The 40th Week Of The War U. S. Army headquarters in Lon don reported American flying fort resses and medium bombers success fully bombed the Schiedam ship yards at Rotterdam, railway yards at Utrecht, an airframe factory and the St. Omer airdrome in Nazi-occu pied France. Damage to intercepting enemy planes included 17 fighters destroyed, 25 more probably destroy ed nad 25 damaged. Two fortresses were listed as miss ing, the first American losses in 12 straight attacks on Nazi territory in Europe. The Navy announced the sinking of eight more United Nations merchant vessels by enemy submar ines. War Strategy Hie White House announced that during July Army Chief of Staff Marshall, Chief of Naval Operation King and Special Adviser to the President, Hopkins, conferred with high British officials in London and at these conferences certain vital military decisions directed toward taking the offensive were made. The President, in a radio address, said the power of Germany must be broken on the continent of Europe and "preparations are being made here and in Britain toward this purpose." Under Secretary of War Patterson, speaking in Muskegon, Mich., said that more than 600,000 men in the Armed Forces are overseas and this force "will be doubled and doubled and doubled to the limit of our man power." W. Averell Harriman, spec ial lend-lease minister to London, said the Russians "are determined to fight to the finish... alone with their own resources if need be. But they will tight on with even more strength and courage if we give effective aid." The Armed Forces President Roosevelt told his press conference he did not think it would be necessary to call up 18 and 19 year olds before the first of next year because Army training facili ties at present are only equal to the number of men being taken in, but he is discussing with the army whe ther enabling legislation will be needed soon. Army ground forces Commander McNair announced the number of Army divisions in exist ence or being mobilized has more than doubled since January 1st. War Secretary Stimson announc ed the Air Transport Command will establish an experimental unit of 50 trained women aviators, the Wo men's Auxiliary Ferrying Squad ron, to ferry smaller army planes from factories to airfields. The weather bureau called for 75 women airplane pilots to take a course in meteorology. Mr. Stimson also said the army expects to call most, and possibly all, student re servists who have reached selective service age to active duty by the end of the college term beginning in September. The Coast Guard is form ing a fleet of 250 fire-fighting ma chine boats, most of them embodying a new design in propulsion and fire fighting machinery, to be used in protecting water-front facilities along U. S. coasts. Transportation Office of Defense Transportation Director Eastman announced "no special train or bus service, including charter bus service, to football games or other sports events will be per mitted. At the same time I am di recting that steps be taken by my GW FIVE STAR >n% 1.10 FULL PINT *2.15 FULL QUART QOODERHAM * WORTS LIMITED, PEORIA, ILLINOIS Don't Be Baffled! ? VISIT ? P e e 1 e's The U. S. Government recommend** thut only cer tain types of articles be sent to our soldier boys overseas as Christmas presents, and also suggests that these parcels be mailed before November 1st Peele's?J e welers WILL BE GLAD TO HELP YOU SELECT A SUITABLE GIFT . . . We have a wide variety i Watches'1 Both WRIST & POCKET In numerous styles and at Reasonable Prices! A fine gift for any toldierj Pen & Pencil Sets Cigarette Cases Billfolds, Lighters Rings of all kinds P e e 1 e's JEWELERS "Gift Center" 121 MAIN WILLI AMSTON, N. C. Farmer-Executive Heads ACAA f M. Clifford Townsend, who says he'll "always b? a farmer," b tha new administrator of the Agricultural Conservation and Adjustment Administration. The former Governor of Indiana is contributing his full share to wartime farm production on his farm near Marion, Indiana, which he and his son, Max, operate in partnership. This year the farm will produce twice as much corn and twice as many hogs as in 1941, plus a huge crop of soybeans and an increased num ber of twice-sheared sheep. Townsend is shown here (a) at the wheel >L his tractor, (b) examining his soybean crop with his son, (c) at lis desk in Washington, D. C. E \ /ictory OSTHZ FABM FROST W news from ftf Y l^tathjnlbfmw Svwct COMPOSTS MAY REI.IEVE FERTILIZER SHORTAGE With many valuable fertilizers cut off because of the war. North Caro lina farmers can turn to conserva tion of fertilizer materials from mi nor sources und help relieve short ages, says Dr. E. R. Collins, exten sion agronomy leader of N. C. State College. Composts or mixtures are being made constantly through the rotting of leaves, twigs, roots, and other or ganic matter. Various substances may help supply organic matter and also often supply nitrogen, phos phoric acid, potash, and other ele ments needed by growing plants. "For example," Dr. Collins said, "in butchering hogs on the farm, var ious parts of the carcass are fre quently wasted. These are valuable fertilizers. Kitchen waste is good for composts, too, if they cannot be fed office to prevent the overcrowding of regular trains serving areas in which such events are to be held." The Interstate Commerce Commis sion ruled that for the duration all railroad carriers may disregard any present regulations governing length of trains when necessary to assure prompt movement of freight or pas sengers. "Hie ODT ordered all operators of commercial rubber borne vehicles excetp motorcycles to carry and show a "certificate of necessity" in order to obtain gasoline, tires or parts after November 15th The reg ulation covers almost 5,00(1,000 non military trucks, 150,000 buses, 50,000 taxicabs and all ambulances and hearses Applications for certificates, as well as other pertinent informa tion, will be mailed about Septem ber 23 to all persons who register ed last December 31 as owners of motor vehicles available for public rental. War Production War Production Chairman Nelson asked war workers to stop taking an extra day off and to refrain from "Quickie" strikes over minor griev ances because such absences slow production. He said the nation's production record is not nearly good enough. The President by executive order prohibited payment of "penalty double-time" pay for work on Sat urdays, Sundays and holidays, but permitted payment of double-time for the seventh consecutive day's work and of time-and-a-half for all overtime work after 40 hours a week. Under Secretary of War Patterson | said U. S. plane production in Au gust was greater than that of Ger many, Italy and Japan combined, and tank production, already at an impressive high, will be twice as great in December. Labor Supply WPB Chairman Nelson ordered a 48-hour work-week established in lumber camps and sawmills in the Pacific Northwest because log in ventories are the lowest in five years. To relieve growing labor shortages, war manpower Chairman McNutt ordered that workers in the lumber and nonferrous metal Indus tries in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming, Califor nia, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, New Mexico and Texas, may not seek jobs elsewhere without obtaining, "certificates of separation" from the; U. S. Employment Service, and no employer in the critical area shall employ such a worker if he has no certificate. The industries affected employ approximately 200,000 work ers. Sets 15 Million Goal Pretty Do rose Boll, 20-year-old United Nations Victory Queen, is shown in New York City on the first stop of a nation-wide bond-selling tour. She will organize branch Vic tory (iirla to aid in the campaign. Do ipse is pointing to the figure 16 million on the indicator. That's tlie goal she is setting for herself and the girls. (Central runs) Interesting Bits Of Business In U. S. Watch for early rationing of but ter. eggs, certain canned vegetables and juices, tea, coffee and cocoa . Prefabricated wooden bridges re place steel and concrete spans in New Hampshire ... A resident of) Main who has grown 15,000 caffee trees "as a hobby" hopes to harvest a 1,000-pound crop this year . . . Vegetable shippers wonder if tear ing tops off many plants, like car ruts, before shipping wouldn't save valuable transportation space . . 1 Bristles Revival of interest in American hog bristles for use in brushes is n ported, since manufacturers are no longer able to secure the import ed bristles. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Humphreys, of Raleigh, visited Mr. and Mrs. John ny Rawls here this week. to animals. "Dry leaves, weeds, sweeping from the house and barn, coffee grounds, fruit peelings, soot and wood ashes are other examples," the agronomist continued. Compost may be made in a number of ways, Dr. Collins said, but the most common is to alternate layers of stable manure with waste and absorbent materials, such as dried leaves, peat, muck, and sod. The pile is kept moist and turned several times to mix the compost thorough ly. The outside of the pile may be covered with soil. Where possible, the State College man went on, at least half of the material used should be manure, but if this quantity cannot be obtained, a small amount should be used to inoculate the heap with the bacteria of decomposition. Where very fine material is desir ed, well-rotted compost may be screened, and the parts which are not thoroughly broken down remov ed. To Relieve ?QLDS Misery of 666' Liquid?Tablets ) Salve?Nose Drop* Cough Drops Try "RUB-MY-TI8M" ? A Wonderful Liniment Real Heroism Marks Stalingrad Defense Stalingrad may fall in the end, but its defense has offered what many believe to be unmatched heroism on so great a scale. Stories of heroism and sacrifice have been common on an extensive and united front throughout Russia since June of last year, but the following account of heroism has few equals: "Just northwest of the Volga city, a junior lieutenant and 15 men of a guard's division were left to de fend a small height on the approaches ot Stalingrad. "In the afternoon of the first day the Red Army platoon stood off four attacks by Italian troops. After be-, ing beaten off by machine gun fire, the Italians gave up. German tom mygunners were sent in. The Red Army platoon held its fire until the last minute, then foreed the Germans to falter and withdraw. "Night fell. Red Army men crawl ed back to their trench and dressed their wounds. For them there was no sleep. "In the morning the inevitable at tack came. Twelve German tanks crawled towards their trenches. Car rying their wounded lieutenant to the dugout the 15 Red Army men awaited the tanks. They had no anti tank rifles?only machine guns and hand grenades. "With the first grenades they blew up the two leading tanks, but sever al of them were killed. Suddenly one af the survivors, tying grenades to his belt, ran forward and threw him self under an advancing tank. Anoth er Red Army man did likewise and the others followed him. Two more German tanks exploded after crush ing the grenade-loaded defenders un der the caterpillars. The other six tanks turned tail. "Only two tanks remained, and only three Red Army men were left alive. They too, tied grenades to their belta and hurled themselves under the crawling tanks. "Their dying lieutenant haltingly related the episode to the Red Army reinforcements who arrived later." Reporting For Duty ? In the service of your family! The neat and orderly routine of the everyday dress parade can depend on u.s tor clean liness! Dad's shirts. Mother's wearing apparel, all receive the attention and care our excellent laundering meth od provides. More lime on ua?lulay, means more lime for other Holies! Add the fuel that He sa\c busiest Mother's time, to our loH-eost laundry service antl you have the secret of our popularity. We help prolong the Hearing ipialities of elothiug ami liuens nith gentle hut thorough laundering. Lilley's Laundry WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Think! Tobacco Farmer.. Do you remember a few yearn apt when you sold an entire tohaeeo erop for an It rent average; when most of our lantl wan advertised in the eounty papern for taxes; when all of un fared bankruptcy and a great many of un lont everything we had in the world? Well, it wan in thone dayn that a group of farmern, hunk em, huninenn men, and wurehoiinemeu here in Fastcru North Carolina began an organi/.ation known un "The North Carttlina Farm Itureau"1 for the purpone of ohluiuiug national legislative support for flue-cured tohaeeo. Through thin organization, uffiliuled with the powerful American Farm Itureau Federation, and with the cooperation of the Congressmen from our tohurro dintrietn, your tohaeeo program, which hun brought you out of bankruptcy, bun heeii devel oped. If ho led f/ie fiftht /or tohaeeo control? THE FARM III RE ill. When your utwehouses were closetl at the beginning of the present world conflict, who letl the fiftht in H'ashinftton to get them re-opened with Government price .support? TIIE FARM IIT RE All. If It o alone in farm organization)! made the fifth! for the flit per cent imrity loan program which puts a mandatory floor under the price of your tohaeeo? THE FARM III RE III. Who has letl the fiftht to pre vent flue-curetl tohaeeo allotments from fencing our state untl going into new territories? THE FARM UUREAU. Today we un tohaeeo growern ure enjoying good prieen. Do we owe thin organi zation anything that ban fought our hut-lien for un during the pant few years? Who else do we huvc to prevent other nlaten from coming in next year uml lake purl of our tohaeeo due to present high prieen? Who else heniden The Farm Hurcuu in fighting for an increased penalty for IV Ft to prevent the collapse of our quota system through over-planting. Think Tobacco Farmers DouT you owe the lit,000 members of The North Curoliua Farm. Bureau a help ing hum! in fighting your huttlen? Isn't the most valuable eunh erop on earth . . . one that lends itself to permanent nlorugc . . . one that hun puid every year for the punt twenty years over half u billion dollurn in Federul luxes ... a erop that everyone thut ever touched it except the farmer bus made money every yeur . . . one whose fininhed product every year for 20 yearn has paid over 100 million in dividends to the stockholders . . . one which is still (>8 per rent pro duced in North Curoliua, worth building an organization in this stute to pro tect? Is there uny sane reason on eurlli why u erop with ull these quulities should ever he produced ut u Ions to the farmers if it is properly bundled? (Ian we protect it in any other way than through a strong farm organization controlled l?y the men who produce flue-eu red tohaeeo? Won't you help yourself today by giving your member ship to your (louiity Farm Bureau? Our goal is 1200 new Farm Bureau members before the campaign ends. Martin County Farm Bureau First Sale at the New Carolina Warehouse Friday, September 25th CARLYLE LANGLEY, JOHNNY GURKIN, SYLVESTER LILLEY and JOHN A. MANNING, Prop#. WILLIAMSTON, N.C.

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