Fight For Home In A Foreign Uniform Fort Bragg?At least one Fort Bragg soldier is fighting for his country in a foreign uniform. He is Private Emil Reith, former Checho slovakian soldier, who is now a mem ber of the garrison at this largest of artillery posts. Private Reith considers himself lucky for at least two reasons. The first is that he, unlike his brothers who are now in German labor bat talions in Hungary, was able to flee from Czechoslovakia in the scarce interval of time between the Nazi occupation of the Sudentenland and their acquisition of the rest of Pri vate Reith's homeland. The second is that he is now privileged to be a member of one of the armies which will eventually restore the Czechs, who Private Reith says are conquer ed but not beaten, to their former free statue. Private Reith may prove to be | verv valuable tn lln/?l?a Qam #/>?? km s net unfamiliar with German Fifth Columnists and their methods. His last few weeks in Czechoslovakia were spent in rounding up a group )f these men whom he discovered ind turned over to the Czech police, with arrests resulting. By the time hey were caught, however, it was .00 late?so late, in fact, that Emi) ieith, acting on information he had icquired, left for the United States. Private Reith, who celebrated his 15th birthday on the day that he was nterviewed at Fort Bragg, com >ares life in the Army of the United States very favorably with his ex stence in the Czech Army. He was urprised to get butter on the table, :elery and lettuce and tomato sal ids served in a company mess, real ream in real coffee for breakfast, ind the abundance of good food that s characteristic of every mess hall n our American army. He wishes, lowever, that the barracks of this irmy were located, as were his bar acks in Czechoslovakia, within the ity limits of large cities instead of icing 011 reservations. Prescriptions We specialize in Prescriptions, compounding same just as your physician lias prescribed. 2 Registered Druggists Are ready to serve you at all times At Clark's Pharmacy Mail anil IMione Orilern Killed Promptly WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Special NOTICE To Our Customers To save precious rubber for the war effort, the Director of Defense Trans portation issued a general order to service industries which says: 1?We cannot make more than one slop ut each customer's residence in uny one day. This mean, . . lo pick up your laundry, your bundle mint! be reudy und available when we cull. To de liver vour laundry, WE MUST MAKE COLLEC TIONS AT THE TIME OF DELIVERY. If these rules are not complied with, we must postpone the delivery or pickup of your laundry until the fol lowing day. 2?Through u special governmental order we must reduce our truek mileage 25 per rent eaeh mouth below what it wan the name month laat vear. Charge account regulation* i**uc?l May 5, 1942, by the Federal Reserve Board require that eharge accounts must be paid in full by the 10th day of the second month following purchase. Under this requirement, the balance of your ac count at the end of May, 1942, should he remit ted in full not later than July 10, 1942, in order to permit further charges to your account ufter that date. We've already asked your coopera tion to help us save trucks and tires, in anticipation of the passage of this delivery curtailment ruling. NOW THAT IT HAS BECOME A GOV ERNMENT ORDER, we must com ply with it. The inconvenience caused by this order will mean a sacrifice to both of us. But we feel that it is a SMALL SACRIFICE, because it will enable us to CONTINUE SERVING YOU, and at the same time HELP OUR NATION IN ITS EFFORT TO WIN THE WAR. Thrnf Rule* Will Go Into Effect July First ? NO EXCEPTIONS TO THESE RULES WILL BE MADE. Lilley's Laundry WILLIAMSTON, N. C. 01 tiii: u.s. akmy W> MAJOR THOMAS H J ?RAPNELL M pi Hi MAC AWAAOCO T*.f DAS Also A LACBOSSf CAPTAIN. CPACK PIE LE SHOT AMD A E IMC POLO PI AVLK ? ?T -fcflllAPN i L TMfNRcrik ro SLtVUtv IN A SCOOT A< riCflNQ UP UOOOP SOCWlk S AMP *Al LS Nvi Interesting Bits Of Business In the V.S. The steady droop in the nation's department store sales curve has been bolstered with the June 7th week showing a 7 per cent rise ov er 1941. and the figures for tin font week period ending then being just even with the comparable time last year Looks as though price ceilings have sand-bagged living costs, at least temporarily. The Bur eau of Labor Statistics shows an av erage price increase of only one tenth of one per cent for 900 items, between May 2 and May 30 . . There was a press announcement of a re* port to be made to Government of ficials on possibilities of retreading tires with thiokol, a plastic com pound developed by Dow Chemical Company and worked over and tested by many experts in the auto, rubber and chemical industries . . . But all the experts still insist no laboratory miracles can change the basically grim rubber situation, and thi', regitir?'tTw>nf thai \y.' ^so every precaution and skill to make the rub ber we now have go as far as possi ble. FLAMING jvi or oh Milken a hlronger furnace anil will mil crack ami Hmokc like oilier infer ior inixliircH. I-arpc nloek of ItRICK, CEMENT ami FLAMIN GO on ham! to fix that barn or paekhoune. WILLI AMSTON SUPPLY CO. RERAIR SAVE Vet, 73, Jopis Up Saluting with all- the vigor of a youngster, 78-yrar-old Edward Eon ley of Lee, Nr H. is pictured after joining the navy once again. The Veteran sailui, who it-tired- in HIIKI, had already Served for 83 years. He returned to'duty as a first class en gineer. Interesting Tips On The Times hi II. S! Extension of gas rationing nation wide is still a much mooted topic, but Washington observers say the WPR; without sayirtg so officiary, feels that if people would voluntar ily cut down car driving by 50 perl cent, nationwide gas rationing prob ably wouldn't be necessary . . Bi cycles, frozen since early April, will be thawed out lor retail sale soon,, but only to purchasers proving qual-1 ifieations on a rationing basis; the OPA has set rigid ceilings on the "War Model" lightweight bikes, on ly type now allowed in lie inanufac tured. Some 10,000 have been releas ed lately, but strictly to war plant workers Farm labor shortages and power equipment pinch may mean a big comeback for profes sional threshermen in middle west. Illinois once had 18,000 of these, but in recent years individual farm own ership' of, combines and other ma chinery has reduced their ranks to about 0,000 $ M owl I*roilu< In Covered fly Price Hcfinlutionn F. S. Sloan, State program leader of the Extension service, quotes the OPA as saying that poles, posts, pil ing, split stock, mine timber, and similar semi-finished timber prod ucts are listed under the price ceil ing regulations. The maximum price for any of these products may be no higher than the highest price the Iseller charged for delivery of the j product in March, 1042 Logs are not under price control. BR INC US YOUR SCRAP RUBBER HELP WIN THE WAR! We will pay you lc a pound for all the old rubber of any kind you bring us. Service stations an- making no profit on this deal as you know; we are collecting it as a pa triotic service. Get up all the rubber you can find. Nothing is too small?not even pencil erasers. Pres ident Roosevelt has called for every piece of rubber you can find or spare. BRING IT IN TODAY ? NOW! Deliver Your Scrap Rubber To Your Nearest Texaco Station Harrison Oil Co. ' '(J fllXTY SIGE -he wants tcr know. Did Confucius say?Ther smarter ahi bo. ther blinder you see'' Or did ho say?Ther bliqder you ioo, thor shorter you bo? Now that railroad lawyer that ai ;afied two-three years ago. that of .'uu runther gas pipe-line thru. Goo ;y, hit would take or-way 20 milyun lollars incum frum thor rail-roads, ind do or-way with 2-thousand jobs or thor rail-road workers, and ben ?fit sum-body else, caus it could bo un-thru choaporn it could bo haul ?d-ovor. How cum he couldnt a bin Kjrnod a hundred your sooner, sos le could a-argafied a-ginst ther niildin of ther rail roads that put ho xo-cyarts, and ther river-steam ?rs. and ther flat-boats, and all thay 11red-hep plum down on thay up kms" Or u-ginst ther fram-tractors hat put thor mule-market on ther mm? Or ther makin of Tin Lizzis that nicked out ther buggy biziiess".' Peers lak one thor best things that iwyei kin do is to hedge off Telly kismn, sos hit wont black-out ther ante lites over thor pic.tur shows, ind thor-by save ther jobs for ther .isher boys, cause "Tolly" mout te.aze ther families to stay in homo and usin Iluiy own hat racks. Now. thor rail roads aint got no time to haul no gas. and thor homo-folks aint got :io hankonn for homo. And el Son 'tor Norris had lot ther lectrtc com panics scrap Muscle Shoals, Uncle Sam wouldnt have no white I it n in to back up his thunder with All brcaus of U S A C c H II I actios. So/i Of ('.liinett' Official Iris/it'cts KimuI* In IS. Raleigh Chang Clu Cheng may dot ho able to get back to his native China to inako-use ?>f his degree re-1 coived from Cornell last February in civil engmooring. but ho isn't wast-1 ing his time sitting around bemoan*' mg his troubles. Recently, Chang made an inspec- j tion of North Carolina's secondary | roads under the guidance of engin eers of the State Highway and Pub lie Works Commission. Chang explains ho is especially interested in gravel and dirt roads, aa in China there is little money to build the more expensive concrete or asphalt surfaced highways. Son of a Chinese government official, Chang hopes the passage to his na tive land, for which he has been waiting for four months, will be forthcoming soon. Though not expecting to enlist in the Chinese army, Chang does ex pect he will be attached to the arm- I t.'d forces as an engineer Incidentally, Chang is his family name, following Chinese custom, giv- i en names follow the surname. Interesting Bits of Agricultural News Inspection Free and mandatory inspection of bbaceo on 49 flUC-CUred tobacco narkets in the South has been ap proved in a special referendum by nore than 70 per cent of the farm ers voting. Rubber The sowing of 21,000 pounds of juayule on 520 acres has been com pleted in Salinas, California, as one iL the first steps toward providing \eeded rubber for the country Cans Because tin cans are likely to tax ransportation and other facilities ieeded for war purposes, TederaT nithorities are urging to public to ise fresh foods as much as possible. Confection A candy made from sweet pota oes and another from 3-day-old pread were among the wartime ex libits at the annual convention of he National Confectioners' Associa ion in New York. Food In his lifetime, a human being ?ojisumes a tremendous amount of food, tt boinf estimated that in TO year* he eat* 1400 times hi* body weight, or 200,000 pounds of mater ial. Dehydrated An important food factor in World War I, dehydrated meat, appears destined to play an even more im portant part in the winning of World (War II. Larger Products in larger domestic sup ply in the United States this year include fresh fruits and vegetables, fluid milk and cream, eggs. beef. wheat, lamb and mutton. Cash income from farm market ings in April for the entire country totaled $973,000,000. or 46 per cent higher than the $665,000,000 receiv -od m April of last year. Cotton Returns from marketings of lint and cottonseed per acre of cotton harvested increased from $30.13 in 1940 to $49.23 in 1941. the highest returns since 1919. 1 Return to Emporia Misses Louise Hall and Virginia Parker left Wednesday for Emporia They have been Miss Elizabeth Par ker's house guests for the past week Father's Day Sunday, June 21st C.onie in ami ire'll help y a a select the gift that nil I satisfy your taste, 11 I S need a n d your purse. HATS ? SWKATKRS ? SOCKS HIS ? PAJAMAS ? SlIIKTS ISRAELS CAROLINA TRAILWAYS WARTIME SCHEDULES t. ? Kffwtivr I IiiiimIuy. June 25 In order to cooperate fully with thu wartime plans of the Office of Defense Transportation in the speedy trans portation of service men, war workers and business men whose travel is vital to the war program, certain changes in our schedules are necessary. Many ol the travel features we en joyed during peacetime must now be put aside iui tliu duiution el tho war. Operating speeds will be slightly re duced Second sections of regular schedulos will be elimi nated unless they carry a sufficient number of passengers. Our schedules, where it best serves the needs of all, will be combined with those of other bus companies. Carolina Trailways is trying in every way to aid In the con servation of vital rubber and materials Per passenger, per mile we use only a small per cent of the rubber required by private cars . . . and our average mileage per tire is almost twice so great as that of a private car. You can help by getting your tickets and information on new schedule* in.advance . . by carrying as little baggage as possible and by doing your traveling during the middle of ^he week and leaving the week-end for service men and war workers, whose transportation is vital You may be inconvenienced ... we hope not! If you do not find travel now as pleasant as in peacetime, please remem ber that every available bus is doing its full job that it is impossible to get new equipment to carry the additional people who must travel . . . that helping America win the war is our first objective, as it is yours and every other American's CAROLINA TRAILWAYS