Lone Vagrancy Case Flops In Recorders Court Last Monday (Continued from page one) cover damages alleged to have re sulted from a fire said to have been started when the two men started a fire to burn out a hornets' nest. The case charging Neal Godard with false pretense, was nol pressed After maintaining his innocence.' Samuel Scott was adjudged guilty in the case charging him with as saulting another person with u dead ly weapon. He was sentenced to the roads for a term of six months. He pending the sentence upon the pay ment of the case costs and on condi tion that he remain of good behavior for two years. Charged with assault with a dead ly weapon and damaging personal property. Nathan Crandell was ad judged guilty over his own plea of innocence and was sentenced to the roads for a ter mof six months He appealed to the higher court and was requirecMc^josMjondir^h^iumof Happenings In The Bear Grass School The first meeting of the Bear Grass Parent-Teacher Association was held in the school auditorium on Tuesday night, Sept. ISth, at eight o'clock. The new officers elected for |this term: president. Mrs. Ruth Ha i zel Harris; vice president, Mrs. Pete Mcndenhall; secretary and treasur er, Mrs Irving Terry. The Bear $200. Judgment was suspended upon the payment of the cost in the case charg ing W. E. and Paul Terry with op erating motor vehicles without prop er drivers' licenses. Thadis Keech, charged with lar ceny, was adjudged not guilty Pleading guilty in the case charg ing him with driving a motor vehicle without an operator's license. Elbert Leggett was sentenced to the roads for a term of sixty days. The sen tence was suspended upon payment of the case costs and on condition that the defendant refrain from driv ing a car during the next two years or until he procures a driver's li cense. BOYS' SUITS We have a lar?:e assortment of Boys" and Students" Suits, in all wool (Inverts. Slietlands. Tweeds and Worsteds. Sizes from 11 up. WE SUGGEST THAI YOU BUY EARLY WHILE OUR SELECTION IS COMPLETE PITTMAN'S Willianiston. North Carolina Rain or Shine Your Shopping Here Is Always Fair Bring us your Wearing Apparel Problems ? ami you'll he Dollars Aheatl ? As We Do Not Substitute Quality?as there is 110 such! This Store Will Be Closed Monday, September 21st RELIGIOUS HOLIDAY Saturday's Special ONE GROUP OF DRESSES Values to $12.95 ? Left Overs From Spring and Last Fall If your size is in the lot ? $2.00 HumoiisBwittm fffw w WIIUAMSTON, N. C. The 40th Week Of The War (Continued from page one) for Npw Guinea, and American fly ing fortresses bombed a Japanese cruiser (off the Southeast Coast of New Britain. Earlier, the fortresses hit two enemy destroyers in the same area. Japanese bombers continued to attack U. S. Forces in the Solomons and the enemy has "reinforced and supplied" Japanese troops in the in terior of Guadalcanal where U. S Marines are engaged in mopping up operations, the Navy reported. The Navy said that 20 more Japanese planes have been shot down in three heavy bombing attacks?bringing to at least 143 the number of Jap planes officially reported shot down since operations began August 7th. ? Believe Major Drive Shaping Up Against Forces In Solomons (Continued from page one) defenders wiped out one dangerous penetration less than 12 miles from the center of the city, killing 2,200 German troops. In two days of fighting, the latest official announcement reported, a single Red army unit destroyed 54 German tanks, 21 cannon, and 12 troop-laden trucks while annihilat ing 1,500 enemy soldiers. In another sector, the Russians routed two battalions, destroying leght tanks, two trench mortar bat teries and 12 trucks. Red Star, the Russian army or gan, made it clear that the Volga stronghold would be defended to the last heap of rubble and the last man, if necessary, asserting that "even a completely destroyed city can and must fight to the last." An unconfirmed report from Mos cow early this afternoon stated that Stalin had ordered the Russian de fenders to stage a counter-attack, that reenforcements from the Siber ian front were moving in to support tin- defenders Already the invaders were said to have been driven back from the Volga river just to the north of the city and the streets of the town itself were being cleared of the Nazis. On the Voronezh front, north of Stalingrad, the Russians have swung back to the offensive and are chalk ing up successes. The defenders are hard-pressed on the Black Sea coast, but in their | stand before the Grozny oil fields, the Russians have counter-attacked with some success in the Mozdok area. A major drive by the Japanese in an effort to regain the Solomons is believed to be shaping up. An at tempt the latter part of last month apparently failed when the Ameri can defenders wiped out 750 Japs in a landing force. It has been re ported that the Japs are rushing four or five of their big battleships to join its other forces in that area, in dicating that a supreme bid will be made to regain the islands. Things are not going so well for the Allies in New Guinea where the Japs have advanced another eight miles to oc cupy points hardly 30 air miles from Port Moresby. The victory in tfie Solomons would virtually be offset with the loss of Port Moresby. Parts of the main attacking and defending forces there are said to have been in action, but no details on the fighting have been received The Japs took a severe pounding at Kiska in the Aleutians earlier this week when American bombers swooped down on the base and all but destroyed it. Another large American expedi tionary force reached England yes terday, and large numbers of para chute troops were reported already there. Fire Cull Received Here Early This Afternoon Tlu' local fire department record ed its first call in recent weeks early this afternoon when an electric wire, torn from its moorings by a falling limb, almost fired the home of Mr. and Mrs J. W Andrews on Church Street. No damage was done, and the firemen were advised their services were not needed just as they were leaving the station. ? Army Engineers Complete Survey And Return 'Home, Completing a special assignment in this area this week, a group of Army engineers left at noon today for their home base near New Bern. During their stay here the young ar my men maintained headquarters in the Legion Hut on Watts Street. Grass quartet entertained with spec ial music. The new home economics depart ment is making rapid progress un der the direction of Miss Hazel Sanders. All the girls seem to be very interested in the course and it is certain to prove most practical and beneficial for them. The new gymnasium is still not entirely completed, but near enough so that the children can play in it. It will be especially helpful on rainy days for basketball practice and playground activities. Mr. Joseph Holliday from James ville has accepted the seventh grade work here temporarily. Mr. Holliday belongs to the Marine Reserve and it is not certain when he will be railed, but until he is, he will have charge of the seventh grade. The attendance so far has been very good in spite of the fact that many of the children are needed at home to work. We deeply appreciate the cooperation of the parents in kipping their children in school as m ubb as powible. Few Criminal Cases Are Set For Trial In Superior Court (Continued from page one) Johnnie Gray Mayo is charged with the larceny of a car. Preston Marshall, colored, is charged with raping a 14-year-old colored girl. In default of bond in the sum of $1,000 Marshall continues in the county jail. Charlie Coffield, young colored boy, is charged with the theft of clothing and money from the Belk Tyler store in Williamston. Willie B. Jackson is charged with larceny and receiving James Mayo, charged with secret and felonious assault which, it is believed, hastened the death of Mr J. S Ayers, Hamilton chief of po lice, several months ago, is schedul ed to face the courts. Grady Mayo and Ernest Godard are charged with breaking into and stealing two automobile tires, worth about $20, from Leroy Harris. Thirty-Two County Vihite Men Return To Army Next Week (Continued from page one) ing and abetting forgery and forg ery, Marvin Smith with reckless driving. James Arthur Scott with seduction and Bessie Smith and Sam Mabry with arson were continued from previous terms Listed under the head of new cases for the superior tribunal are the following: J. T. Briley, assault on female, ap pealed from the county court. Donald Knobles, attempted assault and an assault with a deadly weapon, appealed from the lower court. The.names of the ten men reject ed are, as follows: Joseph Hubbard Daniels, Richarc^ Paul Edmondson, John David Ward, William Jasper Ayers, Ben Ollie Coburn, Gilbert Earl Coburn, James Lloyd Price, Tommie Lawrence Whitley, Asa Leroy Moore and Sam uel Abram Ayers. It was the fourth time Joe Daniels had been rejected. Anxious to get into the service, the young man had volunteered in the air corps, the Marine Corps and the Navy, but a bad ear blocked his en trance. Six men scheduled to answer the last call volunteered for service, Den nis O. Holliday in the Army, Joseph Quincy Holliday in the Marine Corps and Murray Gray Davis, Nathan Thomas Edmondson, James Ether idge Smithwick and Benjamin Franklin Reason in the Navy. Larry Clinton James, also scheduled to re port for service with the group, was transferred to Wilmington for in duction. A contingent of colored draftees is scheduled to move out of the county some time about the latter part of the month. The size of the call has not been publicly revealed, but it is understood that three busses have been ordered to transport the group to the induction center. Two Drivers Fined For Passing School Bus in the County (Continued from page one) orderly conduct, was sentenced to the roads for 30 days, the court sus pending the sentence upon payment of the cost. Walter Anderson, not satisfied with one round in the court, got drunk and was disorderly on two occasions and the court fined him $5 and taxed him with the costs in each case, running the bill up to $25 for his week-end spree. S. L. Rogers and Lonnie Rogers, charged with being drunk and dis orderly, were each fined $5 and tax ed with the costs. Charged with public drunkenness, Albert Barber, Walter Turner, Rich ard Razor and Joseph Finch were sentenced to the roads for 30 days, the court suspending the road terms upon the payment of $7.50 costs each. Few New Tires Are Allotted in County J By Ration Board (Continued from page one) Six recapped truck tires were is sued to Robersoh Slaughter House, Williamston, for the wholesale de livery of meats. Recapped Auto Tires Six recapped automobile tires were allotted as follows: Zora Desmond Cox, Oak City, one tire for farm. Charles R Moore, Williamston, two tires qnd one tube, for duties as township constable. Sylvester Peel, RFD 1, Williams ton, three tires and three tubes for farm. Obsolete Tires Obsolete tires were issued as fol lows: H. H. Hopkins. RFD 1, Williams ton, one trailer tire for farm. Vester Coltrain, Williamston, two car tires for farm. Ralph O. Purvis, RFD 1, Bethel, two trailer tires for farm. Davis Purvis, RFD 1, Bethel, two car tires for farm. Cylabet Rogers, RFD 2. Williams ton, one trailer tire for farm, r CLARK'S MALARIAL, CHILL AND Fever Tonic. Sold on money-back guarantee. Clark's Pharmacy, Wll liamston, N. C. jyM-t China Missionary To Speak In Everetts Leaders of Disciples of Christ in this area are holding a missionary conference in the Everetts Christ ian Church next Tuesday. The spec ial meeting which will attract State and international speakers, opens at 11 a. m. and will close that afternoon at 2 o'clock, Secretary Charles C. Ware announces. One of the program features will be an address by Dr. Walter W Has kell, missionary to China who just recently returned on the "Grips holm." The American repatriate tells a thrilling story of sufferings and endurance of Chinese and American Christians at Wuhu, China, where Japanese have military control. The conference is very fortunate in hav ing Dr. Haskell on this program, and the event is certain to be well at tended. Child Is Instantly Killed In Unusual Accident This Week (Continued from page one) ly accidental. While no formal in quest is likely to be held, it is un derstood that the coroner will record findings exonerating Mr. Johnson of all blame. The victim of the unusual accident was the son of Mr N. Lawrence Hy man and the late Mrs. Pauline Dav enport Hyman. Following the death of his mother nearly four years ago he had made his home with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Davenport, where he was almost idolized by them and other members of the family. A bright little fellow and well liked by his many little playmates, he was just beginning his second year in the Oak City schools. He was an only child. Funeral services are being con ducted at the home this afternoon and interment will follow in the family plot in the Oak City ceme tery. Well-Known Martin County Farmer Is Victim Of Suicide (Continued from page one) Osborne, of this county ,and she wit four children, Cecile, Elliott, Ca olyn and Rabon Harris, all of tl home, survives. He also leaves foi brothers, Messrs Willis P. Harris, ? Robersonville; Garland Harris, ? Bear Grass, and Luther and Asa Ha ris, of the U. S. Army, and one si ter, Mrs. Willie Whitehurst, of No; folk. Funeral services were conducts at the home Wednesday afternoc at 5 o'clock by Rev. John L. Gof Williamston minister, and Rev. V O Andrews, pastor of the Robersoi ville Baptist Church. Burial was i the Robersonville cemetery. Wants FOB SALE: ONE 15-JO INTERNA tional Tractor, with bush and bog disc harrow. In first class condition and ready to run. Luther Hardison, Jamesville, N. C sl5-2t FOR SALE: BICYCLE AND MOTOR $35. Either motor or bicycle, $20. C. L. Manning, 620 Washington Street. Plymouth, N. C. s!5-2t STOP, LOOK, LISTEN. IF INTER ested in memorials for love ones and friends, call 149-J, or write Jesse T. Price, Williamston, N. C. Agent for New Bern Monumental Works. Dealers in high grade monuments of marble and granite. Every mon ument, small or large, has our per sonal attention. s!5-2t EXPERT PIANO TUNING AND RE building. 16 years with Baldwin Piano Company. Equipped to ren der any service to any make of pi ano. Chas. Goodrich, Box 405, Wash ington, N. C. sl5-6t THREE ROOM CORNER APART ment for rent. Steam heat and hot water furnished. Call or see N. C Green or G. H. Harrison. s8-4t THREE PERSIAN KITTENS FOR sale. Mrs. Emily E. Smithwick, Jamesville, N. C. s8-4t GRAPES-WANTED: WILL PAT 3 cent* per hundred pounds for Scuppernongs and Black grapes. This equals $1.80 for 60 pound bushel. Lindsley Ice Company, Williamston, N. C. sl5-8t FOR SALE: ONE BENTHALL PEA nut Picker, practically new. Two buggies and one surry newly paint ed and in first class, condition. Apartment for rent, West Main Street, J. W. Green, Williamston. sl8-3t SHEEP FOR SALE ? RAMS OR sheep. Will sell one or SO. )S.OO each. R. G. Dixon, Grantsboro, Pam lico County. sl8-2t ONION SETS FOR SALE: LARGE stock and prices very reasonable. See us for your requirements. J. C. Leggett, Washington Street, William ston. Sl8-6t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as ad ministrator of the estale of the late Levi James, deceased, of Martin County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present them for payment on or before the 16th day of September, 1943, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said state will please make immed iate payment. This the 16th day of Sept., 1942. JESSE JAMES. Administrator of the Levi sl8-6t James Estate. Peanut Digging POINTS JUST A FEW LEFT! Better get yours now. Will fit all Gang Plows SEE US FOB YOUR Peanut Bags Ami Peanut Martin Supply Co. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Don't Forget Mello-Cream Flour IT COSTS NO MORE THAN ANY OTHER HIGH GRADE FLOUR. It Is Guaranteed To Please Or Your Money Will Be Refunded. For a limited time you tvill receive FREE One Bag With Each Twelve Empty Bags Is enriched with Vitamin B-l, which stimu lates the appetite and promotes growth in children and aids digestion and utilization of food. This Vitamin is essential for the prop er functioning of the nerves. Protect Your Health?Get a Bag at your grocery Today! Martin-ElliottCo. W holesale DUtributori of Mello-Croam Flour Will Lam ston, North Carolina. THIS OFFER EXPIRES MARCH lat, 1943.