We Sell Women' The Finest Men's and s Wearing Apparel Made Every item in our store whether it be for man or woman was bought with one primary thought in mind . . . QUALITY. Since our business was first created we have always endeavored to serve our customers with the "Good Things'''' in wearing apparel. Only tie best will suffice and no one understands this more readily tl an our customers. We Are At War A people at war should make it a policy to buy the very best wearing apparel obtainable. Once bought you \ should take rare of it for every one knows that quality merchandise lasts indefinitely. Any item with the i MARGOLIS label stands out predominately in both k Vstyle and quality. PEOPLE Don't Change HE WORI.I) CHANGES . . . Bui no. I I. Fashions change, but not f inula menu le people in Is. For 22 ears we have served the people of this avtion and il is our pleasure to even serve the gramlchih ren of some of our earliest customers. Farmers, she i selling to bacco in U liliamston. pay this reputable firm a visit. \t Margolis Brothers you'll find the same courteous attention that you have always received, fi Margolis Bros, don't change. r people at tobacco barmets Welcome to Williamston Margolis Brothers ,v>' ?