The Enterprise Publiahed Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. WILLIAMS TON, NORTH CAROLINA. w. c. manning Editor ? IMS-ISM SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cuh in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY One year <1.75 Six montha 100 OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One year 1- S2.25 Six months 1 25 No Subscription Received Under 6 Months Advertising Rate Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office in Williamston, N. C., as second-class matter under the act of Con gress of March 3. 187S. Address all communications to The Enterprise and not individual members of the firm. Friday, August 21. 1942. Will The South Go Hun/cry? Starvation will hardly grip our fair section, but hunger in the Southland is indeed possible Depression periods have caused numbers of hu mans to wander behind the diggers in peanut fields during the past, and in the final analysis starvation can be balked-by foraging in the fields and woods, but the outlook for anything like a complete and balanced diet is not any too bright No, the situation is not alarming, but it is a recognized fact that the South is not pro ducing enough beef to feed its own people. J, R Hawkins, of the South Carolina Exten sion Division, recently said, in part: "The hope that the South"Atlantic Seabuaid may one day produce enough livestock to feed its own people has been in the hearts of livestock extension workers in this and adjoining states for a long time. Statistical reports on the beef cattle and hog populations and productions have been watched anxiously for signs of encouragement. But while improvement has been registered, progress has been slow and we are still far short of our goal "Added to the fact that more meat produced here would provide better diets and release that from other sections for war needs and ex ports, we are confronted with the fact that meat shipped to this section taxes the facilities of pro cessors and transportation concerns . . ." There's something to be said in behalf of the free exchange of products and goods, for the specialized production in the most suitable places and under the most advantageous condi tions, but just now the self-sufficing territory stands a better chance of weathering the storm than those sections where cash crops are pro duced and where cash is used to buy food from other sections. Briefly stated, we have ample cash, not a great deal to be sure, and we can't eat the stuff. And it is quite possible that we can't buy all the articles of food we have been buying or all that we actually need. The distribution of branded beef has already been upset by the war, and the replacement of staple foods is lagging apparently far behind current demands. Martin County has about 50,000 hogs or more than an adequate supply, but it is short on so many other foods including beef, milk, eggs and butter and possibly a few others. The de pression period called for a live-at-home pro gram. Now, it would appear that actual want and hunger call for a marked advance toward a live-at-home plan, for in this period of un certainty one acre of food stuffs and a few cows, beef cattle, poultry and eggs may mean more than a whole farm planted in tobacco. It't Not All Natl Aside from the horrors, suffering and death, all that's connected with the current war or all that growing out of the war is not bad. Those whose business has been wiped out should remember the Civil War soldier who saw inflation wip out his last dollar and recogniz ing his freedom from worry over money he rolled over and over on the ground and shout ed with sheer delight. Surely, we'd call a man who would do a thing like that in this day and age crazy. But that penniless soldier had some thing. Those who have been burdened with time and luxury are now in line to live, to recognize the value of work, sweat and thrift, that char-, acter and position are founded on long hours of work and self-denial. It is quite possible that the social way of life may be changed and instead of the youngster getting an automobile, a tuxedo and the liquor habit before he earned a penny, he'll have to reckon with basic economic virtues. And before the daughter has to have a manicure, a perma nent, a sports roadster and so many evening gowns, she will have to learn to boil an egg. It has been truthfully said, "We've made the round trip. For a long time to come it's going to be work, work, and save, save, save. The young people of this nation have hard years ahead of them, but we anticipate that they will get more ?olid enjoyment out of the struggle than they would out of an annuity that shielded them com pletely from the hank aspects of Ufa." Dividendt in Rationing By Donald A- Laird In lha Christian Scianca Monitor. After Pearl Harbor I tried to prepare my self for the rigors of wartime restrictions and rationing. The more 1 thought about the things I would have to give up, the sorrier I felt for myself. I am afraid I was not as peeved at the Axis nations as I was sorry for myself. Now that I have had a sample of restrictions, both in the United States and in Canada, where they are tighter, it does not seem that things have been taken away from me. What has hap pened is that other things have been given me. There is the artist who lives in Whippoorwill Hollow, for instance. He always seemed to mind his own business so carefully that I thought he might have ice water in his veins? or that he had an objection to people with whis kers. Then came gas rationing. "Do you want to go to Middletown?" he ask ed me when we met at the little country store. "I've got to go in, and would enjoy company. Makes your gas go farther, too." So 1 save gas and rubber, and find a friend liness I had not suspected. For the first time I can really enjoy the scenery as we keep un der forty miles an hour. And I am getting bet ter acquainted with my neighbors. # * * There are the old-fashioned suppers at the rural churches for instance. Always a feast, and always good fellowship. But I had not got the most out of them until the restrictions came along on gasoline. We had always driven the few miles to the suppers alone. We would visit a bit, and then drive back in solitary grandeur. Now we have discovered that the best part of these occasions is the jolly fun of an automo bile jammed with neighbors. How lonesome those rides used to be. Recently I had to be in western Canada for a week of lecturing. It was an eighteen-hour trip by airplane?but priorities crowded me off The flight, and-f-had to spend three days and nights on a train. Foolishly, I thought of can celing the engagement. The seventy-two hours on the train were a revelation. They were so enjoyable, after I got over my annoyance, that I am looking forward with real pleasure to another ride of sixty eight hours next week. A year ago I imagined my time was so valuable that I would only go places reached by planes. How much I missed by that. I missed getting acquainted with the half breed Indian, returning as a casualty from ov erseas. Missed knowing the young naval offi cers being shifted to -the Pacific scene. Missed the stimulation of knowing the wealthy Scot, now a regimental sergeant. ' 1 am glad, too, that now I ride for hours on the busses. There is no other transportation in the world that equals a bus for enjoyable com panionship. Personally, I'll trade you a dozen high-power executives working silently on an airplane for the stimulation of two talkative middle-aged women on a bus who are eager to tell about their sons now in training. It was on a bus that I jotted down a recipe for molasses pecan pie?a sugar-saving delicacy; and sweet potato pie, made with rich, dark mo lasses. I would not have learned about these in a million miles by plane, but got the secrets from a white-haired southern woman who sat beside me on a bus ride. It is not the sugar-saving aid that is import ant. My morale has been helped, my experience made richer; by the companionship. We are get ting better acquainted all around. The Axis cannot take that away?and I want to keep it. after the war. Families are not broken when a member is taken thousands of miles away on active serv ice. Our own experience with this greatest war restriction of all is that the separation actually draws the family closer together. My son was in that stage of development when youth some times feels its wings have been clipped too long. But a few weeks in the Royal Canadian Air Force brought new attitudes. As the parcel of his favorite home-made brownies arrived ev ery week, at the sacrifice of sugar rations by the home folks (and some of their neighbors, bless them), his outlook on the world and his family changed. It is the present-day miracle, duplicated in thousands of homes: Families are not broken up by war sendee; they are drawn closer to gether. War restrictions? Already they have brought me things worth a fortune which I was miss ing. I daresay the restrictions are doing the same for everyone who will only pause to think about what he is getting in exchange for the few things he is giving up. fits The Crime The execution of six saboteurs and the long imprisonment for two others clearly indicates, despite Christian tenements, that the world struggle is one of survival, that drastic measures must be employed if Christianity and its sup porting ideals are to retain a vestige on this old placet. Death penalty is harsh treatment, but in the case of the six German saboteurs it fits the crime. War ia like other evils, it must be met when it is unavoidable, and such gain as can be got from it, must be won.?W. G. Sumner, "War" (1003). CHURCH NEWS RIDDICK'S GROVE Regular service at Riddick's Grove Baptist 'Church Sunday evening at 5:00 o'clock. Members please be pres ent. and the public is invited. Piney Grove Baptist Regular service at Piney Grove Baptist Church Sunday night at 8:30 a'clock. This will , close our regular Bible study of the book of John. Come and let's make the closing les son the most interesting of all The public is invited. BAPTIST Bible school. 9.45 a. m. Lesson top ic: ' Realizing the Presence of God." Morning worship, 11 a. m Rev. R H. Lucas, of Plymouth, will be our guest minister. Training Union, 7:30 p m. Discus sion topic: "Making Decisions" Evening worship, 8:30 p. m. Unior. service at the Christian Church, and Pastor Hurley will preach. CHRISTIAN Bible School. 9 45 a. m. Commun ion service to follow the Biblt school hour. Union services will be held wit! us at 8:30 p. m. with Rev B T. Hur ley preaching on the subject, "Goc Waiting for Man." Public is cordiallj invited to attend. Prayer service Thursday, 815 p ni Subject, "The Breaking of Day.' The Youth Conference of Disciple! of Christ in North Carolina convene: at Atlantic Christian College Fridaj August 21, and concludes the 26th Frances J arman, John L. Goff anc Jane Johnson Goff will accompanj Mr Goff from the Williamstor church. Mr. Goff will serve as Dear of Men and Director of Recreation Gas and tire shortage made it nec essary to change the place of meet ing METHODIST Church school, 9:45 a. m. A specia feature of the opening service of the church school will be a brief historj of the Methodist Church in William ston by Alberta Knox. Morning worship and sermon, 11 a. m. Subject of sermon, "Faith's Su premc Test." The Union Evening service will bt at the Christian Church at 8:30 p m. The pastor of the Methodist Church will bring the message. Sub ject, "God Waiting for Man." Mid-week prayer meeting Wed nesday, 8:30 p. m Notice the change from Thursday evening to Wednes day evening. Choir rehearsal will follow this service. All-Out" Production Is Behind Schedule This new accenting of the suprem lcy of the armed forces over civil ian claims in all matter of compe tition for materials and machines i-ame on the heels of the OWI report which made official the news that war production, despite the mag nificent pace that has been set, still nas lagged behind schedule because af "faulty control of materials." And it underlined, grimly, the fact that )ur production will have to go fast er and more "all-out" than it has yet. For example, viewing the new record of 71 cargo ships and tankers delivered into ; f vice in July, the OW1 said that even if our shipbuild ing pace continue- t rise and sink ings to decrease 'v. . shall probably be well into 1 f?43 before we again have as much shipping as we had on December 7, 194L' NOTICE North Carolina. Martin County. In The Superior Court. S. E. Sprague vs. Helena S. Sprague. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County, North Carolina, to secure an abso lute divorce based upon two years separation; and the defendant will further take notice that she is re quired to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Martin County within thirty (30) days and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This the 28th dav of July, 1942. l. b wynne:, jy31-4t Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Whereas, on the 26th day of Sep tember. 1939, G. H. Manning and wife. Helen Manning, executed and delivered to H. C. Leaman, Trustee for the Land Bank Commissioner, a certain deed of trust which is record ed in the office of the Register of Deeds for Martin County, North Carolina, in Book N-3, at page 591; and the undersigned W. O. McGib ony has been duly substituted as the Trustee therein under the provisions thereof, by an instrument in writing dated July 19, 1941, and duly record ed in Book Y-3, page 592, Martin County Registry; and Whereas, default has been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured as therein provided, and the substitute trustee has been requested by the owner and holder thereof to exercise the power of sale therein contained: Now, Therefore, under and by vir tue of the authority conferred by the said deed of trust the undersign ed Substitute Trustee will on the 14 day of September, 1942. at the court house door of Martin County, North Carolina, at twelve o'clock noon of fer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following real estate: All that certain tract or parcel of land, containing One Hundred Twen ty-three (123) acres, more or less, lying and being in Goose Nest Town ship. Martin County, North Caro lina, and being on the Public Road leading from Hamilton to Oak City. about one-half (1-2) mile east of the town of Oak City, and bow own ed by and in the possession of O. H. Manning and wife, Helen Manning, adjoining the lands of J. T. Daniel on the north and west, the lands of N. M. Worsely on the south and the lands of L. T. Chesson on the east, and more particularly described ac cording to map thereof made by A. Corey, Surveyor, dated March 22. 1939, a copy of which is now on file with the Federal Land Bank of Col umbia. The property is more fully described by metes and bounds in the deed of trust above mentioned, to which reference is made. This property is being sold subject to an outstanding deed of trust ex ecuted by G. H. Manning and wife, Helen Manning, to H. C. Learn an. Trustee for the Federal Land Bank of Columbia, recorded in Book N-3, page 589, in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Martin County, North Carolina. A deposit of 10 per cent of any bid not exceeding $500 and 5 per cent of any bid in excess thereof will be required. If said deposit is not made at the close of the bidding, the property will be resold at two oclock P. M. of the same day. This the 13th day of August, 1942. W O McGIBONY, Substitute Trustee. B. A. Critcher, Agent and Atty For Substituted Trustee. a!4-4t 'fart Your In a LANE Hope Chest Start that happy "home of your own" you've been dreaming about! Do it now! Buy your LANE Cedar Hope Cheat in August . . . you'll ?ate money! Join our Chrintmaa "Lay-a-A* kay" Club and take advantage of our ^Convenient Payment Plan * M A magnificent, spa cioua, 48-inch Cheat that la without doubt, a remarkable value! Ha wide center panel, of A-matched American Walnut, flanked with Black Walnut, glean It Ibuauty. distinction and 1 Iti^gssC ? - J As Advertised In nrnra lane mldm vMati Bocktd by a Frf Moffi4wiuwix? PoJky LANK. . tha gift tWt m kmm*. . .to ??Utoalgift fori ~ * V LANf Is the Only Tested Aroma-Tight Cedar Chest Woolard Furniture Company WILLIAMSTON, NORTH CAROLINA. ? FOR VICTORY * fm[powtiur/o* ' canmm /9fa flem/Af/j Produce the Most Food for Victory... Make the Most Profit from Tour IT PUTS WEIGHT ON HOGS FASTI HOGS feed them TUXEDO NOG RATION : PIG MEAL : HIG FORTT" W. I. BASNIGHT & CO., Im. Wholesale Distributors AHOSKIE i NORTH CAROLMA