tn Onl? Mrs. Jesse Whitley is visiting her son, Lieutenant Herbert Whitley, at Fort Benning, Columbus, Ga., for a few days. Was Here Last Week-end Dr. J. L Spencer, of Portsmouth, visited here last week-end He was accompanied home by Mrs. Spencer and little daughter, Mars- Morton. In Wilson Sunday Mrs. W. E. Dunn visited her mo ther in Wilson Sunday. Spends Week-end Here Miss Marjorie Gray Dunn, student ot W.C.U.N.C., Greensboro, visited her parents. Mr and Mrs W E Dunn, here last week-end In Norfolk Last Week-end Miss Lorene Weaver spent the week-end in Norfolk with relatives IIB^RTY UMEfrlCKS I J Said ? Boy Scout named Anthony Gray, "Cm whit?about all I can p*y la a dime at a time For Saving* Stamp*, but Fm Going to own a Saving* Bond some day!" I daiaal tk? Axis, id buy t. 8. Saving* Stamp* and Bonds Thi? Space Contributed By PEELE'S JEWELERS <w?n. Connally Weds Mrt. Lucille Sanderson sneppara. widow of Sen. Morris Sheppurd of Texas, was married to Sen. Thomas Connally of Tex., at tbe First Bap tist Ghureh in New Orleans. La Both the bride. 61, and groom, 6J. have married children Were Here Last Week-end Mr and Mrs Paul Roy, of Ashe boro, visited Mr and Mrs P. H. Brown here last week-end. Visits in Elizabeth City Mist Mary Taylor spent the week end in Elizabeth City with her mo ther. Mrs Madge Taylor. Spends Week-en Mrs Stuart Whitley, of Raleigh, visited her mother, Mrs G A. Peel, over the week-end Are Vial tine Mr. and Mrs J. M. Boiee. of Sol umans. Md., are visiting the letter's mother. Mrs C. O. Moore,, here for a few days Mr Bciae is in the Nav al Reserve Returns to Mrs Rosa Eagles returned to her home m Macclesfield last Saturday after spending a week here with her >011, Mr John Eagles, and Mrs Eagles. * Visit in Beer Grass Mr. and Mrs. H. W Warden and children, Bill, Bettie Jean and Gail, uf Winston-Salem, spent the week end with Mr and Mrs Kneezer Har rison in Bear Grass. w?? Visits Near Everett# John Carter Jones, of Norfolk, spent the week-end with his par ents, Mr and Mrs J. R. Jones, near Everetts. Spend Week-end Here Mi and Mrs M. D. Tetterton and son. Dale Claude and Darrell from Richmond, were here last week-end visiting their mothers, Mrs. George D Gumes and Mrs C M Tetter - ton in Plymouth. HUNDREDS Ol LOVELY COTTON DRESSES SEERSUCKERS, GINGHAMS, PIQUES, SPUN-RAYONS All Ready To Keep You Cool and Smart Looking All Summer Long $1.98-$5.95 2-Piece SEERSUCKER SUITS $4.95 MARTIN Supply Company Returns from Scotland Nock Mrs Oswald Stalls has returned from a week's visit with relatives in Scotland Neck. 0 Visiting in Mr. and Mrs J. C. Eubanks and little daughter, Sue, are spending a few days with relatives in Mississip pi Likes The Navy A. communication from Howard harp at the Naval Training Base, Norfolk, says the young man surely likes il there but that he is really putting in some hard work. Visit in i Mr and Mrs Joe Wynne and lam ily, of Georgetown, S. C., spent the week-end in the county with Mrs. Johnnie Wynne. ?t Was Here Last Week sat Billie Biggs was home from Fort Bragg for the week-end Visits in Elizabeth City Mrs. Eva Avant spent the week end with relatives in Elizabeth City Returns to South Carolina Mrs. Leamon Keel has returned to her home in Georgetown, S. C., fol lowing a visit with her mother, Mrs. Johnnie Wynne, in Bear Grass. Entertains At Picnic Mrs J. L. Davenport, of James vi lie, entertained her children, grandchildren and great-grandchil dren at a picnic at Ray's Camp last Sunday In addition to members of the family. Rev. Mr Ward and friends of Roper were the recipients of Mrs Davenport's hospitality. Visit in Laurinburg Mrs Mamie Taylor and Miss Ma mie Clyde Taylor visited Mr and Mrs Dick Bridgers in Laurinburg last week-end. In More head Sunday Messrs. Wigg Watts, Jimmie Watts, Rupert Cowan andT om Crawford visited in Morehead Sunday. Gettnig Along Nicely Mrs H. O. Peele is getting along nicely following an operation in a Kinston hospital. > in Kinston Sunday Mr H. O. Peele and Mrs. Mary Belie Osborne visited Mrs. H. O. Peele Sundsy in Kinston. Is Visiting Here Billy Harrell, of Pantego, is vis iting his aunt, Mrs. Mary Belle Os borne, here for a few days. ? Visit in Raleigh Misses Neli Harrison and Blanche Harrison visited friends in Raleigh last week-end. in Whitakers Sunday Mr and Mrs. John Tullos visited in Whitakers Sunday Spends Week-end Here Miss Ruth Ward, of Norfolk, vis ited her parents here last week end. ? Visiting Mother Here Pvt Francis Peele, of the Quarter master Corps, Camp Lee, Va, is spending a few days here with his mother, Mrs. Sadie Peele. * Was Here Last Week-end Mrs. Raymond Jackson, of Plym outh, visited Mrs. Ellis Ramey here last week-end. Visit in Scotland Neck Mr J. W Bellflower, Jr., of Oak City, and Miss Pennie Rose Wa ters visited in Scotland Neck Sun day ? Spends Week-end Here Mr. Rudolph Peel, of Portsmouth, visited his mother, Mrs G A Peel, here last week-end. ? Visit Here Sanday Mr Gerald James, Miss Edna Earl James and friends, of Norfolk, visit ed Mr and Mrs Jimmy James here Sunday. In RobersaariHe Sunday Misses Mary Ruth Ward, Mattie Lou Keel and Eleanor Gay Cherry, of Everetta. visited in Roberson ville Sunday. ? Visits in Goldsboro Miss Elsie Jackson visited friends in Goldsboro last week. a Was Here Laai Week-Mid Corporal "Pete" Fowden, of Camp Jackson, visited his parents, Ml . and Mrs L. T. Fowden, here over the week-end. ? i - In Ja Messrs Joseph Uolliday and Jos-1 eph Martin, of A. C. College, Wil son, visited relatives in Jamesvllle Sunday. ? Spends Week-end Here Mlsa Ollie Ange visited Mr. and Mrs. Tilmon Coltrain over the week end. Was Here Last Week-end Mias Hennie Gurganua, of Norfolk, visited relatives here over the waek-end. In Portsmouth For Faw Days Mrs. Moses Whaelnr is visiting in' Portsmouth, Vs., for a few days. Visits Hare Lea* Wook end Mr. Ed Rogers, eon of Mayor' George Rogers, of Ahockie, visited here Inat waak eiM Awarded Red Cross Service Bar Mrs. August Belmont (right) of the National Red Crosa Committee Is pinning the Service Pin for "more than 20 years continuous service" on Mrs. William Kinnicutt Draper, vice-chairman of the New York Chapter, in New York City. Mrs. Draper has been active in Red Cross work since 1898. Bar-pir.s for more five, ten, fifteen and twenty years service have been issued. (Central Pre**) Spending Few Bays Here Miss Bmt Jackson, of Portsmouth, is spending a lew days here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jack son. Visit Here Sunday Messrs JoJo Umphlett, of Ports mouth; J. D. Bunting and Vasco Green, of Ahoskie, visited friends here Sunday. In Ahoskie Sunday Mr and Mrs Hugli Horton and children visited in Ahoskie Sun day. ? Visit in Reeky Mount Mr. and Mrs Davis Harrison, Jr., and daughter Sandra, Mrs. Tom Bamhill and Mrs. Henry Harrison visited in Rocky Mount Saturday. In Ahoskie Sunday Mr. and Mrs. K. D Worrell visit ed in Ahoskie Sunday. Visiting in Rocky Mount Eddie Bufflap is visiting his grand parents, Mr and Mrs. S. Felton, in Rocky Mount for a few days In Farmville Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Baker and daughter, Joyce, and Mrs Buck Bamhill visited in Farmville Sun day Spends Week-end Here Buck Holloman, of Portsmouth, spent the week-end here with his mother, Mrs. W J. Smith. Visit in Rocky Mount Mr and Mrs. C. D. Pittman and son visited relatives in Rocky Mount Sunday Visit in Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Blount. Jr.. of Jamesville, visited the latter's par ents in Norfolk over the week -end Spend Week-end Here Mr and Mi's. Bruce Holloman, ot Greensboro, visited Mrs. W J. Smith here last week-end. Was Here 1-ast Week-end Bill Hollonian. of Washington City, spent the week-end here with his mother, Mrs. W J Smith. Visit Here Last Week-end Misses Virginia and Vivian Tay lor, of Greensboro; Maude Taylor, of Norfolk, and Mr. Harry Taylor, of Norfolk, visited their mother, Mrs Maude Taylor, here over the week-end. In Chapel Hill Sunday Mrs J. H. Saunders and Mr and Mrs. Elbert S. Peel and son, Bill Bob, were in Chapel Hill Sunday visiting Jack Baker Saunders and Elbert Peel, Jr. a Spend Week-end Here ' Mr. and Mrs. John Mattox, oi Virginia Beach, spent the week-end here with Mrs Mattox' slater, Mrs. Kenneth Lindsley, and Mr. Linds ley. Visit Here Yesterday Mrs. Sam WooHord and little daughter, of Holland, Va , visited friends here yesterday. Spend Week-end Mr. and Mrs. John Dunn and chil dren, of Roanoke Rapids, spent the week-end here \with Mr. and Mrs. Gene Kimball. Visit Here Last Week Mrs E W. .Turner and Miss Blanche Turner, of Cheriton, Va., and Mr. K J. Hutchinson, of Keller, Va., visited Mrs. Betty Eason here last week. They attended the grad uation of Miss Catherine Turner in the local high school. Were Here Last Week-end Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Martin, of Jamesville, spent the week-end here with Mrs. Martin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W L. Manning. Returns to Mississippi Corporal Albert Roberson is re turning today to Keesler Field, Miss., after spending several days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Roberson. ? Visits in Farm Life Elton Hardy visited his mother in Farm Life Sunday. Returns to Norfolk Jerry Manning, of the U. S. Navy, returned to his station in Norfolk yesterday after spending the week end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Is'wis Manning. Spends Week-end Here Mr William Lilley, of Washing ton City, spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ka der Lilley. He was accompanied as far as Richmond on the return trip by his parents. ? Honored At Salem College Miss Katherine Manning^ daugh ter uf Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Manning, was recently honored ut Salem Col lege when she wus elected represen tative of the sophomore class to the student government of Salem Col lege IN MEMORY In memory of Mr. W L Stalls In my memory I can see Those wonderful days as use to be. Days of love, life and peace; That love of ours never ceased. Then God for some reason unknown Took him away to his long home. He left us here to endure the days Of this old world and its Wild Days. Left us here one day in May On our own dear Mother's Day No one knows the tears and sorrow, Those of yesterday and tomorrow In time we might forget But he still lives in my memory yet. Wife and Daughter. HAVE YOU 60U6HT YOURS ? HOW DO 10U MFOSE | r 3 f, |f\?MAICOW . i ABONDDMVCCMDOfl ?Courtesy Washington, D. C., Star This Limerick Contributed By E. & W. GROCERY WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Former Local Boy Gives Organ Recital The following report from the lo cal newspaper. Moody Field, Ga, will be of interest to local citizens: f During the past year, many young men have come into the U. S. arm-1J ed service with all sorts of talent t from comic acting to unusual abil-' ity in the dramatic arts, but the) chaplains at the Air Corps Advanced Flying School at Moody Field, Ga., feel that they have something spec- ! ial in young Private Ben Manning, solo organist, son of Mr. and Mrs. j John A. Manning, of Williamston. I N. C. Young Manning has been in the Air Corps for several months, but has been stationed at Barksdale Field, La. Manning will direct the Moody Field Chapel Choir recently organized by service men at the field. Upon arriving at Moody Field, Manning introduced something new for an Army Post in the announce ment of a fifteen minute organ con cert every day at the noon hour. Sol diers returning from the mess hall are privileged to stop by the chapel for u few moments of classical or gan music before starting their af ternoon duties. Manning is a native of Williams ton, N. C? and was organist at a large Williamston church during his high school days He was given a bachelor of arts degree at Duke University in 1040. He also studied at Union Theo logical Seminary with Dr. Clarence Dickinson, noted New York organ ist. lie was working toward a mas ter's degree in sacred music at the time he was called for army duty. To Appear in Jameaville The Lone Star Quartet, radio per formers, will appear in a special concert in the Jamesville auditorium Wednesday evening of this week at 8:3(1 o'clock Visiting at Pamlico Mrs. J S Rhodes is spending a few days at Pamlico Beach. Spend Week-end Here Mr Fred Creswell and daughter, Mary Anne Heydenreich, of Alex andria, Va., spent the week-end here with Mr Willie B. Watts. >'iait la Counaty Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Rogerson, of Charlotte, spent the week-end in the :ounty with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Rog rson and family. >Fends Week-end Hare Pvt. Hildreth Rogerson. of Port fackoan. was home for the week end. .VICTORY BUY UNITED STATES DEFENSE ONDS AND STAMPS WAR NEED? MONEY I It will oomt money to defeat our enenx,y aggressors. Your Govern ment reiki on you to help now Pledge today to buy Defense Bonda regularly. Make every pey day Bond Day by participating in the Pay-roll Seringa Plan. Bonda coat $18.75 and up. Stamps are 1<H. lit. and up. The help of every individual is needed. Do your part by pledging to buy your share every pay day. ~~ Form No. DNM tit *4' This Advertisement Contributed By D ARDEN'S DEPARTMENT STORE Marvin K. Blount Candidate For Congress WILL SPEAK AT Farm Life School GRIFFINS TOWNSHIP THURSDAY, MAY 14th At 8:30 P. M. War Time The Public I* Invited JANE AROEKl'l W&ZE. PLEDGING : pay day; ARC YOU? EVERY i Our America is now, as it was over a cen tury and a half ago, the best investment in the world. WAR STAMPS and BONDS give YOU a chance to buy a share of America's Freedom?an American way to find the billions needed for Victory. Join the Payroll Allotment Plan at your company. When a Treasury "Minute Man" calls at your home, sign the pledge card for all you can afford. Enlist your current savings to save America's In dependence. Make more of your dol lars fight for America?for Victory. HUMotosBwtitm WILLLAMSTON, N. C

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