The Enterprise Published Every Tuesday and Friday by the ENTERPRISE PUBLISHING CO. wn.UAMSTOU north CAROLINA. W. C. MANNING Editor ? 1909-1134 SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Strictly Cash in Advance) IN MARTIN COUNTY One year $2.0 Six months 1.2 OUTSIDE MARTIN COUNTY One year $2.5 Six month* 1.5 No Subscription Received Under 6 Months Advertising JUte Card Furnished Upon Request Entered at the post office in Williamston, N. C.. as second-class matter under the act of Con gress of March 3. 1879. Address all communications to The Enterprise and not individual members of the firm. Friday, September 11, 1942. Prepare To Make Sacrifices Speaking on the third anniversary of the war, Brigadier General John T. Kennedy warned that the task ahead was not an easy one, that we must without question be prepared to make a supreme effort and great sacrifices. "Then and only then shall we be keeping faith with the fighting men of our Allies and our own forces," he said. The general continued, "Three years of con stant struggle against an unholy trio of pagan rulers have or should have impressed us with the problem we still must overcome. Three years of heartbreak, of blood, sweat and tears have not yet destroyed the enemy. And it may well be that a fourth year will not achieve the complete and ultimate victory we must win if we are to preserve our civilization. "I cannot stress too strongly the magnitude of the task America's military forces must ac complish," the general continued, warning ci vilians not to underestimate for a moment the immensity of the challenge. In conclusion the Army man said, "Yet, how ever much we must all sacrifice, however cruel the heartbreaking days ahead may be, let us all make up our minds that we must dedicate our homes, our earthly goods, our lives if need be, to the achievement of this victory which we simply cannot forego." The general's warning is a clear one with an appeal urging everyone to accept willingly and without complaint the sacrifices that are cer tain to come. Should we be forced to turn to the mule and horse for transportation, the gen eral asks us to accept the change and not com plain, but to make the best of the change and not complain. If we are forced to give up our coffee, tea and sugar, experience meatless days and go in ragged clothes, the general asks us not to complain. He did not refer to any one sacrifice, but he did say that we must sacrifice, and these, no doubt, will be included. These sacrifices and more must be accepted without complaint if we are to keep faith with the fight ing men of our Allies and our own forces. Building For .4 Better llnilorstaruiing Thousands of British families are opening their homes to American youths 011 week-end leaves a recent report coming from the Red Cross headquarters in London where approxi mately 5,000 invitations are classified each week, stating that the rich and humble alike on lonely farms in Scotland, mining villages in Northumbria, cottages and country houses in the Midland and the homes of London, are ex tending the young men a real welcome. Accepting the invitations in a spirit of appre ciation and understanding, the representatives of this nation can do much to build a stronger unity between the two countries. In too many cases we have been ready to talk about minor differences, to hold ourselves up as the saviors of others. English customs may not meet with our complete approval just as ours may not meet with the complete approval of the Eng lish. But aside from the petty differences there are those basic principles that bind the two na tions together, and offered and accepted in a spirit of friendliness, the invitations to the young men are certain to work for a better un derstanding among the people of both countries. Society Of Mercy The Dara County Tk The International Red Cross, which was or ganised in 1864 as the result of work of a young Swiss businessman, to relieve suffering of all those wounded on the field of battle, whether friend or foe, has become one of the greatest .humanitarian organizations in the world, doing great work in both time of peace and time of war, and today its work in the present global war is outstanding?making It truly a Society of Mercy. The helping hand of this great organization em recently felt by a Southern Albemarle fam ily, when it made It poarible for Mr. and Mrs. Mat Barry of Engelhard to send vitamin tab Ma and other Mains to their son Bryan, now a war priaoner at the Empire -of Japan. This t hardly been possible had it net been 1 Red Croat. Some 40,000,000 people, living in all parts of the world, belong to the Red Cross. All civiliz ed nations are a party to the Treaty of Geneva, which makes the Red Cross an official and an inlerhalisnat Organization. The American or ganization with its 15,000,000 adult members and about the same number of young people, is the largest national society. Japan is second with 3,630,000 members. As a result of the terms of the Geneva Prison ers of War Convention of 1929, the Internation al Red Cross Committee is given the right to inspect prison conditions in the various war ring countries to see that the war-prisoners are kept in clean, well-heated places, given medi cal treatment, freedom to exercise their relig ion, and to take part in sports, as well as see that they are allowed to correspond with rela tives and friends, their mail being carried free, and they may receive parcels of food, books, etc. In every country, colony and territory throughout the world, the Red Cross work is helpful to the needy and suffering. When dis aster strikes, the Red Cross moves in and helps. As in the past, during this terrible, bloody war of survival that involves six continents, this in ternational organization is proving itself a So cietv of Mercv. School Attendance If the people of this nation would stop and think how much low literacy standards have cost, how illiteracy has eliminated hundreds of~ thousands from service in the armed forces, they would not remain indifferent to the laws requiring attendance upon the schools. The en forcement of the compulsory attendance laws now is too late to relieve a bad situation, but who knows but what the need for educated youths twenty years or even ten or fifteen years from now will be greater than it is today. The first two days of school in this county last week found a goodly number of little tots, white and colored, wandering around in the streets and others a bit larger filling the gap caused by a labor shortage. Child labor in the years gone by is partly responsible for the re jection of numbers of men by the armed forces in recent months. Then indifference on the part of parents and guardians has had its telling ef fect. The very fact that hundreds of thousands of men have been rejected on account of low lit eracy standards should in this day and age and even in the face of serious labor shortages teach us the error of our ways and force us to see that every child gets every advantage the schools offer day by day. Let's hope that those to be educated or schooled today will not be needed for war at any time in the future, but beyond that hope is the absolute certainty that universal education will be needed iP close the wounds of war and maintain the peace we are going to win now, Keen Them Cheerful * ' i zr Working with service men in scattered coun tries throughout the world, representatives of the Red Cross have learned that "bad news" from home has a disturbing effect on those who carry arms. It is not suggested that facts be withheld from the men, but it is important that trivial worries and petty misfortunes be skip ped over in writing to the father, son, brother or friend. The Red Cross says: The friend or relative who worries a soldier or sailor with petty home troubles or alarms him by exaggerating an illness or a problem when there is no real reason to worry him is helping to demoralize a good soldier?helping the enemy. Next time you write, don't seek an outlet for your own troubles by shifting them to the shoulders of an American fighting man. Keep him cheerful. A Nation I'ray* Christian Science Monitor. As the fourth year of the war began, a great nation knelt in prayer. And arose refreshed, hearts strengthened, faith renewed, and re dedicated to the battle against the evil forces that would, if they could, outlaw all prayer, all reverence, all religion. For fifteen minutes, not a wheel.turned, not a hammer fell, not a hand moved in Great Brit ain's war production effort. Yet in that brief period, the Nation fqrtified itself in a way be yond any power of machine, or shell, or tanks, or guns to fortify it. During the morning, afternoon, and evening, crowned heads and charwomen, civilians and soldiers, defense workers and airmen, join ed in prayer together. The prayers went up alike from Westminster Abbey and churches deroof ed by bombing, from mobile chapels and army barracks. A people, spiritually quickened through three years of war, prayed not for quick de liverance, but for courage to meet whatever comes, worthiness for victory, and for the es tablishment of peace and good wilL Thus today a nation and a people are strong er, more worthy, and a little further along the road to a righteous peace. For, as Mary Baker Eddy has stated, "Prayer can neither change God, nor bring His designs into mortal modes; but it can and does change our modes and our false sense of Life, Love and Truth, uplifting us to Htm. Such prayer humiliates, purifies, and quickens activity, in the direction that is unerring." Twantgr-five cents in War Sayings Stamps will provide a soldier's mess kit CHURCH NEWS CHRISTIAN Bible school, 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sub ject, "Religion lor Youth," Young People's meeting, 7 p. m. Subject, "Between Book Covers." Evening service, 8 p. m. Subject, "The Door of Hope." Junior Philathea Bible class meets Monday at 8:30 o'clock with Mrs. Til man Coltrain. Choir rehearsal Tuesday, 8 p m , at the church Mid-week service Wednesday, 8 p. m Subject, "Grasping the Mind of Christ." BAPTIST Bible school, 9:4 5a. m. Lesson top ic, "The Perils of Favoritism and Jealousy." Worship service, 11 a. m. Sermon subject, "Four Steps to Salvation." Training union, 7 p. m. Worship service, 8 p. m. Sermon subject will be announced. Prayer and praise service. 8 p. m., Wednesday. METHODIST Church school, 9:45 a. m. All who are not attending Sunday school else where are heartily invited to attend our school. Morning worship and sermon, 11 a. m. Subject of sermon, "When God Laughs." Evening worship and sermon, 8:00 p. m. Mid-week prayer service, Wednes day, 8 p. m. Choir rehearsal after the prayer service. S HOLLY SPRINGS METHODIST Revival services will begin at Holly Springs Methodist Church on Monday night, September 14th, and will continue throughout the week. Services will be held each night at 8:30. The community is heartily in vited to attend these services. * CEDAR BRANCH The revival meeting at Cedar Branch Baptist Church will begin Sunday night at 8:30 o'clock, and continue each night through the next week, closing on the third Sun day night. Dr. W. K. Burrell, pastor of the Memorial Baptist Church of Williamston, will be with us in the meeting and do the preaching. Dr. Burrell is a preacher of great ex perience, and you don't want to miss a single sermon, so come early and help in the song service and enjoy the blessing of Christian worship. The public is invited. ? CHURCH OF THE ADVENT 15th Sunday after Trinity. Church school, 9:45 a. m. Morning prayer and sermon, 11 a. m. It is our privilege to have Mr. John Bonner ,a senior at the Vir ginia Theological Seminary, and stu dent rector of* churches in Hertford and Gates counties, to conduct the service. The rector will celebrate the Holy Communion and preach at Murfreesboro and Ahoskie. Evening prayer, 8:00 p. m. 0 Mr. Ben Roberson, of Farm Life, was a business visitor here Wednes day. flIXTY SIGE - he wants t?r know, Ef you wants to keep a chicken frum flyin over ther fence, aint clip pin his whing-feathers about ther easiest way to do it? Whilst you leave that cackler to do his own fig gerin on "how-cum"? I sees by ther papers that sum ther tire-rashionin boards hav notyfied ther rapid-riders that thay air a bein watched and jotted down as j scorchers and scrubbers not titled to hav no new a-lot-ments to whirl ther mud with, aad ef thay dont keep thay present tires pumped up to perfection, thay wont git no new erns to not pump up, and ef thay wears thav old'erns thru to ther web bin thout havin 'em re-treded ber fore hand, thay will hav to turn to ther old way of treddin ther roads lak thay grand-daddy got along with. Now ef them rashionin-boards means what thay says, thar is a goin to be lots of folks re-ginerated into keerful drivers, or keerful walk ers one. That is ef tham rashion boards means what thay says. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court in a special proceedings entitled "W. V. Daniel et al, expartee," the undersigned Commissioner will on Friday, 11th day of September, 1942, at 12 o'clock. Noon, in front of the Courthouse door Martin County in Williamston, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bid- i dor, for cash, the following describ ed property: First Tract: Being a brick Store and lot in the Town of Oak City, N. C , bounded on the North by Com merce Street, on the East by Mrs Leitha Harrell, on the South by a garage and on the West by Railroad Street. Second Tract: Being a house and lot in the Town of Oak City, bound ed on the North by Hines and Alls brook, on the East by J. W. Eubanks, on the South by John Hines and B. E. Moye, and on the West by Cherry Street and being the home formerly occupied by the late John T. Dan iel. This 1st day of September, 1942. B. A. CRITCHER, s4-8 Commissioner. JoRflievr CP?(>66 w? mmmtm Your own judgment says it's true ? ? ? Be wise and "follow through!" ? ? ? I mr^opiicom CHCVROLET DEALERS FOR SERVICE OTHER UR "HGAHBATION Because Chevrolet dealers have sold more new cars and trucks?more used cars and . trucks?and have had broader experience in servicing all makes and models during the last ten years?than any other dealer organization. SAVE THE WHEELS THAT SERVE AMERICA Roanoke Chevrolet Company NEW GRAPE PRICES ON SEPTEMBER 8th, I HE BUYERS LISTED BELOW STARTED BUYING Scuppernong Grapes Price to Growers $3.00 Per 100 Pounds FOR SOUND, RIPE, CLEAN WHITE GRAPES Beginning September 16th Will Start Buying 4ft BLACK GRAPES Price to Growers $3.00 Per 100 Pounds THE PRICES LISTED ARE EQUAL TO SI.80 FOR 60-LB. BUSHEL Buyera Lialetl Below Will Furniah You Grape Boxea E. G. HARRISON PLYMOUTH, N. C. L. B. Williams & Co. ROBERSONVILLE, N. C. H. R. STILLMAN Dealer in Poultry CRESWELL, N. C. SEXTON'S STORE JAMESVILLE, N. C. MOORE'S ICE CO. WINDSOR, N. C. J. S. PEEL & CO. EVERETTS, N. C. Havens Feed-Seed Store TARBORO, N. C. CHAPLIN BROS. Store COLUMBIA, N. C. Singleton Service Sta. ttath Highway, R.F.D. 2 WASHINGTON, N. C Lindsley Ice Company PHONE 99 We Do Not Accept Grape* On Saturday* Williamrtoti, North Carolina