TOBACCO Market Edition THE ENTERPRISE f=l ESTABLISHED 1999 William,to*, N. C. AUGUST, 1942. BELK - TYLER'S WILLIAMStON Large Purchasing Power Means Lower Prices vWJ ?'v tf, ? - - W:--~ l* At Belk-Tyler'g you can purchase merchandise at money-sav ing prices for every member of the fain lieve we have the best values in town aid in our store, which has the largest stock in the eountv. you < ~ J 7 +/ lv anv nieniher of the fainilv. When sel liamstoii make our store your headquarters. When it's hot our store is eool. when it's cold our store is comfortable. ly. We sincerely be an outfit econoniical ing tobacco in Wil Williamston Is You r Best Tobacco Market and Trading Center?We Outfit the Whole Family Belk-Tyler Company