At Paatlico This Week Mrs. Elbert S. Peel is spending th week at Pamlico where she is th guest of her sister. Mrs. Joel Muse and Mr. MuSe; Return from Pennsylvania Mrs. John L. Rodgerson am daughter. Miss Mary, returned horm Sunday from a visit with relative in Johnstown, Penna. ? Visit At Pamlico Messrs. D. V. Clayton. Jack Fitz gerald and L. E. Rudisill spent las week-end at Pamlico. Return from Burlington Mrs. J. G. Godard, III, and chil dren. Joe IV, and Hannah, returnee Sunday from a short visit with rela tives in Burlington Is Visiting Here Miss Mary Ann Heydenreich, o: Alexandria, Va.. is visiting relative! here this week. * Return from Suffolk Mrs. Frank Weston and son. Clay ton, recent Suffolk visitors, returnee home Sunday. Leave for New Jersey Misses Mary Gwen Osbome and Faye Gurganus leave today for Fori Monmouth, N J. where they wil complete a course In radio. Are Visiting Here Mrs. Lewis Clark and children, o Burlington, are spending the weel here with Mrs. Clark's mother, Mn Kader Rogerson. At Pamlico Last Week-end Ned Cunnnigham spent the weel end with Joe Thigpen at Pamlico. FLAMING MOTOR Makes a stronger furnace and nil) not crack and smoke like other infer ior mixtures. Large stock of BRICK, CEMENT and FLAMIN GO on hand to fix that barn or packhouse. WILLIAMSTON SUPPLY CO. REMIR SAVE University Queen All we can say, fellers, is that lovely Lottie Lund hails from Idaho. All efforts to get her telephone number were unsuccessful. However, we can tell you that she was choser from scores of coeds at the University of Utah to serve as queen of Univer sity Day, which goes to prove that some of the people can be right some of the time. Was Business Visitor Here Federal Bureau Investigator Put ram, of Atlanta, was here attending to business. $ In Tarboro Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jack Manning visit ed relatives in Tarboro Sunday night Visits Ilere Saturday Mrs. Ned Laughinghouse. of Eliz abeth City, visited friends here Sat urday. She was en route to Pamlico where she will visit Mr. and Mrs. Joel Mute for a week. In Edenton Friday Mrs. S. R. Biggs, Misses Nancy Biggs. Nell Rousseau, and Mary Charles Godwin spent Friday after noon with Mrs. Biggs' sister, Mrs. R. P. Badham, in Edenton. ? Shop Here Saturday Mosdames Cola Castellow, P. R. Gilliam and Miss Cecelia Ann^Jas tellow, of Windsor, shopped here on Saturday afternoon. Attend Lions Meeting Mr. vand Mrs. John Henry Ed wards and Mr and Mrs. K. P. Linds ley are among the Lions from here attending the State convention in Raleigh this week. 1 Visit Here Saturday Messrs. Carlton Gilliam, James Spivey and Elmer White, of Wind sor, visited friends here Saturday night. In Swans bo ro Sunday Mr. Robert Everett and son, Rod dy. visited Mr. and Mrs. Horace Ray, in Swansboro Sunday. Swim at Eden House Misses Alma Godwin, Mary Charles Godwin, Elizabeth Parker, Nell Rousseau. Nancy Biggs and Ka theiine Manning went swimming at Eden House Beach last Sunday af ternoon a Spending Few Days Here Mrs. C. T. Rogers, Jr.; and son, of Wilmington, are spending a few days here with Mr. and Mrs. B S. Courtney. Father's Day-Sunday JUNE 21 Select A TIE For HIS DAY will reach its peak in content ment when yon present him with one of these print or plain ties. If not a tie, (its Mm handkerchiefs, a shirt, socks, pajamas,-or one of die many other items in onr stock. Darden's Dept. Store Improving from Illness ? Mrs. M. D. Taylor, of Bear Grass, s improving in the local hospital. Ha Triage Licenses ! Marriage licenses were issued in his county recently to the follow ng: Linwood Stanley Weathersbee, if Robersonville, and Essie Novella iVarren, of Oak City; Thelbert C. iVhitlry and Rachel McClaren, both >f Robersonville. a Visiting in South Carolina Mrs. Kneezer Harrison. Mrs. Pete Vlendenhall and daughter and Mrs. Ella Wynne and daughter and Mrs. VI. D Aycrs are spending a few days villi Mr. and Mrs. Leamon Keel in Georgetown S. C. shops Here Saturday Mrs. E. L. Morrison, of Plymouth, vas a shopper here Saturday after loon. ? spends Week-end Here Lt. Billy Biggs, of Fort Bragg, vis ted his parents, Mr. and Mrs S. R 3iggs. here last week-end lirth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Tice an lounce the birth of a daughter in i Washington hospital on Sunday, lune 15, 1942 ipend Week-end Here Miss Vivian Taylor, of Groens >oro, and Miss Ethel Taylor, of At anta, spent the week-end here with heir mother, Mrs. Laura Taylor. ihop Here Saturday Mrs. Neely Gilliam and Miss Jo ephine Essex, of Windsor, shopped lore Saturday. ??? leturn from Norfolk Mr. and Mrs. Victor Champion re urned home Sunday after attend ng the wedding of their son, Rich rd, in Norfolk last week. Ipends Week-end Here Miss Ola Lea Lilley, who is in chool in Raleigh, visited her father, Jr. J. Dawson Lilley, here last /eek-end. Vas Here Last Week-end Mr. Fred Taylor, stationed at .angley Field, Va., visited friends nd relatives here last week-end. fill Visit Parents Here Mrs. Stewart Whitley, of Raleigh, ill be here with her parents, Mr. nd Mrs. G. A. Peel, for a week. ,eave for Wake Forest Messrs. Edgar Gurganus and Bur ls Criteher, Jr., left Saturday for fake Forest College where they ill attend the first session of sum ler school. ? s Visiting Here Miss Frances Page, of Stokes, is le house guest of her aunt, Mrs. d Woolard, here for several days. a Windsor Sunday Misses Julia Clyde Waters, Betsy tnderson and Nonie Melson visited riends in Windsor Sunday after nnn. : : : 3 0 pend Week-end Here Misses Julia Everett and Elva Irace Barnhill, employed in Cher y Point, spent the week-end here /ith relatives. teturn to Scotland Neck Mrs. Cecil Neville and son, Cecil, r, have returned to Scotland Neck fter visiting Mrs. Neville's sister, flrs. Henry Griffin and Mr. Griffin, lere for a few days. lave Been Visiting Here Mrs. William Hunt and son, Bill, ave been visiting friends here for he past week. They plan to return i Zebulon Wednesday. irrives for Visit Here Mrs. Octavia Cone, Richmond res ient, has arrived for a week's stay nth her daughter-in-law, Mrs. P. I. Cone, here. e fas Here Last Week-end Mr. George Mahler, of Wilming jn, visited friends here last week nd. ? ! Undergoes Operation The young son of Mr. and Mrs. iarfield Mobley, Larry, underwent n operation at Duke hospital last feek. His many friends of James ille, his home, are pleased to learn hat he is rapidly recovering. Home Economica Club To Continue Summer Work By BELLA JANE MOBLEY Hie Honorary Home Economic* Club, organized by Miu Madge Glazner in November, ha* planned to continue it* work through the summer. This club was organized at the same time five others were form ed to help the Red Cross with its work in the county. But the five oth er county clubs have disbanded for the summer. Not everyone is eligible for club membership, however! in fact, the students must have an 88 average for acceptance. But these student workers have not limited their work to the Red Cross field. After each meeting the club dues are invested in defense stamps. At the last meeting the members elected the officers for the remain der of the year. Bernice Perry was elected president; Jane Goff, vice president; Rose Leggett, secretary; Pearl Newbold, treasurer, and Del la Jane Mobley, publicity chairman. In addition to the officers the club has the following members: Nonle Melson, Mary Trulah Peel, Sylvia Green, Julia Clyde Waters, Frances Thomas, Ann Meador, Virginia Hines, Elsie Langley, Mollie Peaks, Janie Nells, Frances Griffin, Gladys Pecle, Millie Coltrain and Lucille Shaw. The club regrets the loss of its leader and adviser, Miss Madge Glaz ner, but they are all looking forward to an early visit from her. Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Randolph J. Allen, of Williarnston, announce the birth ol a son, Robert Randolph, on Mon day, June 15, in a Washington hos pital. Mrs. Allen was formerly Miss Elizabeth Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Campbell, of Plymouth. Were Here This Morning Mr. and Mrs. Sherrod Corey, of Griffins, visited here this morning. Returns from Whiteville Tommy Swain returned home last night after a short visit with friends in Whiteville. > Visits Here This Morning Mr. John E. Manning, of James ville, spent a short while here this morning. Leave for Cherry Point J. E. Boykin and Bob Levin left this morning for Cherry Point where Ihey have accepted positions. Visit in Wiltz-Sldlng Mr. and Mrs. Henry Griffin visit pd in Wiltz-Siding Sunday after noon. ? Spends Week-end Here Pfc. Kimbo Saunders spent the past week-end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kim Saunders. 4 Birth Announcement Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Bowen an nounce the birth of a son on Sun day, June 15, 1942. Visits In Windsor Mrs. R. A. Critcher, III, visited relatives in Windsor last week-end. Was Here Yesterday Mr. H. A. Bost, of Greenville, was a visitor here yesterday. Spends Week-end Here Francis Peel, stationed at Camp Lee, Va., visited his mother, Mrs. Sadie Peel, here last week-end. Visiting in Ksaansrllle Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Peele are vis iting in Kenansvllle for a few days. ??? Spending Few Days Here Patrolman and Mrs. George Stew art and son, of Siler City, are spend ing a few days here with Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Courtney. Are House Guests Here Misses Virginia Parker, of Em poria, and Louise Hall, of Rich mond, are the house guests of Miss Elizabeth Parker, and her family, for a few days. a At Eden House Sunday Burke Parker and Jimmy Mitch ell spent Sunday at Eden House Beach. ? (s Visiting Here Mrs. James McCloskey, of Balti more, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. D- Woolard, and Mr. Woolard, for several days. Was Here Last Week-end George Sumara, who is employed In Elizabeth City, spent the week end here visiting friends and rela tives. tjEii us r unman ium Tobacco Needs Come In Todoy And Buy Your Tobacco Twine . . Thermometers Truck Axles . . Truck Wheels Roofing . . Lanterns AND ALL OTHER NECESSITIES Woolaid Hdw. Co. WILLIAMSTON NORTH CAROLINA aiinrnufliv tavin ivun Traveling through Petersburg, Richmond, Washington, Baltimore and New York, the American Vic tory Choir, directed by Lewis Sid ney Bullock of Greenville, has ren dered programs that have entertain ed and inspired the audiences. Dr. Williamson, President and Founder of the Westminster Choir College, included in his criticism, "lovely, natural quality, unforced, and pure tone." Yet the highlight of the tour will come when the group presents ? Victory Concert in Carnegia Hall, sponsored by Mayor LaGuardia. Among the members of the choir are several Williamston folks: Misses Jerry Humble, Katnryn Mewborn, Mrs. E. T. Walker and Howell Peele. * Returns to New York Mr. Frank Freeman, who spent the last week visiting his aunts, Miss Janie Freeman and Mrs. P. B. Cone, returned to his home in New York Sunday. ?% In Durham Friday Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Mobley, Mrs. Dan Jones and Miss Carrie Dell Jones visited in Durham last Fri day. SMITH-DANIEL Miss Dorothy Josephine Daniel, oung daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben laniel, and Wilbert Ossie Smith, on of Mrs. Laura Ossie Smith, of landsom, Va., were married in the iome of Justice and Mrs. C. B. Rid ick in Everetts last Sunday morn ng at 10 o'clock, the justice per orming the ceremony. Only a few riends of the couple were present or the ceremony. They will make their home in lewport News. ? teturns from Washington City Mrs. Pat Crawford, a recent Wash ngton City visitor, has returned icre for a short stay. teturns from Hospital Mr. Dampy Simmons, a patient n the Lawson General Hospital, At anta, Ga., for the past two months, eturned home last night His many riends were glad to see him look ng healthy after his long illness. Return from South Carolina Mr. and Mrs. Dred Darden have re urned home after spending sever il days with relatives in Charleston, >. C. I hops Here Yesterday Mrs. Bill Bullock, of Everetts, was shopper here yesterday, I penis Week-end Im i" Mi-. Warren IMMfe, it fll> ille, spent the week-end here with is parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roe uek. t'u Business Visitor Here Mr. Mayo Little, of Roberaonvtlle, /as a business visitor hate Men ay. t. s Visiting Hen Mr. Cecil Arthur, of Driver, Vn, s visiting Mr. and Mrs. Vol Teal lere for a few days. e n Greenville 8a Mr. and Mrs. Roy OottraM vMtt d friends in Greenville Sunday ef ernoon. Visiting Here This Week Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gray have as heir house guests this week Mf. dray's nieces, Misses Rosa and Clyde dray, of Roanoke Rapids In Greenville Sunday Mrs. Val Teel, Mr. Cecil Arthur and Miss Ruby Teel visited in dreenvllle Sunday afternoon, flatting in JameavOlo Miss Glendora Ange. stndent nurse in a Washington hospital, is spending two weeks with her "par ents and sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ange and Miss Olive Ange. In JamesvUle. THAT'S RIGHT, MISTER, when your present oar gives out you'll have to walk. But here's a tip: You can help postpone that day by letting a Sinclair Dealer prolong the life of your oar. Sinolair Dealers offer you a special Sinclair ise service that does that very job! Just as American railroads, airlines and the U. S. Army use Sinolair lubricants to save wear on vital transportation equipment, so can Sinclair Dealers use specialized Sinolair lubricants to save wear on your car. Ask your nearby Sinclair Dealer about this servlea today. You'll find that Sinclair-ize service can save you money and worry, tool WHERE SINCLAIR-HE SERVICE SAVES WEAR roti UATTwnr CHASSIS ?Mil uortr M0T00 FM?rw NNU ?n am An nu SINCLAIR It. Oil IS AMMUNITION - USK IT WISEIY N. C. GREEN, Agent WILLIAWTON, N. C.

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