PAT PAT n n HI ENTERPRISE OVUTMITOP Uf? y FOR VICTORY ATjr/ pp DAT ?rap MMH-un toum i L J nu 'Wfi own#surawu ^ BONOS-STAMPS VOLUME XLV?NUMBER 64 , Williamtton, Martin County, North Carolina, Friday, August 14, 1942. ESTABLISHED 1899 More Tires Allotted By Rationing Board In County Thursday Advance Reports Point To u Big Reduction in Allot ments (or Next Month Meeting in regular session here yesterday, members of hte Martin County Rationing Board, Messrs. C. C. Martin. H. L Roebuck and J. A. Everett, allotted more tires, and rxpiiased the opinion that the out look for tire replacements is not at all encouraging. An unofficial re port states that the September tire allotment for the county will be ma terially decreased, possibly by one just as Martin County farmers start moving their crops to market in a sizable scale. No new automobile tires were is sued by the board here yesterday, but quite a few new truck tires were allotted and the rationers were in deed liberal with certificates for re capping service. However, it has been pointed out that it is about as hard to buy a recapped tire as it is to buy a brand new one, but those vehicle operators having tires suitable for recapping can get the service once certificates are issued them. New truck tires were issued to the following: J. W Bedwell, Jamesville, two tires and two tubes for logging op erations J. S. Whitman, Robcrsonville, one I tire and one tube for hauling hands and feed, tools and fuel to and from job. Day lite Bakery. Rocky Mount, one tire for delivery of bakery products Harrison Oil Company, Williams ton, one tire for oilfancl fuel deliver ies. H. L. Davis, Jamesville, one tire and tube for hauling ice and fuel. W. C. Hopkins, RFD, Williamston two tires and tubes for hauling logs Fred D. Ayers, RFD 2, Williams ton. two tires and two tubes for haul ing defense workers Recapped tires for trucks and trailers were issued 16 the follow ing: Jag T. Spencer, Jamesville, four tires for hauling lumber. D. C. Peel, Everetts, two tires and tubes for general farm work Tbos. B Slade, Hamilton, two tires and one tube for farm. Harry Jones, Williamston, four tires for general hauling John W Gurkin, Williamston three tires for hauling farm prod ucts. J. T. Allen, Williamston, two tires for trailer. Eugene Roberson, Robersonville, two trailer tires. Recapped tires for cars were is sued to the following: J. J. Bennett, Everetts, one tire for selling patent medicines. Alvin Lowe Thompson, Williams ton, two tires for conveying machin ist. John Stalls, Oak City, four tires and three tubes for farm L. J. Hardison, RFD 1. Williams ton, two tubes for farm. John Weldon Hardy, Oak City, two tires for farm. Obsolete tires were allotted to the following: Noah T Tice, RFD 1, Williamston, two trailer tires and tubes for farm. J. F Matthews, Robersonville, one trailer tire tube for farm. C. A. Alcox, RFD 1, Bethel, two car tires and two tubes, for farm. W. H. Ourganus, Williamston, one trailer tire and one tube, for farm. Leslie S. Ayers, Williamston, one car tire and tube for farm. Hubert Clark, Everetts, two truck tires and tubes for farm. Mrs. Alonza Allen, RFD 3, Wil liamston, one trailer tire and tube (Continued on page six) ? County Loses Nine Teachers To Army ??? In addition to losing a large num ber of teachers to tempting defense joba, the county school system has been dealt a hard blow by the armed services. Nine young men, either vol unteering or answering draft calls, will not refurn to their places in the county schools this fall, the office of the superintendent announced yesterday Williamston lost five of the nine. TTtey are Professors Jack Butler, Sam Edwards, Harvey Yates, Ronald J. Slade and James Hamilton Mason Oak City will miss two, Wood row B Suggs who is now soldiering in Ire land, and Elmer Pur low. Professor rurlow volunteered for service in the Army Air Corps and is await ing his call. It is possible that he will be able to teach a short time before receiving the call to report for duty. Farm Life is losing Professor D T. Ward who was deferred for a few months while he was engaged in farm work during the summer per iod. Only one colored teacher, Profes sor John Paul Dennis, has been call ed into the service. A member of the local colored school faculty, Dennis entered the service near the close of the last session snd was In Wyo ming according to the last report re ceived here. It is not very likely that many of the group will be replaced by male MOVE IN ON SOLOMON ISLANDS Trained in special warfare, groups like the one pictured above recently moved against the Solomon Islands in the Pa cific where late reports maintain that one of the greatest sea battles in all history is going into its ninth day. RAINFALL More rain has fallen in this immediate section during the past eight or nine days than had been reported for any entire month since last March. The 4.74 inches reported in the past few days were about half the amount recorded for the four months of April, May, June and July. It Is unusually wet in some parts of the county. Farmer Ben nett in the Oak City community, stating that ft was so wet and the ground so soft hr could not harvest his tobacco. In other sections it is not near so wet. Fed by rains along the upper reaches of its watershed, the Ro anoke is breaking out of its banks here, and is expected to reach a crest of about 10 feet or about eight to ten inches over the banks next Monday. Japanese Bleeding Conquered People To Carry On War ? > ??? Former Missionary To Lhinu Tells How Jups Solve Their Financial Problems By DR. CHAS. A. l.iONAKI), SR Returned China Missionary "Where does Japan secure money for carrying on this war?" we are sometimes asked. An American banker in the city of Harbin, Man churia (Manchukuo), said to me as far back as four years ago: "Japan's gold reserves will soon be exhausted. Her war with China is going to bankrupt her. She would never be so foolish as to attempt a war with the United States because her re sources are at so low an ebb." This man, as many others, lost sight of two things: 1. While Japan forbade her peo ple and those living in occupied areas from sending money abroad for pur chases, other nations, including Am erica in particular, continued to buy from Japan anything she wanted to sell. As far back as three years be fore the break with Japan, the writ er tried for four months to obtain permission to send from Manchuria money to a missionary in America for the purchase of a rebuilt type writer to be him to Man churia for use in our North Man churia Mission. A dozen trips wen made to the Manchukuo (Japanese) bank for the permit. I was finally told that residents of Manchuria could purchase goods only from Ja pan. The Japanese government closed the "Open Door" as soon as she took Manchuria by refusing permission for money to be sent anywhere ex cept to Japan. Goods cannot be bought without money, so it was not long until all foreign goods .except Japanese, disappeared from Korea, from Manchuria and other occupied parts of China It was then that our Government should have taken action against Ja pan, for she violated her treaties in not only taking Manchuria, but also (Continued on page six) STATEMENTS Closing out t,SM accounts in the last ten months, Martin County Tax Collector M. Lu ther Peel is making ready to place in the mails about the lat ter part of next week, JJH state ments of account. Carried in sealed envelopes the statements list the unpaid taxes plus penal ty and warns that the sale of real property and confiscation of personal effects will follow in the due course of time in the event settlement is not made. WMie the number of accounts seems to be of large sixe, the un paid accounts hardly total |W, MO. At the end of the last fiscal tax period there were about I, 7M unpaid tax acoo Judge R. L. Cobuin Hears Number Cases In Session Monday orili'r*H Court \re (irailually lni'n>a?iii|{ Year by Year The number of cases with some few exceptions, of course, is grad ually increasing in the Martin Coun ty Recorder's Court Three years ago and just before Hitler started his bloody conquest of the world, there were only five cases on the court docket for the session convening the second week in August. A year la ter in 1940 as the war began to spread, there were nine cases on the court docket f?r the corresponding week in August. Last year the num ber jumped to twelve, and now, a time when crime could well step off the stage and release that much more energy to the war effort, there are sixteen cases to claim the atten tion of the court. Possibly the num ber of cases is independent of the war, but there is a definite trend toward crime as the war comes near er and nearer to us. A few years ago there were no cases ^charging defendants with as saulting members of the fair sex. Now, those cases take up much space on the docket with the drunks crowd ing in all the while for a greatei space on the docket. Last Monday, Judge R L. Coburn called sixteen cases for trial Work ing rapidly Judge Coburn and So licitor Paul D. Roberson cleared the docket in a little over two hours. The attendance upon the session was larger than usual. The proceedings: The case charging Moses Gilliam with violating the liquor laws was nol pressed. The case charging S. L. Woolard with an assault with a deadly wea pon was continued under prayer for judgment for the duration of the war as the defendant is a member of the amed forces Pleading not guilty in the case charging him with bastardy, Joe Frank Mayborn (Mabrey) was ad judged guilty. He was directed to pay $2 a week for the benefit of the child during the next two years, pay the court costs and reappear at the end of that time for further judg ment. The case charging David Bowen with assaulting a female was contin ued for ttredefendant until next Monday. The case was called and it is understood that the defense coun sel was planning to plead him guil ty. The prosecuting witness, Lucy Whitehurst, was called to the wit ness stand and refused to testify. She was ordered jailed in contempt of court, but it was later learned that she was afraid to prosecute the case and she was released the following day from jail. Judgment was suspended upon payment of the costs in the case charging Jesse Warren with an as sault with a deadly weapon. The case charging J T. Briley with assaulting a female was continued until next Monday. Judgment was suspended upon (Continued on page *ix) t Lightning Shocks Family Slightly Veril Leggett, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Redden Leggett. was slightly burned and several other members of the family were shock ed but not severely burned during the electrical storm in Bear Grass Township late last Wednesday af ternoon. None of the family was hurt badly enough for medical atten tion, but all of them were badly frightened. -* Striking an oak in the yard, the lightning b?R ripped modi berk from the tree and slightly shocked members of the family standing in the back porch. Some hail fell in the Bear Grass area during the storm, but accord ing to reports, it did no great dam age S UNCLE SAM BATTLING TO UPHOLD America's Freedom THE 35TH WEEK OF THE WAR Admiral William D. Leahy, the President's Chief of Staff, in a radio broadcast August 9th marking the fust?ainuvei'sjiy uf?Htt?Atlant charter, said "this war will probably be long. It will* be the toughest, hardest, most merciless war we have ever fought. It calls for the united power of every American. in uni form and out of uniform, on the fil ing line and on the production line . . I have no doubt of America's de cision." President Roosevelt, in a message read on the broadcast, said "great progress" has been made in the bat tle of production, but "in terms of what will be required to defeat our enemies we have only just begun to get into our stride." Elmer Davis. Director of the Office of War In formation, said America's conver sion job has largely been completed; the emphasis h^w must be transfer red from finished goods to the raw materials from which they are made. "We will get them?by full use of existing facilities, and by tapping new, or marginal, or abandoned sources of supply We will develop new processes, eliminate waste, and work for full salvage by every citi zen," Mr. Davis said. Vice Chairman Batt of the War program, said the public must see to it that all waste and scrap metal is collected and "sent to the mills ? quickly. There is plenty of iron and steel scrap . . That must get back to the furnaces it the steel needed for the war is to be produced. You and I can help by keeping our eyes open " In a general review of the war sit uation, the Office of War Informa tion said June production of military planes fill slightly behind schedule, despite the fact that the U. S. made more planes than any other country hi the world The same was true of tanks, of most types of artillery, and of naval vessels, the OWI said. Be cause of enemy submarine activity, the office said, it probably will-be well into 1943 before we equal mer chant shipping as of December 7, 1941. The WPB announced inauguration of a nationwide inventory of used construction machinery to be made through WPB field offices in an ef fort to place an estimated 500,000 (Continued on page six) ? Thirteen Colored Schools in County Opened Yesterday t No Shortage of TeacherH Re polled Anions (iolor ed faeu 11 ii'H No attendance reports could be had immediately, but it was learned that there was no teacher shortage baffling the authorities when thir teen of the colored schools opened the new 1942-43 term in the county yes terday Realizing that many of the pupils would be needed in harvest ing the cotton crop several weeks from now and at the request of pa trons, the school authorities decided to start thr term for thr thirtrrn schools three weeks ahead of the schedule adopted for the other schools in the county If the attend ance does not measure up to expec tations during the next few days, a holiday will be declared .school of ficials stating that no advanced schedule could be announced in case it is found necessary to suspend op erations soon after the early open ing The schools at Cross Roads, Pop lar Point, Robersonvilie, Parmele, Gold Point, Everetts, White Oak Sorings, Hamilton, Bowers, Jones, Whichard-James, Oak City and Sals bury opened the term yesterday. Most of the schools are located in the main cotton-producing areas in the county, and officials were of the belief that attendance figures would be higher in the early season than during cotton-picking time. It is the first time in years that any schools in the county were opened (Continued on page six) 1 FORWARD 1 V > It has been up until recently, at least, a forward season for cot ton and grapes. As far back as the fifteenth of July a few far mers were reporting open bolls of cotton in their fields. A fesr days ago, Farmer Robert John son picked liberal samples of brought them to town with a fair-sized quantity of scupper no ng grapes. Possibly the hot, dry weather of a short time ago matured the cotton and grapes ahead of time. Farmers Off To Late Start In Pre pa ri ng To bacco for Ma rket Their harvesting season delayed | by unfavorable weather conditions. | muny Martin County farmers have not yet completed their harvesting, meaning that tobacco grading opera tions will get off to a fairly late start as a whole. Up until a day or two ago. very little of the leaf had been graded in the county except on a very few farms. One report stated that one farmer had graded and de livered to the border markets twelve ' narns troni the.current crop. Quite I. a few farmers are starting then grading today, but possibly a ma jority will not start until they have completed or about completed the eek. Indicated demands for North Car nlin.i fhip.mrpH tobacco for lend lease shipments are "substantially greater than last year." and it is im perative that farmers exercise the greatest care in housing, curing, sort ing and grading their 1942 crop. W P. Hedrick. tobacco marketing spec ialist of the State Department of j Agriculture, said recently "The Commodity Credit Corpora-1 tion ITas indicated a desire to pur chase more than 300 million pounds of leaf, while the normal consump tion in the United States is around 400 million pounds," Hedrick said. "With prospects for a crop of around 700 million pounds and with grat er demand for cigarettes and other tobacco products m prospect, the reasons why farmers should handle their 1942 crop with extreme care are obvious." Hedrick commented that "strong demands lor leaf by the federal gov ernment and domestic buyers fore Last keen competition for the 1942 "The advantages of properly sort mg and giailing tobacco ";:dTrrntct tye ~ well known to farmers by now." he added. "Probably the?greatest?em a has is in the history of tobacco will be placed on sorting and grading this rear in view of the fact that the To bacco Association of the United States has ruled that the speed of %ales on the warehouse floors will be limited, strictly to 360 piles of leaf xt hour during a five-hour sales lay. Universal Plan For Rationing Consumer (?oods Is Considered IN'??1 ^ ?-l Certain That I'ropos hoitly to spend their fourteen-day urlouKhx. Some of the group, at nost certain to no into lower elassi nations following physical exami lations hy Army doctors, will re urn home for indefinite periods 'lie croup started Catherine here the venule before, several of the hoys xphiiniiig that they had no direct neatis of transportation anil could lardly cet here in time to board one ir the two special busses One or two ilmost missed the early morninc chedule . There were two brothers in the [roup which also included several lien in their forties One is a grand ather A serious atmosphere sur ounded the croup as they made eady to hoard the busses for the in luetion center At least five of the men schcdul ?d to make the ti ip to the Army in luetion center had already enlisted or service in other branches of the iimed forces. John Ilatton (juvenil is, Grady Davenport, E 1) Harris, Ir .and Clyde Huic Bailey enlisted n the Navy, and Carlyle Lanneau -1 'x w ? lit into -tkc Ma rims Corps Sugcne Mayo Hardison did not re Mirt, but it is understood he re-en isted in the Navy However, the Iraft board has not been officially lot if led of any such action One vol inteer, Lyman Lueiun Britt accom mnied the croup to the induction enter. The names of the others in the [roup are: Jesse Wed Curtis, Garland Ham uli, Harvey H. Yates, Eugene Ange. tenjaiilin Harber, Donnie Kolsoiri, fohn Hen Hardison, Henry reel, lie >er Coltrain. Lester F. Bailey, Wil iam A Harrison, Geo. W Cowan, (Continued on page six) i'knihm; 1| Seventeen positions continue vacant in the county school fac ulties, but contracts with appli cants are pending in most pf those cases. No acceptances have been reported, however. While it is almost certain that most of the positions will be fill ed, It is quite likely that several will not be filled at all and that some of the schools will start the term wiUyiut complete person nel. t'neertainty is staring the local band program, commercial and manual arts departments squarely in the face, and school officials frankly admit that all of the departments will not be able to get teachers. Following the deadline the early part of last week for ten dering resignations, one or two teachers in the county asked to be released, but their requests were rejected, it was learned. Greatest Naval And Air Battle of War Having In Pacific Maile in Solomon I*, lands Bui Situation in Russia Is Critical S" few details have been made public that the event has hardly been mentioned, but it is understood that one of the greatest naval-air battles m history ,s still raging off the Sol !*?'" " [ 1 "" Paufn.. Tin Uat ,s '''"' ling, according to some ad Tr||"S ?""" ,la> w,th both in O r" l,U! "''"forcements an effort to turn the tide. Great musutance is attaeh-d |,s thp ?||t join, ot the battle, some observers ^ ""l" Will turn the tide r tFTT war In addition to the Paci " Si rap, there lias been much naval on in the Mediterranean where Axis claims have been discredited Reh "* a"" ,hl" Mediterranean "hht. American airmen severely '"maged three Italian cruisers ,n ?he ? ? reek harbor of Pvlos Tlie Ger mans clam, that the American air i rait carrier. Wasp. ' had been dam j * " and trying to reach Mai Allied forces have made progress in their land fighting to dislodge the f""" -strategic islands the Sol emn group, hut reports say that the gains were not made without sub ? am,a losses At least one import ant airfield has been captured on the island of Guadalcanal, and hand-to hand fighting has figured in the at lek Leading the drive in the is lands, the Marines were reported to hay, broken Janan resistance at k,'.y l"""ts ?adulating their newly won positions Ibere under fierce attack by Japan ese heavy bombers and fighters now ? epriyed of one of their most valu ? landing Krounds Japanese forces were being driven ba.k to heavy jungle lands where be natural ei.ver will greatly m "? ase the till I leulties of Allied mop plug op parties, it was reported """ the jungles they are expect rd to carry guerilla warfare, as , . ""' Allies the Netherlands East Indies, hut Allied control of sea and ?III bases will cut them off from sup pin s and communication centers Dispatches from the New Zealand headquarters of Rear Admiral Rob ert 1. Glioriiiley, who.gonimand.1 the Solomon assault force, said it was be "?v J in unofficial circles that bat tleships, carriers, cruisers, destroy "'s suhniai ines and auxiliary ships Wete locked III the greatest battle of the I acifie War, and that, intention ?illy, or otherwise, the Allies appeal I'I '",.|"'Ve opened a majoi second I'?"it Iti the Solomons New Zealand observers said it still might he a localized action, hut if I he man, Japanese fleet intervened. II could lie the turning point of the war The first wounded from the battle lie arriving at advanced American ""i1 fi'*W hospitals, where they lie receiving the finest surgical treat men! imaginable in those lone ly outposts of civilization, New Zea land dispatches said Such world institutions as Johns Hopkins Hospital and the Universities of Maryland and Pennsylvania are rep :?'sented at these buses. Action III the Pacific by Allied knees is said to have heartened the Russians m that the danger of a po cntiuJ attack by Japan on Siberia las been materially reduced Die situation in Russia continues Mtical, however, with the invaders rushing ever onward into vital ucas. German troops, in a swift, 50-mile idvance into the Caucasus, have cached Mineialnye Vody, only 140 "I line miles from the rich Russian^ ill wells of Gronzq. the Soviets ac knowledged officially early today as icavy fighting broke out on the long lormant front northwest of Mos (Continued on page six) ? Indications Point To Large Peanut Crop Threatened by dry weather during rooent weeks, the peanut crop was ?xpected to fall short of expectations >y a wide margin Recent rains have been almost ideal for the goobers in ihis county, and a heavy production is now indicated. The 1942 crop of peanuts in North Carolina will be 39 per cent larger than last year, and farmers now ex pect to harvest 368,900,000 pounds, Frank Parker, federal statistician of the state department of agriculture, uiid this week. Parker said the crop will be grown an 310,000 acres, a 35 per cent in crease over the 229,000 acres planted last summer. All of the increased acreage will be used to produce pea nuts for oil needed in the victory program Prospects are for a yield of 1,190 pounds per acre, an increase of 30 per cent over last year, Parker said. General rains this month may Im prove the yield materially, howev er. Soybeans .anoifier "wkr crop** 3 reported at 78 per cent of normal, compared with 87 per cent on the same date last year. "Since general rains have fallen lately, the outlook should more encouraging," Parker said.