The Enterprise Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILLIAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA. W. C. MANNING Editor ? 190119 Jg SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cuh In Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY Oat year ?1.7S Six months 1.00 OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One year 4MB Six months 1.25 No Subscription Received Under fl Months Advertisini Rate Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office in Williamston, N. C, as second-class matter under the act of Con gress of March 3. 1879. Address all communications to ITie Enterprise and not individual members of the firm. Friday, July 31, 1942. Work For A Balanced Economy I While a balanced economy in this uncertain period is beyond all hope, much can be accom plished by working for an improved economy. Those who are sharing freely in the wealth of the land now should lay something aside for the proverbial rainy day, for the man who squanders all today cannot, in the eyes of that which is fair and just, demand succor and re lief when adversity comes tomorrow. The man who is satisfied with a mere relief pittance and refuses to accept a job that is beg ging for him now is working against a balanc ed economy. In addition to inviting condemna tion, he is courting want and possibly poverty later on. The indifference to poverty and want and the apparent refusal to even try and do something about it back in the early thirties paved the way for vast relief appropriations and subsidies in the following years. Those who have been favored and are being favored now Should realize that their indifference to pies ent conditions may bring trouble down upon themselves in time to come. If they take ad vantage of their opportunities now and fail, they may gain a receptive ear in the future should times of stress present themselves. If they refuse to act in their own behalf when they are able to do so, then their cries may go unheeded. It is certain that our economic system has been thrown out of adjustment in some cases, that possibly quite a few persons are experienc ing hardships and limited opportunities at the best, but despite the mal-adjustment there is now no need for increased relief budgets, wholesale subsidies and a back-breaking im provement program that could certainly await the end of the war. If the government is trying to carry on too much or if the recipients are not willing to accept some part of the burden now, either one or both may come to regret the error of his ways. It behooves the everyone of us as individuals or groups to work hard for a balanced econo my. To settle down to real business and cut out the frivolities may have some effect in possibly quite a few cases, but to continue on our present course is to invite chaos later. Entering A Second I'hate Production for the war effort is entering its second phase in this country, and as it prog resses toward that goal an increasing effort on the part of everyone must accompany the march, maintaining a safe lead that the war wheels may continue to turn without interrup tion. ? Drives for scrap materials have been con ducted throughout the nation possibly more extensively in some sections than in others. For the most part the early collections of scrap were used to erect mills and factories and greatly increase production capacities. The expansion program constituted the first phase of this na tion's war production program. All that was necessary, but the test is coming in the second phase of the production program or in the act ual production of guns, ammunition, supplies and materials for the war effort. If we had to scour the country for enough scrap to handle the first phase of the production program, it should be clear to everyone now that the scour ing process will have to be repeated with more pep and vigor than ever before. If the nation's steel furnaces are to keep burning full blast during the next twelve months, 750,000 carloads of scrap must be gathered here and there and. everywhere and delivered to the mills without intrruption. The second phase of the war production pro gram is on. We as individuals back home must support it, and an appeal to Martin County peo ple is being issued, urging them to make ready for the continued collection of scrap metals. A r rid flit* Claim Shocking Toll Labor. "Killed, not in action: 102,000." Under that startling headline the latest issue of the New York "Times" Magazine, presents shocking facts compiled by William A. Irvin, chairman, War Production Fund to Conserve Manpower. Last year accidents killed 102,500, more than twice the number of American soldiers killed in France during the first World War; left 250.000 persons permanently disabled and in flicted minor injuries on 9,000,000 more. Mr. Irvin asks how such an appalling situa tion may be met and replies: "Some of the big war plants have increased the scope of their safety programs to keep pace with new conditions, but with many of them production operations have outdistanced safe ty measures. Moreover, most of the smaller plants have little or no safety as we know it." Finally, Mr. Irvin insists that "only one plant out of every eight has a proper safety program." It wasn't so long ago that the "Times" and other big dailies were screaming about the loss in war production caused by strikes. But acci dents in 1941, according to Mr. Irvin, "cost pro duction 480,000,000 man-days of labor time." By comparison, time lost during the same per iod because of strikes was a mere drop in the bucket. We arc not arguing in favor of strikes. Or ganized labor has decreed that in wartimes the strike weapon shall not be used except in the most extreme cases. The National War Labor Board declares that, in proportion to the vast ly increased employment in war industries, man-day losses in such industries because of strikes are running about one-fifteenth of last year's figures. We feel we are justified in emphasizing that while labor unions have sacrificed many of their hard-won rights in order to win the war, "only one plant out of every egiht" has an ade quate safety program, and that a failure to adopt such a program is hampering our war effort at least ten times as much as all the strikes of the last two years. Not All Bail While it may not all be good, surely it is not' all bad that comes out of the labor ranks, or even out of capital and management. The story is not heralded in the press along with the bad, but the USO acknowledges the gift of $19,017 from the United Mine Workers in a small Ken tucky district. Maybe it has been a common error to point out all the bad things and mention not the good things done by labor, capital and even crimi nals. Risking Lives Fatal accidents, traceable to slick or worn tires, are increasing. This does not mean that the total number of accidents has or is increas ing; it means that people are risking their lives by driving on slick tires. The condition has been described as alarming, first because the number of accidents traceable to that cause is increasing, and second because some people value travel and speed more than they do hu man life. How To Live In a World Like Ours By REV. Z. T. PIEPHOFF Pastor, Presbyterian Church We are living in a time that is try ing men's souls. In a world of uncer tainty, of acute hardships, of delu sions, and suffering our ability to live happily is being severely test ed Men are today fronting the ques tion?"Is it possible to live happily in a world like ours?", and if so? "How?" Napoleon once said, "Men grow old quickly on the battlefield." Charles Lamb said, "Our spirits of ten grow grey before our hairs." All of which means that if we want to be happy we must stay young. Young in spirit if not in years. We must not lose the romance of living. When lost the romance of living cannot tie restored By simply going places and seeing things. To resort \to please and good times is restore the rest of simply being alive is putting the cart before the horse. Pleasures, sensations, thrills are the natural results of and not the cause of the romance of happiness. You can live happily in this world of ours, if you will only take time to live. We're in too big a hurry these days. The green light psychology of life has gotten us down. Our hurried way of life has given many of us cases of nerves, high blood pressure, and heart ailments. A group of Americans were mak ing their way through Africa. At the seaport they employed a group of natives to accompany them, telling them that they were in a great hur ry. The first day they went at a rap id pace through the jungle. The sec ond day they went even faster. The third day as they prepared to get an early start they found the natives resting under the trees. In bewilder ment the Americans asked the na tives why they weren't ready to trav el and the natives answered, "To day we will spend in resting, in or der that Our souls may catch up with our bodies." "Man cannot live by bread alone." We do not live to work, we work to live. Surely God does not intend for us to wear out our nervous systems, and starve our souls, by being in such a hurry all the time. Don't be in such a hurry ? take time to live?and life will be hap pier. i. You can live happily in this world af ours if you will live just one day at a time. Quit worrying over things that have already happened. Don't count your chickens before they hatch. Stop crossing bridges before you come to them; and stop living in daily fear over things that are go ing to happen. This is the way Jesus put it: "Take no anxious thought of tomorrow, suf ficient unto the day is the evil there of." Live each day to the full; Live one day at a time; and you will be hap pier. Sir William Osier advises that we adopt the principle of water-tight compartments which are used in the construction of ocean going steam ers? Says he?"The surest way to in sure safety on the voyage of life, is to break it up in day-tight compart ments. Get on the bridge yourself, be the Captain, touch a button and shut out the past?the dead years, Touch another button and hear the iron doors as they shut out the un born years of the future, then you are safe?safe for today." George Herbert's advice is even better. Says he?"Undress your souls at night, not by self-examination, but by shedding, as you would a gar ment, your daily sins, sorrows, and disappointments, and you will awak en the next morning a free man ? happy, satisfied and expectant, with a new life within." Do you want to be happy? Then remember your youth. As a youth you were always glad when the morning came. Then it was grand and glorious just to be alive. Every day was a great day, and you were going to make and did make each day the happiest day of your life. Today is not just another day. Each day is a new day?another op portunity to be happy. Stop being in such a hurry; take time to live. Stop being cumbered about with the cares CHURCH NEWS CEDAR BRANCH Regular services at Cedar Branch Baptist Church Sunday. Your pas tor will be looking for you, your ab sence is always noted by him. So try and fill your seats in these serv ices. The public is invited. CHURCH OF THE ADVENT 9th Sunday after Trinity. The Collect. Grant to us, Lord, we beseech thee, the spirit to think and do al ways such things as are right; that we, who cannot do any thing that is good without thee, may by thee be enabled to live according to thy will; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Church school 9-45 a tn. Celebration of the Holy Commun ion and sermon at 11 a. m. The Rev. Leon Malone, Rector of St. An drew's by the Sea, and a former Communicant of this Church, who is now going into chaplain's corps of the armed forces of our country, will be the celebrant We wish him Godspeed in his new work. The union service on Sunday night will be in the Methodist church at 8:30 o'clock. Dr. Burrell will be the preacher. There will be a joint meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary and St. Eliz abeth's Auxiliary at Mrs. N. C. Green's on Monday at 5:00 o'clock; at which time the reports will be given by those who attended the adult conference at Kanuga. The reports will be given by Mrs. J. Paul Simpson, Mrs. Reg Simpson, Mrs. C. B. Clark, Jr., and Mrs. John Hardy. * BAPTIST Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Public worship at 11 a. m. Sermon subject, "Grace Sufficient." Training Unions: 7:30 p. m. Union service at 8:30 o'clock at the Methodist Church. Preacher, W. R. Burrell. Sermon subject, "The Glory That Is To Be." A very special invitation is ex tended to you and your friends. METHODIST Church school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship and Holy Com munion, 11 a. m. Union evening service at our church, 8:30 p. m., with Dr. W. R. Burrell, pastor of the Baptist church, preaching. A hearty welcome is ex tended to all. The circle of the W. S. C. S. will meet with Mrs. D. N. Hix at the home of Mrs. Mary Bonner Gurgan us, Monday afternoon at five p. m. All the members are asked to be present. Thursday evening devotions at the church, Thursday at 8:30 o'clock. Emphasis is laid upon the spiritual needs of our people during these un certain times at these services. ? HOLLY SPRINGS METHODIST The pustor will fill his regular semi-monthly appointment at Holly Springs Sunday afternoon at four o'clock. The community is cordially invited to be present. of yesterday and the fears of tomor row. Take life as it is today and be happy! NOTICE North Carolina Martin County. In The Superior Court. S. E. Sprague vi. Helena S. Sprajue The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, to secure an abso lute divorce based upon two years separation; and the defendant will further take notice that she is re quired to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County within thirty (30) days and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This the 28th day of July, 1M2. L. B. WYNNE. jy31-4t Clerk Superior Court. Jo HfUtv* MUtry (jpfctU ^oomMMUW* MOS Dodgers Triumph Over Braves, 14-3 In Tuesday's playoff of last Fri day's postponed game, Sam Zemon pitched the up-and-coming Dodgers to a 14-3 triumph over the hapless Braves. After allowing the Braves only four hits and one run in 3 2-3 innings, Sam was removed from the mound and his place was taken by William Lilley and Lasaiter. The score was 11-1 in favor of the Dodg ers when Captain Manning decided to "save" the little twirler. The Dodgers made the work of their pitchers easy as they played | brilliantly behind them throughout the game, and they hopped on the offerings of "Cousin" Ham Price for six runs on as many hits, a sacrifice, an error and a fielder's choice in the initial stanza, which turned out to be enough to win the game. The Braves scored a third of their runs in the first on a single by Hoke Rob and another ana bagger by Saunders. The winners tallied four more times in the fourth, the highlight being a well-hit homer by Haywood Wynne wit htwo men on base. For the losers, George Cunning ham played a good game at third base and made one hit in two trips to lead his mates, along with H. Roberson and Saunders, each with two hits for four times at bat. C. Summerlin, substitute second baseman, hit once in one trip to have the best average for the winners, while H. Wynne was the real leader with a pair of singles and a homer for four trips. Cherry and G. Wynne each had 2 for 4. The bene: Braves Ab S ? Harrell, as -4 0 1 H. Roberaon, If A 1. 2 Saunders, lb 4 1 2 Spivey, cf-c -3 0 1 Crockett, c-cf 3 0 1 Hurley, 2b _3 1 1 J. Griffin, rf J 0 1 G. Cunningham, 3b 2 0 1 Davenport, sf .....J 0 0 Price, p 3 0 0 Totals 32 3 10 Dodgers Ab B H Wobbleton, c 3 2 1 Eagles, if 4 3 1 H. Wynne, 3b 4 <2 3 Cherry, lb 4 2 2 G. Wynne, cf 4 1 2 C. Summerlin, 2b 1 0 1 Cowen, 2b 3 1 0 Boykin, ss 4 2 1 Lassiter, rf-p .4 1 1 S. C. Griffin, sf .... 2 0 0 Jack Manning, sf _ 2 0 0 W. Lilley, p-rf .2 0 1 Zemon, p 2 1 1 Totals 41 14 14 Score by innings: R Braves 100 101 00? 3 ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad ministratrix of the estate of the late J. S. Ayers, deceased of Hamilton. Martin County, this is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to exhibit them to the under signed for payment on or before June 29, 1943, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This the 29th day of June, 1942. MRS. CHARLOTTE AYERS, Administratrix of the late jn30-6t J. S. Ayers Estate. PENDER QUALITHMjOO^STORES 'Take Part Of Your Change In War Stamps5* fender's Best FLOUR, 12-11). hag 61c High Mark Plain or Self Rising FLOUR. 12-lh. hag 47c Grapefruit Juice, 47 oz 23c Briar field Shoe Peg CORN, 2 No. 2 cans 25c (Colonial Peaches, No 2^ can 19c Salad Treat Mayonnaise, pint jar 27c Kelloggs Rice Krispies, 2 pkg?. 25c Vabisco Graham Crackers, 1-lb. box _12c The Health Soap Lifebuoy, 3 cakes - _20c For Whiter Wash Rinso, large pkg. __25c Griffins White Shoe Palish, bottle _ 10c Sterling Plain or Iodised Salt, 2 2-lb. pkg*. _ _ 13c Land o* Lakes CHEESE, lb 30c Tender BEEF STEAK, lb 35c Hockless Tenderized Picnics, lb. 29c Branded CHUCK ROAST, lb. 25c RIB SIDE MEAT, lb 20c SLICED BACON, pound 32c Meaty NECK BONES, lb 10c JULY CLEAN UP SALE THOUSANDS OF FINE BARGAINS TO SELECT FROM This Sale la Devoted Entirely To SUMMER WEARING APPAREL The teuton may he late hut this merchandite will keep until next year! This sale embraces every item of sum mer wearing apparel in our store? whether it he in the men's, ladies9 or children's departments. Buy now while prices are lower than you'll see them in a long time. This Sale Began THURSDAY July 30th. Stocks are still com plete and we can out fit any member of the family. If you are conservative and wise you will stock up with summer wearing ap parel at these low prices. Every item on sale will be higher next year and it may be next to impossible to dupli cate the quality. ? THE YEAR'S Best Values Now Being Offered At ThU CLEAN-UP SALE! BELK - TYLER COMPANY - Williamston v y ? ~ v -- * -

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