Patrons & Friends Facing the greatest emergency in all its history', our government is look ing directly to every one of us for a responsible action . . action coming out of an earnest willingness to do all that is humanly possible. The Norfolk Southern Bus Corporation has rolled up its sleeves and tackled the big problem with two-fisted action. First, it is striving for conservation of all strategic materials so badly needed on the war front and in maintaining the vital supporting factors back home. Secondly, the Norfolk Southern Bus Corporation is exerting every energy, every intelligence, every resource at its command and unlimited capital in maintaining an effective and courteous service in the operation of its lines, recognizing the importance of the fast dispatch of service men to the induction centers and the accommodations essential civilian traf fic is entitled to under existing conditions. There may have been inconveniences due to crowded buses; schedules may have been irregular, but the Norfolk Southern Bus Corporation, with a thoughtful and active cooperation 011 the part of the general pul> lic promises to do its share and more in helping to relieve the emergen cy now staring America in the face. Bus manufacturers are husilv en ? 1 gaged in producing war materials and it is exceedingly diffieult to get new buses. But despite these obstacles and difficulties we have added new seliedules and generally improved our service. It is icith keen appreciation that this company acknowledges the splen did cooperation accorded it by the people of this section, and uith a continuation of that cooperation tee feel confident that ice can continue to serve you efficiently and effectivly as in the past. Norfolk Southern Bus Corporation