In Wilson Today Mesdames Jimmie Taylor, Dean Speight and Miss Ruth Manning are spending today in Wilson and Dur ham with friends. Leave for Durham Mr. and Mrs. Dred Darden left on Sunday for Durham where they will spend a week with relatives Visiting in Norfolk Mrs. J. W. Andrews is visiting her daughter, Mrs. William Chase, in Norfolk this week ? Are Visiting Here Miss Ruth Norton. Mis. Melvin Sullivan, and children. Judy and Jane Gray, are visiting Mr. M. J Norton until Wednesday of this week. Leaves for Raleigh Mr. Sam Edwards leaves today for Raleigh where he plans to enter the Naval Reserve Visit at Fort Bragg Mr. and Mrs William Everett Misses Dolores Long and Doris Ev erett, the latter of Robersonville, visited friends at Fort Bragg last week-end. Aussie Nurses' Boss Capt. Martha Jane Clement, U. S. Army Nurses Corps, is in charge of all Army nurses in the Southwest Pacific War Zone, with headquarters in Australia. Before coming to the island continent she spent four years at Langley Field, Va. where she founded the hospital. Returns from Lynchburg Bitty Mercer, son of Dr. and Mrs. W C Mercer, has returned from V. K S . Lynchburg, where he has been enrolled for the past semester Spend Week end Here Mrs Henry Manning had as her house guests last week-end, Mrs Jimmy Green, of Charlotte, and Miss Mary Webb Askew, of Windsor, her sisters. Miss Elizabeth Cooper, also of Windsor, visited here Shops Here Saturday Mrs. Thelma Peel, of Everetts ; hopped here Saturday Shops Here Saturday Mrs. J. R. Carr, of Plymouth, shop ped here Saturday. to Enter Coast Guard Mrs. Dick Bridgers accompanied o r husband, Dick. toRakigh Mon day, where he will enter the Coast Guard. Mrs. Bridgers' brother, Ralph ray lor', also made the trip. spend Week-end Here Mr. and Mrs. Charles Daniel, Jr . ipent last week-end here with rela ives. Lieutenant Daniel has been ransferred from Texas to Fort Iragg. It was erroneously reported hat the young flier had made a trip icross the Atlantic a short time ago. Leaves (or Goldsboro Miss Pattie Battle left Sunday (or Goldsboro where she will take a de fense training course. To Attend Summer School Professor and Mrs. Russell P Martin left yesterday for Wake For est to attend school there this sum- j m< r. a Return from Chapel Hill Bob Levin and James Wallace re turned home last week from Chapel I Hill to spend the summer with their | parents. In Raleigh This Week Rev. W B Harrington is in Ral eigh this week attending a school for | ministers at Meredith College Leave (or Raleigh Andrew Holliday, Jr, Hugh Mar tin and Leonard Holliday, of James ville, left yesterday for Raleigh I where they will attend summer [ school at State College ? Local Singers Selected Among the people selected by Di-1 rector Lewis S. Bullock from the] members of the North Carolina Sym phonic Choir to join the Victory! Choir were Misses Kathryn Mew born and Jerry Humble und Kemp Peel from here. Governor Brough ton commissioned the group to take a "Good Will" tour of nine states some time ago. Mrs. E. T. Walker ac companied the group that left here arly Sunday morning [Spend Week-end Here Sgt Maclyn Newell and Pvts Bob Dirnler and Bernie Tapp, of Green ville, visited friends here last week end. | Is Visiting Near Here Mrs. Lyman Johnson, of Rocky Mount, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Annie Edwards, near here. Was Here Last Week-end Howard Earp, stationed at Nor-1 I folk Naval Base, visited friends here | ' lit week-end. r | In Weldon This Week Mrs. H. L. Meador is spending a I few days -with relatives hi Weldon ] this week. Miss Edna House, of Roberson villo, was a visitor here last week end. Was Here Last Week-end Mr Joseph Frank, of Philadel I phia, spent last week-end here with | his son. Jack. * Visits Parents Sunday Mr. Rudolph Peel, a defense work er in Newport News, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Peel, Sunday. > Leaves for Atlanta Mr. Ray II. Goodmon, Jr., who left lust week for Naval Air Corps Training, is now stationed at the U. ~ Naval Air Base in Atlanta. | Spend Week-end Here Misses Mary Gwenn Osborne and 'aye Gurganus, employed in Green .ille, visited their parents here last vcek-end. Visit Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Taylor, for merly of Williamston and now o Raleigh, visited friends and relative here Sunday afternoon. Was Here Sunday ( Dick Miller, stationed at Fort i Bragg, visited friends here Sunday. | Spends Week-end Here Pvt. Jack Lewis, of Greenvil! visjjed friends here lust week-em e Arrives Here Yesterday Miss Mary Lawrence arrived he from Wilson yesterday to visit atives. Auxiliary To Meet The regular monthly meeting c the American Legion Auxiliary wi be held Si^turday afternoon at 3:C o'clock in the Legion Hut. Visiting in Norfolk Misses Delia Lee Lilley and Bett Lou Edwards are visiting Mr. an Mrs. "Ham" Lilley and Mr. an Mrs. Frank Edwards, Jr., in Norfol for several days. Spends Week-end Here Miss Mary Benson, teacher in tl local schools last term, visitc friends here last week-end. Was Here Last Week-end Herbert Whitley, stationed I Camp Whitt, Texas, visited his pa ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Whitley, hei last week-end. ? | In Baltimore Last Week Mrs W. C. Mercer spent last wet with her mother, Mrs. T. E. Beas ly, who has been ill in Baltimore. ? Visits Here Saturday Miss Elizabeth Haislip, of Ham ton, visited here Saturday. ? Was Here Last Week Mr. Thomas Stewart, of Washin ton, called on friends here last wee e Visits at Bayview Miss Nell Harrison accompani Washington friends to Bayview f a week-end visit. Leaves for Norfolk Mr. Henry Manning left Sund for Norfolk where he has accept a position. W^L . A Better Buy In Blends 75* Qtfui 3^ ONLY $i inFULL ? |IU PINT *2.15 FULL QUART GOOOERHAM A WORTS ETO.ftORIA.ILL Prescriptions We specialize in Prescriptions, compounding same just as your physician has prescribed. 2 Registered Druggists Are ready to serve you at all times If - Clark's Pharmacy J Mail and I'lionc Order* Filled Promptly WILLIAMSTON, N. C. "KEEP 'EM ROLLING" Our De-Winterizing Service Will Make Your Car Last Longer Winter is tough on automo biles, and your car needs our thorough de-winterizing serv ice. Bring it in for bumper-to bumper spring changeover and service treatment, including wheel repacks and brake ad justments. Ask about our one price deal (or complete check np. Roanoke CHEVROLET CO. N. C. N LET US PUT TOUR CAR IN SHAPE for THE DURATION Car Renewing Plan Your present car must last (or the duration. Our Car Renewtnc Plan will put It In the peak of condition. Now you can use our budfet payment plan to fet complete over haul! nf from bumper to bumper; touch up or repaint Job; every thing your ear needs to put It In top shape. Drive In for estimate today. PAY AS YOU DRIVE ASK ABOUT OUR EAST BUDOET TERMS Windsors Greeted in Washington C. P. Phonephoto Accompanied by a Scotland Yard sergeant, a maid and a valet, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor are shown being greeted on their arrival in Washington on their first official visit as Governor and First Lady of the Bahamas. Left to right, are: Sir R. L Campbell, British Min ister; H. 0. Clare 3rd, Secretary of the British Embassy; The Dachess of Windsor and the Doke. More Sugar Is To Be Made A vailable For Home Canning Sugar rationing regulations have been amended to make more sugar available for home canning, reports Mrs. Cornelia Morris, Extension food conservationist of N. C. State Col lege. Each family will be allowed one pound of sugar for each four quarts of finished fruit they have to can. Mrs. Morris also said an addition al pound of sugar for each person in the family will be allowed to make a small supply of jams, jellies and fruit butters, "A family will be per-| mitted to can all the finished fruit it needs," she declared. Families should apply to their ra tioning boards for extra sugar with which to can. The person making ap plication for a Sugar Canning Cer tificate will be required to answer these questions: (1) How many quarts of fruits did you can last year? (2) How many quarts of fruit do you plan to can this year? and (3) How many quarts of last year's fruit do you still have on your pan try shelf? The Extension" worker said that every jar of home-canned fruit leaves a can of commercially-packed fruit for our armed forces and our Allies. Every jar of fruit put up leaves a little more freight space to carry war materials. "Our sugar supplies must be used carefully," Mrs. Morris emphasized. "Submarine warfare and the need for ships to carry war materials mean that imports of sugar will be far below normal. Every boatload of sugar that is shipped endangers the lives of American seamen. Ask only for as much as you really need." Mrs. Morris said that it requires 2 1-2 pounds of sugar to can a bushel of apples, from 2 to 2 1-2 pounds of sugar for a bushel of peaches, 2 to 2 1-2 pounds for a bushel of pears, 1 1-2 to 2 pounds for a peck of plums. 1 1-4 to 1 1-2 pounds for a quart of berries, and 1 1-4 to 1 1-2 pounds of sugar for a quart of cherries Visit Near Windsor Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Parker visit od Mr. Parker's aunt, Mrs. Rose Par ker, near Windsor Sunday after; noon. They were accompanied to Windsor by their son, BUrfte: In Italeigh Monday Mrs. N. C. Green spent Monday af ternoon in Raleigh. Visit in Durham Mrs. L. B. Harrison and Mrs. Au drey Carter visited Mrs. Harrison's daughter, Miss Evelyn, in Durham last week-end. In Norfolk Yesterday Mr John W. Manning was a busi ness visitor in Norfolk yesterday. leave for Camp Sapphire Zack Piephoff, Jr, Jack Booker, John Watts, and Bruce Powell Rog erson and Misses Sylviu Green and Betsy Manning, accompanied by Rev. Z. T, Piephoff, left yesterday for Camp Sapphire, Brevard, N. C., for a three weeks' visit. ? In Norfolk Friday Mr. Paul Jones spent Friday In Norfolk as a business visitor. Spend Week-end Here Mrs. Ben Edwards and her daugh ter, Connie, of Snow Hill, were the week-end house guests of the form er s sister, Mrs. Jack Edmondson, and Mr. Edmondson. Visits in Hamilton Sgt. William Haislip, stationed at Craig Field. Ala., visited in Hamil ton and Williamston last week-end. Spend Week Hfjrjp Mrs. Malcolm Simpson had as her house guests lust week her mother and sister, the Mesdames L. H. Ross, of Washington, and William Down ing, of Baltimore, Md. Confined To Her Home Mrs. J. G. Godard has been con fined to her home due to illness for the past several days. Attend Tayloe-Everett Wedding Dr. and Mrs. E. T. Walker were among those from here who attend ed the Tayloe-Everett wedding in Robersonville Friday afternoon. Return to Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor and in fant son, who visited Mr. Taylor's mother, Mrs. Laura Taylor, last week returned to Norfolk Sunday. They were accompanied by Miss Maude Taylor, who is employed there. Shop Here Saturday Mesdames Sudie Thompson and Whitmel Gilliam, of Windsor, shop ped here Saturday. Is Visiting Here Mrs. L. E. Chandler is visiting friends here this week. In Raleigh Monday Mrs. Gus Harrison spent Mondaj in Raleigh. Visit at Virginia Beach "I8*-8 Addie Lee Meador, Luc' Williams, Mamie Clyde Taylor ani Evelyn LiHey spent the week-en. at Virginia Beach. Visit in Jamesrtlle !? w Mra S T Everton, M M Everton childre of Norfolk, spent the week-end wi Mr and Mrs P. C. Blount in Jame \ flCTORY ON THE FARM FRONT T MIWS from th? Afkuttvro/ fxtmtoM St met PUBLICATIONS ANNOUNCED BY STATE COLLEGE EDITOR I Announcement of three publica tions available free to farm people of North Carolina is made by F. H Jeter, Extension Service editor of N. C. State College. Two of them are new and the third a revised edition of a popular Extension circular, "Feeding and Care of Dairy Cows." Prof. Roy S. Dearstyne, head of the State College Poultry Depart ment, and C. F. Parrish and T. T. Brown, Extension poultrymen. have prepared a bulletin on "War Time Poultry Feeding," which contains feed formulas and poultry ration substitutes to help the farmer over come shortages and highyprices of certain types of feeds. It is available free upon request by name ami num ber (War Series Extension Bulletin No. 1). The Extension circular on "Feed ing and Care of Dairy Cows," No. 193, has been revised by John A. Ar ey and A. C. Kimrey, Extension dairy specialists of the college. Feed form uluiP and other recommendations in the publication have been adjusted to meet emergency war conditions. The third publication is a new Ex periment Station bulletin, No. 332, on "Fertilizing Strawberries in North Carolina." It contains results of re search work on strawberry fetiliza tion conducted by D. E. R. Collins, State College agronomist, and Dr. R. A. Lineberry, assistant chemist of the United States Department of Agriculture, in cooperation with Dr. J. J. Skinner, senior biochemist of the U.S.D.A. The Experiment Station bulletin is available to agricultural leaders and commercial strawberry growers in terested in this research. The bulle tin includes fertilizer and limestone recommendations for strawberry production in this State. A postcard or letter, requesting the publication by name and number, will bring any of these or other State College publications to North Car olina farmers free and postpaid, Je ter said. ?? To Leave for Philadelphia Mrs. Ralph B. Watkins, who has been visiting Mrs. Harry Waldo in Hamilton for several days, will leave Thursday for Philadelphia. Mrs. Watkins has been with her husband Lieut. Col. Watkins in the Canal Zone for three years until she, and all the other women at the Corzale Army Post, was ordered to leave immediately, Lieut. Col. Watkins, the son of the late Mrs. M. B. Boyle, of Hamilton, is expected to be trans ferred soon. Leaves for Durham J. D. Taylor, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Taylor, left today for Durham, where he will attend sum mer school at Duke University. In Durham Sunday Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Manning and Mr. Manning's mother, Mrs. Mittie Manning, spent Sunday in Durham with Mrs. N. R. Manning's parents, Rev. and Mrs. S. J. Stames. Ihey were accompanied home by Misses Margaret and Frances Stames who will visit with their sister, Mrs. Man-| ning, and Mr. Manning, for several days. Ixite?t Addition* To Thm Enterprise Mailing List Listed among the recent addition! to the Enterprise mailing list are tha Following: Henry Handy, Williamston; J. H. Moore, Williamston; Mrs. John Cooke, Williamston; Lester J. Grif fin, Williamston; B. B. Rogerson, Norfolk; S. C. Bailey, Williamston; C. C. Jones, Williamston; John Leg gett, Robersonville; Stephen Nichols, Williamston; O. J. Gaylord, Bath; J. H. Ayers, Oak City; Mary E. Jones, Williamston; W. B. Harrington, Wil liamston; Labon Lilley, Williamston; Mrs. J. M. Boyce, Solomons, Md.; D. C. McLawhorn, Williamston; Eli Bower, Williamston; Nathan Rober son, Robersonville; J. F. Wynne, Robersonville; Emma Gurganus, Williamston; Armanda Cannady, Williamston; J. Henry Peel, Wil liamston; Mrs. P. A. Ballard, Cres well; C. Roland Jones, Elizabeth City; Caroline Stalls, Baltimore; R. H. Salsbury, Hassell; A. B. Ayers, WUliamston; N. T. Tide, Wllliasna ton, Mrs. A. L. Roebuck, Williams ton; J. A Gardner, Williamston; G. G. Bailey, Everett; G. R. Silver thome, Williamston; J. L. Croom, Robersonville; N. D. Gurganus, Wil liamston; Mrs. Nathan Rogers, Wil liamston; Jasper Cowan, Roberson ville; Mrs. Caddie Terry, Roberson ville; Dewey Hayman, Williamston. Spending Week Here Pete Fowden, Jr., stationed at Fort Jackson, S. C., is spending this week here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Fowden. jftrtRy HEADACHE < MORNING AFTfR Por jittery, nervous headaches, take Capudine. Acta fast because it's liquid. See how quickly head clears, nerves are relaxed, and you feel steadier. Use only as directed. 10c, 10c, 60c sixes. Liquid CAPUDINE Our fighting men and war workers need relaxation on week-ends. You can make their Trailways trips more comfortable by giving your seat to them on ' week-ends and doing your traveling during the middle of the week, when coaches are not so crowded. You'll find it's faster and much more fun. The small inconvenience it causes you will be an added con venience to them. After all, they are working and fighting that freedom of travel may be ours always. Do You Need? A SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX For Your Valuables And Valuable Papers? We have them . . low cost. Make Our Bank Your Bank Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Guaranty Bank & Trust Co. Poultry T ruck Every TUESDAY AT JAMESVILLE 9 to 10 a. m. AT HARDISON'S MILL 10:30 to 12 m. AT BEAR GRASS 1 to 3 p. m. Every FRIDAY AT OAK CITY 9 to 11 a. m. AT HAMILTON 11:30 a. m. to 12 m. AT GOLD POINT 1 to 2 p. m. Every SATURDAY AT WILLIAMSTON 9 to 11 a. m. AT EVERETT'S 11:30 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. AT ROBERSONVILLE 3:30 to 5:30 p. m. Colored Hens, Leghorn Hens, Stags, Roosters WE PAY TOP MARKET PRICES Pitt Poultry Co. GREENVILLE, N. C.

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