Call Upon Number To Substantiate Claims On Friday (Continued from page one) er cases, the board members will ask for supplementary facts to sub stantiate the claims advanced by the holders. Those persons who have "X" cards and who are being asked to prove or substantiate their claims are to be notified by direct mail. At a special meeting last week and at their regular meeting this week, the board issued supplementary gas cards to the following: Paul Bailey, Everetts. one B-3 Virginia-Carolina Chemical Com pany, V. J Spivey, agent. Williams ton, three B-2 cards minus two un- j its H. A. Johnson. Jr.. Robersonville, one B-3 C. L. Green, Robersonville, one B-3 and one B-2 W. R. Evans. RFD 2. Williamston, two B-2 A L. Thompson, Williamston, one B-3 and one B-l. Bon Biggs, Williamston, two B-2 Mrs. R. W. Salsbury, Hamilton, one A card plus six gallons. Ronald Ross Johnson, Roberson ville. two B-3 and one A Garland Whitley, RFD 2, William ;ton, one B-l W. A Ewell, Everetts, one B-3 Semmie James, Robersonville, four | 9-2. Clarence Alton Alcox. RFD 1, 3ethel. one A Universal Credit Co.. R R With- | ngton, agent. Williamston, five B-3 Charlie Ange, RFD 1. Jamesville. | >ne B-l J. E. Parrisht-r, Robersonville, one ] 3-3 and one B-l, E. G. Anderson. Robersonville, hree B-3 D N Hix. Williamston, two B-3. Proctor and Gamble Co., Char-1 lotte, one B-3 and one B-l. T. O. Hickman. Williamston, two | 3-3 Horace Ray, Williamston, two B-3 | ind one B-l Davis Purvis, RFD 1, Bethel, one 3-1. Lester Manning. RFD 1. Bethel, >ne B-l. Wiley Hilliard. Palmyra, one A, Elmer N Modlin, Jamesville, one V R L Smith and Sons, Koberson .'llle. one B-3 and one B-l Several A card holders have ap peared before the boa ill. stating that heir pleasure lamps were without ail. Their claims to additional allot nents could not be proved and hey were denied supplemental :ards The board points out again t hose who would apply for supple nentary B cards that issuance wil be denied in those cases where th gasoline has not been used strict]; ind absolutely for designated busi less purposes. Briefly stated, th business car operator cannot quali fy for a supplementary card if ther is evidence that he has used his ca (or pleasure. FURNISHED ROOMS AND APART ments for rent. Call 339-J. m29-tf-c Band In Its Last Concert Of Season Director Jack Butler and his band appeared in their last concert of the season last Sunday afternoon when they offered a very entertaining pro gram on the high school lawn for a large and appreciative audience. Taking the band master's stand for a few minutes, Principal D. N Hix expressed his appreciation and that of the school and others to Mr. But ler for his able and efficient work so willingly handled during his two years as director of the youthful but very promising musicians. It is hoped that the work can be carried on. and the pupils, band mothers and others are looking forward to the professor's return after peace is re stored. As a token of appreciation, the band mothers gave Director But ler a billfold with a green bill in side Jimmy Leggctt expressed the band members' appreciation for the cooperation and support extended by the public. Professor Butler is leaving for a short visit with friends in Pender County before going to his home in Canadaigua, New York. From there he will enter the Naval Reserve. Last evening the band enjoyed a picnic | supper in the school park 1 First Fatal Road Accident Of Year In County Sunday (Continued from page one) of a third car blinded him. tFfat he did not see Rogers or the other car until he was right at them. Dawson turned his car quickly to the left and avoided striking Rogers a direct blow. Rogers, given first aid treat ment here .said he thought the car had plenty room to pass. Dawson brought the victim to a local doctor and later entered him in a hospital A hearing in the Teel death is to be held before Justice J. L Hassell here Thursday evening. Bailey is at liberty under a $500 bond. No hear ing has been scheduled in the Rog ers accident. Patrolman Saunders | explaining that action would be de layed pending the victim's recovery. 4 Organize First Aid Class In Oak City Plans are virtually complete for opening a first aid class in Oak City | next Monday night, Professor II. M Ainsley announced today. At least | 25 persons an* planning to take the special course of instruction under Professor V. J. Spivey Dr E T Walker will assist Mr Spivey in opening the class next Monday, Mr Ainsley stating that the Roberson ville Red Cross Chapter, embracing Oak City, had under the direction of Mrs Paul D. Roberson and Mrs. Ver non Ward delivered text books and equipment fur use in the class. WE BUY AND GRADE IRISH POTATOES PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES We are open every day and we are a * equipped with Modern Machinery to serve our eustoniers. SELL YOUR POTATOES Robersonville With A. 0. Roberson & Co. ROBERSONVILLE, N. C. Decorate Members of Bomber Ferry Command '?????Ml Receiving the D.S.C. for extraordinary achievement while participating in an aerial flight without mishap are twelve members of the Bomber Ferry Command. The presentation took place at Boiling Field, Wash ington, D. C. Four officers and eight enlisted fliers received their decorations from Brig. Gen. Harold L. George. He is shown pinning a medal on Master Sergeant Adolph Cattarius, who has been in the air corps for twenty years. (Central Press) N.Y.C. Postal Censor "Pictured at4ttf? dfv-k In Nnvv York < ity is Lieut. Col. Marry O. Comp ton. riifttrirt postal censor, and head i^ (t>nst)rs^*i) mail is carefully examined by a staff of experts under his direction to make certain that no secret mes sages t?? aid the enemy are con tained in the ktt?i Anti-Ty|)lioid Drive Is Short Of Its Goal ? Virtually concluded last week, the drive against typhoid fever in this county fell short of its goal, the health department announcing thaj only 5.637 persons took advantage of the free immunization. Appointments will be kept at the regular clinics in Jamesville each Monday. Robersonville on Wednes days, Oak City on Friday and Wil liamston each Saturday. Comment ing on the drive, Dr. John Williams said that the department would re open the clinics in any community where there was n ? number of pe ing the "shot.* Jamesville Bear Grass Hamilton R<?bersonville Gold Point Everett s WiJliamston Dardens No. 90 Station Eilley's Store Farm Life Smith's Store Pa rmete Oak City |Settle Politics For Next Two Years ???. Casting a much larger vote than was predicted by many, Martin County voters settled their politics for another two years and immed iately turned their attention back to war, business?and the weather. The figures stand for themselves with Clarence Griffin winning over W Iverson Skinner for representa tive by a vote of 2.000 to 1,112; J. Calvin Smith over S. Harcom Grimes for emmty judge by a- vote of 1,739 to 1.278; Bonner over Blount and Edwards for member of congress, and Fountain over Bailey for the U. S. Senate by a vote of 1,803 to 1,041. Hie congressional district vote in this county was in line with that cast in the other thirteen counties, but the Senate vote in this county stood almost alone in the State Only three other counties joined Martin in supporting Fountain or opposing Bailey, according to incomplete re turns. Approximately 1,700 of the 1,919 precincts in the State gave Bailey 192,577, and Fountain 90, 031. Bailey has expressed his appre ciation^ Fountain, commenting on the returns, say they apeak for them selves, that it ia apparent that the common workers were away from home and that farmers did not go to the polls. The vote itself, observ ers say, is a large one for the opposi tion. ?rsons interested in tak s a review of the ' anti ' in the county Wh Col. Tot. 525 222 747 432 06 528 170 73 243 315 58 373 91 40 131 234 137 371 684 236 920 140 340 480 165 71 236 272 165 437 268 ? 106 374 83 157 240 65 131 216 143 198 341 ? - 3587 ? 2050 5637 County Authorities Hold Their Regular Meeting On Monday (Continued from page one) while some other items were de- ( crossed. Rev. John L. Goff. of Williamston and K it. Ange, of Jamesville, were appointed to the county library board?without pay. The county commissioners con tracted with Greathouse and Butler, certified public accountants, for the annual county audit, the contract carrying a $350 fee. Troubled for weeks with indefi nite plans for handling the WPA canning project for the public school lunches, the commissioners finally washed their hands by appropriat ing $200 for the project and cancell ing plans calling for the construction of a regular cannery on the county home property. The project, for the most part, will be centered in the gumma! school building in William 'ton. Tax relief orders were granted the following: F. A. Elks orrproperty listed in er ror in Goose Nest Township. W. F. Bellflower Estate, settled in Goose Nest Township. C and W Motor Co., Robersonville, execution sale, no property. A. J. Earley, Robersonville, moved to Virginia. Larry Wade, Williamston, moved from slate. Donald Byrd, Williamston, lisited in error. J. G Simpson, Jamesville, deceas ed. left no property. <t> RAT In Devastating Attacks on Germany In Past Two Nights ? (Continued from page one) tion has followed the war declara tion by President Avila Camacho. In Washington today there was some talk about compulsory labor. There is a drive now underway to fix the pay of service men at $40 a month plus a $10 non negotiable bond. Salvage Huts Are Being Constructed San Diego?Huts to house mater ials collected by members of the Am erican Junior Red Cross during their War on Waste have been construct ed by volunteer workers from the Carpenter's District Council here. The huts were built by volunteers who gave up their Sunday off as their share in helping in the conser vation program. ? ? ? ? Number Of Draftees Are Returning To The County ? Reporting at a United States Ar my induction center recently, a large number of county draftees have al ready returned to their homes, ruled unfit for military service. No offi cial report has been received but at least nine of the men reporting re I cently had been rejected and re turned home by last Saturday. A fairly sizable number of white selectees are on the eve of their de parture from this county for an Army induction center. > U ith The Patients In The Local Hospital Mr. Dave Daniel, undergoing treatment in the Brown Commun ity hospital here for several weeks, is able to be out. He Is attending church today, but plans to return to the hospital for continued treatment during the next few days. Mrs. O. S. Green, of Williams Towiislup rtft'iil 1 v entered the Hos? pital. Mr. Green was discharged from the hospital about a week ago after undergoing treatment. Pete Hardison, of Farm Life, is getting along very well today after undergoing an operation for appen dicitis yesterday. THE RECORD SPEAKS . . . Biding its time patiently for almost five months, death struck on the highways of this county for the first time this year at an unusually late hour and in a slightly out-of-the-way place last Sunday. John Henry Teel, colored man. lost his life in a freak auto accident A second person was hurt but not ser iously a short time before to weaken the belief that tire and gas rationing are lowering the accident figures in this county^ With the exception of a life and j a mere few hundred dollars, the accident record last year is not j much worse than the one that is being builded from week to week. . The following tabulations of fer a comparison of the accident trend: first, by corresponding weeks in this year and last and for each year to the present time. 22nd Week Comparison Accidents InJ'd Killed Dam ge 1942 2 1 1 * 1QSI 1 11 U 30? Comparison To Date 1942 38 21 1 $4435 1941 40 24 2 $3496 ?onner Big Winner In Congress Race Herbert C. Bonner, literully snow g under the opposition and lead g in every county in the district, as renominated by the Democrats the First District as their repre ?ntative in the National Congress the polls last Saturday. With all it eight of the 147 precincts in the strict heard from Bonner leads is two opponents, M. K. Blount and ick Edwards, both of Greenville, y a margin of abo^tt two and one jlf to one, The vote with complete reports in ir all the counties except Curri ick and Dare where one and seven, ?spectively, are yet to be heard eaufort amden howan urriluck are ates ertford yde artin asquotank erquimans itt yrrcll iashington Totals Bonner Blount Edw'ds 3850 367 52 860 298 40 1021 357 120 1331 382 96 571 9 7 673 205 135 1491 299 78 1008 388 31 2451 666 56 2399 367 104 784 249 680 4877 3187 939 352 71 18 1098 203 45 22,766 2*01 mutum vuuhvj ?? ? ie number of votes cast last Satur ly in the district. The vote, total ig approximately 32,315, is com jred with the 1940 count, by coun es as follows: eaufort amden howan urrituck are ates ertford [yde [artin 'asquotank erquimans itt yrrell Washington Totals 1940 1942 4653 4269 .1354 1198 1897 1497 1621 1809 1224 587 1799 1013 2320 1868 1661 1427 3705 3173 3987 2870 1443 1713 9692 9003 927 441 1578 1346 37,861 32,215 ^oast Guard Reserve deeding More Men The Coast Guard Recruiting Of ce located in Room 238 Federal :uilding. Norfolk, announces that lore men are now needed for the ipid expansion of this service. All nlistments in the U. S. Coast Guard eserve are for a period of three ears. All men between the ages of I to 35 are urged to enlist. Married ien may enlist with wife's consent. An acute shortage exists in the rat igs of radioman, ship's cooks, motor >achinist's mates and machinist's ,ates. Men with qualifications in lorementioned ratings are urged to Tite or apply in person to the Re quiting Office. On Wednesday night at 8:00 o'clock, there will be a meeting at The Enterprise office of all persons interested in having softball in Williamston this sum mer. With many of the old players in the armed service and others having another year added to their already advanced years, different plans from last year will have to be made. With no baseball this year and since conditions make it imperative that we stay in town more than usual, prospects for a larger in terest is anticipated. With a large attendance at the meeting plans can be formulated and playing get underway in the near fu ture. Small Reduction In School Tax Rate Is Seen In New Budget a (Continued from page one) schools in Oak City, Robersonville and Williamston was let to Baker Rawls Company, of Raleigh, for $1, 080. Home economics courses will be offered in the Bear Grass and Farm Life schools next term for the first time. The cost of the special courses is borne principally by the state and federal governments, it was pointed out. The board ordered the fees charg ed commercial students in the var ious schools reduced from $2 to $1 per month Board Members J. D. Woo lard, Chairman of Williamston; QW>rge C. Griffin, of Griffins; H. C Norman, of Robersonville, and J. W. Eubanks, of Haasell, were present for the meeting. Leslie Hardison, of James ville and Raleigh, could not be pres ent. Wants FOR RENT ? STORES, APART ments and garage. Apply Mrs. Jim Staton. m22-4t FOR QUICK, QUALITY Dtl cleaning service, bring your clothes to Pittman's. One day service on any garment Suits, coats and dresses, 68 cents, cash and carry. 65c delivered. Pittman's Cleaners. f3-tf APARTMENT FOR RENT: 5-ROOM apartment for rent. See or call Mrs. Daisy Purvis, W. Main Street, Williamston, N. C. m29-2t 3 - ROOM FURNISHED APART ment for rent. Phone 187-W. Eloise Bennett. m29-2t-cg PLEASE RETURN ? SOMEONE borrowed our bedpan and failed to return it. Wish you would kindly return same, please. Mrs. Grover Hardison. ONE STUDIO COUCH FOR SALE, Deep Sleep made by Sleeper, Inc. In good condition. Mrs. Roy Ward. j2-tf-cg DR. C. L. HUTCHISON DENTIST Next To Marco Theatre Williamston, N. C. Tel. 1I4-J We Appreciate Your Business And Give EacK Customer Our Individual Attention PERMANENTS $3.50 Up Shampoo and Finjcerwave 65c .Manicure 50c Victory Beauty Shoppe Out F.?ple? Si- an'' ^ Phone 393-J Mrs. Hutlic Bailey, Mgr. Willianislon, N. C. I Thank You I wish to rxpreKH my aim-ore appreciation to llit- voter* of Murtin County for their loyal support in the Primary last Saturday. Ai your Representative I promise to do all with in my power to justify your confidence. I shall seek at all times to represent what I con ceive to be the best interest of our entire citi zenship. Clarence Griffin Thanks and Congratulations Marvin Blount and I wish to thank all of those who supported Mr. Blount in Sat urday's Primary. In a Democratic Way, the people have named their choice, Mr. Bonner. Let's all get behind him now and give him all the assistance we can. These are days when all must help. Congratulations, Mr. Bonner, To You ami Your Many Friends. Gilbert Peel

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