Davis Says We Must Do More If We Are To Win In This War Everyone Must Sacrifice If We Are To Triumph Ov er the Aggressors Washington ? Where stands the war today? The Government's first, frank, full answer to that question is: "We are not winning it yet." TTiat answer, which came last week-end from the Office of War In formation, gives the Nation a blunt, broad and truth-telling appraisal of the whole course of the conflict and it paints a dark and dangerous pic- j ture. Its very issuance is the first ma jor achievement of Elmer Davis, ov er-all head of the Government's in formation services, and it is Mr. Da vis' conviction that this presentation of the grim facta of the war will be a tonic to the country's determina tion to double its efforts and triple its sacrifices. To those who have been asking for a candid, all-inclusive assessment of exactly how the war is going, this is it and the OWI communique deals almost exclusively with bad news? what it is and what it means. America's Allies, the statement Friends and Patrons I Wish To Announre Thai I Will Be in Greenville Again This Year With Hugh McGowan This will make my twelfth year with Mr. Me Gowan, anil I sincerely wish to thank you for the patronage accorded me in the past. Due to gas restrictions, I will not he ahle to call on all my friends,anil customers. How* ever, I will be on all sales and would appre ciate you calling to see me. 1 will do my hesl tp please you. Ben R. Manning QUALITYFOODSTORESU Libby Food Sale! Libby Stuffed Olives, 2 1 '/2-oz. c'n 25c Libby Potted Meat, No. V\ can . . . 6c Libby Grapefruit Juice, No. 2 can 12c Libby Lunch Tongue, 6-oz. can . .25c Libby GRAPEFRUIT Colonial SAUERKRAUT No. 2 can 15c No. 2l/> can 10c Libby Vie'na Sausage, 2 No. V2 c'n 27c Mothers Relish or Salad Dressing, qt. _35c| 150 sheet pkq. KLEENEX 10c| Gold Medal Wheaties, 2 pltgs. D' P. Macaroni or Spaghetti, pkg. 5c Scott Toilet Tissue, 3 rolls 23c Soft Weve Tissue, 3 rolls- 25c 1 "For Extra Energy" ? Welch'? GRAPE JUICE, pint . 23c ql. 45c IN OUR MARKET RIB SIDE MEAT, pound 20c TENDER BEEF STEAK, lb. ..35c SMOKED. SAUSAGE, lb 25c Land O* Lakes Aged Cheese, lb. 30c SLICED BACON, pound 33c "Help Keep 'Em Flying, Take Part of Your Change in War Stamp*" Advice for Yanks in Australia *s 1 WUTARY secrets \Mubl me rnis Australian gin met a ouncn or American aougnooys as tney dis embarked from their transport at a port somewhere DdWTl Under, with a sign. It ia reported that the Yanks and Australian girls have plenty of non-military matters to talk about. (Central Prest) have thus far been carrying most of the load and the United Sattes has not given them as much help as they had been led to expect. With lull access. to complete and confidential military information, Mr. Davis cites the following factors on the debit side of war ledger as of today 1. Production is not yet enough. It even fell off slightly in June in ev ery vital category, in fighting planes, tanks, naval vessels, and most types of artillery. 2. At the moment the United States has more factories than it can use because of shortages of raw mater ials and because faulty control of inventories and of the flow of raw materials has caused some tempor ary shutdowns. 3. "We have not been producing war material to the maximum of available capacity and have not been getting that material to the fighting fronts in time and in the volume that will be needed to win." 4 The United States has paid for "perfect protection" given to troop convoys to Europe and to the South Seas with heavy shipping losses off the Atlantic Coast. 5. Production of merchant vessels is increasing continuously but sink ings still are reported to be exceed ing this increased output. 6. The construction of small ves sels for the anti-submarine cam paign is lagging and in June was less than half of schedule. 7. Even if shipbuilding keeps go ing up and if sinkings should go down, it would still be well into 1943 before "we again have as much merchant shipping as we had on De cember 7, 1941." 8. Time will never be on our side until we use it better than the en emy does." It is for these reasons that the Of fice of War Information, which in its communique shows that it be lieves the American people want the truth and can take it, concludes that the United Nations are deep in what may be the decisive year of the war. It explains this statement in these words: "1942 will be the decisive year on ly if our enemies do not succeed in inflicting crippling blows on our Al lies before the year is out. Even if they fail in that, they will still take a lot of licking But if they should paralyze the striking power of Rus sia, or wear down the endurance of China, or break the British in the Middle East, the war will be decided in some later year not now foreseen, and victory will be far more costly. "It is not intended here to discuss the military situation except as It relates to what the American people are doing about it. We always knew that for us 1942 would be largely a year of preparation, and that our Allies would have to do most of the fighting during most of the year. Be fore we can do much of the fighting, we must move great numbers of men and vast masses of material ov er enormous distances." How desperate, then, does the OWI statement really mean the outlook is? The answer is that the outlook is desperate only if the nation fails to realize that thus far "It is not more than ankle deep in the war." The communique frankly admits that "we could lose this war" but affirms that "we can win it, if we realize that J\eeping in the By MISS KATHERINE MANNING Have you noticed the way the people 'round here are cooperatin' with the war work? ? Why it's sim ply wonderful to see old, young and middle-aged either making bandages or knitting socks and sweaters for their favorite jeeps. And while we're on the subject of the all-out war effort . . . we've ac tually found something that is tough competition to a certain mill not far from here. And it's all because a few people wanted to be patriotic. Yes, no doubt the sweet aroma has tickled your nostrils, too. The point (yes, there is one): no one passes a single house these days that the folks in side aren't preserving and canning everything from pecans on down to shoe leather . . . and one lady threat CHURCH NEWS Jamesville Baptist Regular services at the Jamesville Baptist Church Sunday. Subject for the morning service. Parable of the Good Samaritan. Come and let's study this all-important subject to gether. There never was a time when we should try to show ourselves neighbors to a lost world more than now. The final outcome of this war will depend right much on the ac tion of the church now and in the fu ture. CHURCH OF THE ADVE1V1 llth Sunday after Trinity. Church school, 9:45 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon at 11 a. m. The Rev. E. F. Moseley will conduct the service. We are very glad to have Mr. Moseley with us for this exchange of jservice and hope that a large congregation will be at the service to show our apprecia tion. The union service will be held in the Baptist Church at 8:30 p. m., | with the Rev. John L. Goff as the preacher. . ? ' ? CHRISTIAN Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sub ject, "Duty as Divine Discipline." Evening service in Memorial Bap tist Church with Mr. Goff speaking on the subject of "The Bread of So ciety." Service 8:30 p. m. Circle No. 1 meets Monday, 4 p. m. with Mrs. R. J. Peel, with Miss Eva Peel and Mrs. E. S. Peel as joint hostesses. Circle No. 2 meets with Mrs. 11. L Barnhill, with Mrs. J. C. Manning as joint hostess. Time 4 p. m. Choir rehearsal, Tuesday, 8 p. m. "One Woman" will be the subject for the 8:15 service on Thursday night. A cordial welcome awaits all visitors at any service. ? BAPTIST Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Lesson: "Isaac Practices Peace." Woship service 11 a. m. Sermon subject, "Evidences of God's Love." Rev. Cyrus W. Bazemore will be the guest speaker. Training union, 7:30 p. m Medita tion theme: "Prayer." Worship service, 8 30 p. m Pastor John L. Goff will preach. winning it is the one vitally import ant thing in the world today; but we are not winning it yet. We have done pretty well but pretty well is not enough. Nothing will be good enough until we have won." To bring war production to the winning level, the Office of War In formation declares that "great sac rifices in comfort and convenience" will have to be made. The appraisal of the war as a whole is not without redeeming fea tures but they are by no means dominant. It is heartening that "per fect protection" could be given to every troop convoy and the state ened to preserve her children if they didn't start minding her. But the one that takes the cake this week is a worn-out and trite thing to most of you . . . but 'tis ru Imored that a well-informed gentle | man. ardent reader of the Pathfind er, Grit, and others, glanced through the first of these periodicals. And when he had read several articles, he noticed one about a 2,000,000,000, 000,000,000-ton gain in the weight of the moon. Now we don't know whe ther the moon had consumed all the bananas left in the U. S. or what. But the figure caused the poor gen tleman to swoon. After his wife and all the neighbors had screamed, he woke up and declared. "I thought I was reading about the national debt." Waste Fats Needed To Make Glycerine Fats make glycerine and glycer ine makes explosives to down Axis planes, stop Axis lanks and sink Ax is ships. Dean I O. Schaub, director of the State College Extension Serv ice, says housewives can help sup ply the vital war material. Dean Schaub has accepted the post as Chairman of the Consumer Di vision of the State Salvage Commit tee. Mrs. Estelle T. Smith, assistant to the State home demonstration agent, is chairman of the Women's Division of the Salvage Committee. These two State College leaders have united in an appeal to all North Carolina housewives to save waste fats, "Don't throw away a sin gle drop of used cooking fats," they urged. "This includes bacon grease, meat drippings, frying fats?every kind you use. After you've got all the cooking good from them, pour them through a kitchen strainer into a clean, wide-mouthed can. Store in a cool dark place." Dean Schaub explained that meat dealers are particularly serving as collectors of the waste fats. They have asked that waste fats be brought to them in one-pound lots, prefer ably early in the week. They will weigh the fats, pay the housewife for them .and start them on the way to the war Industries. Mrs. Smith lists four things "Not to do." (1) Don't take less than due pound at a time to your meat deal-1 er; (2) Don't take your fats in glass containers or paper bags; (3) Don't ment xemarkii tlialHie wonder isnoL that "we lost so much, but that we held on to so much." The battles of the Coral Sea and Midway are cited as "brilliant victories against super I ior forces." NOTICE! Due to pressure of business because of Glider Base ice are compelled to discontinue our ff'illiamston route. We thank our many customers for their patron age ami Hill he glad to renew our pleasant rela tions as soon as possible. Edenton Laundry Things To Watch For In The Future Men's "straw" hats for next sum mer woven of cotton yarns to sim ulate straws . . . Plans of OPA's Rolf allow fats to stand so long that they become rancid because ,if they do the glycerine content is reduced; and (4) Don't take your fats to the meat, dealer on week-ends when he is us ually the busiest. Nugent to "buy now, take poat-war delivery"?particularly applicable to automobiles, radios, refrigerators, typewriters . . . Bricks made out of powdered milk . . . Dry ice is now being considered as an aid in killing insects. By packing it with the in secticide in a small squirt gun, the spray is ejected with much greater force than can be obtained by hand Also the carbon dioxide gas given off as the dry ice melts to the toxic effect of the spray . . . Monsanto Chemical Company has found a new and easier way to "polish up the handle of the big front door" ? The World'* News Seen Through The Christian Science Monitor An International Daily Newspaper I* Truthful?Constructive? Unbiased ? Free from Sensational ism ? Editorials Ara Timely and Instructive and Its Daily Pastures, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. The Christian Science Publishing Society One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Price ?12.00 Yearly, or ?1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, ?2.60 a Year. Introductory Offer, 6 Saturday Issues 25 Cents. . - - Address ... SAMPLE: COPY ON REQUEST EFFECTIVE Monday, August 17 cr WE WILL Discontinue The Delivery Of All Bottled Drinks No I tollies Hill lu> allowed out of the store and 110 executions ???? will ho made. E. & W. Grocery W II.I.IAMSTON. V C. MAKE IT LASfg ftflON FOR THE DURATION ft I Si . a , 7^ Repair your farm equipment in your own workshop YOUR COUNTRY is asking you to do a hard job . . . and a job vitally important in winning the war. And that is to supply plenty of good, wholesome food for this country and much for our Allies. Yet it is asking you to do this with less help, less new equipment. The only answer is to keep all mechanical helps in the best possible form. Use that workshop ingeniously?your electric motor is on the firing line?make it do its stufT! VIRGINIA ELECTRIC AND POWER COMPANY Bring All Your Market HOGS to the SMITHFIELD HOG MARKET <*> WINDSOR, N. C. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID NO FEES CHARGED! HOGS BOUGHT EVERY DAY! SMITHFIELD PACKING CO., Inc. WALTER BURDEN, Buyer PHONE 332-3 WINDSOR, N. C. BEST MARKET In This Section