Red Cross Playing Big Part In Aiding Nation's Defense Appeal For Help Was Oversubscribed Here Special First Aid Courses Are Held In Martin County ? Forms Connecting Link Be tween Soldier* and the People Bark Home By J. C. MANNING. Chairman. Martin County Bed Croat Chapter The American Red Cross has long been an agency of mercy It was chartered by the American Govern ment many years ago and since that tune has been on the scene of all major disasters and in all of our recent military conflicts. The Am erican people out of generosity have contributed millions of dollars for its support. Last December just after Pearl Harbor was bombed. Mr. Norman H. Davis, Chairman of the American Red Cross, sent out an appeal to the local chapters to raise fifty million dollars. This was over-subscribed Hie latest figures show that over sixty-six million dollars were con tributed. Martin County more than subscribed its goal. This is evidence of the good will which the Ameri can public has toward the American ' Red Cross. 1 The chief obligation of the Red Cross is to provide food and shelter to the people who are made desti tute because of calamities and war. Recently under the sponsorship of the American Red Cross. First Aid instruction gained an important place among its various functions. The Martin County Chapter has re cently, in cooperation with the Am erican Red Cross, had two instruct ors' schools in which 53 people were qualified as Red Cross instructors. These people in turn are teaching , classes in various parts of the coun ty. The purpose of this course is to teach people the fundamentals of first aid and how to care for peo ple until they are able to receive PEANITS Remember how the lowly pea nut was once kicked around! Well, it is now at the head of the list of crops vitally important to thr war effort, and every plea and persuasion possible have been advanced to yet farmers to grow more peanuts. All-out pro duction has been pledged in many, many counties, but Mar tin has not yet reached its coal of 11.000 additional acres. In every other way, Martin farmers have liberally support ed the war program. It Is not too late to increase the acreage to peanuts and make the war effort honor roll. Much value la at tached to tobacco, but remember that peanuts are now necessary if that value Is to be maintain ed. medical attention. This particular program plays a tremendous part in our over-all program of defense. Nu,.doubt the sewing project un der \he sponsorship of Mrs. Alice Dunning has been of more benefit lhan any program conducted by the American Red Cross in this county. In the sewing room, the ladies of the own have made many articles which lave found their way into the hands >f destitute people in France, Greece >nd the Netherlands and at the pres ent time, the output of the sewing ?oom is going directly to our own American soldiers. Mrs. Dunning ind the ladies wh8 have cooperated vith her are deserving of our high ?st praise. One of the most important duties if the American Red Cross is to act letween the soldiers in camp and the 'am ilies of the soldiers at home. This is carried on by the Home Serv ce Committee. Many soldiers 00m ilain of conditions at home because if their departure to war. Each case s investigated and a full report ren lered to the American Red Cross vhere the soldiers are stationed If The Flag that Democracy Unfurled Waves Challenge Let's Keep This Flag Flying! And uphold the ideal* for which it *tand* . . . To do this each and everyone of u* must do our share in paining Victory for the United States . . . Budget your expenses to the lowest possible point and purchase Defense Stamps and Bonds with every penny you ran spare . . . See if you have any scrap material around the house and get it to a junk dealer right away . . . Keep "Km Flying! WILLIAMSTON PEANUT COMPANY WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA 7 Sons Fighting for U.S. Official U. B. Army Signal Corps Photo Mr. and Mra. Robert M. Jenkina, of Deataville, Ala., atand proudly be hind the photoa of their aeven Bona, every one in the armed aervicea of the United Statee. Jenkina, 72, an employe of the Louiarille A Naah ville Railroad, recently waa cited by Preeident RooeevelL Mra. Jenkina ia 61. Thia photo waa taken aa they made a broadcaat a ahort time ago. (Central Preaa) she soldiers' families are found to x' destitute or in need of assistance, t is the duty of the Red Cross to supply these needs. Many soldiers eport sickness in their homes and isk for furloughs. Before they are ;ranted, the Home Service Chair nan investigates to see if the sol iier's report is correct. Many, many imes upon investigation, the par lcular party who is supposed to be sick is in the field at work. We hope the American Red Cross vill not be called upon to perform he duties in this country of taking rare of people after air raids, but should be time ever come, the Am erican Rod Cross will be found ready ind waiting Leadership Cited In the War Effort Inspirational leadership has fig ured prominently in victories down across the centuries. World War II has one, but the inspirational lead ership is being overlooked to a great extent, but look over the record: She's up with the sun every morn ing and early to bed every night, so she isn't a bridge player. She puts forth her best effort ev ery day, never asking for wage in creases, salary bonuses, or larger dividends. She's perfectly willing to share what she has with her neighbors without feeling superior or martyr ed. She doesn't spend a bit of her time squawking about what others are doing or not doing. She makes no attempt to hoard and is content with her daily share. She isn't a self appointed author ity on everything from rationing to aerial combat. She just tends to her job. She isn't always looking for a soft spot where the work is easy and the pay is good. She's too busy to worry about keeping up with the Joneses. She produces a vital and essential war material?something the Brit ish now get only one a week of. Her's is the real spirit of Victory. Who is she? She's the barnyard hen.?With apologies to Washcoegg. "In this critical moment of aur history, all of us, from all walks of life, all shades of political opinion, all races and creeds, must organize and train ourselves?to defend our ?riaaa. "And when we join together to lefend our local community we add itrength not only to our local com munity but to our national eammun ty at well?we help to fortify our whole union."?Franklin D. Rooee relt DO YOU REALIZE WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF WE DONT < ROLL UP OurSleeves And Go to Work It Doesn't Take a Master Mind to Figure Out the Answer.. SO, let's preserve our freedom by beginning now to do our part to make UNCLE SAM successful! Collect all your scrap metal and lake it to your nearest junk dealer who will ship it to factories that are making war machines. Don't hoard . . . Cut yonr budget to the very hone ... A small effort on everybody's part will make an enormous amount available for the grave situation now facing us. Buy Defense Stamps-Bonds Support the All-Out Victory Drive For America's Freedom TOWN OF 1 Robersonville YDU?*HElPWIN?fc... You MUST Do Your Part Search Your Barns ? Closets ? Everywhere... FOR MATERIALS necessary to the production of guns, tanks, airplanes and ships to protect our United States from the enemy. Make a determined search in every nook and corner of yonr home and farm and turn over the scrap to your nearest junk dealer who will see that it is shipped to the proper places . . . BK THRIFTY . . . Sooner or later, you will have to make great sacrifices, so why not start cutting on your budget now? We encourage and urge that you cooperate 100 per cent in this terrific task eon fronting this nation today! Buy Your Limit in Defense Stamps and Bonds TOWN of WILLIAMSTON