WAR! s The war has curtailed the construction of automobiles making it vitally necessary that you use every precaution in the preserva tion of your present car. Don't overlook this fact for it may be a long time before you ran get another. a* QUKJVB&.. We Have Expert Mechanics To Serve Our Cu stomers Why not have your.car checked and re-cheeked often? A little money spent now and then in having yoiir engine overhauled or minor defects correct ed will add nianv thousands of miles to your ear. We have expert mech anics to serve our customers and our prices for repair work are very reas onable. DIXIE MOTORS, Inc. WILLIAM EVERETT, Manner XULLIAMSTON, N. C. YOU CAN FIND IT. ALWAYS AT ? The Largest 5c and 10c Store in This Section Where Unusual Bargains Prevail H e haci? the largest ichal it is, as a rule, anil Kir stores. store anil the most complete stock in this section. Makes no difference you can find it here, and ice sell the most reputable merchandise of all oc 1 ? School opens >0011 stock of supplies School Supplies and that means new equipment' for the children. We have a complete . . everything a child can need. Pencils, hook sacks. Crayons, tablets. notebook paper, pens ami staffs, ami many other items. Farmers Sell Tobacco Shop Here?You 11 Save Enough to Buy Bonds and Stamps EAGLE STORES CO. W1LLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA.