will be awarded diplomas: Naomi Brown, Evelyn Cowan, Bessie Harrison, Lucille Jones, Lau ra Leggett, Olivia Rogerson, Ruth Evelyn Terry, Rufus Gurganus. Levi Harrison, William Harrison, Milton Ma lone, Asa Taylor, Henry White. Marshals: Pete Rogers, Vernon Roebuck, Sybil Peele and Delsie Harrison. Due to the fact that the ration cards are to be issued on Wednes day, the date previously scheduled for the school picnic, it has been de cided that it will be best for all con cerned to call the picnic off.?Re ported. ? I I Miss Adelene Flowers, of Wash ington, has joined the staff of the telephone office here. Was Business Visitor Here i Mr. J. G. Watson, of Plymouth, was r a business visitor here Saturday. Shops Here Saturday Miss Gladys Ipock, of Jamesville, was a shopper in town Saturday. I s i Spends Week-end Here Mr. Billy Clark, of Kinston, spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Clark. ? Tripled This year America will produce three times the weapons and supplies of war that were turned out in the 18 months from the start of defense preparations until the United States' entry Into the war. n Raleigh Saturday * Mr Henry Griffin was a business nsitor in Raleigh Saturday. ? teturn to Enfield Mrs. B. D. Critcher and daughter, tnna, have returned to their home n Enfield after spending a few days lere with Miss Anna Pope. Poultry Truck Every TUESDAY AT JAMESVILLE 9 to 10 a. m. AT HARDISON'S MUX 10:30 to 12 m. AT BEAR GRASS 1 to 3 p. m. Every FRIDAY AT OAK CITY 9 to 11 a. m. AT HAMILTON 11:30 a. m. to 12 m. AT COLD POINT 1 to 2 p. m. Every SATURDAY AT WILLIAMS TON 9 to 11 a. m. AT EVERETTS 11:30 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. AT ROBERSONV1LLE 3:30 to 5:3Q p. m. Colored Hens, Leghorn Hen*. Stags, Roosters WE PAY TOP MARKET PRICES Pitt Poultry Co. GREENVILLE, N. C. WARD-JOHNSON Miss Rachel Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson, be ?ame the bride of Exum Ward, Jr., rhursday afternoon at S o'clock. The vedding took place in the Christian aarsonafe in Rocky Mount, and the reremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Scarborough, pastor of the thurch. The couple had supper with Mrs. Saul Gold after the ceremony and left for a trip to Richmond. They re turned here Sunday night. Mrs. Ward is employed at the tel ephone office here and will remain it her job. Mr. Ward left Monday night to re turn to New Mexico where he is sta tioned with the U. S. Army. * Visits in Raleigh Mrs. Paul Jones spent the week end visiting friends in Raleigh. In Farmville Sunday Misses Kathryn Mewborn and Jer ry Humble, Mrs. Benjamin Grimes and Mr. Kemp Peel spent Sunday in Farmville. ? Attends Wadding Mrs. Henry Griffm attended tin wedding and reception of Miss Jean nette Hackney in Washington Satur day. She was accompanied by Miss Florine Edwards. Spend Week-eod Here Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Philpott and son, E. V., Jr., Mrs. J. D. Davenport and son, John, Jr., and Miss Elsie Robinson, of Richmond, spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. George Thorpe. Attention Farmers Owing To Conditions Over Which We Have No Control THE TIME PRICE ON FERTILIZ ER WILL START MAY 1st, INSTEAD OF JUNE 1st. Let us know how much more you need to fill your requirements. Barnhill & Corey WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Attention Fanners! A Good Rule To Follow INSURE ALL OF YOUR CROPS AGAINST HAIL DAMAGE. INSURE EARLY. INSURE FOR FULL LIMITS ALLOWED PER ACRE. . . And By All Meant, Inture With K. B. Crawford WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Attention Men! YOUR LAST CHANCE TO HAVE A GOOD SUIT Of CLOTHES MADE With Cuffs on It Battle Yearby The Storrs-Schaefer Stylist Will Be At Our Store On Friday, May 1st With a Special Showing of Fine Woolens in Over 400 Patterns. Dazden's Dept. Store

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