Visits Here This Week Miss Eleanor Taylor, of Norfolk, spent the early part of this week with her parents here Shops Here Yesterday Mrs. Stewart Bailey, of Everetts, shopped here yesterday morning. Visiting at Virginia Beach Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Coltrain are spending the week-end at Virginia Beach. Visiting in Raleigh Miss Marjone Jackson is spending the week-end with friends in Ral eigh. e Visits Here Wednesday Mr. Gus Gardner, of Plymouth, spent Wednesday afternoon here vis iting Mr and Mrs W. H. Harrell. [ In Norfolk Tuesday | Burras Critcher, Jr., spent last Tuesday in Norfolk. In Windsor Tuesday Misses Evelyn Daniels and Betsy Anderson were the guests of Mrs. | D K. Harrell in Windsor Tuesday af ternoon. Transferred to Raleigh Mr. Wade Holmes, mechanic at the Highway Patrol Station, has been transferred back to Raleigh for three or four weeks. In Oak City Sunday Miss Penny Rose Waters spent last Sundav visiting friends in Oak City Shops Here Wednesday ? Mrs W. D Starr, of Windsor, shop ped here Wednesday morning. 50th Series ?OPENS? Saturday, Sept. 5 There ure certain limitations and rfslric lions on the construction of iicm build inits. However. the Government will permit you to make repairs and improve your present buildings. We have Money To Loan For general improvement to property. For further information see us at once. If you are contemplating building after the duration; if you desire to save mon ey on a systematic basis for the usual em ergencies in life, take stock in this new series. Martin County Build ing&LoanAssociation Special Notice TO OUR LAUNDRY Customers For your protection and conven ience, as well as ours, we kind ly ask that you . . . I Make A List Of Your c Laundry Items And semi the list along with your bundle so we can check against shortage when it comes in. Unless you nuke a list you will have to go by our rount when it goes out. Your cooperation in this matter will be appreciated. It is our desire always to serve our customers the best we ran. Visiting in Rocky Mount Mrs. Hubert Coburn is spending I several days in Rocky Mount where | she is the guest of friends. Returns Hone Wednesday Mrs. "Breezy" Beaird. the former I Miss Delores Long, who has been | visiting her husband in Biloxi, Miss., for the past two weeks, returned | home Wednesday night. In Raleigh Tuesday Miss Mary Taylor and Mrs. Jim-1 my Harris were business visitors in Raleigh last Tuesday Returns Home Miss Ernestine Wynne has return-1 ? H ll'TM" """? rpunHinfl u f-n. Hay? with Mrs Claude Mendenhall, in Farm Life. e In Durham Tuesday Mr James Manning and Miss Ruth Manning were business visitors in Durham last Tuesday. Visiting in Oriental Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Saunders, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs Asa Crawford are j spending the week-end in Oriental. -? Return from Pennsylvania Mr and Mrs. Victor Champion | have returned from a visit with rel atives in Pennsylvania and New I York. ? Is Visiting Here Judge Buck Spindale, of Norfolk, I is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Victor | Champion here. a In Durham for Few Days Bernard T. Hurley, Jr., is spend-1 ing a few days in Durham with ] friends a Return from Oriental Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hitch and | Mesdames P. H. Brown and K. B. Crawford have returned from Orien-1 atl where they spent two weeks. Leave for Nags Head Mr. und Mrs. Julius Peel left to-1 day for Nags Head where they will | spend the week-end. a In Norfolk Wednesday Mr. "Crack" Taylor and Miss Lib I Taylor spent last Wednesday in Nor-1 folk / Visiting at Nags Head Mr. Joe Godard, Mrs Joe Godard III, and children, Hannah and Joe IV, and Mrs. James S. Rhodes are spend ing the week-end at Nags Head. Was Business Visitor Here Mr. Henry Cuthrell, of Rocky I Mount, was a business visitor here | Wednesday afternoon. Visiting at Nags Head Mr and Mrs. Charlie Godwin are I spending the week-end at Nags I Head. ? Spending Few Days Here Mr. J. B Bragg, of Washington, is spending a few days here Mr. Bragg is connected wtih the Soil Conserva iton program in this county and sur rounding district. ? Is Visiting Here Mr. G. T. Bailey, of Bristol, Conn., is spending a few days here with his sister. Miss Annie Mae Bailey. ? Leaves for South Carolina Miss Courtney Jenkins left yester day for Rocky Hill, S. C., for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Van Land ingham After Miss Jenkins spends several days there, she will visit Mr and Mrs. Fred Jenkins in Charlotte. Were Here This Week Rev. and Mrs. B. Duke Critcher and children. Rosmond and Cottie, spent a few days here with Mr. J. E. Pope this week. Spends Week-end Here Mr. Gussie Burroughs, of Norfolk, spent last week-end here with his family Leave for Elisabeth City Rev and Mrs. Bernard T. Hurley will leave tomorrow for Elisabeth City where they will be the week end guests of their daughter, Mrs. Clarence Morse. ? Is Visiting Here Mrs. W. B. Weaver ,of near Rob ersonville, is visiting relatives here this week. 0 e Will Arrive Tomorrow Mrs. J. Wallace Conklin, the for ?ner Miss Bertie Martin, will arrive tomorrow from Los Angeles, Calif., to visit Jamesville relatives for sev eral weeks. 0 Visits Here Sunday Mrs. Richard Clancy, of Norfolk, /isited friends heer last Sunday. Was Business Visitor Here Mr. Benny Cheatham, of Wilson, was a business visitor here yester i?y 0 Leaves for Winstoa-Salasn Mr. Phil Rob bins .who has the fuost of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Margolls for the past several days, eft yesterday morning for his home n Winston-Salsm. ire Visiting Here Misses Florence and Annie Brit >n Bartholeumew, of Spring Hope, ire spending a few days here with dr. and Mrs. Dean Speight Miss Ruth Ward is recovering from in operation for appendicitis per orated in a Washington hospital on evening. BEADED-LONG On Friday, July 31, Miss Mm Dclorea Long, of wBiam iton became the bride of Pvt. Wood row W Beaird, former^ of Wimam .ton, now of Keesler Field Ma... with Dr Henry T. Bradkahire, P? tor of the First BaptUt Church, offi Ci The* bride wore a wh'tedotted swiss dress with white accessories and a shoulder corsage made of de fense stamps for the ceremotiyJShr and the groom entered the church together And they used "**>uble ring ceremony for the wedding^ Miss Long, the daughter of Mr. J. G Long and the late Mrs Long. Jamesville, is a ^ Jamesville high school And for the past few years she has been employ ed at Margolis Brothers. The son of Mr. Emmett_W Beaird and the late Mrs. Beaird, Pvt. Be"* and the late Mrs wm"; is s graduate of Fairfax high school his home town Later he attended Birmingham-Southern College, Bir mingham Following his iftics "there he coached junior athletics there. However in Williamston, Pvt. Beaird w? a ""too Cn,.t?l Plain League, later leaving its service* to associate himself with the William - ton Package and Manufacturing C ? Approximately two month, ago, the grcfflm left fur army .ewe. headouarters at Keesler Field. Miss. Tmrnodiately after the ceremony ft lends of Pvt. Beaird entertained the bridal party at the Buena Vista ho tel in Biloxi, Miss_ peel-coltrain The marriage of Miss SareJFran ces Coltrain to William Staton Peel solemnized on Tueadsyevening. August 4th. at the home of RewZ. T Piephoff The bride was dressed to blue, with white acceworiee. and her flowers were pink M Mrs p^ei is the daughter of Mr. Oliver S. Coltrain and the late Mrs. Sara Bullock^ Mr Peel is the son of Mr Pleny Peel and the late Mrs. Ida Corey Peel. After a short wedding trip, the couple are now at home with th groom's parents. BURNS-WYNNE Mn, James Lester Wynne an noTces themarriage of her daugte ter, Melba .to Mr. Ralph Donald ter, Meioa ,vo .... . , Burns on Saturday, August 1st, at Jacksonville, N. C. FAREWELL DINNER Mrs Dan Sharpe entertained at her^ home on Watts Street Wednes day evening at a farewell dinner in honor of her husband who leaves tcn day for training in the U. S. Naval Rpsprv6 The hostess used the patriotic mo tif in her place cards, centerpiece, and other decorations. And the guests, Mr and Mrs^J_ Reg Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. R2* Critcher, III. and Mr and Mrs T"" Barnhill enjoyed a delicious three course dinner. ^ Were Here Tuesday Mr and Mrs Lewis Hassell, of Roper, visited here last Tuesday In Norfolk Today Mrs A. L. Roebuck and Mrs. H. L Roebuck visited relatives in Nor folk yesterday and today Was Business Visitor Here Mr. Wade Hardlson, of Roper, was a business visitor here last Tueday Leave (or Richwood, W. Va. Mr. and Mrs. Red Platzs and chil dren. Virginia, Fredie, Ray and Jones, accompanied by Miss Thelma Carrell, left this morning for Rich wood, W. Va., where they will spend the week-end. 0 Arrives Here Wedaaeday Mr. P. V. Jones, who is employed in Elizabeth City, arrived Wednes day night to spend a few days here with Mrs. Jones. Visiting In Chapel Hill Mite Josephine Eldridge is visit ing her parents in Chapel Hill this week-end. Returns treat Nags Head Mrs. Maude Mizaelle has returned home from a two weeks' visit with friends at Nags Head. Leaves for Red Springs Miss Marion Hurley left yester day afternoon for a two weeks' visit with friends in Red Springs. Was Here Monday Dr. J. T. Llewellyn, who has been in Newport Hews visiting relatives for the past week, spent Monday af ternoon here. Br. Llewellyn was en route to Moisltead. Return from Norfolk Mrs. Raymond Abbitt and daugh ter, Virginia, have retuntad home from a week's visit with friends and relatives in Norfolk. They were ac companied home by Mrs. Abbitt's nephew, Benjamin Bunting, who will visit here a few days. Visit Here Tuesday Mesdames Clayton House, T. B. Slade and Miss Bffie Waldo visited here Tuesday afternoon. Was Here Tuesday Mr. Elmer White, of Windsor, vis ited hore Tuesday night. Ahead Wedding Hon Mrs. Jack Hardiaon, Mime* Louise Col train and Susie fearl Ward and Mr. Joe Peel, of Griffins Township, attended the Peel-Coltrain wedding here Tuesday evening, August 4th. Leaves for Simon Lawrence, Jr., of Wilson, who has been the guest of relatives for the past week, left for Richmond Wednesday where he will visit his grandmother, Mrs J. D. Lewrenee, a few day*. ivtlle las John Peel and Ja Whitley (pant last Monday attar noon in RohernjuvllM. Vitamins Necessary In Winning the War An adequate supply of vitamins is as necessary to winning the war as an adequate supply of shells, mil itary experts and nutritionists agree. And Americans are getting their vi tamins the preferred way?through eating fresh fruits and vegetables? recent figures show. With demand greatly stimulated by government emphasis on the nation's need for vitamin-rich foods, growers in nine major southern producing states have boosted sales of fresh fruits and vegetables through one company 16 per cent in a year, and other states show increases of as much as 190 per cent. ? In New Bern Wednesday Mrs. Clarence Whedbee visited in New Bern last Wednesday. Returns from White Lake Miss Mildred Everett has return I'll lu the uffice uf the county far agent here following a brief vaca tion spent at White Lake Spend Week-end Here Mrs. Albert Strawbridge and daughter, of Plymouth.- spent last week-end here with relatives. Were Here Tuesday Messrs. Hampton Eastern and Carl ton Gillam. of Windsor, were visitors here last Tuesday. Visits Here Wednesday Miss Addie Lee Meador was home from Edenton for a short visit Wed nesday evening. Wrre Here Yesterday Mr. Albert Ourkln and young son, of Griffins Township, were here yes terday attending to business. Leaves for South Carolina Dr. William R. Burrell left yes terday for South Carolina and Flor ida where he will spend three weeks with his children. O Return from Greensboro Messrs. Ira Hsrrison, Jas. H. Ward and G. P. Hall returned Wednesday from Greensboro where they at tended the annual convention of the North Carolina Firemen's Associa tion. Recovering from Operation W. S. Hunt, former highway pa trolman and for aeveral years a res ident of WmtaiMton. Is recovering from an operation for appendicitis in a Washington hospital. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Whereas, on the 26th day of Sep tember, 1939, G. H. Manning and wife, Helen Manning, executed and delivered to H C. Leaman, Trustee for the Land Bank Commissioner, a certain deed of trust which is record ed in the office of the Register of Deeds for Martin County, North Carolina, in Book N-3, at page 591; and the undersigned W. O. McGib ony has been duly substituted as the Trustee therein under the provisions thereof, by an instrument in writing dated July 19, 1941, and duly record ed in Book Y-3, page 592, Martin County Registry; and' in the payment of the indebtedness thereby second a? User*in pnwided, ? and the substitute trustee has been i requested by the owner and holder thereof to exercise the power of sale therein contained: Now. Therefore, under and by vir tue of the authority conferred by the said deed of trust the undersign ed Substitute Trustee will on the 14 day of September, 1942, at the court house door of Martin County, North Carolina, at twelve o'clock noon of fer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate: All that certain tract or parcel of land, containing One Hundred Twen ty-three (123) acres, more or less, lying and being in Goose Nest Town ship, Martin County, North Caro lina. and being on the Public Road leading from Hamilton to Oak City, about one-half (1-2) mile east of the town of Oak City, and now own ed by and in the possession of G. H. Manning and wife, Helen Manning, adjoining the lands of J. T Daniel on the north and west, the lands of N. M. Worsely on the aouth and the lands of L. T Chesaon on the east. and ntoi* panftularly fltacrfhorl * iMfliU to map tMMtMk^A. Corey, Surveyor, dated March 22, 1931, a copy ?f which 4s now on Hi with the Federal Land Bank of Col umbia. The property ia am fully deeeribed by ntetas end bounds in the deed of trust above mentioned, to which reference is made. This property is betas sold subject to an outstanding deed of trust ex ecuted by G. H. Manning and wife, Helen Manning, to H. C. Leaman. Trustee for the Federal Land Bank of Columbia, recorded in Book N-3. page 589, in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Martin County, North Carolina. A deposit of 10 per cent of any bid not exceeding 8500 and 5 per cent of any bid in exceaa thereof will be required. If said depoait is not made at the close of the bidding, the property will be resold at two oVrlock p M. of the some day. This the 13th day of August, 1942. ONY. W. O. McOIBOK Substitute Trustee. B. A. Crttcher, Agent and Atty For Substituted Trustee ai?4t Out They Must Go Regardless of Price THE BALANCE OF OUR SUMMER DRESSES SHOES COATS MILLINERY We Need The Space If we have your size, color or style, it's yours for less 0 than half price. Btotkeis FREE FLOUR FREE SAVE 12 EMPTY BAGS OF THIS FINE ENRICHED MICHIGAN FLOUR Receive One Bag FREE! Mello-Cream Flour Is a fancy Short Patent Michigan soft wheat flour . . AND IS GUARANTEED BY YOUR GROCER TO PLEASE OR YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. Is enriched with Vitamin B-l, which stimu lates the appetite and promotes growth in children and aids digestion and utilization of food. This Vitamin is essential for the prop er functioning of the nerves. Protect Your Health?Get a Bag at your grocery Today! Martin'ElliottCo IWholosolo Distributor* of MolU*?romm Flour WHliamton, North Carolina. THIS OfTER EXPIRES MARCH 1st, 1943.

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