Extensive Organization Formed To Advance Bond Drive County Due To Raise 824.500 During May Name Committees to I Carry Appeals Into Every Countv Home Campaign Already Well Ad vanced in Several Com munities in Countv '* Martin County's quota for the War Suvings Program for the month of May is $24,500. This is a quota for you and me to buy War Savings Bonds and Stamps to the limit of our ability," Mr. C. D. Carstarpheti. chairman of the drive in this coun ty, said yesterday. "It is also a quo ta in tanks and guns, planes and ships, torpedoes and bombs,' he said. When the Treasury Department sets a quota for any county in Am erica, it tells us in effect that every month we must buy a dozen planes, or a hundred tanks, or, if we're large enough, a destroyer, a cruiser, or even a battleship. According to the chairman, we must even buy more bonds and stamps than the govern ment has thus far called on us to buy, if we are to win this war. We must pledge to buy as many Bonds and Stamps as we can afford . . . ten, fifteen, or twenty per cent of our sal aries or wages set aside each pay day to invest in War Bonds and Stamps. "Our quota may be increas ed each month as the war goes on and only by doubling and tripling our purchases of these Bonds and Stamps will we be able to meet our quota," Mr. Carstarphen said Elbert S. Peel heads the Speakers committee, which was organized to point out the urgent necessity of buying U S. Defense Stamps and Bonds at various civic meetings, and various other groups throughout the county. Wheeler Martin is chairman of the banking, building and loan, and fi nancial institutions committee. This committee is to represent the insti tutions designated by the Govern ment as agents to sell defense bonds and stamps. The Industrial Groups Committee, headed by Mr. C. G Crockett, is or ganized primarily to promote the sale of defense Bonds and Stamps in the industrial plants of the coun ty J. C Manning is serving as chair man of the Schools, Churches and Colleges Committee; D. N Hi*, chairman of Civic Organizations Committee: F. J. Margolis. chair man of Merchandising Organizations Committee; L B Wynne. Chairman of General Citizens Committee and C. L. Daniel, chairman of the Rural Communities Committee The entire personnel of each town and community in the county haS not been completed at the printing of this section but~tlie County Chair man, Mr Carstarphen, said appoint ments would be made by Monday or Tuesday, this week, and every section of the county would be thor oughly covered for pledges to buy War Bonds and Stamps. Although the committee appoint ments are not complete, the town and community organizations which have been organized and now canvassing AIR RAIDS Much has been heard about the London and Coventry bomb ings. but reliable reports declare that the rural communities In England have suffered even more than the cities. With the cities blacked out. the enemy planes often miss their targets and when they do they start on the return trip. Bomb loads are not carried back because It is too dangerous for the pilot to make a landing with the death dealing cargo. Spotting little dim lights in the countryside, the en emy releases his bomb load. But in this war the destruction of a country home seldom makes the front pages. Rural citizens should remain alert at all times, and not be caught napping should death dealing machines start threaten ing them from the air. There's only a limited way to give an air raid alarm for the rural citizen. Officials Han Chance Element In Defense (Continued from page one) to time in the interest of civilian de fense, and their views will carry weight right along with that of the council members. The Defense Council was organized at the call of the chairman some weeks ago, several of the towns fail ing to send representatives at that time to participate in the organiza tional work. Since that time, defense leaders have gone into every town in the county and a well-balanced and efficient county-wide organiza tion has been perfected. The coun cil is studying from the lessons learn ed in England, and suggestions from the folks at home will be welcomed. AI'TO PETTING IS BANNED Washington ? Undersecretary of War Patterson says petting parties in automobiles are "nonessential," He believes that valuable tire mile age is used by couples getting to the secluded spots where the petting takes place. So, Patterson told a press confer ence recently, if people don't volun tarily stop the practice, "measures will be taken to see that those who don't understand will understand." their various sections, are listed as follows: Robersonville is being canvassed by Messrs. Mayo Little and Alvin Hasty. The residential section of the town" Is being covered by the Junior Woman's Club with Mrs. Paul D. i Koberson. In Oak City, J C. lloss, Nut John I son, the Mayor; J. H. Ayers and Wheeler Daniels/compose the com mittee soliciting pledges to purchase I bonds and stamps. Miss Effie Waldo, I>*Roy Everett and Henry Johnson. Jr., are work ing as a committee to secure War Bond and Stamp pledges in that sec* tion of the county. FQgJ/ICTORY BUY UNITED STATES DEFENSE ^BONDS AND v STAMPS WAR NEEDS MONEYI It will coet money to de/eat our enemy aggreatora. Your Government cell* on you to help now. Fledge todey to buy Defenee Bonde regularly. Mmke rrery pay day Bond Day by participating in the Pay roll Saving* Plan. Bonde ooet $11.75 and up. Stampe are 10i, 2&i, and up. The help oi every Individual ie needed. Do your part by pledging to buy your abate every Martin County Building And Loan Association Home Agent Points Out Places To Save In and Around Home Poor Nutritional Condition** Are Can?e for Many Re jection** in the Army By LORA E. SLEEPER Martin County Home Demon stration Agent This year Home Demonstration women are carrying the same pro gram throughout the State. The program follows: January? The Farm Fam)Iy Plans for 1942; Febru ary?Living above the Safety Line, The Nutritional Situation: March? My Clothing Needs, Clothing Inven tory, The Minimum Essentials of the Family Wardrobe; April? Future Security through Conservation; May ?The Staff of Life, Whole Grain Products and Their Use; June ? Hbme Care of the Sick; July?Food Preservation, Canning and Drying of Fruits and Vegetables, August? Planned Recreation for the Family; September?The Wise Use of Time and Money, Investments for Future Security; October? The Clothing Clinic, Care and repair, making ov er, cleaning, spto and stain remov al; November? Building Strong Bodies, Preparation of Protein Dishes; December?Housing Repairs and Improvements for Happier Liv ing. Fire hazards, painting, storage. Many draftees are rejected for service because of poor nutritional condition. What the farm home mak er can do to correct this condition was brought out at all February club meetings. A study, "Are We Well Fed ", made by Hazel Stiebling, Senior Food Economist, gives these figures: In the United States only 27 per cent of the population are receiv ing good diets and 50 per cent of them come from the country, 20 per cent from villages and cities; 38 per ceint have diets of fair quality with 25 per cent of them in the country and 45 per cent in the cities and villages; 35 are of poor quality with 25 per cent in the country and 35 per cent in the cities and villages. This can be corrected by using the Daily Food Essentials as worked out by the Bureau of Home Economics at Washington, I). C., as a guide for better planned meals. Copies may be secured from your home agent's of fice. \ At the Williamston Home Demon stration club meeting held in April at Mrs. Annie Burroughs, the dem onstration on the care of utensils in creased in interest when Mrs. An nie Burroughs upon the request of the home agent secured an old alum inum cup from the poultry yard. The cup had been given up because of its jammed condition. The trademark still legible denoted quality and with the use of a block of wood and a wood mallet the cup took shape again. After cleaning with fine steel wool and Spanish whiting and vine gar,. Mis Burroughs remarked "My oldest boy drank out of that when he was a baby and now my grandchil dren can drink out of it." Blankets and wool clothes were treated with moth repellents this some month. Did you know that one moth pro duces enough larvae to eat 100 pounds of wool or what it takes 13 sheep to produce. Wools are increas ing in value, every day, take care of them. The estimated damage from moths in the United States in one year is $100,000,000. "That is the cheapest breakfast cereal I've heard of yet," remark ed Mrs. C. H. Ange, of the Ange Town club at the last meeting. Whole wheat was purchased from the flour mill at Washington, N. C., for three cents per pound. One pound has 2 1-2 cups of the whole grain and from one cup?2 1 -2 cups of cooked cereal can be prepared. With the amount of surplus wheat on hand in the Un ited States it is one of our cheapest sources of Thiamine (Vitamin Bl), Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Nicotinic or Niacin Acid (another of the B vitamins), Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6), and Pantothenic Acid (still another of the B vitamins). With the ordinary food mill which is to be found in most well equipped kitchens the fine grader may be used and cracked wheat produced for cereal through whole wheat may be cooked and even canned. To Clean: Place wheat in a shal low vessel, add water to cover and stir. Most of the chaff and other im purities will come to the top. Skim off. Pour this water off and wash again until clean. Look over the grain and remove undesirable ones. If grain is to be cracked for cereal place the wet grain in shallow pans or on paper in the sun or warm oven and be sure grain is thoroughly dry. To cook whole wheat?For each cup of whole wheat add 1 1-2 cups of cold water and soak over night. If you use a pressure cooker this will short en the cooking time. Use 1 1-2 cups of water and 1 -2 teaspoon of salt for each cup of soaked wheat and cook at 15-pound pressure for 1 1-2 hours. Ordinary cooking would take 3 1-2 hours with 3 cups of water to each cup of wheat. Cracked wheat cereal ? To save time and fuel crack or crush wheat in your food mill, using the fine grinder. Stir one cup of cracked whole wheat cereal into 2 1-2 cups of boiling water and mix thoroughly. Add 1 teaspoon salt. {Took in double boiler for U minute*. The cooked whole grains may be dried and ground with the food mill and used as a dry cereal. For further recipes for the use of whole wheat grain or flour, consult, your home agent In sure the health of yoivr family by better planned meals. RED CROSS MAN B. L. Stokes, as chairman of the Robersonville Red Cross Chapter, is cooperating in every wa.v possible with the Civilian Defense Council in this coun ty. Two And One-Third Million Pounds Of Sera}) Sold For War * Martin Im Banner County in Support of All-Out War Program * By JOHN EAGLES Assistant County Agent Martin County farmers are doing their part for the defense of this great country of ours. Farmers all over the country have been asked to do everything possible to help the war need. Response has been good in some places and slow in others, but Martin County farmers will do their part, at least everything points that way at this time. Farmers were asked to grow more and better food and feed crops, to produce more and better livestock and livestock products, more poultry and poultry products. Particularly were they asked to produce more I oil crops, namely peanuts and .soy beans for oil. Gardens have always jbeen important, but this year more I emphasis has been put on gardens I than in the past, due to the large number of foreign people that are to be fed by America. The AAA records show that gar | dens have increased very rapidly | during the past few years, but be cause of the "Victory Garden Cam paign," we hope to have the "big gest and best" garden ever this year. All classes of people have shown more interest in gardens this year than usual. Because of this, we feel that, if weather conditions permit, there will be more good gardens in Martin County than usual. Realiz - ing that every farm family should have a year round garden, with 1 -10- - acre in vegetables for each person in the family, we worl^ for this. 4-11 club boys and girls, about 350 of them, have pledged themselves, to help produce a bigger and better garden this year. The oil situation is very bad in the county and Martin County farm ers were asked to produce 1,000 acres of peanuts for oil, or 11,000 acres in addition to the regular 19,000 acre peanut allotment that goes into the Are Doing Splendid Airplane Observers Job In This County ??? (Continued from page one) top of buildings and asking for large numbers of volunteers to handle the work. Spotting a plane, the observer on the ground rushes to his telephone and says, "Army, Flash." He is con nected with the district nerve cen ter, and he describes the type of plane the best he can and gives di rection and other details. The move ment of planes can be checked in that way very easily, giving the in tercepto^command an opportunity to check on any enemy planes that would dare enter the country. The names of the ground observ ers in this county are, as follows: The Post number is first, location (next, and the name and address of the chief observer is last: 17-A?2 miles south of Robertson's Store, M H. Leggett, Jamesville; 17-B?Jamesville, C Davenport, Jamesville; 17-C?Dardens, J. F. Jordan, Dar dens; 17-D?Oak City, J. H. Ayers, Oak City; 17-E?Hamilton, Hilton Everett, Hamilton; 17-F?Northwest of Wllliamston, Mrs. C. E. Jenkins, RFD 3, Williams ton; 17-G?South of Robersonviile, C. A. Roberaon, Robersonviile; 17-H?Near Everett*, E. C. House, Robersonviile; 17-1?Wllliamston, Hugh Spruill, Wllliamston; 17-J?Near Bear Grass, W. M. Har rison, Williamston; 17-K?South of Williamston, J. Eason Lilley, Williamston; 17-L?North of Parmete, E R. Ed mondaon, Jr., Bethel. ? A man in Asheville has invented a machine which he says will pull up rtolley tracks as easily as a den tist pulls a tooth. He wants to t in the Salvage for Victory campaign. Sugar Rationing Is Key To Improved Health Conditions! Reduced Sugar in Die! Will j Make Room for Better Body Building By MISS IRENE JAMES V. E. and P. Home Economist The sugar rationing program may prove to be a blessing in disguise for many of us have been eating far too much sugar . . . oftentimes at the expense of those daily "musts" such as vegetables, milk, fruit, eggs, meat, cheese and fish. As a first help in keeping within your sugar quota, try using less su gar in milk puddings, gelatines, ice cream, sauces, etc. You may find you have been adding more sugar than was really necessary or needed. Su gar left unstirred in the bottom of coffee or tea cups is a waste so let us suggest that you enroll your fam ily in the spoon-stirring club. Urge them to use less sugar and stir it well. Make fewer desserts requiring su gar, frequently serving fresh fruit salad instead. Learn to sugar fruit sparingly or not at all Use canned fruit and fruit juices, quick frozen strawberries and peaches, etc. These have already been sweetened so save drawing on your sugar supply. Don't forget that dried fruits for dessert or breakfast, cooked the modern way, require little if any sugar. When served on cereal, less sugar is need ed. Try using corn syrup, canned hon ey, sweetened condensed milk, mo lasses and maple syrup as substitute sweeteners in desserts following test ed recipes. Don't try to substitute suck sweeteners in your favorite rec ipes for cakes, cookies, or breads, as adjustments in the other ingredients usually have to be made. Therefore use only tested recipes. Try using honey in place of brown sugar for that rich golden glaze on baked ham. Here are a couple of tested recipes that you will enjoy. Watch for oth ers in your- local paper. Vanilla Ice Cream 2-3 c Eagle Brand condensed milk 1 -2 c water 1 1-2 tsp vanilla 1 c whipping cream Mix Eagle Brand milk, water and vanilla. Chill. Whip cream to custard like consistency. Fold into chilled mixture. Freeze in freezing unit of refrigerator until half frozen. Scrape mixture from freezing tray. Beat until smooth, but not melted. Re place in freezing unit until frozen. Serves 8. Victory Banana Cake 2 1-4 c cake flour 2 1-2 tsp baking powder 1-2 tsp soda 1-2 tsp salt 1-2 c shortening 1-3 c sugar 3-4 c svrup (blue label I 2 eggs 1 tap vanilla 1 c mashed bananas 1-4 c sour milk or buttermilk Sift cake flour, measure, add ba ing powder, soda and salt and si together twice. Cream shortenii until soft, add sugar and contim creaming until light and fluffy. SI in syrup slowly. Beat the eggs ai add in about four portions, beatii well after each. Stir in vanilla. Ai the sifted dry ingredients alternai ly with the mashed bananas and bi termilk, beating well after each a dition. Pour the batter in two 9-in layer cake pans which have be graesed and floured. Bake in a mo erately hot oven 375* F. for abo 25 minutes ofuntil an inserted toot pick comes out clean. Cool in pans least 10 minutes before removing cooling racks. Semi-sweet chocolate which h been melted over hot water may used as filling between the laye if desired. Top with honey-flavor whipped cream and serve. regular trade At first it looked as if we would plant only about 40 per cent of these 11,000 acres, but the Martin County farmers, as they al ways have, are doihg all they can to produce as many oil peanuts as possible. Present indications are that we will plant between 8,000 and 9,000 acres. This will be from 2,000 to 3,000 acres short of the 11,000 goal, but the soy beans that will be plant ed for oil will over-fill this shortage. Thus, if seasons are favorable and the critical labor situation permits, Martin County farmers will be a banner county in supporting the War Needs. In December, the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture passed on to the states the task of collecting and delivering all scrap iron. This scrap to be used in the manufacturing of war mater ials. The Martin County Farm Bur eau pushed this campaign, and with the help of leading farmers and bus iness men much scrap iron has been sold since January 1. The two local scrap iron dealers cooperated 100 per cent with the extension agents in conducting the "Scrap Iron Cam paign." To date there has been told in the county 2,320,000 pounds since the campaign started Iron has been brought in from all parts of the county, from small farms and large farms, by tenants and by landown ers. This campaign is not over and will not be over until the war is fin ished. 4-H Clubs have played an import ant part in the scrap iron collection. All 4-H boys and girls from all parts of the county were asked to collect and sell as much as possible. One boy collected and sold over 8,000 pounds. Large Collection Of Old Rubber for War Is Being Advanced Unlawful To Burn or Other wise Destroy Any Rubber Needed For War Effort * According to the National Asso ciation of Waste Material Dealers the war has cut off more than 90 per cent of the world's crude rubber as a source of supply for the United States. Crude rubber being one of the most critical commodities, re claimed rubber for the present is our only immediate substitute that can be used for most war orders. Scrap rubber has become uf the highest importance and must be re claimed if Victory is to be attain ed. It is now absolutely necessary for all county citizens to sell all available rubber items to their deal ers. Messrs. Roy Ward and W. K. Parker are dealers in this section. A recent amendment to No. 8 WPB Government Order M-15-B forbids burning or destroying any kind of ruber, new or old. This order also forbids withholding scrap rubber, and according to information re leased by the Scrap Rubber Insti tute, all rubber inventories must turn }ver and be sold within sixty days, rhe failure to observe this law makes ill rubber items subject to requisi tion orders. To illustrate, a list of the items, in addition to auto tires and tubes, that are badly needed are as follows: Rubber heels and soles, with or without nails, boots and shoes, over shoes, tennis shoes, drug sundries such as hot water bottles, rubber gloves, etc., rubberized clothing consisting of raincoats, bathing caps and shoes, tire beads, buffings, solid truck tires, cotton covered and rub ber covered hose, miscellaneous items of various kinds such as jar rings, baby carriage wheels, fly swatters, rubber stamps free of wood, plumber's suction nips and hun dreds of other articles containing rubber. The importance of collecting and selling the items listed is of great importance and every patriotic citi zen can render a great and vauable service by putting as many as pos sible of these items into circulation. If it is not convenient to sell with either the Roy Ward Coal and Wood Company or the Williamston Parts and Metal Company, then sell to any dealer. U S PATRIOTIC THESE DAYS TO HOARD COAL The government is urging all citizens to buy their winter supply of eoal now so that it can he hauled during the summer. This will pre vent tieup of transportation facilities next winter when all railroads will be needed to haul defense supplies. BE PATRIOTIC ? BUY NEXT WINTER S COAL NOW! Order Now For Delivery Thit Summer! Robersonville Ice & Coal Company HAP OLD TEEN by (ajzl Epw LOOK! Ll'L LAM8PE-" l*M BLNW D6FENS BONOS NOW-THROUGH THE FWiwBu _ SAVWGS PLAN AT THE FACTOPY AINT THAT SUPER ? HOW BARLING' STAMP BOOK' Keep Your Army Flying & Fighting TO DO THIS YOU MUST BUY LIBERALLY AND OFTEN Defense Bonds and Stamps Make your pledge today to buy stamp* and bonds. Cooperate with the Civil ian Defense Committee in your respect ive community. Town of Everetts C. B. RIDDICK, Mayor PAUL BAILEY, A. P. BARNHILL and BUCK AYERS, Commissioner*.

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