The Enterprise Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WEUJLAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA. W. C. MANNING Editor ? 1908-1938 SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY On* year 11.75 Six monthi 1.00 OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One year JUS Six months 1.25 No Subscription Received Under 6 Months Advertising Rate Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office in WiUiamston, N. C.. as second-class matter under the act of Con frees of March S, 1878. Address all communications to The Enterprise and not individual members of the firm. Friday, July 17, 1912. Commendable It can hardly be called sacrificing, but sure ly the Franklin (N. J.) high school seniors did a commendable act when they forfeited plans for a trip and turned the $500 over to the Unit ed Service Organizations. Too many of us have formulated the belief that when we alter our individual schedules and contribute in any way to the war effort we are doing some honest-to-goodness sacrificing. No doubt, many have sacrificed, especially in those cases where young men have surrender ed their lives. But in most cases back home it should be considered a privilege and not a sac rifice to render our individual wants and pleas ures secondary to the war effort and to the cause for which many are surrendering their lives. Man And llif Many SUles Taking an accurate measure, the Orphans' Friend in the following shows the many sides of man: In his spiritual or highest state man is of di vine origin; literally, he is made in the image of His Creator. No one should ever fail to hold this thought 111 mind, for it is his most inspiring and energizing conception. But the divine side of man is not always in manifestation. The opposite is sometimes true, as a writer in a religious publication reminds us with dashes of humor and vitrolic comment. That men show resemblance to various ani mals when they think and act contrary to the divine urge, is amply corroborated by the lives of those who try to expunge from earth the last vestiges of democracy and liberty. The comment of the publication referred to would be amusing except for the fact that the implications are so tragic. The truth of the brief sentences are so striking that a laugh is stopped in its tracks. Here is how man seems when he functions in his baser nature (passnm along the quotations!: "A monkey, when extremely humorous, with a touch of foolishness.'' It is easy to recall the type who wants to be known as a funny man or wit and to what absurdities some will go with clowning. "A wolf," continues the character analyst, "when inclined to tear and destroy." Hitler, Goebbels, et als, represent this type. Savagery and ruthlessness are innate with them. "A calf, when prolonging traits of childhood beyond their age periods." The man who will not grow up, and the simpering woman, amply show the characteristics of this type. Advancing age, with lessons to be learned and experience to be gained In every period, is relevant to life and youth must give way at the proper time. Age is honorable and necessary to progress. A bear, when surly or crusty." This fits many people on blue Mondays or when things go aw ry. The attitude is by no means pretty and fools no one into believing that it is one of strength or good judgment: "A dog, when passing extreme limits of im morality." This is a slur on the dog not the dis solute man. The dog is an animal who is us ually faithful unto death. He obeys and defends his master no matter what be the master's good points or bad ones. A very low man can de scend to depths impossible to the worst of dogs because of the differences in knowledge and po tentiality. "A worm, when willing to be stepped on by everybody." Lack of self-respect is degrading. The Creator thinks enough of a man to bring him into being and makes laws that will carry man to the heights. The highest right and hon or a man can have is the one given him at birtk ?Sonship. The possession of rights presupposes the right to defend them. Many men are too scrappy and they should manifest greater hu mility, but never the abjectness of the human "A leech, when drawing a dishonest living from the lives of others." A leech will Mood to the extent that he can hold it The hu man leach has the like quality of extracting life Mood to which he is not entitled. A better com parison for this parasitic type would be the vam ytet. "A porttyhie, whan ready to wound every one that comes in touching distance." In oth er words, the sadist The urge that leads to ty ing two cats by the tail to see them rend each other to death; the predilection for disseminat ing all the unsavory gossip picked up in the neighborhood; the desire to "get even" for fan cied wrong?these fit into the picture of the person of sadistic impulses who puts them in to practice. "A 'possum, when feigning sleep, or ignor ance of a matter." This is not necessarily a charge against man or 'possum. It is well at times not to see too much, hear too much, or know too much. It is a wise man who knows when to act in such matters and when to emu late the marsupial. "A hound, usually greyhound, when lean and agile and swift." That is a very commendatory comparison, but there is a kind of "onery' no 'count, flop-eared hound" that can outsteal a magpie and can out-howl any other animal. We find a small percentage of people like this in all large?and some small?groups, who have little appreciation of the values of meum te tu um and who bitterly bemoan their fate when caught in some discreditable act. "A tiger when disposed to attack with ve hemence and defend with fierceness." The ti ger is natural to the jungle and there law is that of tooth and slaw. Speed and ferocity are neces sary to the tiger's business. But the man pos sessing these traits, unless they are used in the last-ditch defense of the highest and most noble conceptions, makes himlike the racka teer and Hitlerite the worst sort of public en emy. "A mouse, when listening without pretend ing to be." Some mighty good folks are caught in the trap of this description. The attitude is not necessarily objectionable. There are times when it is proper and right to listen in on the passing phases of life, though the man who reads a letter not addressed to him or sticks his nose slyly into business that is none of his, has no justifiction. There is a lot of meanness, a lot of weak ness and much of ignorance, in man, taking him by and large. But he is growing out of these and into his higher nature. The deficiences can not be silenced away; it is not good sense to ig nore or deny them. But accent should always be given to the other side of man, the side that will overcome all and perfect him in the long course of development. It must be recalled that men everywhere are sacrificing oceans of "blood, sweat and tears" for an ideal; that men are daily risking, and sometimes losing, life in the search for remedies for life's ills; and, if it were known, that the small and great sacrifices undergone from day to day outnumber vastly the crimes small and great. The forces of edu cating and healing are gaining ground; the for ces of evil are receding .though they are desper ately trying to ward off the death blow. The supreme test involves every man. The promise of liberty and richer, fuller life is held bfore him, if he will only valiantly stick to the fight until totalitarianism is thrown into the scrap heap. We should not forget that there are no her renfolk, no race of supermen to dominate all other races. We should also not forget that there are no untouchables, no inspeakables on whom righteousness must vent scorn and ig nominy. It should be remembered, always that men have the divine in them; that their true inher ltance is great and noble. It is foolish and dis astrous to fall into the error of acting other wise. ?4 "Lost Generation" Sanford Herald. Another "lost generation" may be growing up in this section. This is a term generally ap plied to that group of youths who during the last great war were too young for military serv ice and were more or less left to their own de vices. As a result many got into the habit of frequenting night spots throughout the sec tion. They are trying desperately to appear as "men of the world" and~to lake the place dfTKe" young men who are in the armed forces. We have noticed these groups of youths on in numerable occasions. Frequently a group of soldiers will be sitting in a cafe, quietly eating a late 'snack' before going back to their ramp At a nearby table or booth will be a group com posed of the budding "lost generation," talking loudly,and making their presence annoyingly felt by everyone in the place. Frequently these youths have 'tasted of the grape' too freely and are exhibiting the effects. Ministers throughout the section have real ized this situation for some time but are at a loss how to cope with the matter. Many of these youths begin their wanderings early Saturday evening and continue until ungodly hows of Sunday morning. They then sleep until noon on Sunday, not bothering to go to church, rest ing up to begin the same round again Sunday night. These youths are not the responsibility of the town or county; they are the responsibility of their parents. It appears that some of the par ents of these youths frequently do not know or seem to care where they are, what they are do ing, or when they get home. We hope with all our hearts that the general laxity in homelife which comes with wartime conditions does not result in another "lost gen eration" and subsequent era of practically non m A Till "Gandhi proposes to treat the Japanese with silent contempt We tried that for years and It doesn't work, brother, it doesn't work." ? Omaha News-Herald. "I (UU Uey'ri looking for ikat robbor hom Bwtnkii burUd." &?/? MWiaV*M?in, Ottf. CHURCH NEWS CHURCH OF THE ADVEN1 7th Sunday after Trinity. Church school, 9:45 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon, 11 a. m. It is our honor to have the union service on Sunday night at 8:30 p. m. Dr. Burrell will be the preacher. METHODIST Church, school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship and sermon, 11 a. m. Subject, "The Year Uzziah Died." Union evening service at the Epis copal church at 8:30 p. m. Dr. W. R. Burrell. pastor of the Baptist church, will preach. Epworth league will meet at 7:30 p. m. Thursday evening prayer service, 8:30 p. m The W.S.C.S. will meet Monday, 4:00 p. m., at the church. HOLLY SPRINGS METHODIST The pastor will fill his regular ap pointment at Holly Springs Sunday at 4:00 p. m., and celebrate the sac rament of the Lord's Supper. All the members, who can attend, are ex pected to be present, and all others in the community are cordially in vited to worship with us. Jamesville Baptist Regular services at Jamesville Baptist Church Sunday. This will he our communion service. It is hoped that the membership will try to be present. We invited the church people in the town to come and wor ship with us. The .public is invited. BAPTIST Bible school. 9 45 a m. Lesson topic: "Cain and Abel: A Contrast." Morning worship, 11 a m. Medi tation Theme: "Consolations of Christ." Training Union, 7:30 p. m. Dis cussion topic: "Making Decisions " Evening worship, 8:30 p. m. Un ion service will be held at the Epis copal Church. Pastor Burrell will preach. Prayer and praise service, 8:30 p. m., Thursday. ^ Penalty A preliminary cotton marketing quota penalty rate of eight cents a pound for the 1942-43 marketing year has just been announced by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. THE LETTER-BOX To The Editor: VOLUNTEER A few weeks ago a meeting was called by Hugh G. Morton, chairman, Martin County Civilian Defense, and W. I Skinner, coordinator, at which meeting the entire county was in vited to attend. There were about 50 present, when there should have been 500 present. On Wednesday night, July 8th, another meeting was called and a representative came down from the U. S. air protection post from Norfolk to talk to citizens about the urgent need for civilian volunteers in manning observation posts, fire departments, and other vital points in case of an air attack. There were about 15 present when there should have been 500 present. The men here from Norfolk told us our Martin County civilian posts were the worst they had inspected in three states, namely, North Caro lina, Virginia and West Virginia. This is NOT the fault of Mr. Horton, Mr. Skinner, Mr. J Paul Simpson, Mr. Hall or any of the others in command. It is the fault of we aver age (asleep) citizens. These posts canhot be manned unless there are about 500 or more volunteers, and at present there are about 75. I think it high time we were waking up to the fact that it is possible, and high ly probable, that we will be the first to get a taste of that bitter medicine called "bombing" if and when Ger many or Japan decides to do that work. I am reminded of a song I heard years ago that goes like this: Some of these mornings about four o'clock, This old world's gwin real and rock. We say "that can't happen to us." It can happen; it will happen. And after it hus happened it will be too late to sign up and try to protect your home, your town, or your sur rounding community. One morning at six o'clock, Pearl Harbor did real and rock. And from all accounts that we have, the Generals, Majors, and others in command, said IT CAN'T HAPPEN" TO US, evernSIter they were notified that the planes were in the air and on their way to give Pearl Harbor HELL. It did happen to them, it can happen to us, and un less we get on our toes so that we can report any and all kind of hap penings, it will happen to us. The Williamston observation post is manned 24 hours a day by one man and his wife. A post 3 miles north from Washington is manned 24 hours a day by one lady and her daughter. A post six miles south from Williamston is manned 24 hours a day by one man and his wife. And this does not take into account the several other posts that are scatter ed throughout the county and man Milk Deliveries In Vance Increase Considerably Milk deliveries to Vance County routei has now reached 260 gallons daily, with the amount expected to be increased considerably when two new extensions are added to the es tablished routes. ned almost entirely single handed. Yet you and I dt idly by quarreling about the gas rationing, sugar cards, or the tire scarcity, and don't seem to give a dam how soon Tojo sends his Hell Divers over to kill the last man, woman, boy and girl in Martin County. We were told recently by those in authority that if civilian defense was on the job, and reported all planes they saw to the proper officials, that if a squadron of enemy planes should, come into the U. S. they would be intercepted within 15 minutes, but under the present loose way that this is handled, they could fly in, do their damage, and get out without meet ing any resistance. ?Lot'u go to the official of civilian defense and VOLUNTEER. It will not pay you a cent, but it will insure us against probable disaster. In Wil liamston you can go to the old Guar anty Bank building and register. Don't bellyache, but instead. Coop erate. NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina. Martin County. As provided for in Section 2688 of the Consolidated Statutes of North Carolina, notice is hereby given that the Town of Williamston will offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in the Town of Williamston on Monday, July 27, 1942, the follow ing described tracts of land in the Town of Williamston. to-wit: Lot No. 1: Being Lot No. 16 in the . ,?joining Amy 1 on the Wert fronting Mectt Street 78.8 sad running back to tWa paral lel lines South 41-48 MM to the depth of 138 feet, belntthe same land purchased from Williams ton Land and Improvement Company by George Rice and Jane Rice of record in Book E-l, page 112 of the Martin County Public Registry. Lot No. 2: Beginning 78 feet from Broad Street on a street at the cor ner of Lot No. 1, in Block B in the Moore Field plot, thence Eastward ly along the line of Lots 1 and 2 about 130 feet to Lot Ne. 4, thence Southwardly along Lot No. 4 to Jane Rice's beck corner, thence along Jane Rice's corner about 180 feet to a street, thence along said street to the beginning, and being the same land purchased of H. M. Burras by George and Jane Rice. Lot No. 3: Beginning at the cor ner of Pine and North Streets in the Williamston Land and Improvement Company, Moore Held running North 42 degrees East 72.8 feet to Augustus Purvis' corner, thence along his line South 41 3-4 degrees East 130 feet, thence South 42 de grees West 72.8 feet to Pine Street, thence North 41 3-4 degrees West along Pine Street to the beginning and being Lot No. 19 and being same land put chased fiurn Williauuton Land and Improvement Company on the 24th of October, 1004, and re corded in Book MMM, page 229, and also being the same land deeded to Clarence W. Griffin by B. A. Critch er. Trustee, on August 9th. 1041, of record in Book C-4 at page 121. This the 29th day of June, 1042. TOWN OF WILLIAMSTON, By J. L. Hassell, Mayor. R. L. Coburn. Atty. jy3-4t CH%66 ^UQUa IMUSS. (MM. SOM MM We Buy Rubber WE WILL CONTINUE TO BUY RUBBER AT lc Per Pound Don't Forget Thit Week It The Beginning Of The SCRAP IRON AND STEEL COLLECTION CAMPAIGN WE PAY TOP PRICES for all waste materials. We bought and sold 30,000 pounds of rubber during the recent campaign. Williamston Parts and Metal Company Mr. Farmer! BRING US WHAT PeanutsY ouHave Left Over From Seed Whether SHELLED Or UNSHELLED And We Will Buy Them! WE PAY Top Market Price WILLIAMSTON Peanut Company: PEI1DER Quu/iti/ loon Stowi ?? \ - : " Triangle Plain or Self-Riting Flour 12-lb. bag 51c Honey Nut OLEO, 1-lb. pkg. ..17c PURE LARD, 1-lb. pkg. ...... 15c PURE LARD. 44b. carton ... ,59c Aunt Bf'lty Blackeye Peas, 2 No. 2 cans ... 25c Del Monte Grapefruit Juice, 47-oz. can .. .23c ? Sunsweet Prunes, 2 Lib. pkgs. . 27c CHEESE 29c pound Ballard'i Enriched Obelisk Flour 12-lb. bag 71c Red Mill Smooth, Creamy PEANUT BUTTER, lfroz. jar 27c Seottiseue _3 rolls 23c Soft-Were _3 rolls 25c Scottowels, roll 10c Holders, each 21e HAMBURGER, pound 25c VEAL SHOULDER CUTS, lb. 31c COLONIAL BACON, pound .. 35c STRIP BACON, pound 29c

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