The Enterprise Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WTI.I.IAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA. W. C. MANNING Editor ? 1908-1938 SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY One year $1.78 Sis months - 1.00 OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One year $8.28 Six months 1.28 No Subscription Received Under 8 Months Advertising Rate Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office m Williamston, N. C.. as second-class matter under the act of Con gress of March 3. 1879. Address all communications to The Enterprise and not individual members of the firm Tuesday. 4iifiu*l 18. 1912. FH1I1HIIHIIHI llll MINI IITITITITITIINIIII HUM niimm.i Another Marketing Season Another marketing season xs at hand for the Williamston Tobacco Market, bringing with it new responsibilities and a greater oppor tunity to serve the farmers of this section It is with all the sincerity at their command that the Williamston warehousemen, their employ ees and all the people of the town extend a cordial welcome to tobacco farmers and all oth ers to visit here during the coming season? and all the year around, too. New responsibilities have presented them selves, and only through a greater cooperation can those responsibilities be met The William ston warehousemen are pledging their every effort in meeting those responsibilities to the advantage of their patrons and to the~war ef fort Martin farmers can help by selling on Martin County markets, by saving tires and gas oline It is a time for teamwork, to recognize the advantages of mutual cooperatibn and a time for all to pull together for the accomplish ment of a definite task. Year in and year out. the Williamston mar ket has held its own right along with all the others. It does not claim to sell tobacco high above the average, but it does claim that tobac co can be sold to a great advantage, that the man who has consistently patronized its ware houses have gained by that consistency. Time Tor Reawakening Eight months have passed since Pearl Har bor and following a brief interruption we are again peacefully slumbering as the very foun dation to our way of life, our freedom and our very lives disintegrates from under us. It is time for a reawakening and dangerously late to recognize the frightful fate that moves ever nearer to engulf us. Much has been said and heard about short ages and about converting strategic materials from peace-time channels to the war effort. In this year, even after Pearl Harbor and as fright ening news is flashed from stricken ships in sight of our coast and from the Allied fronts around the world, we are spending ten billion dollars for durable goods such as refrigerators, radios and the like. In addition to that amount we are spending forty-five billion dollars for non-durable goods. And then we talk about going all out for the war effort. Never before have these. United States enjoyed such full stomachs and the items of luxury. We have di verted more strategic materials from the war front than we have from the civilian front to war, apparently. While we continue to talk about sacrifices, the Army and Navy, the two 'g "nn't fill 1 hri -ir-tinl fighting will '3d well to get forty-five billion dollars worth of supplies of all kinds this year. It is strikingly evident that we can't or won't give up the first thing that affords a livelihood and we are holding with a death grip to every pleasure and luxury we have been so fortunate to have in days past We have been told that "we could lose this war," but to this minute We don't believe it, and continue more or less indifferent to everything outside our little shell where selfishness blocks our sight, greed warps the truth and distorts the facts even though those facts are staring us directly in the face. Learn To Talk Every parent can give his children an ad vantage that will be of great value throughout life. Let him teach his children to modulate their voices, and to learn to sit relaxed and still. If these two assets are acquired, the children will enjoy an advantage possessed by few Am ericans. They wilt be distinguished in company, and will live long and peaceful lives. Forty years ago William James, the philoso pher, made this identical plea. How pitiful the results have been is known to all. Most of us still strain our voices and instead jjt sitting in frehatfr w? sit nn .a. chair. Not even a beautifully modeled face is as love ly as a beautifully modulated voice, or a grace ful posture when standing or sitting. Parents willingly spend a thousand dollars to get the teeth of their offspring straightened, but few give any thought to voice culture or posture re torm. Girls are taught to take biscuits in school, but for one husband who is driven out of his house by indigestible biscuits, a hundred leave be cause they cannot bear the shrill voices of pret ty wives who never learned how to talk. ?Ex change. flIXTY SIGE - he wants ter know. Ef a feller in ther dye-bizness was to gether up all ther lepard-spots of ten sum folks backs, and dump 'em into his meltin-pot, wouldnt he have a Grade-A mixtur calcalated to cam erflage all ther double-crossers and make 'em look lak angel wings? Dont you re-member back month or two ago, that BB feller frum ther USA C C that peered berfoie a Con gress Commity and said his crowd wanted to give, and give, and give, to ther war-effert clean down to thay last penny, leaving jest ernuf to op erate on? And Mr. Daniels in ther News and Observer, writ 'im up in a editorial as a maraculus, re-gener ated greed-grabber, titled to ther ap plaud of ther angels in Heaven, and man-kind in gineral, for his re-birth into ther Good Lord's honrable men tion? And-then next duy that foller pull ed ther chips offn ther nigger in his wood-pile by sayin, we needed ther war-sales-tax to make up fer ther little we was still due to collect on ther war-needs? And then didnt our Josephus rise up in rath and write that feller up all over er-gin' fer his double-crossin, and you aint heered nuthin frum 'im sense? But he aint bin no whars septin in his co-coon ,and has now hatched out in to a munition-manufacturer name Little who run rite ther hi lights of Congress and told 'em that he was taxed too dam little on ther little 20 thousand he was a-makin, and wanted to be taxed sum-mo, all jest fer his country and ther war-ef fert, and then couldnt wait to git offn ther stand a-fore he comes out with ther same garld-darn war-sales tax, jest to hep-out his little in-creas after he gits it. Now who knows but what ther rest of ther Big Boys aint rollin 'im a hand-out sos to spot-out ther ex try cost ? a volunteerin to cam erflage his wood-pile patriotism? Draft Affects All Types of Business Willie possibly agriculture in this county has borne the brunt of the army draft, the call to war has been heard in all other types of business It is reported that the draft has tak en down to the last man on some farms, but at the same time quite a number of business establishments in this county have been closed di rectly or indirectly by the call to arms. Discussing the effect the draft had hadin his organization, H. P. Butch er, personnel manager of Rose's 5 10-25c stores, said recently that 38 men had already gone from the or gamzation and that others are leav Report Increase In Cotton Crop North Carolina farmeri expect to I produce 705,000 bales of cotton this, year, 26 per cent more than in 1941 According to the August 1 Crop Re porting Service summary, the crop is now in a healthy condition with boll weevils largely under control. Crop prospects are generally good throughout the State. In the eastern half of the State where rainfall has been below normal, plans are rela tively small but exceptionally well fruited. Rains have been ample in the Piedmont and cotton prospects look very promising. The first esti mate of yield of the 1942 crop was placed at 396 pounds per acre, 19 per cent above 1941 and only 7 per cent under the all-time 427 pound average for 1940. This year's yield, the second highest on record, will be harvested on 852,000 acres. 57,000 above last year. The 1942 crop is the earliest on record with the first bolls expected to open around August 19th com paied with Auguot 31 last year. July weather was ideal. Just enough rain fall for this semi-arid crop to pro duce fruit, make a small plant growth, permit ideal cultivation, dry and cook the weevil grub in infest ed squares that fell. The crop start ed out with a heavy spring emer gence of weevils after a dry planting season. However, the dry and hot July conditions largely controlled the infestation, and damage is now expected to be approximately 8 per cent compared with 10 per cent last year. Damage from weevils was re ported at one per cent in 1940. As of August 1, a United States cotton crop of 13,085,000 bales is forecast Such a production would be 2,341,000 bales, or 22 per cent more than the 1941 crop, and only two-tenths of one per cent less than the 10-year (1931-40) average. This would be the largest crop since 1937 The average yield is forecast at 266.7 pounds per acre, which is 34.8 pounds more than the 1941 yield, and 517 pounds more than the 10-year average of 215.0 pounds per acre. Interesting Bits Of Business In the VS. Meat shortages, notably in beef, may continue longer than originally figured. No permanent over-all beef shortage is anticipated, but there will be almost surely a marked scarcity of choicer beef, price ceil ings having made it scarcely worth while for producers to pursue the fatter feeding schedules . . . The first government contract for dehydrated beef for use abroad has been award ed. Dehydrating, one of the most amazing food tricks of the war, saves up to 90 per cent of ship space in the ing from time to time. From the local store, Dallas Biggs, stSckman. volunteered some time ago for service in the Navy. "We hope to have all of these young men back when peace is won ?and may that be soon," Mr. Butch er said. case of meat . . . Rail tank cars, worked overtime and at high speeds in trying to make up for eastern seaboard oil supplies blasted by sub marines, are showing the wear and tear . . . Bike rationing has been giv en a new twist, tightening rules so that the list of eligibles for bicycles now is scarcely broader than those for automobiles and tires . . , EXECUTORS' NOTICE North Carolina. Martin County. The undersigned having qualified as Executors of the estate of M. D. Wilson, deceased, late of Martin County, this is to notify all persons having claims againat said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the Mth day of July, IMS, or thii notice will be plead in her at their recovery. All peraaoe indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment to the undesign ed at Williamston, N. C. This 24th day of July, 1942. B. A. Liuiniff!2, Z. V. BUNTING, jy28-4t Executors. 66 Special Notice TO OUR LAUNDRY Customers For your protection and conven ience. as well as ours, we kind ly ask that you . . . Make A List Of Your Laundry Items And send the list along ivith your bundle so we can check against shortage when it conies in. Unless yon make a list you will have to go l>y our count when it goes out. Your cooperation in this matter will be appreciated. It is our desire always to serve our customers the best we can. jDmr Ci-a BELK-TYLER CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH |BRP IWkJ/mSwM ini 'WtT'IOT The Children of America soon go back to classes, Mill the moM fortuuute children in the world; their lives leaf acutely diMtirbed t ban have been the lives of children in any other land. W lien they go back to school this year he sure that they go |>ro|>erly clothed with fine merchandise from our special "Back to School'' stock. Children'? and Girl*' Newest style dresses One of the prettiest collection of children's and older girls' dresses we have ever carried. All of the very newest styles and all of the newest pat terns in prints, stripes, plaids and solid colors. A complete range of sites to choose from. Come in and select their school dresses. 79c-98c-$1.29 $1.98-$2.98 BOYS' New Bloodhound OVERALLS Urou want something really tough for them to wear to A A aohaoi, here'* what you have bean looking for. Made of Ik SfC good strong material and full cut Will not shrink. Pair BOYS' SWEATERS Out at the lareest selections of sweaters yon will ever see. This complete froap tn clita lone *>4 short sleeve slip-overs, and button front styles. A complete ranee of attractive new colors to choose from. 59* 98< SL98 Girls' Oxfords In whit* and black. Saddle ecaain atjrl**. All $3.48 to $3.95 SCHOOL SUP P LIES TABLETS 2 for 5c Filler Paper _2 for 5c PENCILS 2 for 5c Ink Tablets _2 for 5c| Back to School Skirts Every girl will want one or more of these pretty skirts for school wear this year. One of the prettiest selec tions we have ever carried includes plaids and solid colors. $1.98 $2.98 $3.98 GIRLS' SCHOOL SWEATERS Oirle, you just can't get too many sweaters. You always need a different one to wear with your various skirts. Select from our large assortment of pullover, tipper and button front style*. ALL SIZES. 98c to $2.98 GIRLS' PLAID JACKETS If you want to be different right on top with the null ' " " leaders you 11 juct have to have one of these plaid Jackets. They're the very thing for wear with your new skirt. In plaids and oolid^! colors. s $2.98 to $5.95 Boyt' and GirW SCHOOL SHOES School day* in really shoe day*. If* the time whoa net of the youacster* sally forth In now footwear. Let a* fit them. All colors and BOYS' LONG and SHORT PANTS Drew the beys up In new punts for their first day at school. We have one of the beet selections wo have ever carried in both lonfies and knickers. Made of extra fine and hard weariaf materials. $1.29 to $2.98 Boys' Oxfords Good sturdy shoo* in Slacks aa tans. Either leather or robber aotai 8liea t 1-t to ?. 1.98 to 3-48 Girls* Oxfords brown u4 white com binations. browns and blacks in both asil saddle styles. 2-48 to 2-95 BELKTYLER COMPANYl A ? S ? C Piece Goods To send your children book to school smartly and serviccably dressed, make them dresses from this fine material. Very, special at this price. Large ae lection of patterns. 29c yd. Girls' New Fall Blouses Nothing complete* a glrl'a appearance more than a pretty blouse. You'll Just love the many pretty ones we have awaiting your choice. Select yours for pf Jh school wear. All styles, sise* / Mf and colors?EACH * ww SWEATERS Boys |usl lore to ?tu | sweaters to school From oar largo seta tion of slip-over audi button front styles we | can satisfy any boy. $1.98 to $3.98 BOYS' SCHOOL SHIRTS > Of MtK, year bay *m tan U tan mnr shirts when he aUrte back to r ?*? "* *"* ? you buy. A Uffe iilnWia hi sport styles. AH 79c ??.