Your Local Tobacco Market Needs and Deserves Your Patronage Farmers. Sett Your Tobacco in "jsr >w 1 nri WILLIAMSTN Market Opens Tuesday, Aug The Merchants, whose ails appear below, are cooperating with ami supporting the Wil liamston Tobacco Market. They join the business firms in extending a cordial welcome to all the farmers in Eastern North Carolina to sell Tobacco in Williamston. When vis iting the local market, call on the undersigned merchants. Your patronage will be high ly appreciated. IWY IN WILLIAMSTON! PATRONIZE YOUR L O C A L LAUNDRY EMPLOYS LOCAL LABOR ALL WORK GUARANTEED PROMPT SERVICE LILLEY'S LAUNDRY Auto Parts Accessories Fishing Equipment Radios ? Tricycles All Kinds Appliances YOU CAN BUY IT HERE FOR LESS WESTERN AUTO STORE BARBECUE LUNCHES and SANDWICHES SINCLAIR CAS and OILS Located on Washington Road in Front of Planters Warehouse II. B. and J. K. P. GRIFFINS FILLING STATION MEN 5, YOUNG MEN S WEARING APPAREL WE outfit men with fine quality wearing apparel. Our prices are most reas onable. PITTMAN'S Cleaners - Preasers Protect Your Property With Insurance! Fire ? Windstorm - Tor nado ? Theft. In faet, ev ery kuoMii type of insur ance. Cull Us. Telephones 17-W or 17-J. J.E.Pope Dependable Insurance Agency ?FIRE? Insurance For Any Oilier Type or Kind of Insurance ? Call the "Old Reliable" K. B.CRAWFORD FOR COMPLETE PROTECTION Everything But Life Insurance Tobacconist And Tobacco Farmers WELCOME To Wl LL1 AMSTON Visit Our Modern Cafe. We Serve Only the Best. Prices Reasonable. Central Cafe JEWELRY And PICTURE MAKING Diamonds - Novelty Jewelry Rings - Watches - Clocks and Musical Instruments. WATCHES REPAIRED Let V* Make Your Picture J.L.Peele Bowen Bldg. William ?t on GASOLINE And MOTOR OILS WASHING And GREASING SINCLAIR SERVICE STATION A. J. MANNING, Prop. FOR Gifts for All Occasions ? At the price yon want to pay. Jewelry ? By Quality Manufacturer?. Repairing ? Expert workmanship. Watches Clocks, Jewelry and Optical Repairs. Drop By Peele's?Jewelers ? 121 MAIN Telephone SS-J