EVERY PAT DAY X* BOND DAY THE ENTERPRISE U Pm-Vimry eTdihn! BONDS STAMPS VOLUME XLV?NUMBER 37 William tton, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, May 8, 1942. ESTABLISHED 1899 Judge Robt. Coburn Has Court Without Single Liquor Case ???? Few Cases of Any Kind on the Recorder's Docket Last Monday Literally laying the law down some weeks ago to all liquor law vio lators who happened to face the bench, Judge Robert L. Coburn held his first session of the county record er's court last Monday withput be ing troubled with the trial of an al legde liquor-law violator. After learning about the sugar rationing system, the recorder warned the li quor law violators that he would do all in his power to keep sugar out of {heir hands, to preserve it for the legal trade. It was an indirect ap proach to a touchy rationing subject, but the judge reasoned that by "bearing down" on the retailer the demand for the spirits would be de creased with a resulting decrease in the demand for sugar for manufac ture. Substantial fines, ranging in some cases up to $75, and road setnences of six months may not have reliev ed the bad situation altogether but it is fairly certain they carried weight and made the dealers in the illicit business sit up and take no tice. While there was not a single li quor law violation on the docket last Monday, there were few cases of oth er types, the shortage in defense sub ject indicating that the usual sum mer slump in the court's business had made its appearance this year a bit earlier than usual. The court was in session less than an hour, and there were only a few spectators present to hear the proceedings. There, were four cases on the docket, the court continuing one of the four and passing judgment in only one other one. The case charging Elmer Gray with non-support was nol prossed. Charged with non-support, Robert T. Sparrow entered no plea, the court adjudging him guilty after hearing the evidence. The defendant I was directed to pay $40 a month for the benefit of his three children for one year. The court specified that the payments were to be made semi monthly on the first and fifteenth and that the first payment should be made not later than May 11th. Bond in the sum of $200 was required. In the case charging A. J. Hardi son with the larceny of an automo bile, the court found probably cause of guilt and bound the defendant over to the superior court for trial under a $200 bond. Unable to raise that amount, Hardison was returned to jail for trial next month. Two Dozen Marriage Licenses Issued In County Last Month Issuance I .urges! On Record In This County For the Month of April Forgetting all about war and un certainty, Dan Cupid forged ahead to establiah a new record in this county last month. Register of Deeds J. Sam Getsinger stating that 24 couples were married during the period. The largest issuance report ed for any previous April was 20 Licenses were evenly distributed, twelve going to white and twelve go ing to colored couples, as follows: White Joseph Daniel Jones and Estelle Williams, both of Williamston. Edward Franklin Black and Louise Briley, both of Williamston. Ben Delmers Harrison and Sarah Lucy Byers, both of Adrian, Mich. Benjamin Barber, of Williamston. and Charlie Elizabeth Mendenhall, of R.F.D. No. 2, Washington. Maurice Mobley and Hilda Myrt Bennett, both of Oak City. Wilbur Melton Gurganus and Bes sie Beacham, both of Jamesville. Leroy Bradley and Gladys Vir ginia Brown, both of Hobgood. Benjamin Franklin Grimes, of U. S. S. 29, and Ruth S. Hurley, of Wil liamston. Wiley Thomas Bullock, of R.F.D. 1, Robersonville, and Eula Mae Gur ganus, of R.F.D. 2, Williamston. Oatie Roosevelt Wolfe and Eloise Brown, both of Plymouth. James A. Roebuck and Doris J. Everett, both of Robersonville. Arthur Sherrod Hyman, of Oak City .and Anita Veitte Andrews, of Robersonville. Colored Richard G. Speller and Willie Mac Cooper, both of Windsor. Noah Bryant and Mary Wiggins, both of Palmyra. Tiller James and Mittie James, both of Jamesville. Wheeler Latham, of Williamston, and Queen Anne Armstrong, of Robersonville. Eddie Sanders Clem mom and Del la Ruth Godard, both of R.F.D. 3, Washington. Jonah Knight, of Rocky Mount, and Lula Clemmons, of Williams ton. Kelford Council and Martha Eliz abeth Mooring, both of R.F.D. 1, Bethel. (Continued on page six) Board Classifies Men In Third Registration GAS RATIONING Definite plans have not yet been completed, but it is under stood that car owners will regis ter at the various schools in this county next Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday, May It, IS and 14th, for gasoline rationing cards. Rationing or purchase by card will go into effect either on the ISth or 16th. Designed to curtail if not elim inate altogether pleasure or unnecessary riding, the ration ing plan is not expected to af fect business or necessary trav el very much. Possibly two or three gallons of gas will be made available each week for non essential users. There will be enough gas for employed per sons to get to and from their work. Registration For Gas Rationing To Be Held May 12th Gallonage To Be Allowed Un der System Will Be Re vealed Mav 15tli Gasoline ration cards and applica tion forms are being printed and will be distributed to school registra tion sites throughout North Carolina before May 12, when registration be gins, according to Theodore S. John son, State Rationing Administrator. It is expected that approximately 10,000,000 automobile owners in North Carolina and 16 other eastern states will apply for ration cards. Five different ration cards have been prepared, and owners of mo tor vehicles and inboard motorboats will receive at registration time the type of card for which they qualify. TTie cards are designated "A", "B-l", "B-2", "B-3" and "X" cards. They are intended to last users until July 1st. No application form will have to be filled in to obtain the "A", or bas ic allotment, card. Across the bottom are seven squares, each good for one "unit" of gasoline. The gallonage value of each "unit" will be an nounced before May 15. The holder of an "A" card may use up his units as fast as he likes, but he will not be eligible for another after this is gone. .The "B" cards resemble the "A" cards except for the number of unit "squares. The "B-l" card has 11 unifif the "B-2" card has 15 units; and the "B-3" eard has 19 units. The value of these units may differ from that of the "A" unit. In applying for a "B" card, a con sumer must present the registration card of the vehicle for which gaso line is needed and must file an ap plication form. The information on his application card should show why he needs more gasoline than he could obtain with an "A" card. The applicant for an "X" card must (Continued on page six) t First Heavy Rain In Months, Falls The first heavy rain in weeks, if not months, fell in this section last night, the weather station on Roan oke River here reporting 1.09 inches during last night. Reports in the up per part of the county state that con siderable rain had fallen there last week followed by a large amount last evening. Accompanied by hail in some sec tions, the storm was packed with thunder and lightning. No direct strikes by lightning were recorded but some hail damage was reported in the Oak City and Hamilton sec tions, especially between the two towns. During the month of April 1.34 inches of rain fell in this immediate section. Nine-hundreths of one inch of rain fell last week-end, followed by the 1.09 last evening. JUNK FROM FRANCE Willie K. Parker, local salvage dealer, la acquiring a remark able reputation in the collection of scrap to whip the Jap. A 6,000 pound, eight cylinder engine used in controlling observation balloons In the last World War. was delivered to his place of business here this week. The Imported engine, virtually worn out, was not delivered direct, to be sure, bat It goes to show that the United States did import a little bit of scrap Iron while It was exporting a world of scrap to the Japs. The engine, formerly In use at New Bern after the last war, was brought here from Plym outh, and is being broken np for indirect delivery back to the old countries. Men In Third Group Will Help Fill The County's June Quota \\ illinm?toii Man With No. 13 I* Firet Called OtherMen Are Reclassified Receiving instructions ordering drastic changes in the selective serv ice system as they relate to depen dency and age, the Martin County Draft Board went into action last night to fill the county's June draft quota. Several men who registered last February are to be included in the next group to leave this county, but it is not expected that more than two or three selectees will be chosen from the third registration list. Up until this week, the draft board , with a fairly large surplus of man- ] power in the first and second regis trations in the 1-A classification, was under the impression that no third registration men would be call-1 ed until the manpower in the first two groups had been exhausted. The recent instructions order the infil tration of the older men into the list for immediate call. Proportions have not been definitely determined, but it now appears that every time twelve men are called fronv the first two registration groups, one will be called from the third registration list. On that basis at least two and possibly three meti in the third reg istration list will be called possibly the early part of June. The instructions this week are be lieved to mark the turning point in the draft as far as dependency is concerned. Men married prior to last December h in tins county are still being grouped in 3-A. Men with de pendents are also grouped in 3-A, but a new classification has been created to include those men with dependents and who hold jobs vital to the war effort or civilian defense. The first men were placed in that grouping last night, but the total was unusually small. The list in cludes a few farmers and one or two others who are in responsible posi tions. In addition to its regular classifi cation work with the third registra tion, the board reclassified a few men in the first and second registration groups, as follows: 2,103?Daniel C. Sharpe, w, William ston, 1-A 2,804- William Close Burnett, c, Oak Ctiy RFD 1, 2 A 3.139 -Torn llenry Ward. w. Ruber sunville RFD 1, 3-A 2,872- Lewis Hubert Page, w, Wit liamston RFD 3, 3-A 2,602?John Ben Hardison, w, Wil liamston RFD 1, 1-A 3,040?Eddie Price, w, Williamston, 3-A 3.147 Garland Burrel Whitley, w, Williamston RFD 3, pending 3,122?Joe Billy Harringotn, Pal myra RFD 1, 3-A The following men in the third registration group were classified for the first itme, the 1-A classifica tions being effected subject to physi cal examination and appeals: 10.001?Noah Dawson Gurganus, w. Williamston RFD 3, 3-A 10.002?Hilery Howard Holliday, w, Jamesville RFD 1, 3-B P.003?John Clinton Merritt, w, Jamesville RFD 1, 3-A 10,004?William?Robert?Glover,?ytr Williamston, 3-B 10.003?George Keel, w, Williams ton RFD 3, 3-A 10.006?Vernon Jerome Spivey, w, Williamston, 3-A 10.007?William Noah Perry, w, Jamesville RFD 1, 3-A 10.008?James Briley, c, Parmcle, 3-A 10.009?James Haulsey Hardison, w, Williamston RFD 1, 3-B 10.010?Caesar Purvis, Jr., c, Wil liamston, 3-A 10.011?Ernest Edward Little, c, Rob ersonville, 3-A (Continued on page six) ? Young County Man Air Corps Graduate Sheppard Field, Texas?Pvt. Eli Rogers, 24, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Rogers, of RFD 3, Williamston, N. C., has been graduated from the world's largest Air Corps Techni cal School at Sheppard Field, Tex as, where he has been attending classes for the past several months. Attached to the 312th Technical School Squadron while in the school here, he was graduated April 25th. Prior to enlistment he attended Wil liamston high school. Having undergone intensive train ing designed to give him a complete working knowledge of the battle birds, he is now qualifeid as one of the eight specialists necessary to keep one plane in the air. Graduates of this technical course are eligible to be shipped to any tactical unit maintained by the Air Corps. Young Rogers was recently trans ferred from Texas to a New Jersey field fof further training. UNCLE SAM BATTLING TO UPHOLD America's Freedom THE 21ST WEEK OF THE WAR Price Administrator Henderson is sued a general price regulation plac ing rigid government controls over retail and wholesale prices for the duration of the war. Beginning May 11. manufacturer and wholesale prices may not ex ceed highest March 1942 levels for each individual seller. Beginning May 18. retail prices may not ex ceed highest levels charged by each seller during March. Beginning July 1. no one may charge more for serv ices sold at retail in connection with a commodity than he charged dur ing March. All retailers, manufac turers, wholesalers and sellers of services must preserve for pricing purposes existing sales records made during March. Every retail store as of May 18 must display publicly the ceiling prices for "cost-of-living" commodities. \ Agricultural commodities are* ex cluded from the order. Various oth er items which do not conform with the price control act's definition of a "commodity" are exempt also. President Roosevelt said the cost of living has advanced about 15 per cent since the Autumn of 1939, and "we must now act to keep it from soaring another 80 per cent or 90 per cent during the next year or two? to hold it to somewhere near the present level." The President said, "The only effective course of action is a simultaneous attack on all of the factors which increase the cost of living . prices, profits, wages, taxes and debts." Rationing The Office of Price Administration said five different gasoline ration cards will be distributed during reg istration in 17 Eastern States and the District of Columbia May 12-14. One card will )>e for non-essential users and the other four will designate varying degrees of essential users. Commercial and government users of gasoline will be exempt from the card rationing plan, OPA said, and such vehicles need not be register ed if they are plainly marked. Motor vehicles in essential serv ices may not have new tires ifr re capped ones will serve their pur pose. the agency said War Strategy The President in a radio address said American warships are in com bat in tlu* Arctic, Mediterranean and in the North and South Pacific. Am erican troops are aLstations in South America. Greenland, Iceland, the -Britistv -Isles, -the? Middle- East, and the Far East, the continent of Aus tralia and many islands of the Pa cific. American planes manned by Americans are flying in actual com bat TJVeT-?!!! the oreans and all the continents, he said, and flying fort resses will soon be fighting for the liberation of Europe. Australia, New Zealand and much other territory (Continued on page six) Baptist Director For Young People Miss Laura M Milliard, of Cary, who graduates this week from the Training School iif llii.1 Baptist Wo man's Missionary Union in Louis ville, Ky., and who has been cn gaged by the Memorial church as director of all educational and train ing work of the church, will arrive in the city in a few days and will as sume her duties about the 18th of this month. Miss Hilliard is a graduate of Mer edith College, and taught school in Leaksville, for some time before en tering the training school. She comes most highly recommended and will add much to the religious life of the community. Varied talents are declared, but as a whole most of those Martin County men returning their occupational questionnaires to date are experts principally In the field of agriculture or are common laborers. So far, 549 questionnaires have been mail ed to those men registering last February It. Approximately 700 others are being made ready and will be placed in the mails the early part of next week. Very few of the registrants are delin quent in preparing and return ing the questionnaires, it was learned. Only 300 draft ques tionnaires have been sent to those men registering last Feb ruary 16th. Those men registering Just re cently or on April 27, will be given serial order numbers week after next. It is fairly certain that no order numbers will be assigned, the draft board stat ing that it had not received in structions ordering the distribu tion of occupational question naires to those men. Big Registration For Sugar In This County About 15,000 Apply For Ration Cards In First Two Days Thrt'o Hundred and Fifly -iVmr itrgiummis Denied Rooks in That Period The registration for sugar ration ing stamps in Martin County was announced virtually complete by Mrs P. C. Blount, county rationing board secretary, this morning, the announcement being based on in complete but representative reports filed by most of the district regis trars following the c,lose of the reg istration places late yesterday. Some of the registrars were late getting in their reports and a complete pic ture of the registration even for the first day could not be had early to day. but it was estimated that 6,871 white and 7.734 colored persons, or a total of at least 14,605, were regis tered during the first two days. While a complete picture of su gar hoarding cannot be gained from tin* registration figures, it was fair ly grneral but not at all extensive among the white population. During the first two days of the registration th? registrars: withheld 345 ration ing books from the white registrants and 14 from the colored registrants. No complete report could be had as to the number of stamps that were removed from the books by the reg istrars during the first two days, but in Williamston 386 stamps were lift ed from the books during the first three days. The figures below for the first two days only, show the tot?rl white reg istration by districts, number of ra tioning books issued and the num ber of rationing books withheld on account of excessive supplies of su-1 gar ??n hand: White Schools Ration- Books j in* With Registrants Books held | Jann'svillt' 1005 950 55 ?Farm L.ife 26H 254 14 Bear Grass 042 585 57 Williamstun 1028 1895 33 Everetts 523 459 04 Robersonvillc 1058 1005 53 Gold Point 121 101 20 Hassell 233 224 9 Hamilton 487 481 6 Oak City 800 572 34 11871 6526 345 Mncomplete. The figures below show the total colored registration for the first two days only, by districts. The number ralriomng-books issued is not list-' ed because only fourteen were with held, six in Dardens, four in Gold Point and four irt the White Oak Springs district The registration follows. Colored Schools Registrants Everetts 440 Poplar Point 169 Cross Roads 210 Oak City 411 Whichard-James 288 Dardens 375 Roberson villi? 632 Gold Point 351 Salsbury 385 Jamesvilte 238 Williams-Lower 327 ?WuiiIjkI.s 283 1 Hamilton W tiurrouglis-ilill I'll ?Jones . 214 Williamston 1524 White Oak Springs 365 Bear Grass v 129 Biggs 2664 Parmele 362 ?Smithwick 49 Bowers 210 7734 Contrary to the belief of some, the registrars volunteered their services wtihout reward or hope of reward. 1 Mail Schedules Are Changed This Week With the removal of the passenger train operating between Kinston and Rocky Mount, changes followed in the local mail schedules this week, the post office announces. The following schedules for out going mail are now in effect, mean ing that mail must be in the office by the designated time if distribu tion is to be made without delay. The first mail leaves in the mornings at 8:IS o'clock, followed by another at 11:30 a. m. and another at 3:30 p. m., another at 6 p. m. and still another at 7:00 p. m. Incoming mail is received at 8 a. m , 1 p. m., 4:30 p. m. and 8 p. m , the post office stating that un der normal conditions the mail should be in the lock boxes by the time designated. Deliveries to the rural communities arc scheduled to get underway at 8 a. m. Given precedence over every thing, including mail and passenger trains, troop movements often force delays in mail and passenger serv ice, causing deliveries to be as much as twelve to twenty-four hours late. CHURCH SCHEDULE At thr regular meeting of the Wllllamston Ministerial Asso ciation last Monday it was or dered that all thr evening meet ings of thr churches be chang ed from 8:00 o'clock to 8:30 o'clock, and that the Wednes day evening Prayer meetings be ehangrd to Thursday evening, 8:30. The reason for the change of hours of the evening services is obvious, and thr reason for changing Prayer meeting from Wrdnesday evening to Thursday evening is because of the Wed nesday afternoon holiday ob served by the merchants, at which time many of thr people go out of town and could not get back in time for Prayer meet ing. Timely Program Is j r Feature in School Closing Wednesday ? "Anierieun Freedom" Theme Slresse?l Ah 10 Young IVople Firadiiate ? ? Featured by a colorful and appro priate program, the school year for the youth of the Williamston com munity was brought to a formal close last Wednesday evening in the high school auditorium as diplomas were awarded to forty graduates. Marked by patriotic songs, including the pledge to the flag, and three splendid addresses, the theme of the student program. "American Free dom", struck a responsive note in the minds of the large assembly of parents and school patrons. Many who were present for the program remarked that it was the finest grad uating exercise they had ever had the pleasure of attending. Madelyn Taylor expressed greet ings for the class and outlined the program for the evening: Catherine Turner spoke on "Freedoms We Guard"; Joseph Gurganus spoke on "America At War"; and Evelyn Grif fin, class valedictorian, spoke on" "Today's Challenge to Youth." A fitting climax to the speeches was reached when Elbert S Peel, representing the Martin County Vic tory Bond Committee, briefly re viewed the course of man's fight for freedom, discussed the i-vents "f tbe present war, and called upon every man, woman, and ch'1'1 to join In the war effort by purchasing bonds Special awards were presented as follows: y W. C. Manning Cup, Class Vale dictorian, Evelyn Griffin; Sara Man ning Home Economics Cup, Mary Trulah Pecle; Goodmon Athletic Trophy, Jack Sullivan; Woman's Club Cup, Kathryn Mewborn for the glee club, Junior Woman's Club Cup, 7th grade, Louise Griffin. Young Men To Enter Nations Air Force Three young local men, John E. Pope, Jr., Ray II. Ouodinuii, Ji., and Whit Purviyr, jr. left yesterday for Allanla lu enter the Navy Air Corps. Volunteering their services, the young men previously passed their entrance examinations, but it could not be learned definitely when they would enter actual service or where there would be stationed. The fathers of young Goodmon and Purvis saw action in the last World's War. Z Hardy Rose, Jr., who recently volunteered for service in the Army Air Corps is already on the payroll and is spending a few days here pending the receipt of instructions to report for duty. It is now estimated that this coun ty has approximately 50 men in one branch or another in the air service, I operating in various parts of the world. It was recently learned that Raleigh Harrington, son of Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Harrington, was recent j ly in South America flying ranking diplomats and associating with roy alty. SINGERS Made up of youthful and well trained ilntera, the Oxford Or phanage Singing class will make Its annual appearance In the Willlamston High School audi torium next Tuesday evening at 8:30 o'clock. The youngsters, di rected by Miss DeRotha Hughes, are under the management of H. F, Paul. No admission fee will be charg ed, but a free-will offering will be asked. The public Is cordial ly Invited and urged to hear the little folks in their songs, dances and recitation*. While here the little folks will be entertained In private I Allies Score Great Victory Over Japs In Pacific Ocean 1 At Ix?u*t 1 7 Jap Ships. Includ ing Aircraft I nit. Sent To Ocean Bottom Moving southward in what was believed to have been the first inva sion attempt of Australia, a mighty Japanese fleet encountered serious opposition at the hands of the Allies in th.? fW:tl S??:i twlu'wn thf Hn brides and Queensland, Australia. Started five days ago, the running sea battle is still in progress with no definite report yet to be had on the outcome. Preliminary reports coming from the battle area declare that the Al lies have scored a major victory over the yellow hordes from Tokyo. An unofficial count places the Japs' ship losses at seventeen with numbers of others damaged, some extensive ly, and still others possibly sunk. The Jap losses include two aircraft car riers, two destroyers, four cruisers and auxiliary vessels. Apparently, the main attack was handled by the Allied Air Force, No report on Am erican ship losses has been released by the United States government, but it was said that three Allied planes had been lost in the greatest naval engagement in recent months and one of the greatest of the war. The Japs claimed that five Allied ships, including two American plane car riers, had been sunk. Since Pearl Harbor, 247 Jap ships have been sunk or damaged in the Pacific, including 49 warships defi nitely sunk. An additional 44 have been damaged and 14 others possi bly sunk,, making a grand total of 107 enemy wareraft that has been put out of commission for varying periods or for all time In addition to the losses in the Coral Sea or in the vicinity of the Solomon Islands, the Japs have had at least three ships sunk in the Far East by roving American submar ines. Following the fall of Corregidor, the Japs were believed to have started their drive toward Australia Dispatches from the battle zone emphasized that while Allied pilots for Weeks have been hammering Japanese bases along the invasion arc north of Australia, they have not prevented the enemy from bringing up replacements and it was reported that both warships and troop transports were being massed in the Rabaul area. There was no doubt that those raids had slowed down the Japanese and put back for weeks an offensive in the Australian zone. However, the fall of Corregidor releases many planes and men for service else where, it was said, and the Japanese now probably have decided they must strike s<><>rv or face prtigresstvr ly heavy attacks by the growing Al Just what effect the* battle will have on the Jap program is yet to be seen, hut-Australia s ~ Prime Minls ter Curtin stated today that an in vasion attempt was to be expected. A late report for New Delhi this morning stated that the Japs had (Continued on page six) Petit Jurymen Are Selected For Next Court Term in June Jtul|(i' J. Paul Friraellf Will Preaiile Over Session Itegimiiiig J ii in- 15 Eighteen Martin County citizens were druwh for petit jury service in the superior court by the commis sioners in their regular monthly ses sion last first Monday. Considerable attention was given to the task be cause a portion of the potential jury strength is now serving in the army or is scattered all over the country engaged in defense or war work. Quite a few names were removed from the box for the duration when it was definitely determined that the owners could not be conveniently reachedT Nine men had been recruited for grand jury service last March and it was not necessary to summon new recruits for the June term. The regular term will open for the trial of both criminal and civil cases during one week beginning the 15th of June with Judge J. Paul Frizzelle of Snow Hill on the bench. Compar atively few cases have been placed on the criminal docket up until this time. . Names of the citizens drawn for jury service follow: Jamesville Township: Willie H. Modlin. Griffins Township: Elbert Rober son, John R. Coltrain, S. E. Man ning, George C. Griffin, William S. Hardison. Bear Grass Township: Clyde Rev els, Dennis L. Peel, Lester Bailey and Redden Leggett. Williamston Township: W. Ira Harrison, Marvin Peed and John Daniel Biggs. Robcrsonville Township: M. E. Roberson and A. D. Cherry. Hamilton Township: O. W. Ayers. Goose Nest Township: B. A. Long and C. T Fleming.