The Enterprise Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILLIAMS TON, NORTH CAROLINA. W. C. MANNING | Editor ? 1S08-1SU I SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY One year ^ $1.7 Six months 1.0 OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One year _...$$?$ Six months . 1.2 No Subscription Received Under 0 Months Advertising Rate Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office in Williamston, N C, as second-class matter under the act of Con gress of March 3, 1879. \ Address all communications to The Enterprise and not individual members of the firm. Tuesday. June 9, 1912. 4 Shocking ff eakne?* The rejection of twenty of twenty-four young Martin County men by the Army as unfit to serve then country" is a shocking weakness, and clearly indicates that something is radically wrong somewhere. Has our educational system failed or has it been throttled bv selfish interests, indifference or challenged despite compulsory school attend ance laws? Questions of this type are deserving of serious consideration, for it is an established fact that the war is taking the promising young men and that they are being called upon to do the fighting for those who have been ruled mentally or otherwise unfit for service in the name of God and country. Have we denied the growing child the right kinds of food just t About In a recent speech, Vice President Henry A. Wallace sounded in clear tones just what the war was all about. The second installment of his address fol lows: The third installment of his address follows: The fourth installment of his address follows: "When "the freedom-loving people march when the farmers have an opportunity to buy land at reasonable prices and to sell the pro duce of their land through their own organi zations. when workers have the opportunity to form unions and bargain through them col lectively, and when the children of all the peo ple have an opportunity to attend schools which teach them truths of the real world in which they live?when these opportunities are open to everyone, then the world moves straight ahead. But in countries where the ability to read and write has been recently acquired or ?you know that (12 per cent of the people in this world don't yet know how to read and write where the people have had no long experience in governing themselves, on the basis of their own thinking, it is easy for demagogues to arise and prostitute the mind of the common man to their own base ends. Such a demagogue may get financial help from some person of wealth who is unaware of what the end result will be With this backing, the demagogue may domi nate the minds of the people, and, from what ever degree of freedom they have, lead them back into a most degraded slavery. Herr Thys sen, the wealthy German steel man, little real ized what he was doing when he gave Hitler enough money to enable him to play on the minds of the German people. The demagogue is the curse of the modern world, and of all the demagogues, the worst are those financed by well-meaning wealthy men who sincerely believe that their wealth is like ly to be safer if they can hire men with politi cal "it" to change the sign posts and lure the people back into slavery of the most degraded kind. Unfortunately for the wealthy men who finance movements of this sort, as well as for the people themselves, the successful dema gogue is a powerful genie who, when once let out of his bottle, refuses to obey anyone's com mand. As long as his spell holds, he defies God Himself, and Satan is turned loose upon the world. Through the leaders of the Nazi revolution, Satan now is trying to lead the common man of the whole world back into slavery and dark ?' S.1-. Sw the Mini-It truth ir vj?|f.nrp preached by the Nazis is the devil's own religion ol darkness. So also is the doctrine that one race or one class is heredity superior and that all other races or classes are supposed to be slaves. I he belief iii one Satan-inspired Fuehrer, with his Quislings, his Lavals, and his Mussolinis ? his gauleitcrs in every nation in the world?is the last and ultimate darkness. Is there any hell hotter than that of being a Quisling, unless it is that of being a Laval or a Mussolini? In a twisted sense, there is something almost great in the figure of the Supreme Devil oper ating through a human form, in a Hitler who has the daring to spit straight into the eye of God and man. But the Nazi .system has a he roic position for only one leader. By definition only one person is allowed to retain full sover eignty over his own soul. All the rest are stooges they ure stooges who have been mentally and politically degraded, and who feel that they can get square with the world only by mentally and politically degrading other people. These stooges are really psychopathic cases. Satan has turned loose upon us the insane. The march of freedom of the past 150 years has been a long-drawn-out people's revolution. In this Great Revolution of the people, there were the American Revolution of 1775, the I rench Revolution of 1792, the Latin-American revolutions of the Bolivarian era, the German Revolutions of 1848, and the Russian Revolution of 1917. Each spoke for the common man in tei ms of blood on the battlefield. Some went to excess. But the significant thing is that Un people groped their way to the light. More of them learned to think and work together. The people's revolution aims at peace and not at violence, but if the rights of the common man are attacked, it unleashes the ferocity of a she-bear who has lost a cub. When the Nazi psychologists tell their master Hitler that we in the United States may be able to produce hundreds of thousands of planes, but that we have no will to fight, they are only fooling themselves and him. The people are on the march toward even full er freedom than the most fortunate peoples of the world have hitherto enjoyed. No Nazi coun ter-revolutionist will stop it. The common man will smoke the Hitler stooges out into the open in the United States, in Latin America, and in Ind^a. He will destroy their influence. No La vals, no MussoIFnis will be tolerated in a free world. (To Be Continued) Duregard tor Human Life ? Hit-and-run driving cases are being report in fairly large numbers even as America slo\ down its wild drive. While a decrease is e pected in the number of such cases, there r mains a dangerous element in our society?tl utter disregard for human life. There may I a reason behind many robberies, but there not the first excuse to support the action of hit-and-run driver, the cowardly, yellow scou drel who would run down and often kill ai leave his victim to his own fate. In the eyes of fairness and justice, hit-an run driving should be classed along with tl four capital crimes. Improvement It Noted In Spring drop Of Lam hs A noted improvement over the spring crops of lambs sold coopera tively by Edgecombe County farm ers in past years was shown recent ly when 35 out of 109 sold graded choice. ? John Wier, Jr., visited friends here Sunday. ? ? ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Julius D. Hardison, late of Martin County, North Caro lina, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to under signed on or before May 2, 1943, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This the 2nd day of May, 1942. D. V. CLAYTON, Administrator of Estate of m5-6t Julius D. Hardison. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Martin County. Under and by virtue of the power1 of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned trustee by Fannie Ruffin James on he 31st day of July, 1941, and ofs record in the public registry of Mar tin County in Book B-4 at page 145, viitl deed of trust having been given lor the purpose of securing certain te\if even nob ?f even date and tenor there with. default having been made in 'the payment of said note, and the -tipulations contained in said deed of trust not having been complied with, the undersigned trustee will, on Saturday, June 20, 1942, at twelve o'clock notrt\ in front of the court house door in the town of Williams ton offer for sale to the highest bid der tor cash the following describ ed real estate, to wit: The certain house and lot situat ed and being on Main Street in the Town of Williamston, N. C., bound "d on the North by the lands of the late Eliza Moore estate; on the South by the A.C.L.R.R. Company; and on the East by the A.C.L.R.R. Company, and on the West by the said Main Street, or Highway No. 90 and being the same premises whereon the said Fannie Ruffin James now resides an^^ein^tht^am^grogert^^mght^ by R. L. Swain and wife, Mamie Swain, from J. C. Smith, trustee, which is recorded in Book L-3, page 286 in the office of the Register of Deeds of Martin County. This the 18th day of May, 1942. B A. CRITCHER, ml9-4t Trustee. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina. Martin County. As provided for in Section 2688 of the Consolidated Statutes of North Carolina, notice is hereby given that the Town of Williamston will offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in the Town of Williamston on Monday, June 29th, 1942, the follow ing described tracts of land in the Town of Williamston, to-wit: Lot No. 1: Being Lot No. 16 in the Moore Field, adjoining Amy Purvis on the West fronting North Street 78 8 and running back to two paral lel lines South 41 -45 feet East to the depth of 130 feet, being the same land purchased from Williamston Land and Improvement Company by George Rice and Jane Rice of record in Book E-l, page 112 of the Martin County Public Registry. Lot No. 2: Beginning 73 feet from Broad Street on a street at the cor ner of Lot No. 1 in Block B in the Moore Field plot, thence Eastward ly along the line of Lots 1 and 2 about 130 feet to Lot No. 4, thence Southwardly along Lot No. 4 to Jane Rice's back corner, thence along Jane Rice's corner about 130 feet to a street, thence along said street to the beginning, and being the same land purchased of H. M. Burras by George and Jane Rice. Lot No. 3: Beginning at the cor ner of Pme and North Streets In the Williamston Land and Improvement Company, Moore Field running North 42 degrees East 72.8 feet to Augustus Purvis' corner, thence along his line South 41 3-4 degrees East 130 feet, thence South 42 de grees West 72 8 feet to Pine Street, thence North 41 3-4 degrees West along Pine Street to the beginning and being Lot No. 19 and being same land purchased from Williamston Land and Improvement Company on th? 241 li of October, 1904, and re corded in Book MMM, page 225, and also being the same land deede to Clarence W. Griffin, by B. A. Critch er, Trustee, on August 9th, 1941, of record m Book C-4 at page 121. This the 28th day of May, 1942. TOWN OF WILLIAMSTON, By J. L. Hassell, Mayor. H I. Coburn, Atty. jn2-4t Special Shipment JIJST 'ARRIVED! HOSE (Seconds) BEST QUALITY 15 (;aij(;e $1.49 Martin Supply Co. W1LLIAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA Safe Deposit Boxes for War Bonds For the best investment in the world, you need the kind of pro tection which won't let you wor ry As regularly as you buy United States War Savings Bonds, loek them away in a Safe Deposit box in the bank's vault. You Can Buy War Savings Bonds and Stamps at Branch Banking & Trust Co. "THE SAFE EXECUTOR" Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation WILLIAMSTON, N. C. BELK-TYLER'S LOVELY . . NEW Summer Frocks CREPE ROMAINES! PRINTED BEMBERGS! WASHABLE SHANTUNGS! SHEER CREPES! | The*, come in a glorious ' collection of new styles for i summer wear. DRESSY FROCKS! Tailored Dress ' maker types! SPORTS . DRESSES! > In all the newest coloringi! \ JUNIORS! MISSES! WOMEN! $1.98 $2.98 $3.98 $4.98 $5.95 $7.95 $8.95 $9.95 Me Kelt rick Classic* ? TAILORED FROCKS Smartly styled. Tailored Dresses in new Print ed Member's, Alpacas and Novelty Crepes. In navy, pastels and prints. $6.95 $7.95 ISEW HATS New Milans, Rough Straws! Fine Cocoanuts! White Felts! In a largo variety of new sum mer styles! Wide brims, Vag abonds, Poke effects. Sailors and close-fitting shapes! WHITE! NAVY! HLACK! PASTELS! In all lirailiiizex 98c $1.48 $1.98 ?MOYIK STAR" SATIN SUPS Tailored and lace trimmed nuni Iiito. W hilt- ami Ira row. All M/.r? . . . Kxeeptional \alue*! $1.29 Dainty . . Cool COTTONS Seersuckers! Powder Puff Muslins! Pine Chambrays! Dotted Swisses! Printed Voiles and Lawns! Butcher Linens! In a large showing of brand new styles. You'll be delighted with these lovely COTTON FROCKS. All sires. All colors! $1.98 $2.98 $3.98 . $4.98 $5.95 $7.95 $8.95 Neic . . Sheer BLOUSES In many attractive styles . . 98c SLACKS And SLACK SUITS Solid colors ud contrast ing combinations in spun rayon, gaberdines. Miami cloths, etc. All sixes to select from. $2.98 $4.98 BELK-TYLER'S WILUAMSTON, N. C.