The Enterprise Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILLIAMS TON, NORTH CAROLINA. W. C. MANNING Editor ? 1908 1938 SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY One year : $1.76 St* months - 1.00 OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One year . ...... 12 25 Six months 1.29 No Subscription Received Under 6 Months Advertising Rate Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office in Williamston. N. C.. as second-class matter under the act of Con gress of March 3, 1879. Address all communications to The Enterprise and not individual members of the firm Friday, May 29, 1912. Ju*t A Mere Coincidence ? It may have been just a mere coincidence, and some will say it was business foresight, but the role the Standard Oil Company is playing in this war adheres, it would seem, closely to the old policy of business first and country second Not so many months ago. the Standard Oil buried huge tanks around many if not all of its filling stations No objection even if the act was advanced when steel and metal were rap idly becoming scarce. Then the tanks were fill ed or partly filled. And then rationing started, the allotments being based on deliveries made in certain designated periods. Some dealers were able to get large quantities of gas, one burying about $2,000 worth in the ground. An other dealer, so the reports state, had a month ly quota that would ordinarily last him during normal times for about three months Yes, it is understood that a Standard Oil Company man was in Washington directing the rationing system. When other companies were reporting emp ty tanks at their bulk plants and running here and there trying to get enough gas to supply tlieii custuiiiei's. Standard Oil tanks weie lilei ally bubbling over. Standard Oil, still singing and boasting its part in supporting the war effort, denies it had anything to do with Farbenindustrie, the Ger man chemical trust, that proved detrimental to this country. And maybe it did nothing wrong, but it is hard to believe that Standard Oil has gone all out in supporting the war effort when its work in the field fits so nicely into the pic ture at Washington, or the work in Washing ton fits so perfectly into the picture in the field. Curtail 1 our Ache* and Pain* Roxboro Courier. The war has done- funny things to the eco nomic life of the nation. Therefore it is not a surprise to learn that the medical profession urges the public to curtail aches and pains for the duration of the emergency. With more than ten thousand physicians al ready in Army uniforms, and another six thous and required in i 942, there will not be sufficient physicians to take care of increasing civilian practice. Of course, as most everybody knows, there is little or nothing the matter with many "sick people." The doctors know this. They think that the needs of the public can be met if individuals will pay closer attention to matters of health _b.v aHfipting a gonrl Hiet and getting plenty of rest. Naturally, all excesses, whether of over eating, over-working, over-drinking or over exercising, are to be avoided. a "Sneaked Away Under Cover" Elkin Tribune. At their meeting in Raleigh last week the North Carolina Merchants Association called for the elimination of the sales tax?complete ly. Having fought it through the years, that was not surprising, but to say that the merchants were optimistic enough to expect that to even tuate, would be stretching the imagination too far. They pointed to the big surplus the State now has in its treasury, but that will melt away with the curtailment of other incomes, and the sur plus will be needed to carry on. And of course there is that never-answered question, "Where will you get the money to replace the sales tax?" It is not enough to remind that we man aged to get it from somewhere before the sales tax was invented, for we are demanding more of government now than we did back yonder. But if the merchants could only discover some new source of revenue, they would be taking a tremendous load off the backs of the small fry. North Carolinians have become calloused to the sales tax A former governor has told us that we will have it with us always, and seem ed to get quite, some satisfaction in the telling. But its burden will become more noticeable if and when Congress fastens a federal sales levy on the country. It will amount to double taxa tion here in North Carolina, and if ever there was a time when the tax, adopted for emergen cy and under the solemn promise that it would be lifted when emergency had passed, had the way wide open for exit, it is right now, when this federal threat is haunting the people. The editor of the Window Seat Weekly, com menting on the prospects of a federal sales tax sums up its inequities this way: "It hits poor people the hardest ... It raises living costs, the very thing we arc tearing our government shirts to prevent?even the Presi dent's shirts . . . We are dragging money awav by force from the very class of people we ought to urge?maybe compel?to buy war bonds as a cushion for the war-end rainy day . . . There are cowardly reasons for this tax, but I don't know any good ones, except that it is the easiest tax to pay because your money is sneaked away under cover, when you don't think about it. But it is sneaked away just the same." Even the most zealous advocate of the sales tax will agree with that appraisal in every de tail, but just let somebody suggest that it be abandoned and they'll back off like a cat from the fire. The merchants, who have to collect the tax without remuneration, are right in holding it up to scorn, for some sweet day the people will rise up and smite it?new source or no new source. It is significant that it was sales tax money which was stolen by the half dozen men connected with the revenue department. Could it be that they considered it so unholy that it didn't matter much what happened to it? Announcing the Opening OF THE Williamston Municipal Swimming Pool MONDAY, JUNE 1 1942? AT 9:00 A.M. Daily Hours of Operation 9 A.M. to 12 M. 2 P.M. to 6 P.M. 7:30 P.M. To 9:30 P.M. SUNDAY HOURS ?2 P.M. to 7 P.M. Stcim for Your Health^ Sake ? Pure, Clean, Filtered Water at All Timet . Pool Frethly Painted ? Plenty of Shotcer* and Thoroughly Sanitary TICKETS Age 13 year* or more - _ 10c per hour Ixtrker* 5c per hour Age Under 13 y ear* 5c per hour Towel* ... 5c per hour SEASON TICKETS Age IS year* or more 95.00 Age Under 13 year* $3.50 Locker*, Per Season $2.50 Do Human Beings Matter To God? Why? By REV. JOHN HARDY Church Of The Advent Whether or not human beings matter to God depends entirply upon what God is like. For example whether or not a soldier matters to his captain depends entirely upon what kind of man the captain is. If he is a man of large sympathies and deep feeling the individual will matter intensely. If, on the other hand, he is a man of blood and iron, the soldier will matter only as he is incidental to his own purpose. And if the captam has become magnified into a War Department which in turn has been so impersonated as to be little more than a bureau of military statistics, the soldier will not matter at all. In the same way, if God is only an abstract principle or an unconscious power there is no reason to suppose that men will mat ter to Him any more than asphalt matters to a steam roller. But if God is the Moving Spirit of the universe and has made Himself most explicit in the life and love of Jesus, it is im possible to suppose that men do not matter to Him. Such is the God of Christian faith. To a God like that human beings COULD matter. The fact that He is so big increases rather than de creases the possibility of His care for individuals. The bigger and greater the man, the more acute is his in terest in and knowledge of details. To a layman a symphony orchestra is an ensemble. To a great conduct or an orchestra is an ensemble of in struments everyone of which he hears and follows with intense in terest and care. The greater the con ductor the greater is his knowledge of the individual instrument and the more attention he gives to the max imum development of each individ ual part. It is the same through hu man experience. The further up the scale in character we go the more we find increasing understanding of significant details. So it's with God. We matter to God not in spite of the fact that He is infinitely great, but because of the fact that in His infinite greatness He can em brace and appreciate not only the great masses of His creation but al so its smallest and most precious de tail. Furthermore, to a God like that human beings WOULD matter. It is not merely a possibility; it is vir tually^ necessity. A man never loses interest in that in which he invests [something of himself. Only the un fat natural father loses interest In his children and only the careless work man loses interest in the products of his craftmanship. If God is Mind and Love, He has invested some thing of Himself in every leaf and star, but certainly it is not presum ing too much to say that He has in vested more of Himself in man than in any other part of His creation known to us. The very fact that our life is derived from Him, that our thoughts are learned rom Him, that our love is caught rom Him should be a pledge of His interest in us. We ill whom God has invested so much of Himself surely cannot be beyond the range of His intimate knowledge and care. Finally, to this God human beings DID matter. They mattered so much that He Would not leave them to their own folly. He took things in His own hands. He made His love so undeniable and so unrestricted in Jesus that men were brought from death into life. The miracle of His recruing love has been recurring through twenty centuries. For us it is the conclusive evidence that we matter to Him We matter so much that He gave His own Son for us that we might have life in Him. BAPTIST Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Theme: "Sinning Against Love." Baptist Training Union, 7:30 p. m. Evening service, 8:30 p. m. Theme; 'Our High Destiny." Meeting for Prayer and Bible Stu dy, Thursday at 8:30 p. m. Study top ic: "The Holy Spirit in the Work of Regeneration." A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend any or all of these serv ices. Many of the men who have beer making golf clubs soon wlil be build ing antennae for army radios. CHURCH NEWS CHURCH OF THE ADVENT ?Trinity Sunday: The Collect Almighty and everlasting God, who has given unto us thy servants grace, by the confession of a true faith, to acknowledge the glory of the eternal Trinity, and in the pow er of the Divine Majesty to worship the Unity; We beseech thee that thou wouldest keep us steadfast in this faith, and evermore defend us from all adversities, who livest and reign est, one God, world without end. Amen. Church School, 9:45 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon, 11 a. m. Celebration of the Holy Commun ion on Thursday morning at 11:00. * CHRISTIAN Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sub ject, "The Living Church?Its Un shakable Unity." Young People's meeting. 7:30 p. m. Subject, "New Phases of Mission in Our Country." Evening service, 8:30 p. m. Sub ject, "The New Testament Church for Today?The Lord's Supper an Act of Worship." Prayer service Thursday, 8:30 p. m Subject, "Can You Take It?" METHODIST Church school, 9:45 a. m Morning worship and serman, 11 a m. At this hour, Rev. T. M. Grant, district superintendent, will preach, and at the close of the service the second quarterly conference will be held. Epworth League will meet at 7:30 p. m. Evening worship and sermon by the pastor, 8:30 p. m. The W.S.C.S. Bible study will meet Monday, 3:00 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Mary Bonner Gurganus. Prayer and Bible study, Thurs day, 8:30 p. m. Choir rehearsal, Wednesday, 8:30 p. m. ? Low-grade otbacco may be high ly valued in the future for making soap, varnish stain, fiber board, fer tiliser, and Vitamin B, according to promising experimental work of the Kentucky Agricultural College. To The Voters Of Martin County ? As a candidate for the office of Judge of Recorder's Court of Martin County, I wish to solicit the support of the Democratic voters in the com ing primary. My friends, including lawyers, have called to my attention the fact that many of the best record ers in the state are not lawyers and that the principal duty in the trial of cases coming before this court is a matter which, in the higher courts, is the duty of the jury. I shall appre ciate any support I may receive and if elected promise to diligently try to justify all confidence reposed in me by being fair, just and impartia' to all. HARCUM GRIMES NOTICE EFFECTIVE June 30th, 1942, this company's present plan ot provid ing Free Entrance Wiring for Electric Range and Electric Water Heater installations will be dis continued. VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AMI POWER COMPANY Twenty marine* ovenrhelmed 150 foreign rebels In a revolt in Cali fornia in November, 1847. NOTICE OF SALE! Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an order of the Clerk of the Superior Court enter ed on May 25, 1942, in that certain special proceedings pending in the Superior Court of Martin County entitled: "Sam Moore and wife, and Jasper Moore and wife, and others vs. Reginald Chesson, Bennie Har rell Wynn and others," same being a partition proceedings, the under signed Commissioner will on the 13th day of June, 1942, at twelve (12) o'clock Noon, at the Courthouse Door of Martin County, Williamston, North Carolina, offer for sale, at pub lic auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing acres, more or less, situate, lying and being on the Williamston and Hamilton Road, on Western line of the Town of Williamston, in Williamston Town ship, Martin County, State of North Carolina, having such shapes, metes and bounds, courses and distances as will more fully appear by refer ence to a plat thereof made by T. Jones Taylor, Surveyor, on January 3, 1927, and attached to the abstract now on file with the Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh, the same being bounded on the North by Uit^lands^of_J3_^ia|sell^L^D_^j^ ffsawasMtfars the South by the lands of G. W. Blount and Walter Haberstadt, and on the West by the lands of O. W. Blount, S. Hajssell an<} J. D. Leggett. and being the identical tract of land conveyed by deed from J. L- Has sell and A. Hassell and wife, to George S. Moore, of date January 22, 1910, said deed being duly re corded in Deed Book YYY, at page 557, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Martin County, State of North Carolina, and by deed from TTie Williamston Land Improvement Company to George S. Moore of date September 9, 1907, said deed being recorded in Deed Book RRR, at page 287, in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Martin County, State of North Carolina, to which reference may be had for full description. The last and highest bidder at said sale will be required to deposit the amount of ten (10%) per cent of said last and highest bid at the time of and before closing the said sale. This the 25th day of May. 1942. HUGH G. HORTON, m29-2t Commissioner. rHEAD/TCHT-T I When your head achae and narraa ? I are Jittery. fet relief qulc^T. plena-1 I antly. with Capudlne. Acta feat be- | I cause It'a liquid. Uae only aa directed. ? I All drugKlata- 10c. 1 Liquid CAPUDINE RESERVED a Man wtfka./o4 to dot The traniportation of war worker* and fighting men i* a vital job. It 1* one which (train* our facilitie*. These worker*, these service men, have a job to do? the winning of this war. Their fast and comfortable transportation 1* imperative. You, whose Job will permit, can help move them swiftly and comfortably week-ends and doing your traveling during the middle of the week for the duration. You will find travel during the middle of the week less crowded and schedules faster. Make your next trip on Tuesday or Wednesday. PEnDER Quality Jooa Stor< Triangle Pure Creamery BUTTER, lb. roll 43c cubes lb. 44c New Treat Salad Dressing, quart jar .... 27c Triangle Sweet Mixed or Gherkin PICKLES. 13-oz. jar 10c Salad Treat MAYONNAISE, pint jar 27c Land CP Lake? CHEESE, pound 29c SUGAR, pound 6c (ON RATION CARDS) Angelu* MARSHMALLOWS. 2 pkgs. .. 27c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Home Grown BEETS, CARROTS, ONIONS 5c Bunch NEW POTATOES, 4 pounds . 19c Fresli CARROTS, 2 bunches .. 15c Florida ORANGES, 4 lbs 21c ONIONS, 4 pounds 25c

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